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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 151 KB, 940x627, Buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4353194 No.4353194 [Reply] [Original]

>"possessing a 6yos nudes shouldn't be illegal dude"

where was you when ETH died?

>> No.4353201

You're not libertarian if you disagree with this

>> No.4353218

He literately just said that a personal computer should be a totally private domain. That's a valid opinion.

He didn't defend pedophilia.

>> No.4353219

No real shocker

>> No.4353229

Vitalik is admittly "pro-censorship" and not libertarian. (Except he's fine with CP)

>> No.4353232

Doesn't this mean new ((money)) for ETH??? Literally 4d chess right now

>> No.4353233

>you never go Full Libertarian

>> No.4353255


He said he could make the argument that possession of CP doesn't impose risk on others

>> No.4353260

seriously, whats wrong with CP? If you dont treat the child like crap while fucking her, she will fall in love with you. Its human nature

> you need some help

LOL, Maybe you guys need help, I cant stand fucking used goods. Sickos.

>> No.4353263

That's totally true. That's creating CP that causes a risk to others.

>> No.4353300


Possession of CP implies the creation of a market for it from demand

>> No.4353317

CP is only supplied because people demand it.

>> No.4353318

Not if you don't pay for it.

The simple fact of possessing is not inciting anyone to create more.

Paying for it is wrong for sure.

>> No.4353340


>referring to a child as "goods"


>> No.4353352

This. There were people at the convention who were calling for blind people to be allowed the right to drive a car.

>> No.4353361

CP has been placed on peoples computers for blackmail purposes. 3 letter agencies do that shit all the time.

>> No.4353373
File: 73 KB, 524x468, 1360981159681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling for blind people to be allowed the right to drive a car.

Who the fuck is that retarded?

>> No.4353379

>Not if you don't pay for it.

Wrong, illegal content is distributed all the time even when there is no financial incentive.

See: fansubbers for anime, video game crack groups, free torrent sites like Nyaatorrents, etc

The distribution (supply) will meet the demand. If you are obtaining it, you are demanding it.

>> No.4353382
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>> No.4353390

well by possessing CP you are part of creating a demand for it

>> No.4353408

you already create it by having a dick

>> No.4353426

Owning cp doesn't hurt anyone. Selling/buying/creating/spreading cp promotes the industry and can cause harm and is very wrong but simple ownership on a private laptop does not harm.

>> No.4353451

Damn, the feminists were right the whole time.

>> No.4353452

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4353461

simple ownership of fucking anything doesn't harm, simple ownership is NEVER the fucking problem or the point

>> No.4353476

Then asking for it should be illegal.

You avoid the argument. Let's say you found a pedo picture in the street, how can you say you incite anyone to produce more?

Then you see the issue is not possessing, it's demanding.

>> No.4353514

ETH is the new XMR, he just need to make it anonymous.

I could be used to set smart deep web contract.

>> No.4353526

hi guys /sci/entist here. Anyone who does not own CP or is not sexually attracted to jailbait females are confirmed cucks. >>>/plebbit/

>> No.4353569
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being attracted to females who have biologically the highest chance of survival.

LOL. Maybe licking chads cum from your roastie wife did some brain damage on you.

>> No.4353592

Then we are in agreement that simple ownership should not necessarily have a penalty?

>> No.4353596

It's interesting isn't it, downloading illicit movies destroying industry, downloading illicit CP promoting industry

>> No.4353625

Video game/musuc piracy is destroying the industry.

>> No.4353641

no we are not due to implications

>> No.4353645

JB is ok, but "CP" contains anything.

>> No.4353650


Just dumped 20 ETH for LTC.

In no world should CP be allowed to be possessed.

inb4 not violent crime for possession.

You're creating a demand for it, which is an incentive for others to engage in violent crimes against not only a human, but a minor at that in order to produce such possession.

There are a multitude of examples in regards to this including but not limited to drugs and really can't believe this topic is actually up for discussion.

>> No.4353653

Good riddance

>> No.4353671

You just admitted earlier that there are no implications to simple possession.

>> No.4353675

In the year 2020 Russian child brides will be registered using Civic tokens and you'll buy them from the a decentralized exchange built on 0x. LINK or some shit will validate the sale. Crypto was a massive pedo scheme all along.

>> No.4353683

He needs to step away as the public face of Ethereum. This is fucking toxic. As a long time supporter of ETH I am not fucking happy

>> No.4353688

Im sure most people who share CP dont get paid for it

>> No.4353696

>piracy destroys X
not at all true.

>> No.4353705

most people who translate anime (fansubs) don't get paid, they do it for other reasons. if there was no demand for fansubbed anime, they wouldn't do it.

>> No.4353708

Are you saying a Somali can't have photos of his wife?!?

>> No.4353709

He needs to be fucking gone by tomorrow morning and never mentioned again this is bigger than this retard now

There's a lot of bullshit you can say but talking about fucking cp isn't one of them

>> No.4353713

Lol crypto cucks will defend anything reprehensible if it stands in the way of their coins value.

>satoshi confirmed for NSA and bitcoin is an elaborate trojan horse
>"we knew that all along! we always supported the NSA! This means bitcoin is strong!"

At the end of the day you guys dont give a shit about altruism. You would sell your own mom if it meant a profit you greedy fucks.

>> No.4353729
File: 55 KB, 684x513, wth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4353735

100% agree

>> No.4353738

Fuuuuuuuck when did he say this? Was looking to ETH as a stable currency in context of BTC/BCC. Lite it is, then

>> No.4353847

I hope that J- makes an appearance in this thread.

>> No.4353856

i admitted no such fucking thing, the before and after of the simple possession are the problem, this is why buterin is a fucking autist, simple possession of fucking heroin is probably safer than simple possession of fucking drain cleaner, yet it fucks people up on a far bigger scale.

yeah was poking fun at (((their))) point of view

>> No.4353920

What are those other reasons? the cases are quite different. Producing anime subs is largely dependent on the demand, they are produce anime to feel good about helping people (they are autists) or due to the advertising you get on your site/watermarking (i dont watch anime), both of these depend solely on demand.

Producing CP isn't that dependent on the demand, CP is produced for reasons such as: the person likes participating in something forbidden, the person wants to exchange it for CP, the person just produces it for themself and share it for no real reason/as a brag, or in very rare cases they are in the .1% inner circle and do actually get paid for it (doesnt need high demand).

>> No.4353962

ETH will be nothing without him, he reminds people of Bill Gates which entices them into his ponzi scheme.

>> No.4354006
File: 75 KB, 625x1111, 84001211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody gives a shit about this except biz. And that's just because of /pol/.

Stay mad, /pol/.

>> No.4354015

Should we really expect the market to react to this? Is there much normie money in ETH?

>> No.4354040

I love this guy. He's like someone I'd eat lunch with in high school, but maybe wouldn't hang out with outside of school.

>> No.4354061

>You're not libertarian if you disagree with this
cheese pizza violates the non aggression principle.

>> No.4354077

You know whats fucked up?

There are millions of kids getting raped right this instance.

>> No.4354084

>consume massive quantities of CP
>CP miners see increased demand
>CP miners generate more CP
>i-it's not hurting anyone!

this is not a libertarian concept, it's mental gymnastics

>> No.4354087

Not as fucked as those kids

>> No.4354115

Clearly, ethical cp needs to be proof of stake, not proof of work.

>> No.4354146

this is why having kids is hard

>> No.4354154

Does owning this photo violate the non aggression principle?

>> No.4354171
File: 161 KB, 1024x739, vietnam073-xl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4354190

CP is abhorrent but there is something Orwellian about criminalizing a jpeg on your computer.

What about Jihadi execution videos? Does looking at guro create the market for that? Should we lock you away for 10 years for seeing the naughty things ISIS has been up to?

>> No.4354193

yeah, hard to keep your hands off em

>> No.4354198


Child-slave-powered McNuke incoming anon

>> No.4354265

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.4354311


> $current_year
> Liking CP

But the kids in CP *are* used goods.

If you want them fresh you have to kidnap and rape them yourself.

>> No.4354324

People with vaginas are equally offensive as their counterparts

>> No.4354369

You're an idealogue if you're supporting cp for the sake of labeling yourself a true libertarian. Moron.

>> No.4354376

Its already legal, brainlets.

>> No.4354405

No, but owning the photo of the naked girl running away from a napalm drop does.

>> No.4354416

Hahaha, source?

>> No.4354438

This guy looks like MOOT and Tom Brady had a baby.

>> No.4354462

>ETH is fine guys o-only SJWs care about CP

wait until you can order BTC over the phone with your bank, do you think places like CME group will associate with the currency of an open pedophile? lmao

>> No.4354493
File: 467 KB, 1680x1050, 1368924662145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply and demand asshole.
Children are raped and abused to fill that demand

>> No.4354520
File: 30 KB, 600x400, 751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Core getting desperate

>> No.4354617
File: 17 KB, 660x371, 76c022a11342dbcd97c48a2312502ea9e527fcc0946b406c7bed6297def7b4ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody gives a shit about this except biz. And that's just because of /pol/.
>Stay mad, /pol/
you seem to be retarded for a kike so I'll just assume you're a smelly negro or a liberal faggot and that's why you ended a salty salty no /pol/hater.

You see most of the people who "give a shit"just do so so that the price goes down and they can buy in when it is lower,fuck some might even have pulled out on it with the hopes of rebuying later for a profit.

t. /pol/ack

>> No.4354666

BTC is the de facto currency of pedos, though.

>> No.4354680

Seriously why would you said this of social media when you're the face of an multi billion dollar project that can lose value as quick as that?

>> No.4354729

He clearly doesn't give a shit. Guy's easily a hundred millionaire and I don't think he's even cared about money from the start, so long as he has enough to survive.

Eth has always been a passion project to him. He couldn't give two shits about his image and how it reflects on Eth. Good for him, though it may not be good for Eth holders.

>> No.4354753

wHerE wERe yOu wHeN EtH diEd? Shut up faggot. Do you know what the best part about 27 year olds is? There 20 of them. And ETH mooning.

It's because if you weak handed fear mongering cucks telling everyone to sell that ETH is showing how resilient it is and strengthening it's money skeleton bones. Thanks for the gainZ

>> No.4354768

Probably because it's a real currency unlike your shitcoin

>> No.4354823

It does not, however making the picture/video violates the non aggression act. And by asking for such pictures you are actively encouraging of breaking the non aggression act. As such no libertarian would support this if given some time to think about it.

>> No.4354872

Technically CP would be pictures under the age of 13. Since at that point a girl becomes sexually fertile.

Whether you agree or not is a different matter, but pedophelea is defined as being attracted to girls before they are sexually mature, before they the are fertile. The age of this on average is 13. It is defined as such in the DSM IV and V.

>> No.4354886
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh ephebophilia

>> No.4354897

OK I found a fucking found a cd rom while rifling around at the garbage dump, I brought it home and put it in my cd wallet and put that back on the shelf next to the others, I've never viewed the contents but would be considered the owner now. It could be satoshi private key, lets see if my simple ownership ass rapes the BTC.

>> No.4354924
File: 152 KB, 1024x1024, 9ADD13CC-D574-431E-8E71-1F559BEAE4EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically believe this because he’s a commie faggot

>> No.4354926

Huge fucking difference kid

>> No.4354940

That's quite an interesting point you make anon. Thanks food for thought. Does looking at people breaking traffic rules encourage more people creating videos about breaking traffic rules?

I would need to have a study to be sure desu.

>> No.4354942

He didn't say it shouldn't be illegal. You are all fucking morons who can't read a 140-character message.
You keep mocking pajeets, but you are unable to comprehend a tweet. Nice job, faggots.

>> No.4355006

So are you implying it us weird to be attracted to hot 17 year old jailbait? Or 16 years, 15? When do we draw the line?

The only logical answer would be after the girls go into puberty, and this is done so as such. I would ephobilia is made up bullshit.

Perhaps epobilia has something going for it but if I am constant in my views it should not.

>> No.4355020

Probably because it's not anonymous and allows the NSA to create a tracking system for blackmail purposes. Or did you think it was a coincidence that BTC became a thing just as gov started cracking down on clearnet CP?

>> No.4355178


>having a file on your computer proves you supported its creation

>> No.4355377
File: 1015 KB, 964x995, PONZI2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vitalik is admittly "pro-censorship"
He want censor only this

>> No.4355434

Now this is quite an interesting topic for discussion. On one hand CP is disgusting, but on the other hand banning it is in contradiction with my libertarian principles. Ultimately, I think the question that should be asked is as follows: Does possession of CP increases net suffering in the universe?

>> No.4355456
File: 121 KB, 376x309, 1509021198772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should kill all the pedophilian!

Stay mad pedo (pic related)

>> No.4355470

well if it isn't why would you possess

>> No.4355502

>banning it is in contradiction with my libertarian principles
Youre fucked in the head dude. Get your principles straight.

>> No.4355528

Did you even read the rest of my post you fucking brainlet? Stop assuming I'm advocating for legalisation, faggot.

>> No.4355530

Libertarianism is awesome, but there obviously has to be a different approach when we deal with things like this. Child pornography is wrong. The less people consume it, the less people make it, the less children have their lives destroyed by this shit. If you truly think we should have the freedom to do anything, then have a kid and ask yourself how you would feel if they were kidnapped and forced to perform sex acts on camera.

>> No.4355574

>is wrong
Sumptuary laws

Reminder that if two 14 year olds sext each other then they can both be charged with a felony.

>> No.4355584

a 14 year old isnt a child anon
14 year olds were fighting in ww1

>> No.4355591

VB comes out as a pro-pedo. His coin pumps hard. Strong everything /biz. Strong fuckin everything.

>> No.4355660

more like dEaTH amirite guise

>> No.4355713

Again, not sure what exactly are you arguing.
IF legal possesion of CP leads to increase in net suffering then it must stay illegal. It's simple as that. The question is, does it? Arguments could be made either way. If the question can't be answered with sufficient certainty then it must stay illegal.

>> No.4355940


Seriously this. If you raise her right, there won't be a need to train her back into being obedient and submissive when she's grown. It's super simple stuff.

>> No.4356037

What kind of 6yo even has nudes?

>> No.4356081

I swear to God, this is some fucked up shit... ho fucking wants to even look at cp... fucking creeps...

>> No.4356086

I want norms to leave.

>> No.4356195
File: 55 KB, 597x519, 1380990891618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone give this man some PR lessons before he loses me money

>> No.4356315

You disgusting neckbeards might agree with him or not but the representative of a multi million dollar business shouldn't touch the subject of cp with a 1000 ft pole.
If the media consumed by the normies you want to unload your bags on gets a whiff of this he will be destroyed, whether or not his points are phylosophically valid.

Jesus... can you imagine the CEO of Apple starting a twitter discussion on cp? You god damn autists...

>> No.4356376
File: 73 KB, 561x650, ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the real reason they're going after him?

>> No.4356401

It's a new world, grampa. Make way for pedo-discussing CEOs.

>> No.4356438

Shits fake as hell and his account was hacked. The timing of this right when ETH moons tells you everything you need to know. ETH needs to do a press release explaining his twitter account was hacked.

>> No.4356450

It's not a real quote, but the sentiment is true

>> No.4356459

It obviously wasn't though.

>> No.4356474

fansubbers are the most amazing people ever

>> No.4356512
File: 276 KB, 500x554, makifes3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans in general are as good as goods.

It's the law that's preventing ordinary people from doing it, except (((them))) and the (((cross))).

>> No.4356704

Why no source? Why do you fags do this?

>> No.4356722

Also I mean source to the comment. Please leave your CP out of here as I know about half of you probably have some.

>> No.4356756

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.4356777
File: 67 KB, 646x595, 1510543379388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'll never have kids for fear of them getting diddledestroyed

Feels bad man

>> No.4356971

I honestly think you're exaggerating a bit. Maybe hundreds or thousands tops.

>> No.4357011
File: 23 KB, 650x366, tenyear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all have weak hands.
And don't appreciate genius.
All of you sound like 10 year old girls.

>> No.4357032


> being this incapable of perceiving reality

Im not fucking touching it now and I love lolis

>> No.4357065
File: 214 KB, 1200x1029, Vladimir Buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apology for poor english

i was at home eating vodka soup when Vladimir ring

'Ether is kill'



>> No.4357136


>> No.4357171

Someone with some common sense and humanity

>> No.4357192


>Most CP is produced for free, it's actually very rare for CP to be made to order or for profit.
>Most people who obtain 'CP' don't actually commission any images\videos, they simply stumble upon or search out the content.
>This is LITERALLY no different to the many gore websites. You can actually watch underaged children hanged\burnt to death, but can't view CP.
>The reason for this discrepancy is simply that CP is illegal as part of a fake moral narrative flowover from AoC laws, which were literally lobbied for by batshit cray feminists.
>It would be easy to prosecute men who COMMISSION child pornography separate to those who view it.
>The MSM broadcasting terrorist bombings like 911 are easily contributing to terrorism to a greater degree than a passive consumer of CP is contributing to the abuse of children.

Right now I can watch adult men being burnt alive, or a boy being decapitated and this is perfectly legal. Consider the humiliation and harm suffered by these people. This exposes the joke that CP laws are.

>> No.4357222

You're a fucking retard. It's illegal to watch because it encourages people to abuse children and upload it for freaks like you to watch.

>> No.4357246

How much of it is people making it through fucked up urges and how much of it is people making it purely for a profit?
I know this is /biz/ but surely people here realise that money is not the prime motivator in everything.

Take away any monitory incentive and it will still exist.

>> No.4357291

You are now on an fbi watchlist

>> No.4357355

>You're creating a demand for it, which is an incentive for others to engage in violent crimes against not only a human, but a minor at that in order to produce such possession.
I'm surprised Vitalik with his insane IQ can't figure this out.

If someone wants cp, someone out there will create it. Otherwise creators will only create it for themselves, limiting it to just the creators.

Therefore the very act of having interest for cp is evil, because creators are making more of it to meet your demand. I thought Vitalik was intelligent, but I'm not so sure anymore. This is basic stuff.

>> No.4357385


>It's illegal to watch because it encourages people to abuse children and upload it for freaks like you to watch.

That may seem like good reasoning to yo, but that isn't why it's illegal. It's just like many people have a vague sense that 'Age of Consent' laws were established by perhaps a bunch of doctors and scientists getting together and making reasoned arguments as to the development of the human brain and capacity for judgement... when in reality 'Age of Consent' laws throughout the west were mostly established by lobbying by WCTU (Woman's Christian Temperance Union) type groups - basically international feminism. These were the same women who went around smashing up bars, bombing glass houses, setting fire to churches, pushing for schools to teach the doctrine of "female moral superiority" (this was actually a thing they convinced schools to teach boys and girls in the US), and most famously in the US - Prohibition. In Victoria, Australia - the major lobbyist for AoC wanted the age to be 21 at one point!!

CP laws were established with as much reason and input... ie practically none.

I certainly don't advocate for the abuse of children, but CP laws are ridiculous, hypocritical, stupid... and they're one of the major things statists use to destroy online and offline digital privacy.

>> No.4357400

I was sitting on a fat stack of cash, butt naked in joy. You were still arguing with chad on Facebook from your mom's basement

>> No.4357437

Call me up tell me ether is die.


>> No.4357462
File: 43 KB, 960x639, dadporn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is your mom's basement for rent by chance? I'll pay you in ETH

>> No.4357637


Vitalik is a leftist cuck, I can't fully support ethereum as a project since I have learned this

>> No.4357754

>Caring about ethics
You think the engineers at Lockheed Martin give a shit that their products are designed to murder?
As long as the money comes rolling in it is all the same

>> No.4357798

I agree with you there, but I'm talking about actual pedos, the sub-12 year old enthusiasts. They should be shot.