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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4344353 No.4344353 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this is the greatest money making opportunity you might see in a long time.

>> No.4344381
File: 286 KB, 776x485, cossgrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coss is literally the greatest coin of all time. I don't have to figure out which coin will moon, because I get a shitton of the coin that is mooning due to its increased volumes = more dividends for me.This, on top of the awesome team which has an actual roadmap for updated makes this my comfiest hold by far.

Any anon with half a brain would throw at least a little bit into Coss and start collecting dividends IMMEDIATELY. As Albert Einstein once said "the most powerful force in the universe is Compound Interest". Thank me later, /biz/

>> No.4344401
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>Payment Gateway
Coss has developed a plugin called the Payment Gateway. Online stores can set this up in mere minutes and begin accepting payments in the cryptocurrency of their choice. This plugin extends to Coss's Point-Of-Sale application, which can be installed to quickly plugin to a website shop and Android application.

It doesn't end there. Because of this gateway, Coss accepts fiat payments to ANY of their listed cryptocurrencies - that means you don't have to buy BTC or ETH to buy "alt coins" anymore. Alt coins are directly purchasable (and sellable) with fiat.

Coss offers their own exchange coin called COSS. By simply holding these coins, you receive a split of all fees charged to traders using the exchange every Sunday. The larger your COSS stack, the higher your proportion of payout. You receive payouts in EVERY CURRENCY LISTED ON THE EXCHANGE. The more trades that occurred for a coin, the more payout you receive of that coin. This makes Coss a sort of "index" fund in terms of its dividends, because you receive all sorts of coins, some of which could be very valuable in the future.

>Responsive Team
The Coss team is active and available to communicate with on Slack. They constantly give updates to the community and are extremely attentive to what coins the community wants listed. As an example, /biz/ spammed Coss with CHAINLINK requests and it was listed 2 weeks later. They list coins YOU want listed. They are currently updating their UI to appease more "hardcore" traders. The team has a plethora of experience developers from the crypto sphere.

>> No.4344416
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>Early Adoption
Coss is still a young exchange. Investing now is the best way to realize maximal gains, because if and when the exchange takes off it will take off fast as people flood to this new awesome exchange. Even if the COSS tokens themselves do not gain value, you can rest assured knowing they are hard at work earning other cryptocurrencies for you.

>Merchant List
Coss provides a list of merchants from all over the world that accept payments in cryptocurrency using their gateway. By purchasing goods and services from this easy-to-use list of merchants, you are contributing to the normalized use and adoption of cryptocurrency. You also earn DIVIDENDS through the Merchant/Payment Gateway. Cool, right?!

Coss provides an info graphic on their website detailing exactly how and where your funds are stored on their exchange. Your funds are transferred between hot and cold wallets to ensure their security.

Use Coss today, be rich tomorrow.

>> No.4344460
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>Exclusive ICOs
The COSS team works to provide its dividend shareholders ICOs that are EXCLUSIVE to Coss, meaning you get a share of ICO coins for free before they even blow up.

You guys have no idea how huge this is going to be.

>> No.4344482

Preach it Op!!

>> No.4344544

Im still buying cheap coss

>> No.4344716

I'm honestly surprised at how cheap it is, what with news coming out just about every week