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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4334353 No.4334353 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you faggots realize that you should sell all of your crypto for fiat right now?

You cannot have a digital currency that efficiently works on a decentralized scalable blockchain. To be efficient the blockchain must be centralized which defeats the entire purpose of crypto. People are just starting to realize this. Maybe smart contracts or something like that will be the future of crypto, but the dream of a decentralized digital currency is dead. Sell.

t. One of the luckiest guys on the planet. Bought 590 btc for $2.00 a piece in December 2011. Sold at 6500 and never looking back at any of this.

>> No.4334363

Decentralized oracles

>> No.4334391

>man will never fly
>man will never go to the moon

and so on

>> No.4334416

Honestly haven't even looked into link enough to even argue about it. The only alts I've ever followed are ETH, DASH, Monero, and namecoin back in the day, and I've only ever bought ETH.

Ever since I sold some BTC in 2013 I've been working as a developer.

>> No.4334443

To clarify not a tech developer a residential real estate developer. I basically have been buying houses and flipping them, and building houses and selling them.

>> No.4335470

Damn, this really is the "denial" stage of the bubble.

>> No.4335499
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>> No.4335529

didn't even read the whole post but already know OP is a faggot. hope you took the time to read this

>> No.4335537

>exit all crypto markets, the thread

>> No.4335548

It's easy to walk away when you're fucking minted, mate

>> No.4335620

I did, and I just want to let you know I'm trying to help.

4chan unironically made me rich. I was introduced to Bitcoin through some neets on /g/ in 2010. They were giving each other free btc at this point, just fucking around with the stuff, even tipping someone what is now worth thousands of dollars. I was able to buy btc with a combination of Christmas money and what I had saved up from my highschool job as a bagboy. I bought 590 btc and sold some during the 2013 boom to partner with my uncle in his construction business. At 19 I was his business partner and we were reaping the benefits of a recovering housing market, this whole time I was still holding hundreds of btc. I'm rich now and I barely had to do a thing. I haven't even went to fuckin college yet and I'm 24 now. I think I have a good eye for markets and my uncle and I have decided to exit residential construction and return once another crash happens which we believe is in the near future. I'm traveling for a year then going to business school so I can ender commercial development and real estate. All because some neets on /g/ shilled me some btc in it's infancy when I was just trying to figure out how to build my first PC. I'm giving back so listen to me, notice no one here can refute what I said.

>> No.4335635

I know it's very easy, but just walk away with what you have. It's not going to get any better from here, at least not for a very long time. Good luck friend.

>> No.4335675

/biz/ is now begging ground
pls whale give me 1 of your BTC they costed you $2!
it would change my life like those neets changed yours

>> No.4335691

I just told you I sold it all. I'm done with this. I was never a whale anyway because I was never much of a trader. I probably made less than 10 trades in my life and the only ones with large amounts of btc were my first and last. I'm out.

>> No.4335701

wow some fag who hasn't even gone to college thinks he's some sort of tech guru because he bought BTC at 2 bucks

fuck off OP you are a fag

>> No.4335707

Bram Cohen claims he can do a crypto that's much more decentralized. I'm gonna hold out and see what happens with that

>> No.4335712

>You cannot have a digital currency that efficiently works on a decentralized scalable blockchain
exactly. IOTA is the future

>> No.4335715


IOTA's a good contender too

>> No.4335724

There is no solution to the problem I explained in my first post. The whole point of all of this was to create a decentralized currency and it's clear that current blockchain tech cannot do that while actually having an efficient coin. The fundamental principle behind Bitcoin, as of now and in the near future, is unattainable.

>> No.4335730

> iota
> decentralized

>> No.4335745

i have 500$ invested in btc

i think ill just leave it in there desu

>> No.4335746


Theoretically it's decentralized once it gets off the ground and the centralized protection isn't required anymore. If that actually works I'd be willing to take temporary centralization for future decentralization

>> No.4335749


Could you buy BTC with a credit/debit card back in 2010 or did you need to make a bank transfer?

>> No.4335753

I've looked into iota and I understand it has first mover advantage but I feel like it's only a protocol. That without profitable mining it will never be worth much. I feel like investing in iota is like donating to the free software foundation so they can develop communications protocols that are useful for a large swath of tech but isn't something that can hold value.

>> No.4335774

how did you convert so much to fiat? I made about 200 BTC trading in the past 10 months and I've been converting 15k a week from coinbase. What method do you use that is safe and reliable?

>> No.4335779
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iota is a coin invented by some Syrian refugees. Not having that one

>> No.4335782

I'm not really sure. Mtgox was around back then so maybe, but I bought it from a UMass student for about $1100 and an 8th of weed. He's probably looking at this post right now.

>> No.4335798


My hometown, nice

>> No.4335799

put your money where your mouth is and give me some btc then you larping faggot

>> No.4335814

hurr durr ive bought 1 alt in my days as a crypto expert, walk away now its ogre. i honestly hope bad things happen to you

>> No.4335818

Kraken and gold. Still in the process of liquidation myself and it's pissing me off how much it's dropping. I started liquidating after the fork.

>> No.4335831

Taking the recent fiasco into account, I believe you're right anon. Most people don't understand blockchain or the way the technology behind it works.

I have a feeling it's gonna be a while before a new form of digital payment that actually works exists.

Anyway, if this isn't a larp, congrats on making it.

>> No.4335848

Thanks keep on bro.

I was too occupied with work to trade I only bought ETH in March.

>> No.4336107

So you're just going to eat the taxes? I'm in cali and I'll have to pay about half....

>> No.4336127

Good job OP. Whatever profits I hopefully make I will cash out for fiat before the house of cards fall. Blockchain technology has its place, but never for a currency. Good luck in your endeavors!

>> No.4336129

In MA and will have to eat the taxes as well. Whatever, it's either eat the taxes or liquidate slower and lose even more.

>> No.4336148

Thanks you too. There's still some intelligence left on 4chan!

>> No.4336151
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