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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1510382835270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4335123 No.4335123 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw coworkers all hate you because you don't talk to them.

Why are normies so bothered by silence?

>> No.4335133

no its just that you're ugly and awkward to speak to since you dont respond to them like a normal human
also you're ugly

>> No.4335153

its impolite anon. when you work with other people you should make an effort to be their friend. you are comrades

if they are a douchebag, just spread rumors and ruin their life systematically

>> No.4335176

Just bring a gun to work pussy, silence them all

>> No.4335181
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They must remain distracted at all times or else they might start to question the bubble they live within.

>> No.4335182

what's the context? if they are just expecting you to talk to them with no reason then they are retarded. If on the other hand they're trying to make small talk and you respond autistically or not at all, then you have a problem.

>> No.4335193
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Im with you OP

Im pretty tired of these normies treating me like im invisible because i dont go to happy hours with them after work and put on a yuppie act

Nobody actually wants to be there, why pretend?

Im just gonna get my shit done and go home

>> No.4335204


I'm not denying that I'm ugly, but I dont think that's it.


But I'm there to work. I don't have any interest in partaking in their gossip, or what they did over the weekend.

>> No.4335213

don't be like this faggot

>> No.4335223

thats part of the job anon

also the reason is because you arent funny enough

>> No.4335228

its because they dont know what youre thinking anon.

im hated at every job i go to

>> No.4335369


Everyone sort of participates in group conversation and you're sort of expected to contribute. I just sit with my headphones on and work. I'll say hi to them if they make eye contact with me on the way in, but that's it. I don't consider myself impolite. They also expect you to eat with them on lunch breaks, which I don't do either.


It's not in my job description.


good to know I'm not alone here

>> No.4335409

youll grow out of it its weird to be so anti social that you refuse to speak to someone because its not your job. you are either young and miserable which youll grow out of or genuinely autistic

>> No.4335448

The real problem is you're unhappy. You don't want to talk to people who have accepted their fate - because that means - that you have ultimately accepted your fate as well.

Solution - quit and do what you truly want.

Or you can settle, whatevs

>> No.4335464

i notice as i get older its alot harder to get hired with my personality. dont take whatever shit job you have for granted.

and no its not because your ugly, im very handsome, you should see how many girls at work get pissed annoyed of me just because i dont talk to them.

they start to resent me, lose respect for me, then they just look at me as a loser, im the chad that let them down.

>> No.4335473

I rarely ask anyone about what they do outside of work yet they fucking ask me all the time, gives me the fucking shits, having to come up with some story about what i did on the weekend, just fuck off.

>> No.4335483

no anon, if you were handsome and didnt speak to them, they would think you're a lone wolf. because you are ugly, you are disgusting.

>> No.4335485

im also quiet but my coworkers always love me because im not an autistic faggot

>> No.4335519

no, if you're handsome and don't speak to them they think you're a stuck up prick

>> No.4335571

this post is how i know you aren't handsome. handsome people never get ragged on. ever.
remember that hot convict mugshot that got out? literally a felon and bitches drooling over him.
handsome is key.

>> No.4335611

Because some people can't stand the thought that someone doesn't like them, even if they don't see you as part of their group

>> No.4335614

>thinks handsome people never get ragged on
that's how I know you're not handsome.
btw I never claimed to be handsome

>> No.4335625

>The real problem is you're unhappy. You don't want to talk to people who have accepted their fate - because that means - that you have ultimately accepted your fate as well.
Probably this OP, you have to not resigned yourself to your current situation. You want to do something else, you do not want to be part of their little club.

>> No.4335626
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>coworkers dislike you and complain to your boss every time you commit le antique code
they are trying to get me to write C++14 instead of C99
what do

>> No.4335630

>thinking being handsome doesnt automatically make people think the best of you
like yes, no shit if you kill a million people you will get shit on but naturally everyone will try to think the best of you in everyday situations
my name is literally chad anon, get the fuck out of my face you ugly beta neet
>btw I never claimed to be handsome
I know you aren't, uggo

>> No.4335659


Judging by your responses, I wholeheartedly believe you're ugly. You're obviously are a self-conscious male posting on 4chan desperately trying to down another self conscious male on 4chan to feed you non-existent ego.

Absolutely beautiful.

>> No.4335683
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>its impolite anon.
It's also impolite to start a conversation with someone who doesn't want to talk and try to use social pressure to get them to play along with your little game. Well jokes on you. I grew out of peer pressure in junior high school.

I literally just stare at them until they go away. Not in a cool, slick way like on TV. But in the most cringey way possible. It amuses me.

>Hey anon, what did you do over the weekend?
>*I turn extremely slowly. I stare at them in a cold expressionless manner. I remain perfectly still. I say nothing. Time passes. They start to feel seriously uncomfortable. A tumbleweed blows by.*
>I-I... said w-what did you do over the weekend, anon?
>*Silence. I haven't moved a single facial muscle since I started staring at them. I'm also holding my breath. They're awkward smile fades as they realize there is no comment forthcoming. They see that I feel no pressure to say anything. That time and space no longer apply to me. This stare could go on for hours.
>They begin to wonder if maybe I'm retarded or possibly even dangerous. When a look of either hopelessness or terror flashes across their face, I know I have won.
>O-okay, well... I g-guess I'll leave you alone then. H-have a good one anon.
>*As they walk away I slowly return to what I was doing before I was so rudely interrupted. *
>I like to think they lay in bed at night and picture my face.
>They think about me and deep down they are impressed.

>> No.4335689

you sound like the beta neet who thinks everyone who is good looking automatically doesn't have social problems.
sure, they're more likely to get the benefit of the doubt, but that only goes so far.
>my name is literally chad
my brother's name is chad and he's a fat fuck

>> No.4335716

dude other guys hate better looking guys all the time. of course theres no ragging, because its all in their head and they still do the buddy routine.
and women hate if theres no flirting back with them but they keep trying anyway

in general most coworkers hate each other anyway for inane reasons but they will never show that side.

>> No.4335729

this 100%

>> No.4335784

pretty sure the girls wouldn't get pissed at you for not talking to them if you were ugly.

>> No.4336203

>But in the most cringey way possible. It amuses me.

You tell yourself you do it for your amusement, but really it is the only way you know how to respond and are scared of trying out any other responses.

They don't lay in bed at night and picture your face. They go back to their colleagues and ask "does anyone else worry about anon? He seems slightly retarded, scared of human interaction, and has poor personal hygiene. I hope he gets the help he needs".

>> No.4336328
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my sides, you're a legend anon

>> No.4336378

This whole "we must have a social environment within our business" started because of forcing women into the workplace.

They don't have kids or anything meaningful in their lives anymore, so they need their little social coworker get togethers to stop them from going insane.

That's why you're expected to do more than just "do your job and do it well".

>> No.4336390
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>I just sit with my headphones on and work.
Autist detected.
You obviously have no idea what that gesture (putting on headphones) is signalling to people in a closed environment like a office.

I'll help you out, there's this great quote in Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis where he says something to the effect of
>no matter how shitty you are feeling, people will take your silence and introversion to mean "this arrogant fuck thinks he's too good to talk to me"

Have you tried just asking them what they did? No one actually cares, they'd all rather talk about themself.

>> No.4336397

this times a thousand

>> No.4336405

>"there's this great quote"...

>> No.4336415

Kek why are we like this?

>> No.4336442

Are you Ron Swanson?

>> No.4336447

won what?

>> No.4336461
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>> No.4336488

You sound autistic
For real
Autism is characterized by an inability to mirror other people's emotions, delayed social response and apathy towards socialization

>> No.4336528

Fuck them. You don't have to talk to them, just say hi and bye so you can avoid being seen as an autist. I actively avoid my coworkers by taking breaks an hour later than them. I'll be sitting down eating my food, and this dumb fuck will come in the break room and say "oh is it break time already?". I still greet everyone that crosses my path though even though I couldn't care less about their existence.

>> No.4336555


Are you me?

>> No.4336601
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so like this

>> No.4336612
File: 128 KB, 396x482, Jk8ZzkM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I started to ignore my co-worker because he constantly bothered me with random shit he found while browsing the web.

He was immediately offended and never bothered me again. But he also started to snitch everything to our boss.I gladly left few months later and was NEET since then

>> No.4336620

You don't sound White, I can tell.

>> No.4336641

Or when you do say something, they get scared right away because whatever you say actually means something. Normies are terrified of having an opinion.

Don't even dare go near critical thinking. That is what the evil Nazi's practiced!

>> No.4336818
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>> No.4336832

I love you for this

>> No.4336894

holy shit

>> No.4336916

They are queerbags anyways that think blabbing away is normal

i feel the same way and i love to work alone or for myself.

buy xbc tho bro, make some money

>> No.4336930

You're unironically acting like an autistic retard, i wish they'd bully you

>> No.4336938

This ,most workers can’t work without having the radio on ?

>> No.4337020

I'm the only male in my workplace. The women are fine (for women) but listening to their endless inane chatter is far more exhausting than the work itself which - given we're in a carehome having to lift crippled old people all over the place cleaning them, getting them dressed etc - is pretty fucking exhausting anyway.

>> No.4338062

Is there even a compiler that actually implements c++14?

>> No.4338111

I know autists like you. Everyone knows you're a manchild, fyi.

>> No.4338140

Business is socialization. Making friends with the right people. It's all about sounding smart if you want to get into upper management.

>> No.4338234


>> No.4338255

how's the NEET life going so far?

>> No.4338266

This is why i only hire men.
And believe me, it's not easy in my cucked jewified country.
Especially if you want to hire only human men and not subhumans like niggers arabs kikes and other filth.

>> No.4338345

Proper autist right here. I hate autists like this who tell themselves they are so much better and edgy, you actually think these people are impressed by you? They pity you.

>> No.4338376

look at all the plebbitor marks you just worked

props, good shit. stick around here a while.

>> No.4338387

how do you do that, I imagine its like walking on thin ice

do you just implement a strict dress code? that usually stops the subs in their tracks

>> No.4338389
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You do desk pops at your office too? I thought it was just mine that did that...

>> No.4338435
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> hurrr me no wanna talkie to other peeple, it messes with my grande ego and autism
Very sad you guys

>> No.4338608

I keep my enterprises very small, and never put ads, when i need someone i headhunt.
My productivity is very high thanks to handpicking my human employees too, so i always have a big war chest in case some antiracist kike sue me.
( and not just in courts, after all you know one of the big use of BTC )

>> No.4338766
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I feel the same OP but you have to learn to wear the mask. No, I don't enjoy listening to their stupid stories about their dog, no I don't enjoy talking about the newest capeshit movie, no I don't give half a fuck about whatever dumbfuck "deep" political insight the media told them to parrot, but I have learned in the course of my life to just put on a mask for normalfags. The result is that I'm popular, they all think I'm a good listener, and they all think I'm really smart because I do challenge their views but only in a light tangent which does make them think outside their bubble but not so much that it risks bursting the bubble. In reality, I don't give a fuck about them or their opinions at all, but they sure think I do, and they seem to see me as the guy to go to for advice and help (which works just fine for me).

Do note however that I don't hate them, I just don't care about them. I don't really hold any hatred towards them, I'm rather indifferent to them as people and more interested in them as means, in the end they all have a use. I keep a lot of people I normally wouldn't care to keep close close because they can benefit me some way. I guess the closest analogy I can think of is going to the gym: I don't have fun doing it, but it doesn't really cause me any grief either and it benefits me in the long term. Would I change it if I could? Absolutely, but I can't so it's pointless to waste energy on it.

I realize this is probably textbook sociopathy or something similar but I don't care, I'm happy with my current way and I can take off the mask with people I'm closer with, and it has worked just fine so far. The only really annoying shit is stuff like being invited to a wedding (because the dipshit thought I was a good candidate to invite to his dumb wedding) and having to pretend for like 5 hours straight, that really does drain you mentally.

>in my cucked jewified country.
Sweden or Canada?

>> No.4338825

>I don’t treat my job with respect
This is why you’ll never feel fulfilled

>> No.4339704
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Literally everyone thinks the same thing. You are not a sociopath nor special in any way. You are just a normie.

>> No.4339865

you've got to pass -std=c++14 in gcc or clang

>> No.4339926

Honestly the social aspect of work is the main reason I hate it. If I could just go to work and do my fuckin' job without anyone being a faggot I would.

>> No.4339927

nah not everyone feels that way
I have plenty of normie friends who are girls that genuinely give a fuck about their friends/coworkers lives
They bring it up to me, and i just play along acting like i care, but some people actually enjoy worrying about others.

>> No.4339953

turns out there are a majority inept losers on /biz/, no real surprises

just make some small talk you fucking faggots

>> No.4339978

I work in forestry, its an odd combination because its a tight knit crew of dudes who want to be left alone in the woods. Being a social butterfly is part of the job, but in an easy way. Its basically just shit talking and bantz 24/7. But sometimes youll get a crew or bugmen who cant handle banter and just want to talk about faggot numale trifles like netflix and amazon prime and then i get really quiet and wont speak for days. It has gotten me in trouble with the supes a few times for being selectively asocial.

>> No.4340004

So true. You realize this after meditating a lot... People will do everything to not be bored. And that includes doing Radom stupid meaningless shit

>> No.4340060

I notice it's better and easier to be social when you're just making jokes and bantzing. I hate it when I'm forced to go the whole 'hoe was your weekend ... How are you' ordeal.

Partly why it's funner to work manual jobs. People talk because they're tired and want an escape.

>> No.4340068

top fucking kek
The only thing this was missing was a reference to the normie nervously looking at your katana wondering if you were going to unsheath it.

>> No.4340092
File: 60 KB, 590x525, 0CBD3B0B-7F2C-460A-A1DE-09923DF04A5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a job
>first day the blonde cunt who works there takes me on a ride to deliver some documents to the bank
>during the drive she starts asking me all kinds of harmless questions like where I live etc.
>suddenly asks me what I‘m getting for my gf to valentines day
>say I have no gf and she starts talking about what her bf is gonna get her
>wonder what this is all about but don‘t want her anyway so don‘t give a fuck
>can‘t come up with a reason as to why I should try to befriend some hoe that won‘t suck my dick anyway so close the conversation with silence at some point
>everyday from then on she forces me into a conversation but only as soon as everyone else has left the office
>start ignoring her more and more and flirt instead with the hot piece of intern
>at some point blonde cunt snaps and tries to get a whiteknight manlet involved
>she is also very butthurt and it got worse after she came back from vacation and I was the only one who didn‘t ask her how it was

What is womans problem?

>> No.4340128

Hah you got me there

>> No.4340154
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> I have plenty of normie friends who are girls that genuinely give a fuck about their friends/coworkers lives
lol, no they dont. That's them acting to you as if they are caring and loving people so that perhaps you might open up a bit more. Stop kidding yourself little snowflake, you're not the only one 'playing a game'.

>> No.4340195

>Everyone’s a Machiavellian

Ok anon

>> No.4340212

Most men do feel that way though, they just put on a front to get by.

>>4338766 is not a special snowflake. We're not really hardwired to give a fuck about our neighbor's dog or our co-workers sister's one-year-old's birthday party. It's a question of doing whatever is easiest and it varies by individual. For some people, faking it is easier than being an autistic anti-social outcast. For others, faking it is more draining and being an anti-social outcast doesn't bother them.

>> No.4340240

Women need validation, you not giving it confers higher status/mate value. The less you give her, she wants it even more. I would be careful cause this shit can end your job if you don’t know what you’re doing, also don’t fuck her no matter what and cover your bases

>> No.4340342

They assume you don't talk to them because you don't like them, and they need to be liked. Normies are like pets. You gotta pet them and snuggle them and give them treats.

>> No.4340564

Why are woman so retarded?

>> No.4340614
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Genetics, like niggers.

>> No.4340637


>> No.4340640

Top kek m8

>> No.4340644


>> No.4340665

that's my personal nighmare

>> No.4340667

Goddamnit, and they‘re all like that.
How is one even supposed to get a gf if this is the type of shit that awaits you.

>> No.4340673

my ex boss told me this.
i only ever talk about work at work though so who gives a shit

>> No.4340817

Find one that accepts that she's a female, and that women are very different from men and will never be able to fit in classic male role models (unless they're a genetic outlier).
Not saying that they should be locked up in a kitchen and make babies all their lives, but all this bullshit about "women are just as strong as men! they can do 9 to 5 leadership rocket science brain surgeon jobs just as well as men!!" is ruining or society.

>> No.4341088
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Easier said than done, I think I never met such a cunt before.
They all got mental problems from this wagecucking lifestyle.

>one day blonde cunt has birthday
>everyone lining up to shake her hand etc.
>its my turn
>shake her hand and ask „how old you got?“
>she says „26“
>I say „what? already?“
>awkward silence
>some other cunt says „why is he always asking about the age at every birthday?“

>> No.4341145

I have a female coworker who seems to be really insecure.
She asks me quite often to take a look at her computer if she did this the right way and stuff like that. She then compliments me saying that I am smart and that I helped her.
When she asks me something that I should explain to her, she sits next to me, but really close.
Her upper arm and shoulder touch mine. (I like that honestly, but it makes me a bit nervous.)
During lunch, we talk a lot.
She is married and quite a bit older than me.

What does this mean?
Is she just an attention whore?

t. europoor wagecuck

>> No.4341234

fuck her if she's hot, avoid like the plague if not, also since you aren't in cuckmerica, you really don't need to overthink it that much, it's probably nothing though

>> No.4341245

Kek, i hope you aren't serious. It's pretty basic knowledge women hate age related questions.

>> No.4341301

>>I say „what? already?“

>> No.4341355
File: 25 KB, 225x225, CB7A5AE9-C311-4D68-AC3C-6A7B72F6DF56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I know but I do this anyway, or the one time when they wanted to order pizza for lunch and asked me if I also want some and I said „no thanks, that shit only makes fat“, they ordered anyway but the cunt that asked me didn‘t even eat more than one slice of her pizza.

I like to just fuck with people like that.

>> No.4341370

>You gotta pet them and snuggle them and give them treats.

>We're not really hardwired to give a fuck about our neighbor's dog or our co-workers sister's one-year-old's birthday party.
My theory is that we would actually care if we lived in a tribe of 150 people. If the one baker/musician/policeman/doctor in town is sick, everyone is going to care. If a woman has a miscarriage, that's a big deal in a small tribe. We all rely on each other.

In big city though, I don't care very much because everyone is disposable to me. I don't rely on anyone. I don't have enough time to meet even 1% of the people around me every day. If someone likes me or doesn't, someone has a kid or doesn't, someone gets sick or well, someone gets a promotion or not, there are ten thousand other people doing the same thing. It simply doesn't matter.

>I say „what? already?“
Well played. I approve.

>> No.4341383

Lmao God bless your autistic ass anon.

Protip: Just don't ever ask women their age. Men don't give a fuck (unless they're vain fags) but there's no upside to it with women - either they'll be offended you think they look younger than they are - this only problem with girls in teens maybe early 20s - or will be outraged you think they look older.

>> No.4341397

All women are attention whores. If she's older she'll also be increasingly insecure and missing the attention she took for granted when younger. Probably she's just using you to boost her self esteem.

>> No.4341445

>Well played. I approve.
I like that "what? already?" comes across as an insult at first but is actually a compliment - hinting she doesn't look her actual age. One of the best I heard was from a buddy who told a woman on her BD "you're not as young as you look."

>> No.4341620

>Yea I know but I do this anyway, or the one time when they wanted to order pizza for lunch and asked me if I also want some and I said „no thanks, that shit only makes fat“, they ordered anyway but the cunt that asked me didn‘t even eat more than one slice of her pizza.
Hurt that cunts self esteem

>> No.4341680

Pajeet detected.

>> No.4341744

>>>this thread was moved to /r9k/

>> No.4341792

I would fuck with you so much at work if you acted like that. You'd literally be the butt of all my jokes autist.

>> No.4342272


/biz/ is the new /r9k/

>> No.4342385

>not having coworkers that you've known for years that you actually enjoy hanging out with
Why do you all choose to continue living in the worst possible reality?

>> No.4342567
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>Co workers go out for a drink once every few weeks on a Friday
>Blow them off to go work out every time

Fuck off normies wanting to take my gains and my financial gains.

>> No.4343008
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lol ur ugly haha 13 btw

>> No.4343058

life must be horrible without autism.

>> No.4343570
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>They think about me and deep down they are impressed

of course they are anon, of course they are.

>> No.4343657


>> No.4343711

desu if she lost weight got a hairdo, and fucking learned how to smile, she'd be pretty decent

>> No.4343855

This. You know how many fat muthafuckers in groups of 2-3 have given me shit when I am alone by myself because I am /fit/ Whale tits take speculatory cheap shots

>> No.4343904

that's a lot of ifs

>> No.4344021

I'm about to quit my job because of this shit. Nobody cares about real work anymore, all you have to do is be part of 'the team'.

>> No.4344047

>Nobody cares about real work anymore

You assume that people did in the past, stop being retarded.

The percentage of people that cared about work in the past is the same as today.

>> No.4344221

Well at least you weren't forced into friendships

>> No.4344343

I remember coworkers... glad i'm done with that nonsense forever.

Now i'm shelf emloyed and only have to deal with insane clients who need to be waited on like retarded children.

>> No.4344407



>> No.4344418

work doesn't matter diversity is more important than accomplishments please remember this is the current year

>> No.4344612
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i like your style anon

>> No.4344664

>he writes in the deprecated language
>probably a virgin

>> No.4345363


The romans knew that if you didn't keep women babied up until menopause they would devolve into insantiy. We see it everyday now from sex cults to fake rape.

>> No.4345488

Your asocial. They can tell something's wrong with you, anon.

>> No.4345531

>pls bully me

>> No.4345563
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>> No.4345606
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when I worked in KFC over the summer all the fucking plebian normies wanted to talk to me all the time and made a big deal of me keeping to myself.... they kinda ended up firing me for only doing my job rather than being friendly

who the fuck wants to work a minimum wage shit job forever?

apparently most of them there were full time normies in 18-23 and that was their fulltime job forever

it's depressing, and that put me off getting a part time job for a while

one week I was able to earn months of 50 hours a week cuckoldry just buying WTC and link, but now I'm back where I started more or less

I would rather wait for link to do well than work with normies

I assume I'm not alone

>> No.4345631

this applies to all women

>> No.4346197

I beg to differ, there's cases in which even the wonders or modern plastic surgery will never help

>> No.4346813
File: 1.39 MB, 1062x851, 2440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.4346954
File: 72 KB, 664x941, 4f158729bc810f5b4a70330a3a36eb9cdeeee868f24b948a9a3389f44bfd583c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely fucking this.

>> No.4347283

replace KFC with McDonalds and we've had ourselves some similar situations, anon