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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 25 KB, 857x462, Screenshot from 2017-11-12 16-11-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4329873 No.4329873 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute levels of salt and pink wojack we're going to see from the folks buying at $5900 right now...

>> No.4329881
File: 341 KB, 1011x679, 10K NEVER EVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4329905


>> No.4329916

CashCucks get the bullet soon

>> No.4329947

you think btc is going down and bch up?

t. been away all weekend

>> No.4329958

I wish I could buy more btc right now. Going back to 8k soon. Enjoy those bcash bags

>> No.4330063

Here we go...

>> No.4330106

Moon time baby, watch this space on Monday when the miners choke BTC to death.
What a shitcoin

>> No.4330990

I honestly can't believe it's taking this long. How many suckers think BTC is actually going to moon again?

>> No.4331005

Bought more at 6000 and 6400. Going to 8K in under 36 hours.

>> No.4331029

>Going to 8K in under 36 hours.

>> No.4331114

Price could easilty dip lower to 4k levels but all is due to consolidation after a month long bull run from 3k to almost 8k. A great time to buy thenZ

>> No.4331264

You sure you can load that bullet or is stuck in the 100K of other transactions of bullets?

>> No.4331278

These dead cat bounces on BTC are enormous... Normies really do believe in BTC for some reason. I've heard so many retarded stories of people buying $100 in bitcoin with $10 tx fees and thinking it was a good decision...

>> No.4331283
File: 6 KB, 193x261, CASH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


btc is finished.

fucking dinosaur coins

>> No.4331307

BCH literally is the old version of Bitcoin. You realise how you sound?

>> No.4331322
File: 245 KB, 1430x907, MUH CASH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc is the old version of bch fuckface

>> No.4331346

OK my guess - next dead cat bounce at $5600, but only going up to $5800. Still guessing we hit $5000 by end of day.

>> No.4331355

ITT idiots who don't understand fundamentals and are going to get REKT by a small bunch of opportunistic businessmen. BTC has only dropped to where it was on the 29th October THIS YEAR. That's only two weeks ago you n00bz.

>> No.4331366

Below 5800 again

>> No.4331383

The cat is dead

>> No.4331387

You're both fucked. This is the beginning of the end.

>> No.4331388

BTC is fractal, and will reach 4500 before going to 12500.
Ignore the daily noise, and zoom out.
Shitcoin movement, BCC included, is merely part of BTC's fractal.

>> No.4331390

when you wake up tomorrow bitcoin is gonna be below 4500 lol

>> No.4331400

Because it´s a store of value , right?

>> No.4331478

Well, thank goodness the mempool has finally dug its way down to 400 sat/byte transactions that were first requested over 24 hours ago.

17 hours to go until the BCH update, after which any stuck BTC transactions are going to be screwed for a while as miners flip back to BCH. I have a feeling that BTC will be around 200 sat/byte at that time.

>> No.4331495

when BTC crashes tomorrow I will laugh at you wherever you are.


>> No.4331498
File: 519 KB, 590x619, 1509557944652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCH is the 'old' Bitcoin but with adjusted block size. It was forked because the changes in core were 'undemocratic'. There's a pipeline for the unique stuff to be introduced in the future, but at this moment BCH is just pure old version of Bitcoin.

>> No.4331521
File: 483 KB, 992x620, FUCKINGJEWSOWNBTC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.4331569

how you can tell this guy bought the top is because of the all caps

>> No.4331609

Just read about BCH, how do you buy so hard into a fork that you know nothing about?

>> No.4331620

There is a huge opportunity right now for mining BTC.
Chinks are extremely unstable and keep switching for immediate profit, despite BTC being obviously the only thing worth mining when you're not an ADD kid.
Each time they switch, it leaves a huge void, and if you have a decent operation you can rack in the BTCs on your lonesome pretty nicely.
Once the japanese mining farms are online, it'll be over too, since the japanese don't care about anything but BTC ( and monacoin, don't ask about it ).
Once the nips are in, transactions delay will be a thing of the past.
Start mining now, because the era of easy BTC while mining is almost over.

I am so sad i always postponed my own mining operation.

>> No.4331643

The bigger the blocksize, the bigger the centralisation.
The bigger the centralisation, the easier the manipulation.

As long as BTC stays at 1mb blocksize, mining will never be monopolised by small institution, like with BCC.

>> No.4331711

It was already monopolized by small institutions. The decisions of 6-8 owners of the largest pools and farms can decide anything.

They are both centralized beyond redemption.

>> No.4331720

>REEEE Everyone having to keep their bitcoin on exchanges and fast payment networks, because of high tx fees, is not decentralization.

>> No.4331764

Except the entire BTC dev team is compromised and you should expect freedom less vapourware

>> No.4332036

It is not a monopole that is unavoidable, as evidenced by the coming japanese breaking of it.
Big blocksize means monopolies are built-in the very software of the coin.

Yes, exchanges enable to bypass the network.
Bitflyer forexample enable two accounts to exchange coins without a fee, and more and more japanese businesses will make use of it, myself included.

It is a theoretical, hypothetical problem.
All others coins are compromised on a software level, BTC is merely sort-of compromised on a spiritual level or other nonsense some woman would spout.
When the code actually change is when you need to worry.

>> No.4332838
File: 185 KB, 380x378, Faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC is fractal
Gonna take your word on this. Buy at 4500 and then sell at 12500. Gotcha.