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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4312052 No.4312052 [Reply] [Original]

I have $5k worth of coins in my bitfinex account that I haven't tracked in a couple months. I just now logged in to see US citizens can no longer withdraw. Is there some way out of this or should I kill myself now?

>> No.4312077

Try using a VPN?

>> No.4312080

Cant you just transfer to another platform and withdraw from there?

>> No.4312127

email their support and give them a public key to an address that you own and hope they send it. try a vpn, but they may already have your account flagged

>> No.4312128
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Another one bites the dust.

>> No.4312189

Anybody from the US still trading by using a VPN?

>> No.4312197
File: 707 KB, 728x526, Untjiitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's considering killing himself over money equal to 3 months of minimum wage
>these are the people calling their own parents "retarded boomers" for having real jobs

>> No.4312220

I miss this image. Reminds me of when /biz/ had jobs and were productive members of society.

>> No.4312283

>productive members of society
what's the point of being a "productive memebers of society" when society consistently shits on men, taxes us at high rates, and is basically being steered by jews.

>> No.4312315

>leaving your coins in an exchange
you deserved it

>> No.4312332

>what's the point of being a "productive memebers of society" when society consistently shits on men, taxes us at high rates, and is basically being steered by jews.

If we did not do this we would still be shitting outside our fucking caves and huts and doing human sacrafices because it has not rained recently. Wake up you cuck

>> No.4312359

Do you manage 20x different wallets for all you coins and keep up on updated coins. Just curious as I know some people who get into all kinds of shit that the exchanges offer

>> No.4312362

>I'm a victim
Save the complaints, you get taxed the same as women.
And of course it's the jews, always the jews, the eternal scapegoat for why your life didn't turn out how you planned. Because admitting that you gave up would remove your victim status.
If you want to be a fucking bum, that's your choice. Just don't pretend like someone else is at fault.

>> No.4312365

None of that is relevant unless you're a beta cuck

>> No.4312424

BCH, BTC in paper wallets, fiat in a real bank account.
Leaving your coins on an exchange means they ain't your coins.

>> No.4312466

t. kike

>abloo bloo bloo you're being a false victim by pointing out how all the machinations of power are controlled by jews and used to push women and suhbumans into positions of authority and erode western civilization from the inside out

>> No.4312506

Actually, it IS the jews. you just arent well read enough yet

>> No.4312587
File: 25 KB, 500x374, getajob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sat in my house browsing 4chan for several hours a day instead of GETTING A JOB
>the jews did this

>> No.4313352

Give me your login creds, myself, a friendly Canadian will get it for you

>> No.4313488

you have a micropenis and everyone knows

>> No.4313525


>> No.4313602

they aren't your keys when you leave them on a web site you dumb cunt LOL