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4303889 No.4303889 [Reply] [Original]

This is my take on it. Whales who have a stake in seeing BCH succeed are pumping everything they've got into the coin to foil the difficulty adjustment that comes tomorrow. At this rate, if they can get BCH to around $2000 by tomorrow night, then it will remain profitable after adjustment and we won't see miners flee back to BTC afterward. This will be the death blow for BTC as miners all consolidate under the BCH banner for good.

$2000 is the tipping point. If BCH can hit it in the next 24 hours, then it's going to keep rising forever. If it doesn't, all those gains are going to siphon back into BTC and BCH will deflate back to 10% value of BTC.

>> No.4303912

Pretty much.

What hurts me is that as soon as this is picked up by mainstream media, possibly all of crypto will take a hit. It's not yet very well known among normies that crypto is prone to manipulation, but now it will be.

>> No.4303951
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>It's not yet very well known among normies that crypto is prone to manipulation, but now it will be.
lmao deluded legacycucks

>> No.4304013

Yeah it may all be for nothing. If all the boomer and bro money remembers to check into their coinbase account in a week and finds out their $10k investment is now worth $3.50, that money's coming back. A whole generation's gonna get burnt and stay in fiat from now on. And we need the bromoney flowing in to keep growing, regard which coin ends up king.

>> No.4304029

Fuck me. that money's NEVER coming back*.

>> No.4304111

Pretty much this. But the chinks want a chink controlled crypto scene or no crypto at all. They would take their profits to fiat and watch all of crypto burn

>> No.4304428

>This will be the death blow for BTC as miners all consolidate under the BCH banner for good
BTC would have to (finally) change the algo and carry on. BTC have waay bigger community than BCH and more support from big businesses (exchanges etc).
But to pull that off, Core would need to do 180 degrees flip on narrative that any contentious forks are bad and are shitcoins.

>> No.4304543

>if they can get BCH to around $2000 by tomorrow night, then it will remain profitable after adjustment
Can you help a noob like me understand what this means?

>> No.4304597

A coin is profitable to mine if it's easy to mine.
If a lot of miners mine it, then after a certain period, it becomes harder to mine again.
You compare how hard it is, with how much money you get for mining it.
Then decide, BTC and BCH use the algorithm, so miners switch from one to the other.
When nobody mines BCH and has 60 minutes blocks, difficulty adjusts, and it's super easy to mine, so even if it's dirt cheap it becomes profitable to mine it. Then they get 1 minute blocks.
In general the BCH algorithm for difficulty adjustments is fucked up, and the inflation has gone up a lot compared with BTC

>> No.4304600

We don't need that speculator money. We need end-user-of-services and business money. That will come in 2018 on the backs of previously called "shitcoins" that are utility tokens for services / platforms that run on blockchains like ethereum, neo, qtum, stellar, etc.

This is inevitable to occur due to the extreme efficiency gains that blockchain tech allows through information handling automation in many industries. Businesses that don't adopt will get outcompeted by businesses that do.

>> No.4304607

You guys sound exactly like the Bancor shills from a few months ago

>oy vey goyim, you'd better buy my bags immediately or all of cryptocurrency is in danger!!

>> No.4304616

Absolutely this. If the chinks get their "flippening," there will be no crown to assume. If they succeed in killing BTC, it will destroy confidence in crypto as a store of value for decades, if not forever. And they seem to be too stupid/shortsighted to realize they are trying to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

>> No.4304645

still got almost two days till fork


>> No.4304772

that's how it is, that's the beauty of eraly stages, but if King survives all that shit it'll only become stronger

>> No.4304833

The credibility of proof of work coins needs to be ruined sooner or later, and it's better if it's sooner. The miner politics and centralization that comes with them as an implication of how they function is simply revealed. This is cutting away a cancerous limb from crypto. Yes it will hurt short term, but it's necessary.

>> No.4304843

These shills are getting more and more desperate

>> No.4304867

This "destroy confidence in crypto" pasta is getting old. The dragon's den asleep on the job again?

>> No.4304895


Everyone, remember when mt gox destroyed crypto cred forever and we never had any crypto any more? Those were there days.

Remember when everyone stopped using the internet because of nigerian scammers?
Those were the days.

>> No.4304911
File: 564 KB, 800x430, wasPfostiertDieserAnon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extreme efficiency gains that blockchain tech allows


>> No.4304916

remember when you told your stepdad you were a faggot and he kicked you out of your mom's house?
that was yesterday.

>> No.4304932

you retard, coinbase normies will get their bch in december

>> No.4304942

DYOR is far more important than ever. There's millions of dollars at stake and for sure along the way you're going to get people paid to shill whether its astroturfing or writing news.

>> No.4305078

literally fuck them in their tight holes
VB is the king of crypto
2018 is going to be all about POS and the chinks can go fuck themselves

>> No.4305402

Actually if more miners mine it (since it's more profitable), it might accelerate a bit

>> No.4305418

it's january 1st, and then 500k BCH will be dumped instantly.

>> No.4305449

and bch will gain mass legitimacy

>> No.4305468

Thankfully that won't happen. You BCH shills are going to regret this.

>> No.4305504

holy fuck just imagine coinbase adding BCH gateway. Sure there is a big possibility of a dump when they release but then the rise will be exponential

>> No.4305506

you sound an awful lot like barbara specter

>> No.4305509

You did hold your forked coins right anon??

>> No.4305522


BCH gets released from Coinbase Jan 1st. We've known this for a long time

>> No.4305549

q1 2018 anon

>> No.4305563

you dumb niggers realize this has already happened like 4x right
miners are ALREADY mining btc and the difficulty is already rising, thats why mempool is clogged lmao

>> No.4305632


Or they might go, "nice, free money" and keep it.

>> No.4306433

I'm bumping this cos I think it's an interesting analysis.

Moving some BTC right now to sit out in fiat.

>> No.4306942

bump for interest

>> No.4306999
File: 16 KB, 898x137, Screenshot from 2017-11-11 14-14-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're absolutely right. BTC Tx fees are going through the roof, and Antpool is only confirming their own Tx so that they can sell everything and escape BTC.

Save this img. You're going to have to cut off your left nut in order to afford the tx fees during the next week.

>> No.4307048


It's the old "centre-of-the-universe" meme

Blockstream getting rekt
BTC holders BTFO

Daily reminder: Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin.

>> No.4307063
File: 59 KB, 1095x436, Screenshot from 2017-11-11 14-44-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, this is fucky. Something is not adding up here.

According to this site, when difficulty (red line) jumps, it is supposed to jump to the green line.


But it DOESN'T. WTF is happening.

>> No.4307076

Bitcoin Unlimited in March, the UAHF in June, the pre-BCash FUD scare in July, and this Fall's 2X propadanga. FOUR big block failures in eight months -resulting in nearly $8,000 Bitcoin, and we're supposed to worry about a newly hard-forked BCash? Gimme a break.

>> No.4307147

Mt gox happened to coincide with a btc recession that lasted 2-3 years

>> No.4307243

Yeah it was a 2-3 year depression after gox. And that was just one exchange going under, not an inherent flaw in the currency that serves to strip it of its inherent utility and promises.

>> No.4307293

Relax, boomers are going to be checking out of life pretty soon anyway.

>> No.4307335
File: 8 KB, 467x121, Screenshot from 2017-11-11 15-04-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.71x at the moment

Why even bother mining BTC at all unless to process your own Txes so you can escape the sinking ship.

>> No.4307402

>to process your own Txes so you can escape the sinking ship

how does this work?

>> No.4307411

Their will be no flippening, not in the long run. it will become a mergering. That is to say, Bitcoin become the gold standard and storage, and BCH becomes the new spend coin for BTC. BTC and BTC prices will be linked, btc always being higher because it's worth more to hold gold than it is to hold the spendable paper, But even so their will be a coupling if things continue down this road.

>> No.4307435

who takes BCH?

>> No.4307464
File: 58 KB, 640x640, 2017-11-11 17.11.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hash rate now at 60%


>> No.4307488

Miners can choose any transactions they want to include in the block.

In an ideal world, the miner takes the ones with highest tx fees, to yield the largest block reward.

But if you own a mine and lots of coin, then it may be worth it to give first priority to your own transactions.

>> No.4307577

Enough time in this zone and cash will become bitcoin.

>> No.4307613

They said they'll do it BY Jan 1. It's quite possible they'll do it before then, especially now that 2x is cancelled.

>> No.4307614

Your calculation is off. The expected is absolute value, not value that should be multiplied with current. BCH needs much more than $2000 to get profitability parity after the adjustment.

>> No.4307615


How much time do you think?

>> No.4307616
File: 85 KB, 360x516, 2ik5dmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitcoin Gold(tm)

>> No.4307628

Always trust the japs to be at the forefront of crypto business

Oh and some fucking casinos I don't know, don't really follow the news

>> No.4307740

So will they be forced to reconsider 2x now? Seems like they could get more backing for it in the face of what BCH is doing.

>> No.4307782

pretty much any and all businesses that accept crypto payments