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File: 62 KB, 710x769, IMG_E0843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4302366 No.4302366 [Reply] [Original]

do anybody know what is actually happening with the bitcoin cash ? it has increased by 50%. is it still a good idea to invest into it ? and what is the best platform to buy and sell easily ?

>> No.4302382

People are realizing that bitcoin won’t reach mass adoption with $7 transaction fees so they are jumping ship to bitcoin cash, get in while you can. The only thing keeping bitcoin afloat is the name, are are controlled by corrupt blockstream now.

>> No.4302389

>Buying High - Selling low

Dont use kraken.com its pure shit. I had several crashes the last days, orders not going trough, not able to close positions because of "busy servers" and other stuff.

>> No.4302412

Bitcoin cash has always been worth over 1k. It's not our fault retards continued to repeatedly rage sell their bch fork coins down to 300.

>> No.4302431

if you buy something increased 50% in one day you are begging to be dumped on
do your research in advance next time
it was on the rise from $380

>> No.4302549

>>The only thing keeping bitcoin afloat is the name

Then why does bcash need to copy the name of bitcoin to stay afloat? If it's so much better then they could have named it anything else :D

>> No.4302585

It is better.

>> No.4302728


Lol how? If it's better then any alternative then people would have switched to it anyway.
Stealing the name of an already established brand and launching a smear campaign
against it, just shows what kind of people are behind the project. It's disingenuous as fuck.

>> No.4302773

its because it IS bitcoin, just forked u idiot

>> No.4302787
File: 496 KB, 1024x747, bch vs btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it's better then any alternative then people would have switched to it anyway.
circular logic

>> No.4302802

It has no value except from people panic buying it due to attack on BTC.

Personally I think it's too late to make any gains on it before it crashes, but you can try.

>> No.4302803

Shill garbage.

Everyone realised this 24 hours ago and simultaneously decided to buy in?

Miners are buying it. Anti BCH people already sold. It's coordinated. You're either a shill or a moron

>> No.4302847

There's a strong correlation in a series of absolute or squared returns. Which means big movements in any direction are usually followed by big movements in any direction.

>> No.4302869

same speech yesterday
and it peaked at .25 today
politics aside
we're all trying to make money here
will this bitch go to 0.5 before monday?

this feels like a GRS

>> No.4302904
File: 78 KB, 792x923, DOPpPTtVAAAypnM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you fork something and add your own changes then it's not the same product, tard.

Fixed it for you.

>> No.4302960
File: 162 KB, 800x577, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, tell that to the corecuck segwit team

>> No.4302977

the sell off is now
there are no more tards in the world to pump this

>> No.4302988

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is the level of retardation from the LN futures side.

>> No.4302998

Better to have LN look like your pic related rather than the actual fucking blockchain which on chain scaling will do.

>> No.4303016

What do you use then? What are some good, reliable and fast exchanges?

>> No.4303024

its going to flip with eth. so yes.

it will 3x from here

>> No.4303035

Fuck your mother if you want fuck

>> No.4303049

Bitcoin cash is p2p

>> No.4303089
File: 15 KB, 542x245, lightning centralized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say centralization cuck

>> No.4303095

You need 800mb blocks to scale on chain to visa level transactions. Want nanotransactions for IoT down the road? Petabyte blocks. The only entities that will be able to run nodes in such an environment will be large data centers.

So now we are back to central banks except this time every transaction is logged and traced for the entire populace.

>> No.4303103

If you support BCH you support centralized crypto. Maybe you are just ignorant to how it works but that's not my fault.

>> No.4303112

Most if not all visa transactions could be taken care with 0 conf. A technology stripped from segwit LN futures coin. The same coin in which the CEO admits to selling and centralizing offchains to third parties.

>> No.4303139

Lightning network is like smart contracts for ethereum and
completely optional to use. It won't replace regular transactions.

Btw, did roger hand you out these images or you made them yourself?
Because i see them plastered all over every thread. :)

>> No.4303163

>0 conf

thats not how it works. The only reason you would accept a 0-conf transaction is because the value is low enough that you are willing to risk a double spend knowing that it will be likely be confirmed on the blockchain 10 minutes later. If those transactions aren't being confirmed ever, there is zero trust. If my no fee transaction is never confirmed on the blockchain, I can use the same 5 dollars to buy a coffee every single day.

>> No.4303182

Argue with me the downsides of a centralized blockchain will you? Bitcoin has been centralized in china for a very very long time. None of the boogyman stories came true. Bitcoin cash was centralized for a majority of its life span. None of the boogyman stories came true. Miners are incentivized to have as many users and to create the best ecosystem possible. Where as blockstream doesn't hold significant stakes in bitcoin and only cares about profiting from side chain transactions. Miners profit with users and blockstream profits off them

>> No.4303235

Of course it will if you make the main chain functionally useless, stop playing retard.
of course they would get confirmed eventually.

>> No.4303278

A centralized blockchain is just a database like we've had for 60 years. There is no need to have one if it's centralized. Might as well just let the federal reserve make fedcoin and call it a day.

You seem to not even know what I'm even discussing. A majority of miners in china is worrisome but not the "centralization" that I am referring to.

Bitcoin blocks are propagated by nodes in the network. If there are only a few nodes, they can be controlled by a single entity. If coinbase, bitfinex, bitpay etc are the only people running nodes. Imagine how easy it would be for those corporations, or even a government entity to control the policy of the network.

Torrenting works because you are downloading from multiple users in a network, not a centralized server. Centralized servers that hosted copyrighted data are easily shut down ( see megaupload).

Yeah, if you increase the blocksize to a point where the entire network is centralized, defeating the purpose of cryptocurrency.

>> No.4303314

And you avoided the core of my argument congratulations.

>> No.4303382

Please enlighten me. I clearly explained to you the dangers of a centralized blockchain.

Your only argument is conspiratorial speculation about a single company that doesn't even have a launched product.

You have made zero effort to support your claim that "Miners are incentivized to have as many users and to create the best ecosystem possible." Surely you could explain how mining empty blocks on the original chain is helping to create the best ecosystem possible?

>> No.4303542

>bitcoin being centralized for a very long time and being exposed to the miner boogyman
No rebuttal
>bitcoin cash having the same centralization yet no boogyman
No rebuttal
BCH was open to 51% attacks for months yet it never happened. Your trying to say my argument is a conspiracy?
Adam back
Ex bitcoin mod
And that's also the main problem with modern day bitcoin it's just buying LN futures at this point from a company that has proven time and time again it's completely incompetent.
>Surely you could explain how mining empty blocks on the original chain is helping to create the best ecosystem possible?
I remember that being an issue earlier this year with antpool i believe. If a majority of miners behaved that way then the coin would fail and their bitcoin worthless. Miners sell the bare minimum of bitcoin just for maintenance fees. They have the biggest stakes in bitcoin why the fuck would they want it to stop gaining value?

>> No.4303588

Pump signals here
