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File: 115 KB, 960x640, Sony-Sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
428610 No.428610 [Reply] [Original]

Well it has finally happened. The long predicted bankruptcy and closure of Sony is finally underway.

>Sony Corp. (6758) is poised to be rejected from Japan’s government-backed stock index

Sony will now be de-listed from the Japanese Stock Exchange and will no longer have the support of the Japanese Government.

Where were you when Sony died?


>> No.428621

>Now Sony is falling behind Samsung Electronics Co. and Apple Inc., posting losses in five of the past six years and predicting another one to come.

>> No.428628



>> No.428634


Maybe they can sell another building?

Oh wait...

>> No.428651

Supposedly that building has been empty for years, and was just used for displaying their technology, so it's not really a big loss in terms of operations... just their culture/history.

Still though, this could just be a shakeup to drop shares for a buyback. I only have a small amount of shares, but I'm going to ride this one out.

>> No.428693



It was their fucking headquarters

It was the center of Sony City and considered the holy land building

It was still in use and was the center of their company

>> No.428696


Wow, you really are stupid.


Pretty much.

>> No.428697


>I only have a small amount of shares, but I'm going to ride this one out.

Sure you do. Sure you do.

>> No.428710


You better sell that shut while you still can.

>> No.428722

I just bought a SONY camera with SONY ENTERTAINMENT STORE. Does this means might be that may camera won't even works anymore?

>> No.429101


Where were you when Sony BTFO of analysts everywhere?

>> No.429102
File: 240 KB, 494x362, durrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Holding shares for a company about to go bankrupt, to the point where they have to sell their headquarters

>> No.429103

Fuck off /v/, you cunt are literally cancer. Sony are just fine and they aren't going bankrupt.

>> No.429105

this is where you buy a put option and make mad dough

>> No.429111


aw shit, this should be interesting. where will SNE stand at the end of the day bros?

>> No.429118

Don't you have a shitty board to go back to? Sony is clearly a leader in the gaming industry. Should they stop their diversity products and instead seek to remain in video games? No but I bet you xboners are shilling to get them out.

>> No.429147

Japanese markets open yet?

>> No.429173


Yeah, sell it on ebay before shit hits the fan brah.

>> No.429179
File: 70 KB, 800x450, 16_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTFO of analysts but still not amazing numbers. $250 million is not the numbers a succesful media conglomerate should be pulling. It should be at least 4 times that (Like what Fox pulls) What's more surprising was Home Entertainment actually pulled a good quarter that pulled them up and even outperformed PS4 this quarter in revenue. Though likely an anomaly because of the world cup.

Good quarter but still a very long road to go. The next quarter likely will not be so kind.

Someone's going to be taking a very hard look at the mobile sector since the Xperia Z2 was supposed to be the savior as "It wasn't the Galaxy S5", was the critical darling at the mobile world congress then utterly flopped on the market because the HTC One M8 rolled in, punched it in the face and took it's marketshare.


Open and trading's down as people offload the stock. It's a good result. Probably lead to a lot of buybacks. But there's still problems at the company.


If you are a /v/ tard with an agenda, you are easily spotted and you are the same retard who claims each thread is a Microsoft or Nintendo fanboy behind it. Fuck off /v/ tard.

>> No.429187

No profits for 5 of the last 6 years, and 9 of the last 10.

1.3 Billion lost last year.
6.7 Billion lost in 2012.

And they sold the entire lot of Sony City in Japan. If you've been to Japan you know why that's so crucial.

>> No.429204

>Sony already has eliminated about 18,000 jobs in the last two years, Vice President Kunitaka Fujita said last month. The company has announced an agreement to exit personal computers and a restructuring to make TV manufacturing a separate unit.

>> No.429211

Yeah, there were a lot of things going for Sony this Quarter that won't be around for the rest of the year. The World Cup caused spikes in TV sales around the world. They're finally dumping the PC division which is saving money.
But, day late a dollar short. Japan doesn't seem exactly interested in buying out Sony. It's WAY too late to finally be posting profits. It's a matter of time.
That being said, it is interesting to think about what will happen to the Playstation brand. Amazon or Apple have both expressed interest but I still see Sega taking it.

>> No.429217

are japanese consumer electronics still strong in the market, or has momentum shifted to korea?

>> No.429227


Korea owns the market at the minute but it's starting to contract due to Chinese competition. Samsung announced today and they made $6.1 billion off their electronics compared to Sony's $80 million or so. It was Samsung's lowest in two years. But it heavily puts in perspective the mountain Sony has to climb in that market.

>> No.429242

Meanwhile Microsoft continues to post huge losses from the xbox division and Nintendo are failing to hit sales targets in all departments and the Wii U is dead in the water..

Is this the end of the videogame industry?

>> No.429243

not videogames as a whole, but consoles that try to push gimick features and needless all-in-one media center capability

also worth mentioning that videogame hardware was never a profitable segment anyways. the hardware is underpriced for easier entry while games are overpriced to compensate, like how printers and cell phones are sold

>> No.429244


I hate to break it to you but Microsoft posted $893 Million profit last FY on their gaming division and NIntendo only took a small operating loss last year and are still almost completely debt free.

Far from dead. Especially people wishing that MS and Nintendo would get out (And MS is already setting roots down that if the xbone flops out, they can easily switch back to PC and Mobile)


You are aware that All-in-one media center capability is Sony's new strategy with the PS4 where they are going to use it to push Sony's streaming services?


>> No.429247

>not videogames as a whole
>but let me list all consoles currently available


Wrong on a couple counts, but the z2 while hopefully should have sold strong, it was never supposed to beat HTC M8 due to M8 having such a high concentration in the US, where Sony already has given up on the US mobile market.

Their PS brand is going to be a tough sell for Apple, but it could be just what they need to inject a spike into ATV. Amazon has already invested into their own studios, I don't see them utilizing the PS brand.

>misreading >>429243

It doesn't matter "if the xbone flops out", microsoft is getting ready to eject from market. It's a waste of money, not worth the expense.

>> No.429249


Riding stocks back from the brink is a great way to make enormous gains. If you weren't from /v/ you would understand that.

>> No.429250


>Anyone who posts facts about Microsoft and Nintendo is a shill
>Anyone who dares point out Microsoft made a healthy profit off gaming last year is a shill
>Anyone who points out that MS are already setting down a plan to go back into PC and Mobile is a shill

Oh boy. The /v/tards are here.

>> No.429252

and that's why ps4 is gonna flop. they need to focus on the gaming experience and cut costs elsewhere, instead of integrating gimmicky "social" features and streaming

the media streaming market is too saturated with too many products, most of which are cheaper than the ps4 anyways

>all consoles currently available

ever heard of PC gaming? there's a reason the PC gaming market has been steadily growing for years

>> No.429255

riding from the brink is profitable if you buy at the brink, not when you've fallen from a previous position and need to climb all the way back up just to break even.

>> No.429262

The only company making any real profits from the current PC gaming boom is Valve.

>> No.429300


>> No.429304

Bought a Sony TV once, it was shit
Bought a Sony phone once, it broke in a month

Never bought a gaming console because I'm not a manchild, but honestly if Sony goes bankrupt it's largely their own fault

>> No.429305


>ITT: /v/tards who are just now realizing how shit the Japs are at managing companies

The business world figured this out in like 1990, kiddos.

>> No.429309



>> No.429336

>are japanese consumer electronics still strong in the market, or has momentum shifted to korea?

Japanese are getting completely BFTO by Taiwain, China, Koera. You could look at all of the figures and see that Japan only takes a small marketshare from the rest of asia. Sure Sony is alive, but a lot of Japanese electronics pulled out of the customer electronic already.

You also have to consider how sad it is that Sony makes more money on things that aren't electronics.

>> No.429343


> Bankruptcy imminent
[citation needed]

>> No.429355

>getting mad at being called a shill

Chill out. Also, calling others vtards totally proved you're not a vtard yourself.

>pc gaming

Different. Although Valve is looking to make its debut in the console space. That's what I was pointing out.

Mojang is making real profits from PC consoles, and even mobiles. Notch is probably the only one who really profited from pc exclusively.

>> No.429356

>sad it is sony is making money

I don't understand this notion at all.

Sony should be following the money, but by not letting go of tv sectors and such, they're just burning through all that money their profitable sectors are bringing in. It just makes sense, and you could see glimpses of this at their conference in 2013 showcasing all these advancements in home living, banking, healthcare, etc.

That all seemed to disappear though.

Japanese companies can learn from Korean companies - being lean, mean, and fast works wonders.

>> No.429397

it was the shit ages ago

but now, all their stuffs are overpriced and features are similar or downright inferior to their cheaper competitors. eg. TVs and laptops. If i wanna buy a flat screen tv, sony is the last one i gonna look at.

>> No.429526

Sony still makes TVs?

>> No.429528

So when do you think will Sony go bankrupt?

>> No.429568

It's not that I think Sony shouldn't expand on non-hardware stuff.it's that it's sad one of the last japanese electronic companies can't rely on electronics. It's just kind of shows the era of Japanese consumer electronics is basically dead.

>> No.429570

Can someone explain how SCEA/SCEJ/SCEE will be affected?

I thought the PS4 was outselling everything, is it not enough to keep them afloat?

>> No.429572

>having enough cash to buy the PS brand

Sega is smalltime now, unfortunately, we'll never see a Dreamcast 2

>> No.429740


Easily within the next six to eight months.

At this point owning Sony stock is a very bad idea. The same goes for buying Sony products.

>> No.429744

This doesn't change anything. They supported the playstation through worse times, people have been crying bankrupcy since forever ago.

>> No.429746
File: 43 KB, 600x239, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sony is using tricky math to make the ps4 appear successful. They've been combing PS2,PS3 and PS4 numbers in all of their sales data.

Although the ps2 is no longer being produced, they do have millions of units in reserve still being sold in Asia and certain other parts of the world.

I am willing to bet that Sony will sell the PS brand to save the company.

>> No.429762


>They supported the playstation through worse times

Factually incorrect.

>people have been crying bankrupcy since forever ago.

The company has posted losses in 9 out of the 10 previous fiscal years. They have fired over 100,000 employees in the past decade. They were forced to sell their NYC headquarters, their Tokyo "Holy Land" building, their birthplace and the majority of the "Sony City" area in Japan. They have liquidated assets at an alarming rate. They have closed gaming division development houses. Their PC division is a billion dollar flop. Their TV division will soon be closed. They lost portable music to Apple. Their American CEO abruptly abandoned the company. They are bleeding developer talent at an alarming rate.

Their credit rating is still junk status at all three credit agencies and now their stock is no longer backed by the Japanese government, making it worthless in the eyes of serious investors.

Look if you want comforting damage control might I suggest you return to /v/ or sign up at NeoGAF? /biz/ is not the place for children like you.

>> No.429765

Sony's one of those places that actually can't die. They can kill off a lot of it but it will never die.

>> No.429771


Tell that to Zenith, RCA, and several other electronics companies that have gone the way of the dodo.

Sony is actually doing worse than all of them were at their lowest point.

But hey, thanks for backing you uninformed opinion with facts. Oh wait...

>> No.429775

Sony represents Japan as a whole, I think. Aging workers with outdated precepts.

Problem with Sony products is that they're always at a premium because of some proprietary technology that isn't really worth it. I always wanted a Sony laptop but they were always more expensive than almost everybody else's outside of Apple. But, unlike Apple, their laptops didn't have as must have features as a unibody aluminum case or huge clickable trackpads; they archaic "turbo mode" and other special function buttons - essentially the things we've outgrown the last decade.

>> No.429777

>Factually incorrect.

Stupid samefage, the Playstation division spent years in the red due to the PS3 launch disaster, now they are making a profit from the PS4 already, how can this be worse? Shut up and go back to /v/.

>> No.429797


Japan has already turned it's back on Sony. But I agree with your analogy. The world has turned to Korea when it comes to mainstream electronics.


>The playstation division is the only division that matters in sony!

Go back to /v/ you sad little child.

>> No.429802


You are clearly a fucking moron. Please don't post on /biz/.

>> No.429807
File: 9 KB, 470x300, Sony-Vaio-Logo-White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't they selling Vaio?

>> No.429810

Read up what I was replying. Dude was talking specifically about SCE divisions and I said they're not going anywhere.

Also if you take selling real state and firing surplus employees as a sign of bankrupcy, boy oh boy do not ever consider taking a job as market consultant. Go back to /v/ to cry about inane shit irrelevant in the business world.

>> No.429834

oh god shut the fuck up. You're some faggot from /v/ trying to act like you know what you're talking about, possibly a shithead fanboy who has no place on /biz/ in the first place. The fact you said "go to neogaf" proves that.

Fuck outta here.

>> No.429842


No they just cut the division and ran. Realy shameful.


SCE is part of Sony. If Sony goes down SCE (aka SONY Computer Entertainment) will go with them.


>Surplus employees


>B-b-buh guys selling your homebase of operations is a good thing!

We need to ban these /v/tards from coming to /biz/. Seriously, the idiocy of this one child is astounding.


You're some faggot from /v/ trying to act like you know what you're talking about. You're clearly an idiot fanboy who has no place on /biz/ in the first place you fucking moron. You haven't posted a single fact this entire discussion.

>> No.429845

Sony is currently in break up talks with major investors and Morgan Stanley.

Morgan Stanley is acting as the mediator for the dispute. We first heard the rumor about the current break up talks back in May.


Now it appears the break up talks are in full swing.


It's rumored that Amazon is going to buy Sony's entertainment division. This makes sense because they already offer PlayStation games on their storefront. They have also had a strong partnership with Sony for many years.

Fun Fact: Daniel Loeb of Third Point LLC was up until recently the biggest shareholder in Sony. His hedge fund was pushing for the Sony break up. When he saw Sony as a lost cause he wound up selling all of his shares except for a 1% holding as a FUCK YOU to current Sony leadership.

>> No.429847

>Sony is using tricky math to make the ps4 appear successful
It's not tricky at all. Firms often bundle product families together to make their financials cleaner. They've released sales to vendors multiple times since the launch of the PS4.

/v/ get the fuck out. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>> No.429848

2005-20011 = Seven years without a profit confirmed by Kaz Hirai himself.

>Management is feeling a serious sense of crisis about the seven years of losses," said Executive Deputy President Kaz Hirai.


2012 = 6.4 Billion Dollar Loss. The biggest in electronics history.


2013 = 1.1 Billion Dollar Loss


2005 to 2013 = NO PROFITS AT ALL

Anyone who thinks this company has a future is lying to themselves.

>> No.429850


Ironically it was the GAMING DIVISION that destroyed this once glorious company.

The rise of the gaming toy division directly correlates to the fall of the more lucrative TV and Portable Music markets once dominated by Sony.




>Seven straight years of losses.








>> No.429857


After posting losses in excess of 5 Billion in 2009, Sony posted the largest loss in electronics history in 2012.


This loss was posted in April 2012. In the following year they posted another 1.3 Billion dollar loss and were forced to sell their birthplace, kill their PC division and spin off their TV division.

Their most recent quarterly report, released yesterday, shows a meager profit over 200 Million USD. However it's not even close to recouping the billions lost by the company over the last decade. Nor will it alleviate their debt situation, which currently consumers 75% of the company value.

>> No.429864


Things are so bad at Sony that they have been firing people at a rate of 10,000 a year, for the past several years.

Firings began almost a decade ago as the company started to collapse.

http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2013/mar/18/Sony-Electronics-Trims-San-Diego-Work-Force/ (2013)

http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-57535890-92/sony-to-close-factory-cut-one-fifth-of-jobs-at-tokyo-hq/ (2012)

http://massively.joystiq.com/2011/03/31/sony-online-entertainment-confirms-layoffs-studio-closings/ (2011)

positions-closed/ (2010)

http://dragonchasers.com/2009/07/18/a-strange-slant-on-the-sony-layoffs/ (2009)

http://money.cnn.com/2008/12/09/news/economy/job_cuts/index.htm (2008)

http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2008-12-09/sony-layoffs-fail-to-sway-criticsbusinessweek-business-news-stock-market-and-financial-advice (2008)

http://www.prefixmag.com/news/sony-job-cuts/16375/ (2007)

http://news.cnet.com/Sony-plans-broad-reorg,-10,000-job-cuts/2100-1041_3-5876454.html (2005)

http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2003-10-21/business/0310210211_1_sony-corp-consumer-electronics-cut (2003)

11 consecutive years of firings.

>> No.429870


Ironcially the PS3 failed so badly that a book was published called "Why the PS3 failed."


It's available online if you can read Japanese.

The device cost Sony over 8 BILLION in losses.



For you little console warriors in the audience, this is more than double the loss incurred by the xbox division at Microsoft.

Sony as a whole is only valued at 18 Billion.

>> No.429873


Sony is in such dire straits they are selling their own real estate around the globe. This includes their holy land building, their iconic NYC headquarters and their birthplace.





>> No.429876


Sony is so desperate to pay off their debts they are selling assets back to credit holders in Japan.


Ironically the chemical business was at one time, very profitable for the company.

>> No.429880
File: 289 KB, 571x800, 09873891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now if you want to know who DESTROYED Sony look no further than KAZ HIRAI.

This ignorant shit head rose up through the ranks of the gaming division at a time when Sony was starting to lose it's grip on the more lucrative and prestigious TV, Portable Music and Camera market. Sony was a pioneer in all of these fields. They were a revolutionary company that dominated all of these markets with some of the best products in electronics history.

But one ego driven little shit wanted to put all his focus on making KIDDY TOYS to appeal to SHIT HEADS like this same fag moron.


Kaz Hirai wanted to appeal to moronic human garbage like this. He chose to favor making KIDDY TOYS over great, high quality electronics.

The rise of the gaming division, which has now lost billions it will never recoup, directly correlates to the fall of the TV, Camera and Portable Music Market.

At this point I should admit that I am an old school Sony fan. I have owned dozens of Sony products in my life. Cameras, TVs, Walkman, Disc Man, etc, etc, etc

Sony was a leader, a visionary company, even the infamous Steve Jobs admired Sony and their products. Ironically he lost that admiration when Kaz Hirai started to rise to power.

Kaz Hirai DESTROYED Sony because he wanted to make KIDDY TOYS that appeal to morons.

Think about it. The rise and fall of a might empire was all caused by one idiot.

>> No.429883


Sensing imminent disaster Sony's American CEO, Jack Tretton recently jumped ship.


In his departure he said he had "mixed feelings" about leaving the company.


Now why would he have "mixed feelings?"

Well it's because he knows the company has no future. He was happy to leave. He's now employed by a major technology firm.


>> No.429889
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And folks, what I have shown you here is only the tip of the ice berg. I'll be back later to expose more asset sales, more closures, more chaos in this crumbling company.

Until then. Kiddy toy console fanboys BTFO.

>> No.429893


Mind blowing! Really great read. Thank you.

>> No.429901

You're welcome. Anything to encourage fact based discussion and research here on /biz/.

>> No.429908

Will this be Microsoft in 15 years? I feel like they're heading down a very, very similar path...

>> No.429916


They need a product that is going to keep them relevant in the market. What do they have? Windows? Windows Phones? Their only hope is to break new ground in markets traditionally hostile to Japanese products, like China.

I feel the entire Surface product line is a failure. It's also an inferior product.

If they can keep their OS business going, and expand their brand into hostile territory, they will survive. Otherwise the next decade will see them struggling to remain relevant.

Honestly, I feel Google and Apple are the companies of the future when it comes to portable electronics, mobile devices, OS, and even the dreaded kiddy gaming market.

Amazon is also a wild card in that last market. But their first foray into that market is an utter failure. (I could go on endlessly about how much I hate Amazon Fire TV, mainly because I owned one for about a week.)

>> No.429918


>traditionally hostile to Japanese and Korean products

Sorry, forgot that last part. Typing too fast. Gotta get to work.

>> No.429935
File: 39 KB, 530x365, 1405649729572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just to explain why I was so harsh on that faggot and told him to fuck off to /v/

He's on /biz/ trying to sound like he's this super intelligent genius at economics. He goes on /tv/ and tries to act like he's this masterful critic and ace in the movie industry. He goes on /v/ and shows his real colors and he goes on /co/ and does the same thing on /tv/.

Unfortunately I go to all of these boards frequently so I know how fucking psychotic he is.

>> No.429936

15 years? more like 5 to 10

windows has been stagnating and is now declining due to the abortion that is windows 8. mobile market is growing and will soon dominate the industry(bye bye desktop PC's), but they still can't get a foothold

>> No.429942

Sony neglected its homeland for a decade already, karma is a bitch i guess. Still, i hope Japanese electronics companies will keep going strong, i hate all these gooks and Apple craps.

>> No.429955


This obviously isn't the same person you mentally defective retard.

what us that shit? Some crap you wrote? Why would you save something like that if you weren't some shit eating fanboy moron.

Go fuck yourself right back to /v/ where you belong you sad little cunt.

>> No.429957


Ever go to Japan? The love Apple shit. They all have iPhones.

>> No.429968


On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does you ass hurt?

>> No.429988
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Show us on the doll where the big bad Anon touched you.

>> No.429991

Just let this clusterfuck of a thread die already.

This level of emotional engagement against a faceless corporation that doesn't even know you exist is unhealthy. Seek mental help.

>> No.430053
File: 81 KB, 916x643, Sony A7r Leica Lenses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could afford an A7r..

>> No.430054

>Ever go to Japan? The love Apple shit. They all have iPhones.
Not really. I saw more enormous flip phones than iPhones when I was in Tokyo this year.

>> No.430112

Can someone give me a TL;DR of why Sony is doing so terribly? Didn't they used to be pretty good? When did shit start to hit the fan for them? Surely this has been developing for years?

>> No.430159

it all started from the getgo, my friend...

>> No.430176


Why do the Asians love Apple products so much? I don't get it?

>> No.430188



>> No.430214
File: 261 KB, 960x654, mircosoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Microsoft have accepted their kingdom of consumer desktop market is dead, and is shifting focus to Cloud and Mobile shit. Nadella mission is basically make sure that Microsoft isn't dependent on a dying market. Also remember Microsoft guarded their enterprise fortess so that they could have surivived this long.

Sony being in this mess is more due to the lack of control over a large company, and not shifting the company's focus to adapt to what it does best when their getting ass kick.

Most companies would spent years and years trying to fix their pet projects that hasn't made profit in years like Sony did. Just look at IBM dropping whatever the fucking is holding them back like a rock.


>> No.430217


They look nice, are user-friendly, and a status symbol

>> No.430219


>He thinks a meager quarterly profit will save a company that's lost billions!


And all they had to do was sell everything and fire everyone!!!

>The firm said its operating profit during the period was also boosted in part by a gain of 14.8bn yen on the sale of certain buildings and premises.



Here's the best part.

>Sony, which has been restructuring its business after years of losses, still expects a net loss of 50bn yen for the financial year through March 2015.


Thanks for playing! You can go back to /v/ now where you belong little child.

>> No.430222

Why does everyone who can afford one love Apple products so much?

It's not exclusive to asians..

It's not like the iPhone is the single most popular phone in the world..

>> No.430227

>Kaz Hirai DESTROYED Sony because he wanted to make KIDDY TOYS that appeal to morons.

Care to tell what are these KIDDY TOYS you speak of?

>> No.430238


>The firm said its operating profit during the period was also boosted in part by a gain of 14.8bn yen on the sale of certain buildings and premises.

Well we all saw that coming but it is still quite unfortunate.

Hirai seems to be willing to sacrifice parts of his own company just to pay the bills. It's just a stop gap measure, like starting a forest fire to stop another forest fire. What will he do when there are no more assets to sell?

He is truly a reprehensible CEO. The sooner than wise investors realize that he is responsible for destroying the company the better.

>> No.430242
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>> No.430251


What are the chances that Kaz Hirai will be fired?

>> No.430276


He's probably going to commit seppuku

>> No.430284

>The only company making any real profits from the current PC gaming boom is Valve.

>> No.430285

You mean bukkake.

>> No.430289

can you just leave

>> No.430314
File: 9 KB, 211x239, sony morita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't really only Kaz who destroyed Sony. It was Nobuyuki Idei who is a fucking traitor who now currently works for Lenovo who started this huge mess.


Howard Stringer is also partly to be blamed of Sony's death only because he is a complete fucking moron who couldn't read the market's interest.

Kaz was also stupid to charge consumers at a premium price while he doesn't have the ads to back it up unlike Samsung who produces sub-standard garbage but can still get away with it by charging people at a premium price since their ads helps a lot.

The Entertainment division can also be blamed to this because back in the late 90s Sony already had the technology to make a Walkman with an mp3 format but guess what the dumbfucks on the entertainment division did? They tried to not release an mp3 version of Walkman since they thought it would hurt the CD sales hence why Apple beat them in that game. Smartphone is also a technology that Sony created a long time ago but only for Apple to steal the concept. Even Samsung argues on that and I don't even like them.

Also another one of the biggest problem is the strong yen that started way back in 2007 that literally killed all other major Japanese consumer electronics because they couldn't compete with the Chinks and Gooks on price range.

If the Moritas are still in charge of Sony today I could tell you none of these disasters would have happened. This is exactly what happens when the innovator, Akio Morita lost his company to a bunch of greedy pigs like Howard Stringer who only focus on money making business strategy instead of being innovative.

This is how amazing Sony was during Akio Morita's era.


>> No.430316

Apple and Samsung is also heading in the same direction since the Chinks are slowly eating up their shares.

>> No.430328

The funny thing is 2 years ago Sharp and Panasonic who went nearly bankrupt are losing profit on consumer electronics so they shifted into making semi-conductors and renewable energy sources and it looks like both of those companies are back to making profit while their rival Sony is still bleeding in red because of incompetent fools like Kazuo Hirai.



If you think about it Sony could have been back to profit if they got rid of the electronic division as a whole minus the gaming division even their music divison can make nearly $5 billion dollars.

Take a look at what Sharp and Panasonic did and look at where they are now.

If the Japanese are smart like they used to be they could use their advantange of their robotics industry that no any other country could rival and make it commercialized in the 2020s.

>> No.431076

Neogaf had really interesting analysis on Sony.
>Forecast is still for a 50bn yen net loss though which either means they are playing it very safe or they are going to backload a bunch of restructuring costs like they have done for the last couple of years. It's probably the latter.

>Even then it's a solid quarter, taking out the 19.6bn yen from the sale of property and their stake in Square Enix, it leaves an operating profit of almost $500m, which is actually a good result for them.

>The TV division made money, but the annual sales forecast has decreased. Mobiles didn't make money but they say it is because of increased marketing expenditure, one would hope that it is not an unsustainable spend and it leads to a higher level of sales, it seems unlikely though given that the forecast has gone down from 50m to 43m...

>Pictures actually made money without having to sell something off. Disappointing otherwise given they had a tentpole released during the quarter. $700m revenue for ASM2 isn't enough to justify a $350m production and marketing budget, the results show that no money was made for the BO release of ASM2, $70m profit for the quarter makes it very clear. Hopefully their rethink leads to them putting quality first for the series and they get in a new writing and production team. Avi Arad could turn Fort Knox into a pile of shit.

>Digital imaging made a decent amount of money, it looks like Sony have overcome their addiction to cheap digital compacts and have successfully shifted the business into higher margin CSCs, premium compacts (RX) and professional and broadcast cameras.

>Semi-conductors keeps on trucking, with an all new CapEx round announced. The curved sensors are really going to shake up the industry, let's see who gets them first after SDI.

>> No.431099

>Finally Game. The highlight of this little roundup. Made money early on in the PS4's lifecycle, helped, no doubt, by weak yen, but still it's a great performance. The OI figures include the network services division which is pretty much all losses so the game division alone probably made even more money. They even mention that the OI forecast has increased by 5bn yen because of a decrease in PS4 hardware cost.

>Group wise, the gross margin was static at 36%, this is still poor and their cost base is still way too high. Competing companies have gross margins closer to 60% so Sony need to put some serious work into reducing the build cost of their products while maintaining the quality, the still need to take a serious look at how Apple do business and copy it. Production-lite. Abe must deliver employment reform if Japan is going to move into this century, their companies can't be hamstrung by legacy costs and not being able to move people on. AIUI Sony currently has around 8,000 people basically turning up for work and then doing nothing all day because Japanese employment law allows employees to choose whether or not they can be fired. That alone is a minimum 50bn yen operating cost per year for zero gain in the "all other" division.

>They also paid off $2.3bn worth of debt this quarter and drained $3.6bn in cash. I think the poor credit ratings are starting to bite. Reducing their indebtedness is going to be a key part of Sony's business over the next couple of years. Most of the losses this year are paper losses so the business will still be generating cash and I think the board will have set aside a significant proportion to pay down debt. If Abe's economic plan works interest rates in Japan are going to rise from record lows which means corporate Japan is going to have to deleverage quite fast. This could be the start of Sony's deleveraging efforts.

>> No.431204

other divisions are total shit

>scamsung eating sony at TV
>sony movies are dogshit
>phones are dogshit
>camera's are overpriced
>laptops are overpriced dogshit

>> No.431352


NeoGAF is a website for children and a marketing forum. It should not be taken seriously or even mentioned in serious discussion.

Back on topic, basically Kaz Hirai has gutted the company and traded the highly prestigious and far more lucrative TV, Video, Camera and portable music markets for the kiddy toy console market.

This is possibly the most idiotic, short sighted thinking in electronics business history. Everyone knows the console market is on its last legs. This will definitely be the last console generation. 5 years from now he will have nothing.

Everyone who truly lives this company is starting to understand that Kaz Hirai is the enemy within.

>> No.431361

>Someone's going to be taking a very hard look at the mobile sector since the Xperia Z2 was supposed to be the savior as "It wasn't the Galaxy S5", was the critical darling at the mobile world congress then utterly flopped on the market because the HTC One M8 rolled in, punched it in the face and took it's marketshare.

People are anticipating Xperia Z2 more than One M8 the problem is Xperia Z2 got sabotaged by some 3rd party manufacturer of components and I wouldn't be surprised if it's Samsung behind it since they make parts of a Sony phone which made the Xperia Z2 delayed for several months and lost it's momentum. On the top of that US carriers seems to be constantly cockblocking Sony from releasing phones over there for unknown reason. Sony tried to beg carriers to sell their phones in the US but it looks like they are forced to sell it at full price which obviously no sane person would buy.

>> No.431542


overpriced consoles with shitty hardware that they sell at a loss for years and years and never recoup any revenue.

>> No.431666

They should've seen it coming.

>> No.431768


So, i was thinking about buying a PS4 now but I guess that that would be a horrible idea?

>> No.431779

There's a 50-50 chance. Compared to their other departments, the Playstation brand has done fairly OK. I'm betting that someone will want to take control of it.

It's a better choice than the other two at the moment.

>> No.431811

The Playstation 4 is outselling the Xbox One with a 3:1 margin. It's safe to say that there will be continued support by third parties, and even that the support by third parties will increase in the future.

>> No.431896

The thing about the gaming industry is that only software publishers and retailers are making money

>> No.431901

However, Sony does have a possible advantage over Microsoft and Nintendo; "umbrella branding".
Basically, having favorable experiencing with your Sony Playstation might consider consumers to buy and use other Sony products. There might be some retention in this form, but I guess that is negligible.

>> No.431917

They aren't going bankrupt any time soon, but they are definitely doing some creative accounting. No recognition of gain or loss on the bulk sale of the 3 buildings, only revenue. And they somehow marked the sale of the HQ as immaterial and posted no net gain or loss on it as well.

>> No.431928


>> No.431992

>massive loses year on year
>beginning to package off parts of the company

Yeah it's heading for bankruptcy.

>> No.432006


Well, by the things people here are saying, it feels like Sony will go bankrupt in 1 year or so. Buying PS4 seems indeed like a bad idea if that's the case.

I just want to buy it to play the new Diablo 3 though. Maybe Battlefield.

>> No.432080

The PlayStation brand will be alive and most likely in better hands.

But for the immediate future, it is a risky console.

If and when Sony goes bankrupt , it might sell PlayStation. If this is the case, the console will likely see underdevelopment for under 2 years.

If Sony dosnt sell PS, then the console will likely go to shit because they will have a low operating budget after bankruptcy

>> No.432190

Revenue Increase US$75.410 billion (2014)
Operating income Increase US$0.257 billion (2014)
Net income Decrease US$1.246 billion (2014)
Total assets Increase US$148.871 billion (2014)
Total equity Increase US$27.021 billion (2014)


OP is a faggot

>> No.432191

>Sony going bankrupt
This is just sensationalism.
Sony is fine, there's nothing to worry about. They're just working on getting out of this slump their in. Everything will be fine.

>> No.432334

Yeah I bought one of those waterproof mp3 players and the battery died in 3 months.

>> No.432361

I'm using Sony Experia S and I'm quite happy with it, I like the design and good hardware for the price.

The software could use a little work though.

>> No.432381
File: 68 KB, 560x373, fascismintensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a Japanese Bailout.

But with everything they were pushing to consumers it seemed to me like they were on track for solvency. They had a big line up of things coming to consumers. Here I was waiting for an MGS5 limited edition bundle before I bought my PS4. Are they going to sell the PlayStation Brand?

>> No.432414

entirely untrue, pc hardware manufacturers are making plenty of money, only console hardware sells itself at such a huge loss.

>> No.432416

>total asset increase 148bil usd
No this has to be fake, theyve done not but sell property, and arnt even worth that much usd as a company.

>> No.432459

It looks like the numbers are pinched. Just what do they consider 'assets'?

>> No.432480

>Everyone knows the console market is on its last legs.
That explains why the PS4 has sold so poorly.

>> No.432496

The cut from japan index is only based on a analyst assuming Sony will post a loss again. It doesn't even take place until January 2015. This article was made before the newest information where Sony posted a "surprise gain".


Go back to /v/ and stay there, faggot.

>> No.432505

Million thank yous, friend. At the least this can reduce consumer confidence to get in cheap and invest in Sony.