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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4281354 No.4281354 [Reply] [Original]

No sir

>> No.4281366

the only thing suspicious is your post.

>> No.4281376

Is that because you just bought an $800 altcoin at ATH?

>> No.4281421

At least they aren't (((them))).

>> No.4281426


>> No.4281431

Jihan Wu centralized premined shitcoin


>> No.4281443

>hating money this much

>> No.4281447
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muh real btc

>> No.4281450

I want to believe in core but this looks bad.

>> No.4281465

Look at this:
56% of the bcash mining is done by one unknown entity.
This shit is centralized as fuck.
Thus, it can't be the real bitcoin

>> No.4281469

>$800 is ATH.
>Not $1400 months ago.

>> No.4281475

WHat doe s this mean?
Im losing so much money here!

>> No.4281480
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btc holders getting cold feet

>> No.4281485

It means people are delusional.
When I ask them for 1 good reason for BCH to become the real bitcion, suddenly the thread stops and they create a new one

>> No.4281487

10 second long price spikes when it got released on Bittrex don't count nigger lmao

Wicks NEVER count.

>> No.4281498

Rule 1 don’t do what majority of biz do ie ignoring the potential threat of bch

>> No.4281506

btc transactions are to expensive and take to long
bch fixed it. stay a core slave or make the switch

>> No.4281507

blockchain is kill

>> No.4281928

They are either expensive, or they take too long.
BCH transactions take the same amount of time (10 minute blocks)

>bch fixed it
No, they didn't.
They "patched" it. Bitcoin and BCH have the same scalability problem. BCH can do 20 tx per second, and bitcoin can do 4?
sure, problem solved?
We require 1000s of transactions per second. And you're not getting that by including every coffee transaction IN THE WORLD in the blockchain. You need to aggregate them somehow, because we can't have 500 MB blocks every 10 minutes and just call it "problem fixed"

>> No.4281936

Btc btfo

>> No.4282001


Lol you shill fuckers ARE biz, you're in here shilling every day just like the cocksuckers on reddit, muh satoshi's vision, muh FOMO, muh core FUD, muh muh muh

So you're right: i won't do what /biz/ is doing, which is pretending that BCH actually has a future.

This is actually history repeating itself, but everyone pretending like they are experts in crypto only actually came in post 2017. You kids don't know a fucking thing. You don't even know the players in this game yet expect people to take your "opinions" about anything - anything at all, seriously.

This sort of nonsense is precisely why the WoT exists. And why anybody sensible will not listen to anyone outside of the WoT.

>> No.4282158

Bought 1BCH before the pump just in case

>> No.4282220


>> No.4282280


>> No.4282288
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>> No.4282303
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programmer here. this guy gets it

>> No.4282306

Actually kekd

>> No.4282355

This guy doesn´t get it. BCH does not have a fixed block size. 8MB is the base block size but can be changed if needed -> As many transactions per second as you need

>> No.4282390


"If needed" sounds so centralized. We are able to change the size of core aswell. Whats the difference?

Right, the chinkz can do it if they want

>> No.4282408

hit the books and try again kiddo :^)

>> No.4282413

****Can be changed without a hardfork.

>> No.4282437

>It's dynamic! So it's not a problem!
To process every coffee shop transaction in the world it would REQUIRE 500MB blocks, be them dynamic or not.
Scaling by block increase is just plain dumb, thinking it's viable is just a mark of someone who can't tell the difference between O(n) and O(log n)
>which one is which is left as an exercise to the reader

>> No.4282498

Still better than 4txs per second

>> No.4282505

Same here brother i made 400 NZD feels pretty good

>> No.4282519



Nazi Dollar?

>> No.4282529


Why not just buying Ripple? Obv. you love a centralized commie shitcoin.

With Ripple you have at least jews behind it

>> No.4282603

Another developer here (also have a PhD in computer science), this guy gets it indeed.

This guy doesn't get it and didn't even understand the argument.

>> No.4282634

I have a PhD in CS and Finance. I have to be right

>> No.4282665

That's literally "2x VISA average" or "24/7 VISA daily peak" level. By the time Bitcoin gets that big, African poorfags will see 8TB of storage the same way that we see 80GB of storage now.

>> No.4282706

Then take your time next time actually understanding the content of the post you are quoting, you intelligence monster :)

>> No.4283040

lel Corecucks getting nervous

it's great being a pre-1 August buyer and holding both.

>> No.4283074

>BCH transactions take the same amount of time (10 minute blocks)
Wrong. BCH doesn't have Core's Replace-By-Fee, so transactions can be considered valid after only a few seconds, if you are willing to have a tiny amount of risk. Good enough for small purchases.

>You need to aggregate them somehow, because we can't have 500 MB blocks every 10 minutes and just call it "problem fixed"
But you can, retard. You can literally throw hardware at the problem and it will work. Bitcoin Unlimited devs already tested 1 GB blocks. Check out the recent scaling bitcoin conference for some software optimisations too.

>> No.4283108

Fuck this cunt

>> No.4283122

I have 0.2 bch from fork

Feels good man

>> No.4283134

>Wrong. BCH doesn't have Core's Replace-By-Fee, so transactions can be considered valid after only a few seconds,
I didn't know that, that's interesting. Thanks.
But they could still be fake, and it wouldn't be too hard to fake it?

>Bitcoin Unlimited devs already tested 1 GB blocks.
So then only banks and miners can have the full blockchain? thank you but no

>> No.4283140

Eh why is BCH forked again? The 8mb block size is it? And the drama of centralization. Should buy more? Or should we believe more to btc?

>> No.4283162
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Will you get out while you still can or will you wait until you lose another 20%

>> No.4283175

Perfect time to dump BCH, hasn't been this high in a long time.

>> No.4283178


People thinking hardware is a problem are really retarded.
Miners already accumulate huge amount of CPU in farms, you think they can't accumulate memory?

>> No.4283405

there's nothing wrong with china
fuck the USA

>> No.4283475

Hahaha nah bro new zealand dollars

I wish we were trading with reichmarks

>> No.4283514

We have a 1MB chain, by the time we need even 20 MB storing will cost close to nothing.

These issues are addressed by Satoshi in his emails.