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4279393 No.4279393 [Reply] [Original]

Ok enough about segwit2x and your shitcoins. this affects all of us.
In the US where our tax code is super fucking unaccustomed to assets like BTC. (you can thank the drews) how do we survive and not get audited and fucked by those scoundrels? what exchanges will report you. how do i avoid jail time and report the taxes correctly. or do i move to thailand?

>> No.4279453
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Why don't you just pay your taxes?

Just a thought

>> No.4279480

Do you know how to read?

>> No.4279481

the way it is setup right now. even if i tried to report correctly. they would still jew you. its the biggest hurdle BTC and this whole community will deal with.
There is almost no way to legally execute this.

>> No.4279486

Luckily I used btc-e so the gov already has my tax info.

>> No.4279493
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>This affects us all

Not us Britbongs. Only 3rd worlders and Ameriburgers

>> No.4279500
File: 148 KB, 1302x528, Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 11.39.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well thats good for the little guy. i found this. the irs is not interested in the little shrimp. but remember friends. bitcoin ATM's are your friend.

>> No.4279519
File: 53 KB, 700x525, ehkns13r69tx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be retarded if you believe that.

All you have to do is report your gainz as income and pay your taxes.

>> No.4279539

>he keeps "his" fortune on KYC/AML (((exchanges))) where he doesn't even control the private keys

Lmao. Get fucked.

>> No.4279553

if you actually read into how this works. you have to report ALL OF YOUR TRADES. if you buy BTC and trade it for any other asset then the gain is realized then and there. its a complicated matter.

>> No.4279560

Everyone is so combative and insecure. we are not even talking about competing coins you fags. why the hostility?

>> No.4279576
File: 25 KB, 525x704, 1506298156993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh your tiny little brain can't work out how to report your trades?

Okie then

>> No.4279589
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>> No.4279616

Not even close to how shitcoin trading is counted by the IRS, they're only really interested in when those gains are converted into fiat currencies, or when the Bitcoins are used to buy stuff. Only other time to worry is if the coin you're trading for is used to buy things of tangible worth in your country.

>> No.4279626

do you even know what index the IRS uses as a means of determining the market value of a crypto. no you dont. this shit isnt like gold. highly volatile. lot of room for misreporting. eeer i actually had a loss!!

>> No.4279636

they don't need to use an index you dip

You really are fucking retarded

>> No.4279650
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Woops forgot the funny pic

>> No.4279659

when you make a trade of btc (realizing the gain) then it does matter to the IRS for whatever extrapolated number they give you as a bill.

>> No.4279673
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>> No.4279674
File: 47 KB, 692x555, 1505800052104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but they don't need to use an index, they just need you to tell them how many USD you got when you sols you idiot

>> No.4279698

Ya need to move bro

>> No.4279699
File: 120 KB, 622x731, 21942287_10154661068642827_1768204856_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'dear IRS

I purchased 2 tardcoins for $100 and sold them again for $200 worth of anal lube so my taxable income is impossible to determine cause i'm a retarded mouthbreather pls halp'