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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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427502 No.427502 [Reply] [Original]

At what age does it become pathetic that you're still not making a 6 figure salary?

>> No.427507

If you're not making $300k starting fresh out of college, you're not gonna make it.

>> No.427508

> 80% of Americans are pathetic
Actually, I guess I'm okay with that. But not because of the money thing.

>> No.427512

I'd say 30, 32 tops.

>> No.427530

Hard to tell, it becomes less pathetic depending on your circumstances. I think a better question would be, "At what age does it become pathetic that you're still not making more than your parent with the higher income"

And any major illnesses, incarcerations, handicaps, etc will completely end your chances.

>> No.427534


>> No.427544

thats an even more complicated and circumstantial metric though!

>> No.427568

What's the point in trying to pull down a 6 figure salary when you can invest/trade and not have to deal with corporate politics?

>> No.427597

I say by age 26 if your not making at least $100,000 a year your a failure and should kill yourself.

>> No.427604



Why haven't you killed yourself yet, failure?

>> No.427607

Why is 4chan divided into two strict categories of kissless virgin neckbeard NEETs and successful executives making 150k a year with 300k more in investment portfolios?

>> No.427610

Do you really think /fit/ is full of 6' 6'' muscular guys too?

>> No.427622

I guess you didn't catch my sarcasm.

>> No.427625

I'm definitely not a mod.

>> No.427628


He is biz. Whatever he says is law.

>> No.427636

He is our savior..

>> No.427657

>At what age does it become pathetic that you're still not making more than your parent with the higher income?

>family owns a company
>guilt trips me into getting a finance degree so I can join the business
>graduate and suddenly there's no room for me
>dad makes six figures and he never went to college
>I'm unemployed for 2 months after college and they won't even throw me a minimum wage job

>> No.427659

$100,000 isn't that much. If you think making that is good you are a failure

>> No.427691

>>doing what your parents want you to do in your godless life

>> No.427699
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How about $100k at a job you hate vs $80k at a job you love? You can still support a family and retire decently early with either one. Except, with one you're happy with where you spend so many of your waking hours.

>> No.427709

fuck im in this situation right now (with lower numbers) and I don't know what to do

>> No.427718

Except my dream job actually has an average salary of $100k.

People in this thread are talking about $200-300k salary jobs, what would those be?

>> No.427739

Jobs which make 200-300K for them that is the end not the means

>> No.427771


In real life, 38. That's with high standards.

>> No.427780
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A fulfilling job is more important.
Being a wage slave, not being able to resign on the spot if you feel underappreciated or exploited, THAT'S pathetic.

>> No.427830

You're not really a wage slave when you make 6 figures.

>> No.427840
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What else do you advise master?

>> No.427857
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I started making 105k at 25, 27 now. Actually will be 106 this year, 1% col increase.

>>427830 is kinda right, I don't worry about bills or loans or having enough to buy groceries. I still have to clock in, as it were, to keep this gravy train rolling.

>>427659 is also kind of right. 105k sounds good in /b/ job threads, but afyer taxes, 401k, medical, I clear 70k

More important than earning that mystical 100k is learning how to (not) spend it. I started out of school around $65k,and got steady raises for three years until the big bump to where I am now. I never really had a lot of financial know how and spent a lot of money in those years on all this shit that doesn't matter today. Stupid. It's just now, in my second year of making this salaey, that I'm wrapping my head around finance and banking/investing as much as I can.I hope it's not too late, which is a terribly hilarious thought.

>>427597 The gospel of BIZ: "None of us are gonna make it, bro"

>> No.427863

False. There are plenty of high earners who are absolutely wage slaves.

>Look at me, I make 300k/year!
And pay for brand new Escalades yearly, a wife's drug problems, children's private school(because you wouldn't want them to go to the public school right?), a house in an expensive HOA/community, and golf membership or other bullshit.

There are absolutely high earning wage slaves. I earn 80k/year, and save ~50% of it. Not being a wage slave is a matter of buying your financial freedom through low-cost living and high savings rate. The ability to tell your employer to fuck off doesn't come from being highly paid, it comes from being able to survive -not- being paid.

>> No.427866

You aren't a wage slave if you enjoy your job
Higher income jobs tend to be occupied by people who have genuine interest in their work in comparison to low wage slavery (retail, restaurant, shitty IT versus Engineering, Law, Medicine etc)

>> No.427867

I've never known a job or employer I've felt absolutely any loyalty to, and don't trust any of them as far as I can throw them.

If you or anyone else has found that greener pasture, that place where you're happy to be employed, well paid for it, and enjoy the benefits, good on you.

I've never felt that feeling, and don't know if I ever will. I have always gone away from work, knowing exactly how many hours of freedom I had until I had to be back.

That's my slavery.

>> No.427869

Sounds like you don't have interest in your field
From what you describe you are indeed a wage slave. Change to a field you know you might enjoy because it will get harder and harder to transition for every year that passes
Even if the wages are lower, it's very worth it. Be aggressive if you are still young, otherwise you're making it much worse for yourself

>> No.427871

>Otherwise you're making it much worse for yourself.

I disagree. I believe there's a tipping point. I, as I said in >>427863(company firewall with rotating IP's), earn and save quite a bit. For me, I need college to make a significant pay bump, and I'm working on it, but by increasing the size of my stash while I'm super young(26), I'm fairly certain I'll reap the rewards later*.

-my investments perform in historically normal bounds(~6-7% average yearly return)
-The 4% rule continues to be a decent rule of thumb
-I don't find a job that leaves me fulfilled, ever.
-I only earn about as much as I make now post-college, and it doesn't ramp up to some ridiculous amount too quickly(or at all, because capitalism isn't all it's cracked up to be, see the software developer scandal impacting upper-middle class wages from FB, GOOG, INTC, and APPL and everyone else).

I feel that given those criteria, I am on a decent course in life. Hopefully it goes better then my realistic/pessimistic viewpoint, but on the off chance that it doesn't, but doesn't tend towards the opposite extreme of Armageddon, I should be well placed in the future.

>> No.427909

>retiring early on 80k
do you even america?

>> No.427912

Do you even Frugality?

>> No.427942

You obviously do neither if you think 80k is possible to retire early. Maybe if you were single your entire life it'd be possible.

>> No.427984


>turning 29 next month
>making 65k
>not gonna make it

>> No.427997

>TFW knowing 59K GBP is out of reach unless I move to the USA.

>> No.428001

>be 24 years old
>am now making 36k a year, which after taxes is about 25k or so
>live with parents, never had a gf

I-it's not like I wanted to make it anyway.

>> No.428025

They wouldn't pay for my college otherwise. Should have told them to fuck themselves.

>> No.428028

Why would you ever want your child to go to public school? It's a shithole compared to private school.

>> No.428040

whats your job ?

>> No.428054


>> No.428114
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>Engineering, Law, Medicine

>> No.428124

made $100k at 29, made $200k at 36 (although I sold a stock options that pushed me over into the 200k area). I am forever alone, but will retire early.

>> No.428137
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>> No.428138

and aside from your meme text what are you implying anon?
does the money help me make up for the forever alone?

>> No.428141

>does the money help me make up for the forever alone?
Mostly no, although I do get some joy in helping out my family and the ability to be generous with my close friends.

>> No.428143


What was your career path?

>> No.428144


If everything goes right and I don't fuck up uni, I should also be able to make 100k at around 29 or 30. But I am afraid of this forever alone thing. I hear success makes you lonely. But then again, Barney (yeah I do watch this sorry) also has a cool life, right?

>> No.428146


do you realize there isn't one person out of five making 6 figures

>> No.428150

but you have money anon! kidding
but seriously, why the forever alone? I thought chicks were into rich guys
go to gym and get ripped anon, never too late. That time is much better spent in the gym than on 4chan. You can build an amazing home gym with a few grand

>> No.428156

College hire program, started at $45k. I impressed the right people, mostly thanks to using Excel and Access proficiently. Those tools are underrated in a professional environment. People are familiar with them, but it takes some time to master them. I suggest everyone try to do so.

Being busy with work helps with the loneliness, you get to just bury yourself in it.

Forever alone after getting cheated on 2 different times. I got real sick of it, and fell into a bit of a depression after my family have some health issues. Maybe one day I'll hit the gym again. Thanks, brah.

>> No.428163
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I'd say 40.

This is at least 15 years experience with a reasonably straight CV. Enough time to have a list of exploits in the form of advancing the corporate ladder or developing/producing products. At least a bunch of certificates.

Not everyone can be higher level manager or consultant. Not everyone works in virtual value businesses like it is common in the city.

However everyone, even a welder, should be in a certain position with 40 years, given that he is healthy and had enough ambition to advance as a person.

40 it is.

That said, those who make less aren't necessarily pathetic. They simply are not successful. No matter what personality or which philosophy of existence one follows: as long as you didn't abandon society to live bear-hunting in Alaska, 100k$ a year should be possible.

>tfw most of us will never leave the state of slavery

>> No.428170

>tfw the more money I make, the more money that gets pumped into ambition-less lazy degenerates
this is a fact I will never be at peace with

>> No.428172


Mhh, I am just 22 and probably know shit about life compared to you, but I also got cheated on like a motherfucker. I have found that simple sports won't help you on the mental side. Gym, basketball and stuff like this. Try finding something more.. "spiritual". Since I am doing Kendo life looks completely different. You might try something of this sort. Just a thought.

>> No.428175

>live in the UK
>at 6 figures a year income tax jumps up to 50%

why even bother

>> No.428176

Never. You don't have to work.

If you let the opinions of other people rule your life, you've already lost the game.

>> No.428183
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>he doesn't think about his Aryan children

The true problem of capitalism isn't greed, it's egoism. People nowadays lost connection to their roots, race and blood.

>> No.428185

16, if you live in Zimbabwe

>> No.428457

I use anger as motivation though anon. Otherwise i'd probably just leech autism bux and maybe flip burgers.

Don't you want to change the world or something, even in your dreams?

>> No.428467

I'm too lazy to be rich, so I'm probably going to just kill myself when I'm 40 if I'm not making $100,000.

>> No.429454

This guy gets it.

As for the 100k mark, if you really hustle and/or get lucky, you can hit that mark by 30 or earlier. But, that's not the norm.

But, here's the thing, even if you continue to push, there's no guarantee that you'll get much better by 40. For the "Sr." version of the same job you did at 30, you top out more quickly, with only small increases to adjust for inflation.

Even getting into management doesn't give you the growth you can see in your 20s to early 30s.

>> No.429470

Remember, he is single, not married :)

>> No.429503

>What are marginal income tax rates
The marginal rate of your higher dollars are 50%. Still worth getting, faggot.

>> No.429579


>> No.429585

90% of people will never make six figure

>> No.429603

> Be 24
> Be Five years Software Developer started at 19.
> Be Integration Architect now.
> Be on £75k
> Bonus 15% of salary
> Be gud

>> No.429608



>> No.429668

Yes it's not bad for a PAYE job with 15% bonus annual salary. Especially considering I put most of that in to Stock ISA and other forms of investment.

>> No.429754

I think I'd take the 100k and reinvest that 13k/yr into high-risk/high-yield shit or build my own business.

>> No.429761

>tfw 29 year old poorfag
>$30k a year

>> No.429768

Now ruin it before you're 25 by getting married, a mortgage, kids and a brand new car.

>> No.429779


6 figs is relative.

You can make 6 figs in like Cali and that's the equivalent of making 50-60k somewhere else. Focusing on the number is irrelevant.

>> No.429787

I don't want to change the world, I want to own it. I want to change the world, i want to be the world. I want everything. I want to be everything.

But I don't let the opinions of others rule what I do. I chose this route because I knew it was everything I wanted.

>> No.429792

>wanting children before age 35
>you've already lost anon

First you:
>get out of school
>work for 15 years
>become wealthy and financially stable
>hitch a 23-26 year old hottie from Argentina

>> No.429793


Shitposter on /biz/

>> No.429796


What would fall into the category "shitty IT",

>> No.429798

Lol you're me except I have student loans and have had a few gfs

I don't know what to do. It already feels too late to go and study a degree in something worthwhile, and all the high payin jobs are few and far between, will go to the young and highly educated in the new few years

I feel old and obsolete already

>> No.429806


That all depends on his age/ability to invest his funds, anon. Shouldn't be too hard if can muster to save his assets from corrections and get a good 13-15% per annum.

>> No.429809

where I live the private schools are shit and overhyped and there a two public schools - one is literally a death sentence, the other is the second best school in the state

>> No.429820

Same, except the death sentence. No school is a death sentence unless you are getting your PHD in Physics Engineering or Mathematics from Stanford. In that case your life is literally Study, sleep, study, sleep, study, sleep for well over a year.

If someone says there undergrad schooling is a "death sentence" some where they are messing up and wasting a lot of time.

>> No.430184

I meant that literally.
As in the gang violence.

>> No.430291
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23 year old here who surrounded himself with successful people over the years...

I would say if you are not making 100k by the time you are in your mid 30's then you need to shift gears and do something different.

All the people I know over 35 who are with a few million didn't make their money until their early to mid 30's doing something completely different from what they went to school for, career choices etc.... Some were even dirt poor living with their parents in their late 20's who snapped and did something they would never even think of pursuing in their 20's and became successful.

The super fuck you I have a girlfriend your age because my money etc in their 40's who had more and more money being thrown into their bank accounts each month didn't get that money till their fucking late to early 40's in their businesses that took 5 years to get going to have that happen.

Don't be discouraged because you are X years old and earning X with X in investments. Shits depressing as fuck and will make your life shit until you have your "Snap" and go balls to the wall into something.

I have very little... living in a little apartment with very little to show but I'm making 7k a month profit with a product I ripped off from an MLM scheme that was popular in my area, learned the demographics of said product to market to and I'm getting my piece of the pie that is gluten free fitness shakes and I'M SCALING THIS BITCH UP FASTER THAN THESE FAT BITCHES CAN POUND THEM.

Key is auto shipping.

auto shipping is where your bitching stops and you wake up with a hard on knowing you just made put profit when you've added the cost of manufacturing into the shipping and handling :^)

>> No.430294

>mfw I live in cali and every other guy makes 120k

>> No.430298

100k is like 80k after taxes.

Stay wage slave.

>Not being an entrepreneur

>> No.430304

I fucking love Cali. Everyone is rich here.

No plebs allowed.

>> No.430306
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>All the people I know over 35 who are with a few million didn't make their money until their early to mid 30's doing something completely different from what they went to school for, career choices etc.... Some were even dirt poor living with their parents in their late 20's who snapped and did something they would never even think of pursuing in their 20's and became successful.

and what would that career change entail? were these like engineers who switched into like quants or something?

give me some direction. i'm willing to do whatever it takes. considering on working towards a cfa....(more cost efficient), potentially mba. what do you guys think?

well better than making less and still getting taxed

100k after taxes feels more like 70k imo

>not marrying your 2d waifu
max gains son

>> No.430599
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>Now ruin it before you're 25 by getting married

Getting married is one of the absolute best ways of getting rich. Not only do you have massive tax and IRA advantages, but you can combine two incomes to skyrocket your savings rate and share a large portion of your housing costs (i.e., your biggest expense).

I'll grant you that people do have a habit of saddling themselves with debt and obligations right out of college.

>> No.430602
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>tfw 26 and NEET
I do have a bachelors, but I never had a real job (a summer job, but that doesn't count).

>> No.430608

To be fair, drug dealing is a fairly lucrative business, until you're caught.

>> No.430635

>getting married [...] you can combine two incomes to skyrocket your savings rate and share a large portion of your housing costs

You must female. Getting married is usually the way women get rich. The dude just gets poorer.

Fact - dated a girl for 3 years, she graduated in liberal arts ... No steady job, supported her insane self business ideas, paid for all our vacations, most of our going out food....

>> No.430640

What was even the point of going to college then?

>> No.430648

Wasting time, I guess. You need experience to get work, and you need to work to get experience.

>> No.430663

you need networks to get work, you need to not be a loser to get networks

>> No.430686

What kind of nigger state do you live in?

>> No.430696

>being this much of a pleb
And that's what you get for listening to biz

>> No.430715
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>tfw 23 and the most I've ever made was 30k a year at some warehouse

>> No.430725

the eternal struggle.
and then I realized that's why I fail I didn't suck enough dick

>> No.430747

it doesn't matter how much money you make

>> No.430749

lol ya it does

>> No.430753


>> No.430755

That's what poor people just say

>> No.431482

A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do

>> No.431496
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lol no. a man is a success if he can provide a safe and comfortable lifestyle for his family

not by being a hedonistic bum

>> No.431522

Are you that guy from that rick thread the other night who wouldn't stop writing in all caps? You sound like a fucking foreigner.

>> No.431543


>> No.431563

>tfw live in Poland
>tfw make 10k USD a year and that's before taxes

>> No.431595

>live in a third world country
>only 3% of the country earns more than $100,000k per year.

Feels normal.

>> No.431598

>not providing a safe and comfortable lifestyle for your family by doing what you want to do

then you aren't successful

quit thinking your 200k after taxes is any good when you have to work 80+ hours every week to maintain it.

>> No.432259
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>getting married
It's like you want to be a poorfag. All of those tax benefits are thrown out the window when she divorces you and runs off with half your money. Marriage is only good for womyn.

>> No.432301

we all have to retire anon, we may even be the same age, but ill tell you right now, our lives will be polar opposites starting from day one of retirement. my retirement will also be almost 15 years before yours.

>> No.432316

doctors and heads of companies make that much thats pretty much it

>> No.432340

I'm 27 and earn about 120k, similar story to yours in salary increases (although I started at 42k at 25, got 72k at 26, now ~120k at 27. Although I am super frugal and have always been. I believe after taxes, FSA, 401k, etc I'll bring in around 60k though. You must not be in California...