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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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426993 No.426993 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been in business with Amway for a while & it's truly the best decision of my life things are going amazing. I was wondering if anybody on /biz/ heard of?

>> No.426995


>> No.426999


>> No.427011
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Fuck off this is my turf.

>> No.427018

Hey guise join my mlm, it's amazing, you'll become millinaires instantly

>> No.427031

how much of your former friends have stopped returning your calls, anon?

how often did you look at the rope, and then decided to persevere because "that's something all businesses go through"?

either leave or kill you are self.

>> No.427039

same, except herbalife

>> No.427043


>not Vector Marketing

Enjoy your pleb-tier MLM's

>> No.427046

if it was that good, there would be an amway store in every city where the public could freely go and purchase

>> No.427061

That's not how it work. You have the wrong idea of what this business is even about! Just like anything there has to be effort. It's not a skeme I don't know why people even assume it of they only did the right research

>> No.427065

Actually a lot of my friend are in with me, it's a business of pure logic & reasoning. Which clearly I bet most of you that are talking shit have not clearly informed yourselves and are going off what other peoples opinions lol

>> No.427066

And I would never kill myself, shit in 2-3 yrs going to be making 10 grand a month!

>> No.427068

Nice man. You should check out Amway tho bro. If you understand network marketing you'll understand this. Shit Harvard named Amway top company in its market!

>> No.427070

Ok since you said that sir I can tell you don't know what Amway is even about, here is a little info we cut middle men stores & ware house and connect directly to factory (by "commerce law") the factory keeps 30% of profit & that 70% that the store & warehouse would keep we distribute it between associated. That's why the bigger your network the more money you make, that's why it's a multilevel company the higher your level the more you make cause you put work into building your organization!

>> No.427072
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>And I would never kill myself, shit in 2-3 yrs going to be making 10 grand a month!
Best of luck to you anon.

>> No.427078
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>> No.427103

gr8 b8 m8.

also reinvest your savings into forex

>> No.427107
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>mfw I really thought this one was a complete troll
but I think he's actually serious guys

>> No.427112

>we cut middle men stores
i said an Amway store.

the general public has no way to casually buy anything from Amway, that's why it's complete bullshit.

>> No.427115
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>Dat pyramid

One new sucker is born every second

>> No.427124

Friend dragged me to this "presentation" brainwashing. All claping and cheering to plebs making 100€ per month, lel. Guy promised me I'd drive Bentleys by the time I'm 25 (was 19 then). Had my share of lulz, didn't mind.

Oh and that guy is still living in 20m2 big appartment, drives a 98' Megane, doesn't have a job and gets 200€ welfare.

So yeah, in 2-3 years you will make 10 grand per month OP.

>> No.427153
File: 24 KB, 311x311, willlywonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thread, guys

>> No.427705


Lol, judging by the brown ass name on your email and your weak command of English I would guess you're a hired astroturfer for Amway. You suck at your outsourced job and the pyramid scheme you are promoting is known to be a scam

>> No.427707


>top company in its market

Being the best pyramid scheme is like being the gold medalist in the special olympics

>> No.427816

I actually joined up with Amway for about a month. I knew it was a pyramid, still don't know why I joined, just being stupid I guess. But anyways, the dude who recruited me gave me enough "points" the first month to get a $50 bonus. Once I got that check I requested a full refund for my initial investment and got that back too. So all in all I made $50 to pretty much listen to bullshit and get some free product. Still wouldn't recommend as it's a waste of time

>> No.427872 [DELETED] 

I really hope MLM's aren't the low quality bait/daily dose threads of /biz/ now

>> No.427879

Amway is not a scam. Everybody who joins knows exactly what it is and nobody is scammed of anything.

>> No.427888

Fuck off MLM shill. Go fuck yourself with your unlimited downline of dragondildos. Maybe if you have enough volume points of faggotry, you can retire with your "retirement income" from having roped all your friends and family into a godamned pyramid scheme.

Everyone who's not a shill, don't argue with this faggot, call him a faggot and leave. Trying to tell a fuck like this off is like trying to wrestle a pig. You'll get dirty, and the pig will like it..

>> No.427901

lel so mad

>> No.427979
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>joining Shillway

I tried to, they explained the Pyramid system and I NEVER did the business.

Just false promise and no ACTUAL work being done. I hate when people lead me on and never let me work.

>> No.427990

Amway is a scam everyone knows that, but their products are actually good.

>> No.428009

Amway is shit. Their tier system and management skills are fucking silly. If you like sales, goto ACN.
Basically selling what everyone already and making money from it instead of it going straight to the company.

>> No.428284
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Nice try Mr.Shillington. You'll never take my shekels.

>> No.429381

Nothing but that Knife Life for me!

>> No.429580

ACN is also bullshit.

>> No.429597
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This is the only correct answer.

Pyramidfags GTFO of /biz/

>> No.429602
File: 9 KB, 220x275, 220px-Andrew_Carnegie_three-quarter_length_portrait_seated_facing_slightly_left_1913-crop-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MLMs are for morons. You want to get rich? Start YOUR OWN business...

Create a hedge fund, sell hot dogs on the side of the street, do ANYTHING but join a shitty MLM.

>> No.429605
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AND...just a bit more FYI...if you like networking/selling shit, sell it for a REPUTABLE company. Selling pharmaceuticals and/or biotech is really profitable right now.

>> No.429610
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And just to really hit it home, here is a picture of dummy I knew who worked for World Ventures, and when she wasn't doing that, she was doing some sort of real estate scam for some other MLM.

At the end of the day she bilked her friends and family out of close to 10 grand. Then she took a trip to Brazil 'for free', which basically cost 5 grand.


>> No.429612
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Whoops...wrong picture.

>> No.429622

>hates shills
>likes abe lincoln

Educate yourself pleb