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4269129 No.4269129 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please tell me why anyone would ever invest in an alt other than OMG?

I literally don't understand why anyone is even interested in other altcoins. Some minor coins have interesting applications but literally NO coin compares to OMG's tech, team, partnerships, and dividend potential.

I'm not kidding. I literally cannot comprehend how someone chooses another alt over OMG.

>> No.4269195

Please I am trying to understand how retarded this market is

>> No.4269396


>> No.4269436

Everybody already took profits from it and moved on

I personally bought at 77k and sold at 260k

>> No.4269443

Easy.. look at OMG's market cap. All of the above is reflected in that. Now look at basically every other altcoin - even the ones with good partnerships, backing and tech. Why put money in something that already blew up when there's things out there that haven't yet.

>> No.4269454
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>omg is too expensive i only invest in coins sub 1 dollar

>> No.4269499

I aready made 5x on omg and left them to bag holders.

The team was a pumping machine with their “partnership” announcements. This shit would be illegal is crypto was a regulated market.

>> No.4269925

But the profit haven't even started yet? Pos is not here yet so how can you profit yet?

>> No.4269995

yeah I don't understand it either.

next year is gonna be so good for omg

>> No.4270012
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he lost trust, that's why.

>> No.4270063

dude. plasma isn't out for another YEAR.

>> No.4270148

Because YCombinator is extremely aggressive.

Also OMG isn't going any farther on hype alone. It will have to actually deliver.

>> No.4270224
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am i gonna make it op

>> No.4270266

It is out sometime next year. OMG wallet SDK and blockchain will be out before that however

>> No.4270289

buy ark

>> No.4270294

Yea man let me put all my Alt capital into a fucking token thats news is driven by winning a talent show in thailand ("wow lots of technology related companies coming out of thailand" said nobody).

Their product is just way to young to invest in, its already almost priced in ($8-10 IMO) and there isnt anything planned for another year.

It's more realistic and probably smarter, unless you hate making money, to put your capital into other tokens.

>> No.4270297

>even the ones with good partnerships, backing and tech
That's pretty much just OMG. What other coins can possibly say that and don't fucking tell me LINK

>> No.4270312

>and there isnt anything planned for another year.

>> No.4270341
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>> No.4270398

OmiseGO is cool, but with the plasma released the network will be so fast and with so low fees than staking this coin will not be a good deal, you will earn nothing with that (and most of the staking power will be from omise)

>> No.4270612

That's where you are wrong desu
staking fees will be dynamic

"The OMG network will be a Plasma-based public, fully permissionless blockchain connected to Ethereum that allows transactions and trades to happen on-chain in a completely decentralized fashion within the consensus layer itself (instead of in an application on the chain).

Transaction fees are as yet unknown, because they're dynamic, and determined by the chain's validators - which in this case are bonded stakers (like Ethereum in the future), as opposed to miners (like Ethereum and Bitcoin today). Fees should express the correct balance between what users want to pay and what stakers are willing to work (risk their capital) on. That is to say, not too low, and not too high - we should want a system that is cheap enough to scale really big because everyone wants to use it, yet pays well enough that a large number of people are incentivised to operate it. Ultimately, the OMG network is a public resource for anyone and everyone to use - a commons not just for the entire Ethereum community, but the world of mainstream users beyond it, and a softer and more accessible version of what Bitcoin was meant to be.

OmiseGO - the business building the OMG network - intends to use the network as an inclusive and low-cost rails for the Omise payment gateway business, offering both an alternative to card acceptance networks and a way of facilitating interoperability between different digital wallet systems, including across currencies and borders. At the same time, the basic tools that OmiseGO is building for Omise to be able to use the OMG network - such as the white-label digital wallet SDK - will be open source and available for anyone else to use too, including Omise's potential competitors.

Tl;dr: we anticipate that most of the activity on the OMG network will have nothing to do with Omise but will generate fees for stakers all the same."

>> No.4270815

because opportunity cost. Sell ur shit for 10x gainz or whatever this coin did and then buy back later when it dips before pos is released.

>> No.4271349

Or lose your coins trying to do that.

If traders want to gamble let them, but for investors in dividendcoins it's not that big of an issue what you can sell your coins for in a given moment.

I care about the size of the network. I care about tokens that will be used at protocol levels.

>> No.4271369

brainlets are investing OMG for a 2x while smarter people are investing in other things that will go 20x

>> No.4271490

Brainlets are gambling on 20xs instead of going for dividends-for-life tokens

You faggot

>> No.4271530

LOOK INTO RCN you noobfucks

>> No.4271562


>> No.4271617
File: 100 KB, 636x759, SOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i often find myself asking that very question then i remember, im on 4chan.

>> No.4271669

it's all about gains my friend
RCN just launched 2 days ago: CHECK
RCN is backed by US VC firms: CHECK
RCN has a working product: CHECK
RCN has +100k active users: CHECK
RCN has a proven track record: CHECK

so far no media bombardments, their team is quietly moving the pieces on the board. the second it goes viral this coin is flying
remember guys buy LOW sell HIGH

you think this coin will stay this low? please try to poke holes in this.

>> No.4271686

I sold at 300k

It's already dipped dude and is beginning to climb again. I'm playing the long and short game

>> No.4271706

clearly everyone who invested in crypto is making 20x all day every day!

All those pink wojack threads are just memes

>> No.4271707

RCN in my opinion is one the best projects out there will real fintech applications.
2018 is waiting for institutional money to come pouring in. this means people from the financial industry. you don't think they would want to invest in something that is wrapped around fintech????

>> No.4271744

What exchanges?

>> No.4271755


>> No.4271761
File: 10 KB, 558x565, hlq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this. OMG and Vitalik need to develop something to get the hype investors back.

In the meantime MTL and REQ have similar ideas and hype.

>> No.4271788



okay okay, looks good, looks good, mhmm.

>April 2018
>RCN goes live!

wait what?



Yeah kekkeroni lemme just tie my shit up for 5 months in this obviously very slow moving crypto space.

>> No.4271801

but please take sometime to read the whitepaper you might find something you don't like and develop your own opinions about it.

my opinion is obviously biased because i have a vested interest. but that doesn't change the fact that it simply can't go lower than this.
if some shit project called CFD made it 13x with nothing more than a whitepaper then fuck this market, it's manipulated as fuck and there's no way smart money will make any money.

>> No.4271804

Is this the coin with the dude photographing himself in front of company billboards?
Because that's straight scammer territory and if the coin was all that and a bag of chips they wouldn't need these tactics, even shy away from them.

>> No.4271838

slow moving? you don't expect this to moon overnight? that would only validate that it's a shitcoin.
XRP didn't go from half a cent to 40cents overnight. did it?

>> No.4271854

yup. that's OMG dude. don't forget his skateboard.

>> No.4271870

>Can someone please tell me why anyone would ever invest in an alt other than OMG?

Theres something called Kyber Network

ETH + KNC + OMG = sick 2018 gains

>> No.4271884

care to expand on your theory

>> No.4271934

I'm in OMG and ADA. Feelsgoodman

>> No.4272693

>it's all about gains my friend
Literally no it's not

Do you know what a dividend is?

>> No.4272734

>"Why won't people buy my bags?"

>> No.4272752

ahh yeshhh dividends from all those McDonalds partnerships.
make your money and move on

>> No.4272798

Have you looked into OMG beyond the slightest cursory memes?

Like literally have you done ANY research at all

>> No.4272836

just like i did with RCN
and my research has yielded that as a utility token and network RCN is superior and i will enjoy huge cap gains in the interim will you panhandle your dividends from a scummy team of douche-bags with stickers and skateboards.

what a bunch of instagram whores

>> No.4272848

1. There's literally no tech yet. It's a plain ERC20.
2. Why does this shit even need a token?

I've bought and sold twice for profit, but this coin is going nowhere fast.

>> No.4272938

I understand you're a shill and are looking for DEx and financial tokens to shill your shitcoin in their threads, but do you understand that utility tokens are about as valuable as their utilities are used?

Your shitcoin could be the bestcoin ever (it's not). But even if it was, it doesn't mean shit if nobody uses the network.

Hence why OMG will win.
Hence why I asked of you did any research (you didn't, you're a shill)

The strength of the OMG network, just taking the face value of public partnerships, is one of the best selling points of this coin.

>> No.4272950

>Can someone please tell me why anyone would ever invest in an alt other than OMG?

its just expensive to buy in bulk, this is the a good reason

>> No.4273399

i'm not trying to shill anything. i'm always telling people to read up on it. it's the perfect form of P2P lending. the business model is what really makes it a viable fintech project that fulfills the looming problem of credit and lending; that of credit default. their system mitigates that problem by introducing a co-signer. the co-signing agent is the secret sauce that allows lenders to lend globally and for the borrowers to borrower locally. HOW THE FUCK IS THAT NOT GENIUS!?!?!?

oh and please let's not discount the VC behemoths that are backing this venture. and yes they do have users. they have +100k users. it would appear that you have done ZERO research on RNC. don't miss out bro. I'm not suggesting you liquidate your OMG holdings. It could be huge and I was a big fan of their work until i realized that the are so distracted by recycling old news and announcements that I could help but realize that they are a joke.

RCN on the other hand presented at tech crunch and has been in operation since 2013.
i'm just saying that under 100m market cap this baby has wayyyyyyyyssss to go.

>> No.4273530
File: 369 KB, 2048x2048, omisepeen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin was literally Vitaliks money laundering scapegoat

>> No.4273542

fuck you nigger

>> No.4273791

I'm just going to let this post stand on its own. No reply, nothing.

If anyone is fucking retarded to buy your shitcoin, especially after this incoherent "reason" for investing, then I consider it the efficiency of the market.

>> No.4273865

>1. There's literally no tech yet. It's a plain ERC20.
And that is the point of this high risk/high return investing we are doing. If you wait until everything is done and adopted there will be no 10x gains. And remember, just because there is no tech released to the public does not mean that they have not developed anything.

>2. Why does this shit even need a token?
That statement is about as smart as saying "why does bitcoin even need miners?"

>> No.4273926

OMG is the best alt for sure, but RCN definitely doesn't sound like a worthless shitcoin. I am actually thinking of taking a small position in it too.

go ahead and shill more. What's the incentive to hold the token? Is the token actually needed? ERC-20 or will it have it's own blockchain?

>> No.4273939

What would be illegal, announcing partnerships and events?
Or do you think the SEC would be stupid enough to think an apple sticker on a skateboard is anything more than a fucking sticker on a skateboard?

>absolutely i did my research
>still sperging about stickers and skateboards
Absolutely you're a retard.

>> No.4274298
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>it's illegal to announce partnerships in a regulated market