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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, dothemathlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4258817 No.4258817 [Reply] [Original]

Don't get me wrong

I love chainlink and I have bought a considerable ever since it's got announcned

But holding this LINK is like holding water in your palms, it slowly fucking slips through the gaps

I don't understand how WHY they have NOTHING to SAY at ALL!!!

I know they are under NDAs because the shit is brewing

But seriously, Rory and the rest of the faggot crew just literally says NOTHING new

I understand we need developers and whatnot but sersiosuly, can you guys WAKE THE FUCK UP AND STOP THE CHART GOING INTO -100 SATOSHIS FOR FUCK SAKE YOU ARE DOING MY FUCKIGN HEADING



>> No.4258851
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Rory answering email to people wanting to run nodes justifies FUCK ALL! we need some communication about plans and some sort of fucking direction

stupid cunt Rory links in IDEX on slack chat as if we got listed on fucking Coinbase - so much proud for what?? you achieved what a shitcoin could have done?

fucking be ashamed, and take fucking examples RIGHT NOW - GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER FOR FUCK SAKE AAAARGH SO ANGRY

>> No.4258859

There are no NDAS
They literally just have nothing to say

>> No.4258873
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Silence marine.
fall in line
do not question command

>> No.4258891
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>he thinks rory is a real person and not just sergey

>> No.4258901
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>> No.4258906
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i dont understand, all they should have done is a simple fucking tweet or SOMETHING when the charted growing so more normies get on board

But no, whole day Rory fucking slept through or smoked some weed with fucking Sergey

it's just a joke

i am not selling until at least $10 but i won't have any hair left by that time....

so frustrating fucking AAAAA

>> No.4258912

Quit being a little bitch and let them make their shit before we pump it to the moon.

>> No.4258917

thanks dude, updated my copy

and my english is fading becasue im that mad, fucking aaaargh

>> No.4258926

fucking stop checking everyday u retard/ nothing will change til the main network goes online in 2018

>> No.4258928

don't you realize this is actually an emotional neediness problem on YOUR end? people without your problems do not need constant reassurance that their investment is a good one.

>> No.4258932

it isnt going to the moon, they have their time. There are so many better coins out there.

>> No.4258941


>> No.4258944
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sure man, i'll wait until this burns to the fucking ground

fucking absolute state

they can work behind doors but it doesnt justify their non existance

just a fucking joke if you ask me, we could establsih a lot stronger presence, but noooooooooo

lets fucking wait 8 years before we say something

>> No.4258951

Do you know when in 2018 the network goes live? Haven't been able to figure that one out.

>> No.4258979

Nope. I had to message Rory on Slack to find that out. It's expected for 2018 but he said they are trying to push it out earlier.

>> No.4258992

Please fucking sell. Go buy GRS or OMG. I heard they give out community updates really often. You are going to hang yourself for the next 6 months

>> No.4258995
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patience my friend.

>> No.4258998
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im getting emotional because its a justified reason - im online ALL DAY and the team does NOTHING and it SEEMS as it has NOTHING to share - why do you think nobody is investing in this project??

nobody knows when, it could be 2 months or 2 years knowing this team - every othert shitcoin can atleast be active, but nooo chainlink has to play the silence game... fucking joke

>fucking see picture attached for the next months, purely because they cannot communicate, only reply to private emails and behind closed doors

>> No.4259012


Go on their Slack instead of completing on 4chan. There's a node_information channel where people are spinning up nodes with a technical community manager. If you're waiting for new exchanges so you can pump and dump this coin like OMG, find a different coin. If you're just waiting on news, keep waiting. Your argument has been heard a million times over at this point. Dump or don't.

>> No.4259051
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>> No.4259076

you really fucking confident arent you?

Bittrex/Poloniex and all other big exchanges is there for grabs. i dont want this to dump or for it to be a PND but we do have to make ourselves look like we exist.

people look at us like we're some fucking toilet meme thanks for the price action

just an absolute shitshow, i bet they are comfy with all their millions of links but they could at least have the decency to somehow support the community instead of just stating the obvious all the time.

>> No.4259100

you people are way too emotionally invested in this token.

>> No.4259125

This. The fall out will be brutal.

>> No.4259132


Chainlink is largely under the radar EVERYWHERE but 4chan. Well, that and all the enterprises getting involved...

>> No.4259163

Just got done looking at the charts we are still at the very bottom BULLISH huge gigga nigga pump coming can't have weak hands free load

>> No.4259166

>This mad about something you love buying being on sale

You got memed OP, move on.

>> No.4259168

Because they know they ran an illegal ICO and don't want to do or say anything to draw attention to the existence of the token until the network is functional.

>> No.4259219

because missing opportunities that we shouldn't and litearlly feels like its done oon purpose to be shat on and laughed at - we could have a much better position if they werent hiding EVERYTHING

ive been shilling link since it exists, but right nwo the team is getting on my tits, and you cant tell me "its fine cos we're above ico price" and "they doing what they can" becasue that's fucking bullshit!

they should reconsider their marketing tactics, and i dont mean skateboard memes, i just mean not keeping every single hopeful mother fucker closed in toilet left hanging and waiting for "some news" ... just a joke - get in touch iwth Rory and tell him to fucking act