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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4244394 No.4244394 [Reply] [Original]

why are they so annoying?
>be me
>started trading crypto in may
>make 1000%, 6k from 600$
>lose it all in bear market
>made it all back last month after months of pain
>profit is about 6k
>reinvested in alts now that I think are low, esp since I dont give a shit about 2x fork
on the other hand
>my brothers fiance
>normie investor
>buy some stock, got lucky and it shot up 1800%
>mfw she "traded" it the whole time it went up and underperformed it massively
>she about doubled
>she however had 12k starting and went all in on it
>she asked me for advice at one point, told her if it closes the day above 10$ next stop is 20$
>shoots up to about 20 when she asks again, says there's a conference
>deludedlinkie conference flashbacks
>golem flash backs
>cripple flashbacks
>told her to sell since itll probably dump
>her version of trading is basically buy at opening bell and sell at closing
>she continues this
>stock shoots up past my 20$ target to 40$ (I can't see the future the fuck do you want, still got her to 50/50 R/R ratio)
>mfw she buys in again at 30$ avg
>mfw she lost all her gains in the crash since she was continuing to all in on every single trade
>mfw its at 10$ now
skip to today
>trip to gym with brother
>why dont you day trade stocks with my fiance?
>you only made 5k in crypto right...? i was under the impression you could make a lot of money fast....
>fiance has made a lot more money than you a lot faster you know
>made 1000% in 2 months before losing it to market wide bear market
>she made 100% in about 2 months and lost it all holding the stock down
>mfw this dumbass just looks at the flat $ value
>mfw he sees her get lucky on a RIDICULOUS gain for stocks and thinks this shit is common place
>mfw "shes made more money than you" when she lost it all already
cont below

>> No.4244405

what a boring thread lmao nobody is reading all that shit kys

>> No.4244414

fuck i did and now i want to kms

>> No.4244421


>> No.4244434

>cont below

pls dont..

>> No.4244463

>cont below
Don't, your story is shit and boring and you sound like a bitter autist.

>> No.4244465
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cool story OP thanks for sharing and i appreciate the time you took to type it

>> No.4244483

>blame other people instead of taking profits
looks like we found stupid

>> No.4244484

>now normie brother thinks stocks are better gains than crypto because of this, somehow still ignoring the % gains
>why dont you move some of your crypto to real money lilke stocks?
>mfw he says this AFTER fiance lost it all to the crash on her stock
>somehow he's still only looking at her peak profit $$$ vs mine in raw $ value instead of % gains
>trying to get me to trade fucking normie stocks when his fiance is bagholding that normie stock
>nigga she isn't even trading since shes bagholding, the fuck do you mean join her
>mfw he starts comparing trading to working out at the gym
>"if i've been doing this for 6 months i wouldn't say I'm new to it...."
>implying trading is like working out at the gym
>mfw this is literally a competition, everyone is trying to take your fucking money and if anything, its like trying to work out when someone is holding the fucking bar down on your chest and telling you that you fucking suck and you should quit
>mfw i only think of this response way after this conversation
>mfw we go see financial advisor later
>TFSA garbage, I have more savings I want to invest in normie tier stuff
>mfw I see his TFSA gains
>dont want to somehow get doxed but he made 12%
>flat $ gains are less than what I've made in crypto this year even discounting %
>he still implies my shit is fake money since
"its crypto - currency right?"
>yes he says it like that
>no not with a literal fucking dash (ie ledasha) but he has this very odd uncomfortable ton/pause when he says the word so thats the best representation I can think of
>no real time frame but I assume its been awhile, didnt get firm numbers but they were talking about how he started his TSFA since he was my age and its been about 5-10 years since then
>mfw 12% in 5-10 years
>mfw "you should trade stocks"
>mfw this guy is trying to give me trading advice
>mfw this guy tried to get me to sell during china ban month since "it could go lower right...?"

>> No.4244494

thanks anon
fuck the rest of you dont read it then

>> No.4244520

So much whining jesus Christ grow up

>> No.4244521

I'm sorry that your brother and his fiancé are morons. Good read.

>> No.4244522

where do you see that literally anywhere in this thread

>> No.4244533

I cant believe I read all this fuck my life

>> No.4244550

you're on 4chan, you have nothing better to do with your life anyway

>> No.4244560

im waiting for the indices to open in one hour im bored every night, the least you could do is shorten that story up

>> No.4244575

>fucking normie who has never looked at crypto a day in his life trying to give me trading advice
there you lazy faggot

>> No.4244612

what else op?

>> No.4244618

I could add more details but I'm lazy and the reception to the thread hasn't been that great so meh
that was basically the bulk of it, you aren't missing too much

>> No.4244624

SAGE for that disrespectful tone.

I trade everything including crypto. You assumed people only stick to one thing because thats what you do. This was an error on your part :v)

>> No.4244626
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>> No.4244641
File: 258 KB, 640x480, 1509495930746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you don't trade crypto, you hold it for a long ass time is all.

Considering 90% of shit is shilling and PnD that's not the top 5 coins.

So technically yea stocks are better :)

>> No.4244647

you dont have to spread the hodl meme anymore. Everyone knows now all alts go down over time

>> No.4244660

I dont see how this is relevant at all. TYou don't give advice on shit you have never looked at. It's irresponsible and just stupid.
Not that I'd listen anyway. Just annoying to hear.
>you dont trade, you hodl
>90% is p and d
>dont trade, hodl
>hodl pump and dump
nigga what.

>> No.4245388
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when I turned 2.5k into 10k/3btc in a week using wtc and link my parents told me to sell and I didn't
I guess a broken clock is right twice a day
now I have <4k and they want me to sell in case it goes lower
'we told you'
buy high sell low biz

>> No.4245454

>invested $600
>Fucking normies
Fk is biz full of kids who invests their pocket money?

>> No.4245471

not your personal blog, fag
not /r9k/ you twat
too long, didn't read
eat shit you fuckwit
no one cares fucking cunt

>> No.4245495

/biz/ is full of niggers who think they're smart for buying crypto after seeing a black guy shill coins on youtube, teenagers living in south american shitholes larping as "whales", HIV-positive faggots who live in silicon valley and found out about 4chan through CNN, fat neckbeard virgins who bought BTC when it was under $20 and held all the way until now, and scrawny canadians trying to turn 1000 CAD into 2000 CAD so they can finally move out of their parent's spare bedroom and start wagecucking full-time for a "tech startup". This board is now garbage and maybe only 1 out of 100 threads are actually useful or funny.

this thread right here is absolutely pointless bitching and lost my attention within the first 2 lines.

>> No.4245515

I didn't read all of this shit but does it end with him fucking his brothers fiance or DGB or something?

>> No.4245519






>> No.4245535

That's why you don't tell your parents and own it up.
Keep bagholding, my friend.