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4241622 No.4241622 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question: Why are there no 'offensive' cryptocurrencies. Not copy + paste ones like niggercoin that sit around on Waves, but actual clones with their own blockchains, like Litecoin or Dogecoin. Creating a shitcoin isn't that hard (considering how many there are) and there are enough racists and edgelords on the internet who would definitely throw a little bit of money into it just for the sake of being edgy. You wouldn't have a market cap in the millions but I'm positive a real Niggercoin or Cuntcoin would make the creator at least 10k, maybe even 100k. So why has no one done it? Hell there might even be some cryptomillionaires with tons of BTC who would throw money in just to cause butthurt.

>inb4 only poor rednecks are racist
I met some pretty hardcore racists when I was in uni who were extremely rich. I personally know of one guy who's dad was a major corporate shareholder who would constantly rant about niggers and muslims.

>> No.4241636

The Internet is not what it used to be
We've been pacified

>> No.4241664 [DELETED] 

Some anon posted the other day a coin from North Korea and its purpose was to launch dns attacks to govs' networks. I was the only one to reply to that thread. Will see if I can find it.

>> No.4241677

More info here >>4220311

>> No.4241758

>lets put out more shitcoins for the sake of putting out more shitcoins
>my friends dad at nintendo was a racist this is definitely a good idea

>> No.4241799

Because no one running a business would want to be affiliated with niggercoin
Even if I like the idea, I know it would go down the drain because of liberals and other PC fags and therefore I wouldn't put any money in it

>> No.4242822


It doesn't need a business to affiliate with it, if you really think this then the idea of crypto has died. The whole point of crypto is that it CAN be totally anonymous, it CAN be traded and no one can actually shut you down because it's peer to peer. Like I said, you could create such a shitcoin and enough autists would buy it with paypal or some other bs that you would make AT LEAST 10-100k.


You're actually retarded, you're telling me you never met any rich people at uni? I never said their dad worked at Nintendo, he was just really fucking loaded and his kid was racist as fuck. How is this hard to believe? They weren't billionaires. There are literally thousands (when you factor in foreigners) of people in London worth 10M plus, it isn't impossible I'd meet one with a family worth 50-100MM. Do you live in some Milton Keynes shithole? Or do you actually think the super rich people give a fuck about subscribing to the same moral code the plebs are told to? A lot of rich people are literal psychopaths.

>> No.4242919

Because there's no good reason to, not even for the sake of being edgy. It's too much effort for too little reward. That effort is much better spent trolling in traditional ways.

>> No.4243010


Is it too much effort? Pretty sure pajeets clone coins pretty regularly. I'm no programmer but could you not get a generic Litecoin clone up and running in two weeks? If 10k autists buy 10 dollars worth, youve got 100k for two weeks worth. It doesn't need a roadmap or an ICO or anything. Just look at the people who made Chan coin or MAGA.

On a similar note how much would it cost, realistically, to pay someone to make a Litecoin clone? Do you think someone would do it for ~5 BTC?

>> No.4243068

You obviously know what you're talking about. Make your own edgy shitcoin and make a post once you've made a killing with it.

>> No.4243171
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Then you do it or shut the fuck up

>> No.4243203


I'm not going to spend my time doing that when I already have money, and before you call my a hypocrite, I'm saying why doesn't some broke pajeet do it?

Like let's say I unironically am willing to put 5 BTC toward this, do you think someone would make it for 5 BTC?

Additional question: could I make a SmartContract offering 100 ETH for a defined but undeveloped token, then wait for someone to make that token and have the SmartContract validated?

Basically I'm asking this because I'm an autist who made more money than I need on BTC, and for me this is a better way to spend money than some dumb overpriced car.

>> No.4243250


If necessary I can provide actual proof I have ~230 BTC, I also have over 2000 ETH.

>> No.4243296

Because if you start a cryptocurrency you do it to have mass appeal and thus gain in value, not sabatoge your own team because some larper in his mom's basement thinks it would be funny to say "nigger" on Bittrex.

>> No.4243305

Pajeet isn't a 12 year old being edgy for the sake of it, pajeet is actually making money off this.

Tell you what kid, for 5 BTC and a percentage, I can roll out a successful ICO campaign for a reg coin if you're trying to make money. If you just want outrage I'll make your shit coin for you.

>> No.4243471


How does this work, in terms of paying you etc? Do I pay you now and just assume you'll do the job? We both need to stay anonymous for very obvious reasons.

>> No.4243598

Do you have a kik?

>> No.4243618


Nope, I use a nokia brick for a phone. Use a temp email?

>> No.4243638

Sure, post yours and I'll hit you up.

>> No.4243652
File: 96 KB, 944x588, Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 04.50.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You absolute mongoloid, pajeet would make money off this. People on biz fucking pumped trumpcoin to 1 USD. If someone made Niggercoin they'd make AT LEAST 10k, but more like 200k, it'd end up in the news and some people would buy to make people butthurt. Do you have any idea how many edgy autists there are? I know it's hard to imagine way up there on your high horse, but there are lots of racists in the crypto world, maybe not now that its gone mainstream but certainly people from back when it was an inherently edgy and niche thing.

Also proof of my money, I can provide more proof in case people accuse me of shopping. Been accumulating since Mt Gox crash.

>> No.4243660

actually i'll make a temp and post it here

>> No.4243672


>> No.4243818

>tl dr OP is an edgelord who wants people to make more meme coins for him, but is too lazy to do it himself, but still feels he deserves to blog about his racism for attention

>> No.4243850

I guess you weren't serious about having your coin made after all, who woulda thunk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4244141


I am lol give me a minute its 6 am where I live. Sheesh.

>> No.4244160


Ffs I'm using guerrilla mail and I think because I closed the window it scrambled my receiving emails. Did you get the email I sent you? If so please respond to 90pf0r+b93ybosq02mfw@sharklasers.com

>> No.4244172

did not get the email, try again

>> No.4244263

just hit me up ruskochev at gmail dot com if you want it done

>> No.4245042 [DELETED] 

I made chancoin. Can confirm it was very easy money.

I would create nigger coin in a heartbeat but it would be hard to get people to buy it. Let alone get exchanges to list it

>> No.4245150

that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. why are /pol/cucks and /b/tards so concerned with being "offensive"? it's just obnoxious. are you guys all autistic?

>> No.4245840


Did you even read my posts? Yes a lot of us are autistic you dumb fuck. Also there are two ways to be profitable in this world: be good, be unique. There is no way any of us autists can make a good shitcoin, but we can make a unique one. There are no offensive shitcoins, so if there is ONE offensive shitcoin it will have some value (very little) purely on the fact it is offensive.

How is any of this not obvious?

>> No.4245860

it would have no more value than any other shitty meme coin
in fact it would have less value than an lgbt fairy coin because exchanges wont list niggercoin or kikecoin or heilhitlercoin

>> No.4245876

they tried and ruined /biz/ for weeks with shit threads, fuc off OP

unironically delet this

>> No.4245892

Sweet, but now go to bed, honey. You need to go to school in 3 hours :)

>> No.4245900
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I didn't say it would have more value than an LGBT fairy coin, I'm saying it would have *some* value. Most exchanges probably wouldn't list it, which in the case of an offensive coin would probably be a positive, it would be a pure p2p/dex based coin. Imagine you made the supply 1MM, you honestly don't think there are enough edgy autists to drive the coin to 10 cents? Are you familiar with the concept of a niche market? Cloning a shitcoin isn't hard, its maybe a couple weeks of hard work for at least 10k minimum profit. That's most than most wagecucks make. There is no such thing as a dumb way to make money, if it makes money it isn't dumb.

Niggercoin was tied to Waves, it took ten minutes to make and wasnt an independently minable, 'pure' crypto coin which would make the media lose their shit if it happened right now. How can you not want to see this happen? I literally shilled trumpcoin to 1 USD last year and made 80k, I can prove this if necessary, would require digging through my old HDD.


I'm 25 and I have 200+ BTC (I posted proof earlier).

>> No.4246001

Mate, you can get pajeet to do this for you for less than 0.1 btc. There are literal “shitcoin generator” websites ffs. Don’t get swindled here.

>> No.4246132

Kek dafuq owta ere

>> No.4246268


All you cunts have actually motivated me, maybe this was your goal all along, but fuck you guys. 2018 NGR is coming. Screencap this.