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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4240317 No.4240317 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ used to have book threads. Now literally everything is crypto.

Would you recommend any financial literature? Post it here. Doesn't necessarily have to be about the stock market or crypto, just finance in general is okay

>> No.4240353
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mfw when all those books were useless and you just had to buy btc at <$100

>> No.4240402

Few books I have found to be most helpful:

The Alchemy of Finance by George Soros
Devil Take the Hindmost by Edward Chancellor
The Sovereign Individual by James Davidson and William Rees-Mogg
Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely

>> No.4240411

Reading that shit is a waste of time. Just buy one crypto which will go full retard like ETH and you would have won.

>> No.4240954

What a shit board.

>> No.4240991
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>The Alchemy of Finance by George Soros

not gonna read some peadophile's book you cuck, thanks for the tip

how about learn how to trade, its not hard, buy low sell high and then you can fucking read all the books you want when you make it??

read charts bitch or btfo

>> No.4240996

Bruh when crypto crashes you'll see more of these book threads but we're making money sitting on our asses in a new market so wait like a year or two and its all going to slow down when the Goldmans inflitrate

>> No.4241162

>Financial Management: Theory and Practice -Eugene Brigham, Michael Ehrhardt
This is all you really need, covers everything. I found a PDF of an old edition a while ago.

>Principles - Ray Dalio
I think over 20 years this guy has overseen 30bn dollars in portfolio growth, just alpha!
Great mix of self-help book and exhaustive management practice book. Its light on actual financial advice, but it gives a lot of analytical stuff

>all those books are useless all you needed to do was pick the winning lotto numbers

>> No.4241178

>muh crypto is a lottery

surprised you can even read

>> No.4241221
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These are all genius-tier shit

>> No.4241237

Mooning is a lottery.
Crypto as a whole isn't.

>> No.4241410
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Anyone read this? a friend lent me a copy and I want to know how to get the most out of it.

Also any other soft-skills lit?

>> No.4241566

Listened to this on audiobook. It's okay. Mostly common sense. Apply the rules at your own peril though.

>> No.4242444
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Personally this one has helped me the most, particularly in crypto. Most of you seem to FOMO buy at the top and then panic-sell at the bottom. You could learn a thing or two from this, it was written about the stock market but the general rules of knowing when to buy or sell still apply.

>> No.4242458

Thanks, I will definitely check these out.

these too. I like to read

>> No.4242597

I'm surprised that someone as retarded as you even knows how to read, much less type out sentences.

>> No.4242634

Financial books are a complete meme. All you need is a very basic understanding of sociology and you can easily become a millionaire off shitcoins

>> No.4242647
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>> No.4242663


here poorfaggots, buy it when you get rich though....contribute you degenerates!

>> No.4242716

wealth of nations adam smith