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4239008 No.4239008 [Reply] [Original]

Why are millennials still investing in this crap?

>> No.4239016

we're watching CNBC at the same time.

>> No.4239022

only boomers are in it because their children use it

millenials are balls deep in facebook stock

>> No.4239028

>lol, i use this product xD
>that means everyone uses it
>whoa, they did an update on my iphone
>they must be making lots of revenue to make an update
>ill invest my grandfathers inheritance into snapchat xD

>> No.4239204

Facebook is pretty much safe unless Google plus comes up as successful.. and that's not going to happen soo...

>> No.4239220

a lot of the new investing is unironically this
old people who see the dank millennial gains and are hopping onto questionable tech stocks

>> No.4239224

friendly reminder that new age media like Facebook, Snap, instagram ect are the leading cause of suicide in youth

>> No.4239233
File: 197 KB, 662x724, 1367006544556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millennials buy stocks

>> No.4239275
File: 44 KB, 612x612, 1509488754823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually makes me mad... How fucking retarted do you have to be to be suicidal because of social Media? Fucking really? If they feel suicidal for such a little thing then it's fucking good they take their own lives... Society is already full of weak people, no need for more

>> No.4239303

>are the leading cause of suicide in youth

...according to Dr Phil

>> No.4239310

I don't know, I looked into Facebook stock a few times, but every time, I keep coming back to that their only source of revenue is from displaying ads. How much bigger can they grow? That's my concern, but I still wonder if it might be $1000 a share one day.

>> No.4239314

Fuck, I knew I should have kept my short open.

>> No.4239337

Oddly enough, a ton of people keep bringing up stocks lately. Even my one friend who never saves a dime, is at the bar everynight either working/drinking, mentioned that everyone he knows is buying stocks and they use it like a savings account now that we have those no-fee trading apps.

>move savings to stocks
>emergency comes up, just sell

>> No.4239348

they dont even realize the bear market is literally right around the corner lmao

>> No.4239395

If you kill yourself over social media, you are a weak minded waste of a human and wouldnt have amounted to anything anyway

>> No.4239403

They constantly try to make new things. I.e. bought Instagram which made their worth a lot more... And you know Facebook isn't going to crash.. so it can only get bigger

>> No.4239411

This is a good time to buy SNAP anyway because of how much of a fail the specticles were. Also, it's got me laid, so it can't be that bad to hold for a year or two.

>> No.4239418

This reminds me of John F. Kennedy's father. Supposedly, he got rich from timing the stock market just right and selling all his stocks right before the great depression happened.

He said he knew it was time to sell because the street boy who was shining his shoes told him that he put every dollar he made into the stock market. When the boy told him that, he knew it was time to exit because a big crash was right around the corner.

Supposedly, I don't know if the story's true.

>> No.4239442
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(((After hours)))

>> No.4239445

why wouldn't you buy snap now?

>> No.4239449

Millenials don't invest.
How much people in your social circle do you know that invests in stocks ?

>> No.4239450

Even if it isn't, it's still applicable to everything else. My friend who is a bus driver is already invested in crypto. If that isn't a sign to pull out, I don't know what will.

>> No.4239471

I mean your friend might just be autistic, which is pretty likely if he's connected to you, someone who posts here. I wouldn't call that over-saturation just yet.

>> No.4239480

only the stupid ones that don't know how to deal with cryptocurrencies. when trading shitcoins becomes as easy as signing up for a robinhood account they'll be even more dumb money

>> No.4239522

Then we're all autistic then. Did you lose all your money in LINK?

>> No.4239535
File: 285 KB, 863x647, CryptovsMarkets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still not that mainstream even if it looks like it is, just compare the value of the stock market and crypto.

>> No.4239537

nope, being a little bitch is the leading cause of suicide in youth. same as it always has been.

>> No.4239556

image is way outdated. mcap is over 100B now.

>> No.4239564

Jesus, what are he and his friends buying? Sounds like I should enter some targeted shorts before this bubble pops.

>> No.4239580

>then we're all autistic then
now you're getting it.

Nope, that was actually a good call from /biz/, for once. Got in at $0.19 when it was only on Etherdelta, and sold at $0.40 when it was listed on Binance. I wanted to believe it would go higher like the shills said it would, but when it stopped all growth and started stagnating, I knew it was time to exit.

>> No.4239610

Smart. You did good, my man.