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4229952 No.4229952 [Reply] [Original]

Still viable? Or is the hype gone, and the pump finished?

>> No.4229977

wait till btc pump.

>> No.4230009
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>not chinese megawhale miners slowly accumulating before they switch over to BCH after the fork and it becomes BTC
>not being one of the few accumulating future BTC at 600 bucks in 2017

>> No.4230016

Can this eme die already?

>> No.4230018

What exactly is the idea behind bitcoin cash? Is it basically a new bitcoin blockchain? If so, does that mean it's basically independent of regular bitcoin?

>> No.4230058

you probably FUDed ETH last year lol
dumb ass
think of where crypto is headed

>> No.4230072

for real?

>> No.4230117

if you've invested in bitcoin with that level of understanding you've got big balls or small brains

>> No.4230137
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cash is dead for real.


>> No.4230170

I have not invested yet. I am still learning.

>> No.4230250

on august first bitcoin hard forked into btc and bch. Don't judge which one is bitcoin by the name, you should research what is called the scaling debate.

my opinion is that bitcoin cash is bitcoin and btc is an attempt by blockstream (a company funded by AXA) to control and profit off a hampered version of bitcoin with what is called segwit and lightning networks. The scaling debate centers around a 1mb block limit which is an arbitrary limit which cannot be justified technically now that the limit is increasing transaction fees, slowing confirmation time and preventing real world adoption of bitcoin.

>> No.4230252
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Salty Altys thought they were going to kill abitcoin with their bch is the real bitcoin bullshit svam, but all yhey succeeded in doing was killing Bitcoin Cash, which will be replaced by Segwit 2x anyway. tldr; Short Bcash make bank.

>> No.4230270

my nigga
listen to this guy anon. he said it much more calmly than i would've

>> No.4230278

Lol short BCH until February and then report back. Fucking do it pussy I can't wait to see you get liquidated.

>> No.4230284
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Fuck off Pajeet. Did Reuters say Bitcoin Cash would hit that market cap? NO YOU DENSE MOTHERFUCKER.

>> No.4230285

If you aren't holding BCH leading up to the fork, you deserve to stay poor.
It's literally the perfect storm for BCH to pop off, ignore or the haters - they are desperately trying to day trade and make that 5% when in reality they are all losing 20% every day.

>> No.4230301


Its trading more volume than ETH. It solves the fees and transaction times that segwit2x doesn't. I don't think this bitcoin is the end all be all either, because eventually we will need something with much faster block times, scalability, and reasonable fees.

>> No.4230302

if you compared the code of bch and btc without knowing the names no one would believe btc is btc.

contentious hardforks are part of the way bitcoin protects itself, obviously a fork of bitcoin cannot also be called bitcoin so deciding what is bitcoin by what fork retained the name is the same as leaving it to chance

>> No.4230317

You bvash scam faggits dont even log in till midnight pst. I take it you are all Bogan Cunts who cant even trade just fucking with the market for funsies.

>> No.4230322

it seems then that BTC will inevitably become obsolete, and that more should be concerned with BTH

>> No.4230339

The fuck is BTH, Mong.

>> No.4230341

It's going to 10x within a month while BTC does 1/10x

>> No.4230347
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>these are the illiterate pajeet brainlets core hired to FUD cash

>> No.4230377

Welp, bch has been rangebound at an average of 600 bucks for a long time now. No one is buying your bullshit, so I have come to the conclusion you are just trolling for the sake of trolling.

>> No.4230378

mean tot sya BCH

>> No.4230392

honestly, people that i know who have been in the space for years have already set their positions for the fork and won't be making any decisions until after.

for some reason this board acts like it's Blockchain vs Gov... ass backwards. that shit ended a while back, guys.

>> No.4230393

this outlines what is possible after november 17 which is another fork https://www.yours.org/content/predicting-the-outcome-of-the-november-bitcoin-fork-89914ce0e1f5/

even if hypothetically btc is bitcoin and bch is an alt I think bch has more potential for returns. I think BTC will top out around 35k by the end of the year if it survives the November fork

>> No.4230441

4MB is also an arbitrary limit. By that token, you should support btc unlimited. Bigger blocks don't solve scaling. At some point off chain/lighting network will be needed

>> No.4230444

>has been rangebound at an average of 600 bucks for a long time now
>for a long time now
literally under a week
One could say the same for BTC and $7200. No one is going to buy over $7000 anymore.

Have you guys also noticed, how BTC shillers are much more stupider/arrogant than even the average /biz/ anon.

>> No.4230465

You smoking crack? Off chain is a huge security risk and might as well use visa instead of lightning oh wait, that’s exactly what the plan is.

>> No.4230512

eth is stuck at 299 dumbass. raise your hand when the last time you used ether to buy a good or service?

yea thought so faggot. useless eth is useless

>> No.4230521

i don't support a 1mb limit exactly for the reason that it is arbitrary; so no I don't automatically support any particular blocksize limit. Blocksize should be a balance of controlling spam, centralisation and transaction capacity.
Of course increases in blocksize can't fix scaling indefinitely but 1mb, 4mb or 8mb are not that limit. You can still do lighting network on bitcoin cash, segwit is unnecessary in every criteria other than trying to profit off bitcoin.
8mb blocks massively improve transactions per second and increase mining centralisation by less than 1%. There is a legitimate concern than 32gb ram will be too much required to run a node on 8mb blocks but this risk is not outweighed by the high fees and slow transactions in the context of moores law and financially incentivised nodes as satoshi proposed:

>> No.4230586

>huge security
Explain our fuck off :)

>> No.4230602

just used it to make a shitload of cash because i knew it would have real world application

>> No.4230617

sewgit takes the tx off chain
makes it easier to intercept and more difficult to confirm

>> No.4230655


>> No.4230701
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>> No.4230740

Also, limits are set somewhat arbitrarily, but when transactions become so congested the network fees become uncompetitive with existing fiat options it justifies further increasing the block size.

>> No.4230752

the choice is simple....
would you rather invest in 1x, 2x, or bitcoin cash?
choose the right option or stay poor...

>> No.4230769

If Segwit2x fails, expect a massive, massive bch pump.

>> No.4230800

in all seriousness, I don't see any one of them dropping to zero - genuinely.

If you are a hodler and in it for the long term, then the pro strat is to only hodl the coin you think will generate the highest number of future forks - as that is where you will acquire the most currency later. I already moved out of BCH somewhat, because I do not see a long future of multiple forks in that particular coin. Not saying it's a deadend, just that it has found its community niche now, and that community is going to stick with BCH in its present form rather than fork again.

One of BTC or B2X will be perceived as "dominant" for either hashrate or face value or most likely both, but I donät think either will vanish completely. And volatility is as appealing to traders as appreciation . if they know what they are doing. So both will be attractive in the near term.

That said, I think the legacy chain BTC will be the origin of the greatest number of future forks, because of its existent user base and overall familiarity with the community. Being the "default coin" for most crypto investors, it offers the greatest potential for future forks. If you like free airdrops for the rest of your life, youäre going to want to have BTC.

>> No.4230829

I'm starting to suspect even if it succeeds. 2MB bump is pathetic and Segwit has vulnerabilities.

>> No.4230851

exactly the extra 1mb will fill up way faster than the first did and then they'll be back to square 1 while bch has continued to grow in adoption

>> No.4230861

2MB bump isn't great, but it should substantially relieve fee congestion in the short-term.

More importantly is that'll set a precedent of miner's being *able* to fork on their own. Nothing will stop a 4MB or 8MB or whatever fork in a year or so if the results from 2MB are good.

>> No.4230919

Please refer to these articles for further education


both BTC & BCH are here to stay

>> No.4231267

But what will happen once people realise increasing the block size is indeed a good scaling solution? Doesn't that make B2X redundant in the face of BCH?

>> No.4231689

>you guys

Bch shills are the worst

>> No.4231891

Accumulate it now. Miners have already been accumulating.

If bt1x and btc2x destroy each other in a hashrate, expect a flip.

>> No.4232028

False. Noone can prove miners have been accumulating. I hold a lot of BCH but don't repeat shit you read here like a parrot and learn to do your own research or you will stay poor forever, just a tipp.

>> No.4232162

Coinbase is going to suspend trading.... and well look at bitcoin cash and bitcoin gold....
this fork is agreed unanimously so there is support for it in the community, in addition BITcoin Gold will be supported by coinbase and hosted... so it is a free money coming ourway! each one has merits ....

>> No.4232175

This. Can anyone give a scenario where BTC or B2X survive?

>> No.4232197

just saw a 500 BCH buy wall get shit on. looks like this scam is over

>> No.4232532

There's been multiple accounts of miners saying they are swapping or have swapped. Ontop of the unknown miner not moving a single BCH. You're such a a fucking faggot.

>> No.4232717


Bitcoin Cash is the continuation of 2009-2016 bitcoin, it has the same history up to August 1 2017.

Bitcoin (core) has become corrupted and polluted with software designed to turn it into a banking layer, the development team has been kicked out and a private company called Blockstream is now trying to profit off the chain by controlling it.

Bitcoin Cash forked off before this damage was done to the blockchain and improved the throughput at the same time so its extremely fast and cheap to do transactions.

The best part is the market hasn't woken up to the fact yet so you can still grab a bunch for ~$600, Bitcoin Cash's market price is bound to explode upward within 1-3 months.

>> No.4232885

Proof or gtfo kek. You are repeating bullshid you read here without any links etc. grow up m8

>> No.4232919

You have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.4233015

sell now while you still can

>> No.4233030

Why are you posting here then