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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 115 KB, 660x960, Capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
421115 No.421115[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, guys. Was wondering if anyone knows any good resources regarding resume building? I really want to stand above the rest, although there's a lot on the internet just via google and it's hard to tell the good from the bad/deciding which option would be best.

So how do the non-NEET fantasy traders build their resumes? Any online resources you sought guidance from?

P.S. Pic unrelated and not something I totally agree with, but know it will grab attention.

>> No.421137

Fuck off.

>> No.421158


question op, if all in the pic are facts, how can you not agree with them? You dont agree with the fact that leaves are green or the sky is blue?

this is what is wrong with you.

You know how to build a resume you just dont agree with the fact that you dont have much to put on it.

>> No.421195

lel socialist propaganda

We must agree that like all ideologies, capitalism does have it's pitfalls, but then again if USA didn't feel the need to "protect" other third world countries I honestly I don't know if they would have poverty.

>Throw in some pictures with statistics, it must be true

>> No.421247
File: 31 KB, 940x480, coke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99%ers think congressmen earn good money

>> No.421357


>> No.421371

figures don't lie but liars figure. a "fact" in a vacuum is not necessarily relevant, especially when presented in false context. ex: calling america the richest country in the world when it has the highest debt, or implying with scare quotes that the justice system is injust if there is a higher proportion of black people relative to their population in prison than whites. using images in a bar chart has long been rejected as misrepresentation by anyone with a brain, "empty homes" can mean whatever you want it to, of course poverty increased from 2007 to 2010 during a major financial crash (this does not imply a trend), and there is still a pretty strong debate regarding whether productivity is even rising at all and what that has to do with hourly wages (labor theory of value died with marx)

>> No.422578
File: 35 KB, 300x100, 89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People get testy when the big dick of truth is waved in their face.

Sometimes it doesn't need a dissertation. Sometimes, the truth is stark and obvious.

Seeing it like that shocks their brainwashing a little bit.

Brainwashing is real.

It's a real thing, known about at least as far back as WWII. The Chinese called it "hsi nau" meaning literally = wash brain.

>This is the power of suggestion.

>> No.422585

Just read your ass off on all the career sites, articles talking about action verbs and stuff.

My resume is tight and I can't get hired for anything above minimum wage. That's what everything pays now. Fuck it.


You can tell your future employer you were working online doing marketing campaigns, banner ads, that sort of thing, but that it's a grind and you are seeking the stability of an organization again.

>> No.422682
File: 29 KB, 481x358, 1397346129149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wants to admit that capitalism is a flawed system just like the rest. Every time I say this I'm automatically labeled "SOCIALIST COMMUNIST!!!" when the truth is that I despise those systems too. I truly believe that everything created thus far will not work properly as we become an interstellar civilization. It's as if people somehow think the way we live now will make the coming transition, everything we do now is extremely inefficient.

What must be created is something entirely new; something that will make our current ways seem ancient in comparison.

>> No.422691


In other words, you're a whiner with no solutions.

>> No.422699
File: 429 KB, 499x330, 1379914621540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lets cooperate together to find a solution.

>> No.422723

>all that butthurt
Americans are so brainwashed they feel personally insulted when someone criticizes Capitalism.

>> No.422732


Well, it's not like it's the most effective system we ever had.

>> No.422763

Anonymous (ID: RWh3nQ7T)
"No one wants to admit that capitalism is a flawed system just like the rest."

You are mistaking capitalism (free trade) with corporatism or fascism which most countries have today. Corporatism: big government benefiting big business with regulations, policies that hurt the market and small business owners.
Fascism: the state has much control over business and society. Thereby special, well-connected groups get preference (bail-outs: corporate welfare by the state) over the rest.

RWh3nQ7T "I truly believe that everything created thus far will not work properly as we become an interstellar civilization"

The greatest inventions and innovation came from individuals who could work in freedom and build things that people like (supply demand).

Nannys state regulations prevents faster great innovation in the space-sector which has occurred with computers, cellphones, cars, airplanes, trains etc. Free competition has created much more innovation, lower prices and progress than a collectivist state controlled market in countries with little economic freedom. Big bureaucracies have always been inefficient and bad at allocating resources with much more waste than the free market (supply demand).

Only when the space sector is opened up for companies to more easily do space-ventures then there will be more innovation and growth.

"What must be created is something entirely new; something that will make our current ways seem ancient in comparison."

Economic laws won't change, but can be corrupted by bureaucracies, heavy regulations, central banks, indebted nanny states that spend your grand children's money with national debt...

>> No.422775

Anonymous (ID: RWh3nQ7T)
You should read about the differences between Keynesian economics and Austrian Economics (http://mises.org/ http://wiki.mises.org/wiki/Austrian_economics http://mises.org/etexts/austrian.asp))

The Austrian School of Economics is a school of economic thought that derives its name from its Austrian founders and early supporters, including Carl Menger, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk and Ludwig von Mises.

Other significant Austrian writers and economists include Murray Rothbard, Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek and journalist Henry Hazlitt. Current research is produced by, among many others, scholars from the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and "Austrian" economists can now come from any part of the world. They are identified with the School through their shared views on the nature of economic science and its proper methodology.

The school emphasizes the spontaneous organizing power of the price mechanism and holds that the complexity of subjective human choices makes mathematical modeling of the evolving market practically impossible and therefore its scholars eschew what they consider "naïve" and pointless mathematical modeling of the economy, considering much of mainstream economics a form of economic charlatanism.[1][2] Its proponents tend to emphasize the organic, subjective and evolving nature of market dynamics, advocating the strong protection of private property rights and the strict enforcement of voluntary contractual agreements between economic agents as the best way of faciliating economic exchange, and generally advocate a laissez-faire approach to the economy, arguing that the smallest imposition of coercive force (especially government-imposed force) on commercial transactions is the most effective way to secure long-run economic stability and well-being.

>> No.422957
File: 2.03 MB, 2048x1024, finalv02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem to be very intelligent and I really do appreciate your response.

Though I think humanity needs to diverge itself away from governments little by little.

Perhaps a solution to all these problems is using crypto-currencies to create a new economic system. Although I do worry about creating a cashless society and governments taking advantage of it.... however, as long as it stays mostly decentralized we're safe. Governments will try to centralize it and monitor every aspect of our purchases which would initiate a totalitarian police state if people aren't careful.

I would hope the titans of Silicon Valley would push back against D.C to ensure a police state won't become a reality. It's going to be interesting as people begin to wear smart glasses that enable augmented reality to display a digital layer over our world. It'll constantly record everything we do, which means everyone will be watching everyone.... feds will be watching the people and the people will be watching the feds. An equilibrium might balance the scales which is absolutely crucial.

>> No.423100


hate to divert things but:

the us govt is a-ok with bitcoin because the entire transaction history is logged. It is perfect for them as it has 100% transparency in transactions. zero privacy exists once a wallet is tied to an individual, which as the silk road shows can be done once any fraction of a bitcoin leaves the black market. No messy cash silently changing hands.

kinda talking out of my ass, but that is my understanding based on its implementation.

back to raging against stuff gents.

>> No.423115

I don't understand why the government let banks and all the brokers that fucked retirements over get away with it.

>> No.423118

>interstellar civilization
lel this board is full of idiots. Hell, this whole planet is.

You mongrels will be lucky to make it to Mars in the next century.

>> No.423225


How does corporatism arrive? Pure capitalism

Capitalism is flawed because it will always make way for monopolies, price fixing, anything to amass more profit

Kill yourself

>Inb4 you call me poor to try and dismiss your idiocy

>> No.423232

Not on the books, no. Do you seriously not know how American politics work?

>> No.423284

Consider using greetext so that such posts are more readable, and quote posts too so we can easily check that you're not making shit up.

>> No.423303

Evidently, OP has made the classic mistake of posting a picture more interesting than his actual post.