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File: 438 KB, 1054x481, nebl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4216377 No.4216377 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here invested in Neblio? I have a feeling it's about to moon. Market cap is currently sitting at $45 Million. An absolute steal for such a promising crypto IMO.

>> No.4216411

shill me harder please

im interested

>> No.4216478
File: 334 KB, 512x556, 1508972567062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid name
dump it

>> No.4216760

10% annual staking reward. Highly undervalued vs competition (because it's so new). Was only on Cryptopia until November 4th. Now on Kucoin as well. Getting added to HiBTC on November 9th. Already announced they will be supported on Ledger hardware wallets. Very small circulating supply of 12.5 million tokens.

Have I shilled enough yet?

>> No.4216788

ETH seems to be the best one here

>> No.4216815

please give me more about the technology and team

staking a shitcoin just gets you more shitcoin

Is this the only smart contract platform that you can use Python for?

>> No.4216821


what projects are on neblio? anything notable?

>> No.4216839

They have a small but solid team of people who have real world experience in managing corporate enterprises. DYOR if you want to know more.

>> No.4216849

I've been in neblio since $1 and continued to accumulate on the dips.

They are essentially stratus with a restful API. This makes them unique and will be able to target enterprise that prefers restful API instead of c#.

The devs are clever. Implemented a 7 day staking sequence to encourage people keep their tokens staked and not Day trade. Helps stabilize the price. Also they had a small ICO and the dev team bought their own tokens. Notice how the price on CMC never dumped.

They submitted iOS wallet to the App Store. Plan on having API available q1 2018.

This thing was exploding before the alt bleed.

>> No.4216860
File: 88 KB, 1702x849, nebl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's da chart for anyone who doesn't have Coinigy.

>> No.4216881

i have 150 NEBL, wish i got more before it mooned and priced me out. don't wanna sell my ETH or BTC bags for more yet, since it has such a small circulating supply its easy to manipulate

waiting to see if it moons harder, but this coin probably has the best returns on staking, doesnt it?

no idea whats up with the team or where its going, all i know is that i've 4x'd my money on it

>> No.4216910

The staking is pretty nice. Best reward I've gotten was 8 nebl. Gotten a 7 reward before also. Feels good to be making money hodling

>> No.4216942

you dont make money until you sell..

Thats the illusion of PoS, that you are making money. Just buying dips and selling ath is better
for accumulating than stake.

>> No.4216956

Neo is supposed to have 15 second block times which would make the annual staking reward 11%, but currently their block time is 20 seconds so it's only paying 8%. I think 10% is about the highest I've seen for anything actually worth staking. And the "token age" system really incentives people to hodl.

>> No.4217007

This guy does a great job of analyzing the potential of Neblio.


DataDash also posted a video on it.


>> No.4217033

>programming language used is a billion dollar question for smart contracts
when will this meme end
just because pajeets and millenials come out of their indoctrination center knowing nothing but javascript and c# doesn't mean it's a good idea to use those languages for your smart contract platform
any programmer worth their salt can pick up a new language in weeks if not days
those who can't are NOT the people you want developing your mission critical code handling hundreds of millions of dollars
retarded idea
screencap this and come back in 2020 to see your beloved shitcoins worth 0

>> No.4217089

Wait, so the fact that Neblio can support a wide variety of programming languages makes it a shitcoin? Please explain your logic.

>> No.4217124

You FUDSTERS have no clue. Neblio is going to fly and you idiots would rather talk shit then make money. Smh... Remind me in a few months to come back and slap u with my big stack of $$$ I make from this gem.

>> No.4217246

Everything you need to know about staking NEBL.

>> No.4217262

It's just a marketing argument

I bet you own apple products

>> No.4217366

Guilty. I have an iPhone and iPod. But my computer is a custom built gaming PC because PC master race.