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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 126 KB, 1356x732, EthereumChart10212017Ichimoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4214168 No.4214168 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 38 year old millionaire with a net worth of $15 million

Ask me anything

>> No.4214174

will u pr0ve it

>> No.4214181


>> No.4214182

nice larp faggot

if true which coins made you rich, and whats your strategy

>> No.4214189

>if true which coins made you rich, and whats your strategy

>Believing I got all of my networth from memecoins

This is why you're poor

>> No.4214200

I'd post a picture of my bank account, but you'd say I "inspect elemented" it or some shit like that.

>> No.4214209

why do you feel that your relative material success imbues you with some special wisdom in which others may be interested?

congrats on the success, btw not a hater

>> No.4214214

Why do unhabe to larp this hard

>> No.4214229

so u wont pr0ve it


>> No.4214235

you sound kind of unhappy for someone with so much money

>> No.4214246

Gimme some BTC and Ill believe you


>> No.4214252

Nice bro. I think we talked before. $9MM at 30 for me.

90% of people just call LARP whenever I post. You get bored of that?

>> No.4214254
File: 102 KB, 748x499, 06866A02-370D-42BE-A4EA-EA15CE8183FB-1441-000003F516BA7233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're still a faggot

i'm 28 15m net worth

buy chain link

>> No.4214260

I don't think it gives me special wisdom. But I see other bitcoin millionaires doing AMAs so I'd figure I'd do an AMA of being a millionaire through other means besides crypto

>> No.4214273

What was your net worth at 18 & 21? (this is a not so sneaky way of asking if it's your parent's money)

If you really are self made how'd you do it?

How many women have you slept with? How many men? Are you monogamous now or do you play the field?

Ever plan to start a family? Will you buy a ticket to space once it's affordable? Do you believe in conspiracy theories? What's your general political alignment?

>> No.4214282

I'm not unhappy, but I just think it's ridiculous that people expect to "make it" by investing a measly $5k in some altcoin they saw being shilled on /biz/.

Literally less than 5% of my networth is from crypto.

>> No.4214283

nice quiz lmfao

>> No.4214284

you didn't say it was through other means in the OP. how did you make your money?

>> No.4214287

You are 38, not giving us any cash or crypto, who gives a fuck then?

I have some family members with millions they won't even share with me so why would you?

Waste of time.

>> No.4214311

You're the exact definition of "gibsmedat"

>> No.4214322

Now call him a nigger and show him how to properly beat a woman.

>> No.4214324
File: 141 KB, 335x344, 1508614826529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12year old trillionaire here

Ask me anything, giving 10btc to any dubs.

>> No.4214326

Not asking for anything.

also answer these questions

>> No.4214344

What was your net worth at 18 & 21? (this is a not so sneaky way of asking if it's your parent's money)

If you really are self made how'd you do it?

How many women have you slept with? How many men? Are you monogamous now or do you play the field?

Ever plan to start a family? Will you buy a ticket to space once it's affordable? Do you believe in conspiracy theories? What's your general political alignment?

>> No.4214350

Do you view mere mortals as ants or something more akin to lemmings?

>> No.4214351


How long do you think the confirmations will take?
Needless to say. Check em.


>> No.4214355

I believe you because i'm the same boat

but you're still a faggot that can only get
buttfucked by hookers

robin williams urself


>> No.4214369

>What was your net worth at 18 & 21? (this is a not so sneaky way of asking if it's your parent's money)

I don't know exactly because it's been a while but I'd estimate

18: $4000 (Started doing jobs over the summers starting at 15, this is all the money I saved up)

21: -$10k (had gone into debt to go to university, family wouldn't pay for me, also had to pay for some medical bills)

>If you really are self made how'd you do it?

Combination of investing stock options, doing consultant work on the side, sales, and starting a SaaS business.

>> No.4214397

I'll roll for that


>> No.4214437

check em'


>> No.4214443

>How many women have you slept with? How many men? Are you monogamous now or do you play the field?

I'd say probably 50 women? I don't really keep count. I've only slept with two men, one time when I was experimenting in college, and the other time when I did a MMF threesome.

I'm in a relationship with a girlfriend now.

>Ever plan to start a family? Will you buy a ticket to space once it's affordable? Do you believe in conspiracy theories? What's your general political alignment?

Yes to the first three questions. I consider myself moderate right-wing

>> No.4214447



>> No.4214471
File: 78 KB, 750x500, IMG_4469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah i called it

you're literally a faggot

fucking neckbeard loser saas faggot

>> No.4214524

>I'm in a relationship with a girlfriend now.

How old is she? Is she smart or dumb?

>> No.4214572
File: 479 KB, 600x700, safe_space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, hey. /biz/ is a judgement free zone.
Unless you're a digicuck.

>> No.4214576


>> No.4214671

Jeff Bezos here, AMA

>> No.4214677

you make the assumption "space" exists as you know it

>> No.4214699

Do you oil up your head and rub it all over Thai lady-boys?

>> No.4214709

Livestream this AMA, only way to prove it...

>> No.4214818

>How old is she? Is she smart or dumb?

She's 27. She's probably the smartest out of all the girls I've dated. She's a nurse

>> No.4214823

No, but have you tried Amazon Prime?

>> No.4214921
File: 51 KB, 170x170, 1509492950463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you grew you're money for 20+ years congrats senpai so ok?

I mean what's the point or what's so special about it? Is this some kind of larp to trigger crypto people or?

>> No.4214931

I'm sure many became millionaires from a $5k investment in BTC even just 5 years ago

>> No.4214980
File: 455 KB, 720x707, comfypepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Larper, either post some proof or get over the fact nobody here is going to believe you.

How could you be rich while being this retarded?

>> No.4215340

OP probably made $15k and imagines that he has $15 million.

>> No.4215368

How much passive income you make a month and what brings you the most?

>> No.4215384


How hard was the SaaS business? How did it compare to a normal 9-5?

>> No.4215436

Yes. I'm trying to quit though. I started ordering some stuff from overstock.com. Fuck Bezos and fuck the Washington Post. Also, using methane as rocket fuel?? Really??

>> No.4215651


>> No.4215664

How old are you

>> No.4215665

Do you have a degree in CS? Give us a timeline of sorts pls

>> No.4215704

Cash my coins out and buy 2333 MAGA hats

>> No.4215729

Can you buy me one bitcoin?

>> No.4215784

gib monehs plz

>> No.4215811

So, how did you do it?

>> No.4215824

Why you knocking the guy? Assuming he isn't LARPing, only like 1% of American of any age will ever have $15M+ so to act dismissive about it implying it's no great feat, even more so that he did it himself without inheritance, is retarded as shit.

Also why would it trigger crypto people? Most crypto holders will never have $15M+ either. Unless you were an early buyer at least 1-2 years ago (or prior) you probably have no chance of ever making it to that level of wealth.

>> No.4215878

>not taking photo of browser... and car... and watch... showing picture of fridge and overpriced food in there poorfags can't afford
>not using clustering of proof

Okay maybe you're not a LARP, or at least a very real sounding one
>doing consultant work on the side, sales, and starting a SaaS business.
What industry? How did you get into it? Was it related to your degree? Did you use connections or did you bravado your way into clients? How did you get your first clients?

>> No.4215882

I think it's a natural defensive reaction. Meet someone like that and:

1. They aren't real
2. They're a bad person
3. They don't actually deserve it

All of those allow someone to dismiss coping with the reality that someone may have actually earned substantially greater wealth and success than they did.

>> No.4216685

It's time to go back to discord

>> No.4216717

hey, what do i study or what kind of business do you recommend for raising that fortune from a couple thousand$

>> No.4216805


Do you prefer OSRS or runescape 3 i find that its kind of soothing to play OSRS.

>> No.4217769

>right wing
>slept with a dude

>> No.4217772


How quickly can you send Bitcoin?


>> No.4217851

Letting $15 million rot in a bank account while inflation erodes the value is something only trust fund babies, lottery winners, or some kind of retard would do. If you were really worth that much, you got there through luck and your opinion is worthless anyway.

>> No.4218054

Ill roll for you anon

>> No.4218417
File: 22 KB, 533x477, 1507150807798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 18 yo and worth 100 Billion, AMA

>> No.4218427

politics have nothing to do with sexual orientation, kekistani poster

>> No.4218460

>the left disagrees with this


>> No.4218463

what do you eat for breakfast each morning