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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4211293 No.4211293 [Reply] [Original]

>down 22k usd this month
>holding LINK, REQ, and SALT
>feeling suicidal because i'll probably never make it
Will this get better in the following months /biz/.... this is the first time ive experienced JUSTing so hard. I can hold until late 2018 to 2019 but i really dont see myself becoming rich anymore. I'm just a young NEET for fucks sake. I used to meditate and exercise but now i cant even function. I sleep all day to forget the JUSTing but once I've slept for 12 hours I can't sleep anymore and I actually have to be alive for several hours until I feel sleepy again.

>> No.4211430
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try drinking alcohol every time the bad fee fees come itll make you feel better

>> No.4211467

You hold decent coins actually. Other than sleeping, start learnig to program.

>> No.4211491

Btc is dipping from 7k which is a ridiculous price, get out of link ASAP and convert the ETH to btc and hold that till late 2019

>> No.4211503

But anon... whenever i drink i start wanting to see tits so i go to strip clubs and end up spending more money.

will these coins even go up in value FFS. i mean i researched them and everything and they seem good but after weeks of JUSTing I just feel totally hopeless.

>> No.4211515

why would i get out of LINK anon? ffs its one of the most promising coins out there. dapps that use a centralized oracle are nothing but a sham, why not use a traditional client server architecture instead.

>> No.4211532

Salt will moon next week, and then again when they launch their product in december. Sell at these times. REQ will also moon later in december when their product launches, sell at that time.

Link is the biggest moon mission since ethereum and it will moon in 2k18 Q2

>> No.4211543

Just wait until after the fork you impatient fuck. Delete blockfolio and live your life. Play an MMO or something.

>> No.4211591

love lab was a cute show

>> No.4211600

I hope so anon, my bags are getting really heavy but i wont sell at these ridiculously low prices.

i hope these bags rise after the fork. seriously everytime i open blockfolio i feel like taking pills to knock me the fuck out until November 16.

>> No.4211626

To invest, you gotta think years down the line. 3-5 years in the conventional market is short term!

>> No.4211639

Terrible advice
Drugs are not an escape

>> No.4211641

Have a little faith in what you got into those are good projects to invest in

If you're not accumulating set it aside and don't think about it. Check once a week and pretend it's not there

>> No.4211657

When did you buy req and link
SALT seems pretty much stable, why do you feel just'd?

>> No.4211670

Whats the purpose of req?

>> No.4211673

If you hold anything above 100k in Req you will actually make it. Just forget about it at least till next year op. Also, switch your phone to something without Blockfolio. Or delete it completely. YOu don't hold memecoins

>> No.4211686

LINK at $0.43, REQ when it hit Etherdelta, SALT a week ago. I got JUSTed by Antshares before when it dipped to $4 during the fork and I held until it mooned but I dont know the JUSTing this month is much worse.

>> No.4211724

At one point I had 20 bitcoins, now I have like 6. JUST. I feel your pain.

I pray to the crypto gods that after the fork is over, we will experience the biggest green dildos we have seen thus far.

>> No.4211779

Its so painful anon. Its like we are not meant to be rich. This is why I cant even meditate to get rid of anxiety anymore. Meditation forces you to accept that you'll be JUSTed forever and I just cant accept that.

>> No.4211947

Req will definitely recover, that's not a big just yet imo. And if you bought at etherdelta you still got it below ico price.
Good shit on antshares, I wish I was into crypto when that happened.

>> No.4211980
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>Not selling for XVG
Enjoy your bags.

>> No.4212012

But anon, verge is just another anonymous cryptocurrency. There are tons of decentralized currencies, its a meme.

>> No.4212028

I meant decentralized anonymous currencies.

>> No.4212041

Wraith is getting released tomorrow, so if you don't want easy gains that's fine, just don't come back crying.

>> No.4212061

No thanks, i dont think any news released in this fork will save an altcoin. People will just sell right after the news gets released for Bitcoin.

>> No.4212081

>People will just sell right after the news gets released for Bitcoin.
So that's why you go for a short term pump, you don't have to fucking HODL every single fucking coin you get your hands on.

>> No.4212107

But what makes you so sure it isnt priced in anon? The release is literally tomorrow so im sure people like you have bought in already waiting to dump their bags to me. I just dont like buying things that I dont believe in.

>> No.4212171

>I just dont like buying things that I dont believe in.

That's probably why you're down 22k.

>> No.4212180

yeah whatever im still not going to buy your XVG bags since its only another anonymous currency

>> No.4213040

>I sleep all day to forget the JUSTing but once I've slept for 12 hours I can't sleep anymore and I actually have to be alive for several hours until I feel sleepy again.

Lol are you me? All in on Link/Req at ATHs, down about 22k on the nose since three weeks ago...

Slept 12 hours pretty much every day. It's gotten to the point where I can't sleep so much anymore so I've been abusing tylenol pm and other OTC sleeping medication so I can sleep longer. Thinking about trying to get a prescription to Lunesta or something.

Also haven't been to the gym in two weeks and I think I've gained about 10 pounds of fat since I just sleep and eat junk food and feel like shit.

I hope it gets better for your and my sake.

>> No.4213066

Too bad, if you bought when I told you to you would've made a 3.5% profit by now (3% after fees).

>> No.4213083

Fuck off verge shill, SALT went up 10% today too. I dont want to buy another anonymous currency when there are a shitton of them.

>> No.4213086

>Drugs are not an escape
That's literally what they are. The only thing they're good for

>> No.4213105

Its so fucking painful bro, I've been abusing sleeping pills too lately. There is another guy that made a thread similar to me just now. Is that you?

>> No.4213151

Wow tell me about it, ever since the JUSTing started I haven't gone to the gym. Started sleeping late at like 4 am while I have class at 8, wake up at 3pm on weekends and have missed so many classes ever since.

>> No.4213311

Cry harder, since that's what I'd be doing if I missed out on ez gains.

>> No.4213346
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>Bought status thinking it would moon after the conference
>it drops 50% and I'm instantly a bag holder

>> No.4213375
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If you'd like to chat I'll give you the answers you want in a discord or something
I'm like the devil I sell happiness, well free though, but I'll take a soul as a donation I guess
but I'm up 2-300%

>> No.4213428
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I dont even have the energy to go out with my family during weekends. My mom is starting notice something is wrong because im feeling so weak but i just smile and tell her everything is fine.

>> No.4213507

That's not how it works

>> No.4213520

im drinking wine right now, is this counted as drugs. im so fucking stressed.

>> No.4213601

Here's something to cheer you up ;)

>> No.4213614


anon...i also heavily on req, link, knc.with my whole savings...all fucked me hard....lost 35k in single month....what do you they will bounce after fork

>> No.4213641


u retard...crypto is like that only....even if u hold btc, eth, there days they down 50% ...so its not just you...keep used to it...bealive what you buy in.....dont go for pills....even u r millner...these pills will make u slave...

>> No.4213689


>> No.4213722
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Salt in the 3 month is an about guaranteed 7-10x pay out
Omg will preform highly sometime in Dec
VERI exists the slump in JAN

Broccoli sprouts blended are the healthiest super food you can get, it triggers anti inflammatory genes to trigger on
Buy a liquid multi vitamin and extra D and E

Bitcoin at 13k by Feb 10 before year is out
Lite coin will also be probably be at least tripling soon past it high of 90

Now most importantly is your mind set, you're young. Even if you were dead broke this is this single best time in history you could still come up from nothing pretty easy.

Aside from the primo advice I gave you you aren't trying hard enough.
Why the hell aren't you learning to code and running bullshit miners for extra rev or something to side gamble to make up losses?
Think out side the box man you're your own worst jailer

>> No.4213802

Thanks for the advice bro, Im hoping SALT will moon as well. I was actually studying ReactJS + Solidity w/ Oracles before this month's alt bear market started. I totally could not concentrate anymore. The pay for developers in my country is so fucking low the only chance of making it is working remote or being an entrepreneur. I'm talking about 6k usd salary annually for entry level jobs.

Im in my early twenties and have an additional 50k USD stashed but the problem is im probably capped with this amount of money because like i said the pay for developers is so low in my country so winning the money back through wagecucking is almost impossible. I dont think i have the balls to put my remaining amount of savings in crypto but i'm having the urge to go with the following mantra

>give me lambo or give me death

>> No.4213847

If you bought XVG when I told you to you would've made a 8.4% profit by now.

>> No.4213858

Nigga shut the fuck up. I am not buying another anonymous currency crypto. I hold mid to long term not pump and dumps.

>> No.4213879

Stay poor big boy :*
I'll think of you when fucking a high end escort.

>> No.4213906

too bad i can fuck a high end escort right now unlike your $300 holdings. just because im down $22k doesnt mean i dont have more fiat faggot.

>> No.4213922


u nigga reatrd...XVG is p and d....inasted holding pwer is better than u r xvg shitcoin

>> No.4213934

>just because im down $22k doesnt mean i dont have more fiat
You're coping really hard right now, don't worry man. I'm sure it'll work out.

>> No.4213940

You should probably check out proppy as a cool thing to buy a house with abroad

But we all know which ever btc wins out as king soon will it will be at 100 thousand in 2 years when the crypto community grows from less than 1 to over 3% of the worlds population.

Honestly you already saw LTC at 90$

really you could put just 11-12k uds into LTC and recoup your losses almost guaranteed by greed and it's usefulness in 2-3 months

>> No.4213951

English please, and I don't give a fuck if XVG is a p&d, it's a short term hold.

>> No.4213991

u xvg faggot....i already fuckked this xvg in last pump ..got in at 80 sat...sold at 165 sat...done with that shit....go and shill it to noobs.....

>> No.4214021

Shut the fuck up fag. How is saying you've lost a large amount of money but have more coping? But you probably have less than $1k in crypto so thats why you're not scared of joining a pump and dump like XVG.

Thanks man ill consider it but ive never really liked LTC as an investment.

>> No.4214031

>..got in at 80 sat...sold at 165 sat...
Wow really?
So when did you find out how to time travel?

>> No.4214153


u retard open new thrd on xvg and shill it there...

>> No.4214206

XVG is only like 5% of my portfolio. The rest is in BTC.

Anyway if you really wanted to play it safe you'd keep it in BTC, or even better in stocks, but no, you decide to fall for the memes such as LINK because "it has potential to become the new bitcoin" and now you're down 22k.

>> No.4214236

its 1 month old retard. go fuck yourself. no matter how hard you try you're never going to get close to my inheritance money. the downside is ill have to wait for my parents to die.

>> No.4214255

If you bought google in 95 sold it 2001 at a profit you'd kick yourself when it bought youtube years later

Sometimes too early is better

>> No.4214272

>you're never going to get close to my inheritance money.

You're literally bragging about inheritance. Kid, you need to start making your own money, because at this rate you'll blow through your parents inheritance money like a gambling addict.

>> No.4214312

whatever fuck off verge shill. no ones buying that shit especially when muh wraith protocol is released tomorrow. expect a massive selloff. go back to your pajeet pump and dump group with your fucking $1k crypto investment.

>> No.4214327

Man up nigger. I'm down 120k since September, but no fucks are given because we've already made it big by being this early into crypto.

>> No.4214342
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how is that possible

>> No.4214343

how are you able to handle it bro? Im only down $22k and all i can think about is how i could have spent that in hookers and blow instead.

>> No.4214352

If that's what you were going to spend it on who even gives a fuck that you lost it in the first place

>> No.4214353

Also this. How the fuck is that possible.

>> No.4214367

i dont get it bro, the only reason people are trying to earn more money is to get more pleasure in life. spending $22k on hookers in blow is worth it but losing it on crypto is not.

>> No.4214382


I started in Feb last year with 15k and made like 40x my initial investment. I've seen alts bow down to BTC many times but they always come back.

>> No.4214460

That's completely false the only reason I'm interested in crypto is so that it can help me quit my job earlier and pursue other things that I enjoy more.
T. Someone who is just starting a career as an engineer for a big company.

I just want to be able to spend my time woodworking, making YouTube videos, and shooting at the range.

>> No.4214486

those things dont give you pleasure?

>> No.4214529

Holy shit you shoot in the range too? goddamn im such a noob, my father is actually obsessed with guns and im practicing with him. I got over the noob mistake of "jerking your hand in anticipation of the recoil" but fuck i still am not accurate enough. any tips?

also im curious how old are you? im young and havent wage cucked yet. i guess i have no choice but to wage cuck unless my investments take off. any tips for this as well?

>> No.4214579

i only practice using pistols btw. its relaxing to get out of the JUSTing during weekends. only started around a month ago.

>> No.4214589

you got shilled by biz so hard you actually and non ironically think LINK is anything but shit, lol you are doomed

>> No.4214606


Enjoy your bags man :)

>> No.4214646

I actually have a brain of my own bro. if you actually research about it you'll know its fucking huge. Even at a 150m marketcap its still undervalued. im not going to lie and say im not nervous though. Like i said in my previous replies to this thread im actually a CS student so I see the importance and huge upside of LINK memes aside. Not to mention the white paper is solid is fuck, peer reviewed and supported by academics. If you actually were forced to read theoretical CS papers in college you'd also see how important LINK is.

>> No.4214658

Whatever verge shill. Have fun with your bags. If my crypto investments fail ill just wait for my inheritance in a decade or so unlike you who is poor as fuck.

>> No.4215043

I'll pay you your cut later.

>> No.4215396

How high do you think links market cap will get? I want to end up with a cool 2 mill after taxes so i can put it in the s&p 500 for a cool 100 grand per year. Hiw many links should i buy to make this happen?

>> No.4216554

Wait is this my post? I'm posting to see if this has my ID since I'm 99% I wrote this but I was high on drugs so I don't know anymore.

>> No.4216581

> end up with a cool 2 mill after taxes
start with $10mil

>> No.4216612

Don't do S&P 500.

ETF's give ~20% profit a year and are the highest performing stock options the last couple of years. It's performing so well that Goldmansachs, Vanguard and BlackRock (the 3 biggest investment banks) are losing money because they are less profitable than simple ETFs.

t. Guy who has been buying, selling and holding stocks for almost 20 years now.

>> No.4216652

dude it's just money, you literally are the universe, you can create and send more money to yourself again.

>> No.4216654

Man I've been on acrazy drug binge during my recent JUST ing

Heroin and shit just to fucking forget. I'm down 35k.

>> No.4216669

>Doing drugs during losses.

You should only do drugs during wins man that way you condition yourself to have even more attention to detail because your body literally tries to get its next dosage.

>> No.4216671
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>> No.4216693

Oh yeah the white paper is great, and so is the code...code is awesome...have you seen all the latest commits?


>> No.4216710

there's no way ~20% profit per year can be sustainable, can it? I could just put ~$200k in an ETF and make $40k profit per year?

>> No.4216803

>unlike you who is poor as fuck.
Keep projecting retard, haha.

>> No.4217281
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I'm 22 and about 8 months info a full time salaried engineering job. But I'll be honest, this is really not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I would like to start my own business and do consulting on my own.

Any shooting tips...
Practice practice and practice. The more you shoot the less you will have to think about it. BUT practice won't do you any good if you are just screwing around at the range. Research proper form and watch some tutorials from some experts on YouTube and try to work bad habits out of your shooting practice. Remember ... Perfect practice makes perfect.

I have worked since grade 9 (The legal age) and saved near all of my money. I suggest you don't foolishly waste your money on drinks at bars (just drink at home before you go out), try to walk instead of taking taxis etc. I have managed to save about 65k by the time I graduated, while buying myself a brand new Ninja 300 in 2nd year of uni, and assembling a full woodworking shop and gun collection.

Keys to being ahead of 95% of other people when you graduate...

Have a part time job always (unless you can't handle your classes and work at the same time, grades come first).

Don't spend your money foolishly. Save it ALL and only splurge on things you really like/want. That will take some self control, but will pay huge dividends when you go years without pissing money away on fast food, alcohol at bars/clubs etc. Keep your priorities straight and you'll be okay.

Btw i had a girlfriend all through high school and another one all through uni (still with her now and will marry her). Having a girlfriend ironically allowed me to focus so much more the important things as I wasn't chasing multiple girls in my free time. Entertainment and weekends don't really cost money when you have a gf as you guys can do simple free things together. This will really allow you to save money. But don't kiss time away with a girl you have no intention of marrying. Not worth the time.