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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 153 KB, 1170x934, 67868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4210178 No.4210178 [Reply] [Original]

8% fees and 10 day waits? This is the biggest fucking rip-off I've ever seen in trading.

Where do you go to make trades instantly? Coinbase is a scam.

>> No.4210211

ah yes, that first time of waiting for your BTC to arrive from coinbase is torture. Enjoy :^)

>> No.4210219

8% fees? You used credit card, or bank transfer?
I never had such fees. And it is not a scam. There simply is not much alternative.

>> No.4210237

Don't tell me you just bought BTC
It will drop like a MOFO in a week

>> No.4210241

Nobody is working on solving the coinbase problem?

>> No.4210242

Bitstamp will get you what you need immediately with a credit card.

>> No.4210244

Credit cards have high fees, debt cards a bit less bust till decent.

>> No.4210253

How high will it drop, like up to $10k?

>> No.4210260

LINK will allow you to send fiat to a system of decentralized oracles that will then deposit BTC into your wallet. sounds pretty good huh :^)

>> No.4210263

Around 5.5k.

>> No.4210270

nu-coiner doesn't even get 10 seconds into crypto before calling scam?

>> No.4210275

Idk man I'm worried after reading about the anon that attended devcon, asked Sergey about possible uses (for link as a coin) and he didn't know what to say
I think I will wait a bit more before jumping in

>> No.4210278

Hopefully exchanges like Coss.io will change the issue with limited access to cryptos via FIAT exchange. Coss.io looks promising

>> No.4210279

The fiat will get eaten by Sergey on the way to the wallet :(

>> No.4211054
File: 963 KB, 1393x1060, 1509418989240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first was a $2,500 ACH deposit from the bank thinking I was smart getting around the 4% fee. It says 2-5 day wait for that. It's been 3 days and it's still not deposited. Every ACH bank deposit I've done within the past 10 years at online brokers took 24hours, 2 days max. I didn't want to wait 2 days to get in on the action, so I bought some BTC directly from my linked bank account and the fucking cock sucker says 10 god damn days until arrival.

It's 8%.... 4% to buy and 4% to sell. This shits a nightmare. Literally 100x easier, cheaper and faster at OptionsHouse 10 years ago doing day/swing trades.

>> No.4211158
File: 534 KB, 3264x2448, 632d2113f85609b9d4f82f125adc353388992291711dc5cb827965532a533f7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the noob for thinking any of this coin trading is new. Mankind has been trading currency for 2,000+ years you god damn idiot. You're just a common douchebag who thinks he's doing something special because it gives you extra hope you might get laid before you die. We'll guess what, you're not special. These coin brokers are ripping you the fuck off 750 times over than NYSE Brokers. All under the guise of 'MUH NEW SHIT', 'I'M SPECIAL', 'I'M ON THE CUSP OF REVOLUTION'. Ever heard of marketing you fucking idiot? Infact, selling "MUH NEW SHIT" narratives has been the go too ad campaign since forever.

But hey, I hope calling me a nucoiner made you lose a few extra pounds today in the hope you might actually see your own dick sometime in the future being inserted into a woman.

10 day wait, and you faggots think nothings wrong.

>> No.4211199
File: 740 KB, 1160x870, images.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gdax.com you fucking brainlet

zero fees

same company as coinbase

wow coinbase is a scam for offering trading to brainlet normie cucks who've never seen anything but a US dollar in their financial life.

>> No.4211251

You have to deposit into coinbase before transferring to gdax.com Wow, you read the same article I did. Congratulations dipshit. Also, who waits 10 days for coin arrival? This is some pajeet tier spaceship.

These fuckers are going to mess with the wrong guy and end up getting their offices demolished.

>> No.4211282
File: 102 KB, 748x499, 06866A02-370D-42BE-A4EA-EA15CE8183FB-1441-000003F516BA7233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bought 7500 btc

you fucking idiot faggot neckbeard

robin williams urself faggot

>> No.4211305

Can't tell if serious or pajeet.

>> No.4211352

in germany i buy my ether and have it in 2 minutes

>> No.4211364
File: 72 KB, 750x500, E1569C76-EA46-4ED9-95EE-F61C5F3B3986-4014-0000088B6D7B855E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're literally a fucking idiot faggot pajeet neckbeard

robin williams urself

buy eth dumbfuck or link

>> No.4211378

topkek .08 btc is $600

want free btc? cum to https://discord.gg/TnFfsU

>> No.4211394

Do a wire transfer and it arrives in a few hours. Yea you have to pay the bank fee for the wire transfer and Coinbase/Gdax takes $10 out of the deposit as a fee but at least you can buy BTC/ETH
instantly once the wire transfer is received.

>> No.4211401

They do this because they're actually giving you the coins rather than fronting them like some other exchanges.
In order to supply you with btc they need to actually have that btc, and they don't want to run out.
Also more than half of that time is waiting on the (((bank))) transfer.

>> No.4211413

Using my own vocabulary is the most pajeet thing you can do, fucking pajeet. Go back to fiverr you elephant riding nigger.

>> No.4211442
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shut the fuck up you faggot wage cucking fucking loser

you used coinbase and didn't even a wire transfer

how broke are you faggot neckbeard pajeet fuck

buy chainlink or robin williams urself


>> No.4211538

Fucking die in an oven you kike with your -150% 30 day opening drop into cucklink semitic hell. You retarded trendy low IQ baiting taken easily duped hype queen faggot gobbler.

You lost everything you had.... now you're larping in the small hope you can convince yourself not to pull the trigger these lonely winter nights sitting in your obesity.

Die a thousands deaths.

>> No.4211580
File: 7 KB, 201x251, cdff8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy chainlink or robin williams urself
unironically, this

>> No.4211618
File: 1.06 MB, 4175x3635, 7D56771B-66AB-4DB4-9235-42666F652405-564-000000FC18E467F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up u faggot nigger bitch

i bought eth at $10 got 10k

u poor fuck robin williams urself faggot

i'm up 100k on link u dumb fuck

fucking faggot neckbeard wage cucking fuck

stay poor faggot

>> No.4211620
File: 122 KB, 1147x1233, 1458246391265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy my -150% cucklink so I can recover my ballsack.
Nah, I'm good. How about you die 150 times over. One death for every percentage point that raped you the past 30 days. Stupid millennial sucker. First you fall for jewish communism, then you fall for cucklink.

>> No.4211652

You didn't do shit except die inside cucklink you fucking elephant riding wahhabi nigger. California will never know you lived after you pull the trigger.

>> No.4212114


Where is the best place for me to buy btc?

I was using coinbase but my creditcard got removed for some reason, and it won't let me upload a new one. I contacted support three times over a week ago and they haven't answered.

Is there any where I can go that will use a creditcard or bank transfer without insane fees? Preferably that wont require my entire life story and take 2 weeks to verify me.

Advice plz /biz/

>> No.4212463

I have to wait 5 days for ACH deposit on Gemini, everytime.
Coinbase instant buy is for emergencies.

>> No.4212523

ever heard of gdax, retard?

>> No.4212545

deposit from your bank to coinbase, transfer from coinbase to gdax, buy btc with no fees (although it is a little higher on gdax than other exchanges and it takes a week for your money to get there)

>> No.4212929

Neither Coinbase nor Gemini accept ACH. They will show as failed after 5 days. You have to do a same day wire transfer. Trust me I’ve been through this.

>> No.4212976

>not using litecoin

Pure pleb