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File: 5 KB, 200x200, singularDTV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4209542 No.4209542 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get thoughts on this project? It's supposed to be a blockchain backed self-publication platform for artists.There are few obvious red flags:

- no public whitepaper
- no product (yet)
- very limited information on their web
- no real tech people behind the project, only marketing shills and some Swiss gold bullion jew.

They are lunching their "product" tomorrow (November 6th).

What gives?

>> No.4209648


>> No.4209858

Dude they continue to sign artists to the platform. Not only that, but they are artists with 100k+ likes on official fb pages etc. They aren't Kayne west but it's a solid start.

>> No.4209891

There is a bunch of information available on reddit.com/r/SingularDTV. Usually they post their updates on Medium.

As for no real tech people behind the project, I will persume you haven't found enough information about the team. Consensys and Centrality are probably two biggest and leading companies in dApps and they are both working with SingularDTV. I'd say they have top tier blockchain developer support. Not to mention, they are collaborating with Blockhaus for legal as well.

In my opinion, they are probably the leading blockchain dApp company, but totally under the radar (I would argue by their fault, because they want organic growth instead of pumping and dumping)

>> No.4210031

which artists exactly? where is the list?

I see only one dude called Gramatik


fair enough, but what about the missing whitepaper? Roadmap is also a mess.

>> No.4210060

What are you talking about no real tech people behind it?


On top of that they are working heavily with ConsenSys

>> No.4210078

SingularDTV insider here...what would you like to know. Wish I could show you screen shots of Tokit, but that would be messed up.

>> No.4210226

How legit's the product being released tomorrow

>> No.4210443

OK, since you are the insider man, please explain to me:

- What can I do with the SNGLS tokens?
- How can I buy all the new tokens created for each and every of your artists?
- How many artists are signed with SingularDTV besides Gramatik?

In your Roadmap, it says number 1 step is Tokit lunch (which will happen tomorrow). Yet, as step 2 there is "Decentralized Exchange - The first exchange for artists and creators where you can buy and sell the tokens generated in Tokit. Launching August, 2017!"

Is that date a typo?

Same thing for "CODEX, suppose to launch March 2017"

>> No.4210670

I would like to know about SingularX (decentralized exchange) as well, when will it be launched?

>> No.4210692
File: 1.09 MB, 200x199, Anonymous Kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super legit.
Lets just say the days of Kickstarter are ending.
It's gonna send shockwaves through the crypto world tomorrow.

>- What can I do with the SNGLS tokens?
You will be able to use them for funding projects and there is a reward feature built into the platform.
>- How can I buy all the new tokens created for each and every of your artists?
Tokit...tomorrow a lot will be answered.
>- How many artists are signed with SingularDTV besides Gramatik?
Well we have Alex Winter making the documentary, but there are others coming on board but I can't tell you. Lame I know. If I told you some of the bigger names it would out me and I have an NDA. Trust me though they are BIG....I was surprised when I found out who we were talking to.

>Yet, as step 2 there is "Decentralized Exchange - The first exchange for artists and creators where you can buy and sell the tokens generated in Tokit. Launching August, 2017!"
A lot of stuff got moved around when the architecture was being built. This is a typo. SingularX will be coming out soon though, I've seen the demo.

>CODEX, suppose to launch March 2017
Not sure about this honestly.

Our BIG reveal of EtherVision is slated for Q1 of 2018. This is when we bring it all to the masses.

>> No.4210704

Very soon.

>> No.4210921

Unfortunately there is so much uncertainty in this project that it makes it hard to invest any serious money. Maybe tomorrow it will be clear.

What does a company that is outsourcing all it's tech stuff and probably legal as well, need a staff of 50 people?

>> No.4210941

what would you expect profit to be? i took 15% or so earlier, i might re-enter your coin

>> No.4210992
File: 747 KB, 267x200, WHOOOOOOOOAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 50 includes the outsourcing number and a lot of the artists that will be using the platform are included in that number. There are a couple of people working on side moduls for the platform. Not much information is out there about the next phase but people are already working on it. We are trying to keep the narrative focused heading into the launch of Tokit and the big launch of EtherVision.

I wish I could tell you more about things being built and some of the plans (they really are amazing ideas). I think a lot of confidence will be bestowed on us after tomorrow. Tokit will make a lot of people look at us differently.

That is anyones guess, but Tokit is gonna turn a lot of heads tomorrow.

>> No.4211016

Is it true that Tom Hanks invested in SingularDTV? I heard the rumor but couldn't verify

>> No.4211030

>how do i know you didnt buy at the top

>> No.4211052
File: 1.06 MB, 500x276, 1496781230714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i know you didnt buy at the top
Can't prove that, but I bought a long time ago.

Never heard that, and I doubt it.

>> No.4211087

this is the next x10 coin, do your research

>> No.4211107

how soon, i want money tomorrow

>> No.4211115

Possibly...the next week is gonna be big for SNGLS, so much is about to happen.

Fuck just the live stream of Gramatik tokanizing his IP is gonna be cool.

>> No.4211126

i kinda envy you, because I invested around August, only to witness the price drop constantly to below 2000. It doesn't pay off to be an early adopter.

Lucky you, you can buy the dip quite cheap!

>> No.4211150
File: 825 KB, 700x700, hackerman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pays off if you bought the ICO. Buying into the Golem ICO was one of the best things I have ever done.

I can actually buy a Lambo.

>> No.4211481

Post a proof you are insider.

Picture of company logo on the building, or something that won't reveal your identity but will prove your involvement.

Also if you are an insider, whats your motive here? If the news that will come tomorrow will be so much of a head turner, why the need to shill it?

>> No.4211523

someone eat this 2.5 already

>> No.4211681

why do people hold shit down?

>> No.4211741

Not shilling...answering questions.

I want people to actually be excited about this project, I'm not here for the money.

>> No.4211906

Money makes me excited...