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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4199102 No.4199102 [Reply] [Original]

Your $5000 investment into LINK has grown to over a million dollars. What do you do now that money is meaningless?

>> No.4199115

Play video games and shitpost on /biz/ full time

>> No.4199127

Pay for shit with LINKs, of course. LINK will seriously be so ubiquitously used that laypeople will use it as currency.

>> No.4199160

I will move to a state where property is cheap and buy a home with my girlfriend. Then do some traveling in Asia.

>> No.4199192

Idk. Is 100k link enough to make it?

>> No.4199204

1mil is a lot, but it doesn't make money meaningless.

>> No.4199210

I bought 2500 ETH at $12 this year. Sold at ~$380.

My life is very much the same except I have nicer things.

>> No.4199246

Do you think LINK/smartcontract has a chance?
What are your predictions?

>> No.4199266

my 5k investment is at 2k right now

>> No.4199274

Congrats for making it. What are you investing right now?

>> No.4199280
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shitpost 4chan 24/7 - especially with toilet memes

>> No.4199286

Nothing but SEGWIT coins. After ETH it has been LTC and VTC that have made me the most money.

Most of my portfolio is now in VTC. Bought in at $.87 and don't intend to sell for a while. Especially with the block reward being halved in December.

>> No.4199295

my 50k investment is at 20k right now

>> No.4199311
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>live for a month in a expensive hotel and fuck 10/10 escorts til my dick surrenders
>smoke weed everyday
>drive around in my porsche

>> No.4199317

rare example of buy low sell high

>> No.4199319

Order a custom $10000 my little pony life size plushie and fuck it everyday

>> No.4199444
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>over a million dollars
>What do you do now that money is meaningless?

I can't believe people actually believe this. being a millionaire is middle-class dumb fuck. The ride only begins when you have 100s of millions.

What the fuck are you going to do with "over a million" buy 1 home, done you lost all your money.

Buy a car and live in a trailer while living off of passive income? That's called trailer trash anon not rich.

HOW THE FUCK is having 1 million considered rich???!

>> No.4199475
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>> No.4199477

move to Maine
I hate the Sotuh

>> No.4199490

I agree with you but to be fair, if you've got 1m in crypto right now, you're gonna have a lot more money pretty soon if you don't fuck it up.

>> No.4199494

>every other coin will moon
even Tether?

>> No.4199497

>have a million dollars you earned in a span of years
>tell normies you made them in a day
>get their investment money
>spend on hookers and blow
>kill yourself once you are busted or hodl your life and wait to get out of jail in 8 to 12 years

>> No.4199515

Trips of truth

>> No.4199524

>7.94 million
>only drives a porsche
jej, you're not doing it right

>> No.4199525

It’s overrated. I don’t need a job at all and did that for a year, but ended up getting a part time job at the mall because I almost killed myself. I need that human interaction every now and then. It’s best to get it in small quantities, like a part time job. Something to make you take care of your appearance and keep you in good mental health. Trust me

>> No.4199553

>23 years old
>never wagecucked
same here, made a good amount of money in crypto. i actually want to wagecuck since ive never done it before. i feel like interacting with people at work would actually make my mental health better rather than NEETing and creating websites at home.

>> No.4199561

did you sell into fiat or btc or dump a bunch into icos?
did you pay tax?

>> No.4199569


I already do that and im a poorfag

>> No.4199571

>24 hr change
>+7.93 MM
ok anon lmao

>> No.4199575

Hei peeple. Im from 2022. As yu can zee my grammur is difrend from yours. It all habbend so fast.
LINK is worth $1,400 noe bie de wey

>> No.4199598
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With a million dollars you could buy a studio apartment in Lincoln Park, Chicago for $250,000. This gets you a very nice studio in a very comfortable part of town absolutely loaded with gorgeous young women. Now, you'll have to pay an HOA fee and other utilities every month. Let's say an average of $1,000 a month and being conservative we'll just say $15,000 a year in case anything bad happens to the building and you have to pay an assessment. Now we'll factor in other costs of living such as food and entertainment. Let's say you budget $3,000 a month for that. That's $36,000 a year.

So let's look at 10 years of living this life...
>$250,000 for the condo
>$150,000 for utilities
>$300,000 for food and entertainment

That's a total of $700,000 spent over 10 years just for basic living expenses and basic entertainment.

That leaves you $300,000 to play with over those 10 years. You could invest it, use it for vacations, start a company, etc...

I think a cool $1,000,000 does indeed make you rich. At the very least it makes life a hell of a lot easier.

>> No.4199599


23 year old NEET here. Can confirm. Was working a highly social retail style job that I had been at for five years. Quit in the middle of summer because I made I made 30k from crypto. Did a bit of traveling then ended up back home, trading shitcoins in my parent's basement, being a useless NEET.

my mental health has never been in a worse state. For the past two months I've felt numb with intermittent suicidal tendencies. You don't know what you have till it's gone. I crave that social interaction.

>> No.4199600

$1400 mcap, yeah

>> No.4199625

Or you could not be loser and use that 1,000,000 to make some REAL money or fund your startup etc.

I can't believe most of you guys dream of basically being a high quality welfare queen. You are all slobs that will NEVER EVER amount to anything. Where the fuck is your sense of ambition and accomplishment?

>> No.4199652

you're right, 1 million isn't rich these days. especially with a plebian mentality of buying shit out right. the deal with finally having 1 mil is that you now have a greater ability to collateralize that money. using other peoples money to buy what you want, and using that debt to offset your tax liabilities while investing in cashflow generating assets to pay off the remainder is how rich people stay rich and poor fuckers who win the lottery are poor fuckers again 10 years later. that and asset protection trust structuring.

>> No.4199685

lol look at Billy Badass over here angry at the world.

If you create a start-up you still need a place to live. Investing in real estate is not a bad idea. $250,000 for your first property is actually a very prudent move.

The rest of the money? Yea, you need to pay for utilities, food, and entertainment regardless of whether or not you are going to create a startup.

See how I left the $300,000 there?

Yea, this is actually my budget. I bought the condo this summer and I currently have $100,000 invested in crypto and $200,000 invested in a local startup at an incubator here where I am currently learning to code.

Do tell.. how exactly would you invest your $1,000,000 and into what specific business?

>> No.4199686

>The ride only begins when you have 100s of millions.
1 million isn't much, sure, but you could live pretty comfortably with 10-15 million or more.

>> No.4199760

>have 1 million usd
>what can I do with all this money? maybe I could invest at least 20% to make even more, and use the rest to live a very comfortable life that is in the top 1% of the planet.

>> No.4199792

Fuck all that, I'd be looking at parking it in some dividends

Or something to that regard, and living comfy, give a fuck if I need to rent or what

Reinvest what you can, but make sure you are cozy as all hell

>> No.4199794

Exactly my point. 1 million isn't nearly enough to live a comfortable life in a first world country.

>> No.4199797

i go out to bars and even hire hookers sometimes there is something missing seriously. i feel like im missing out on normal workplace fun/interaction or whatever. you know? the organic shit. im feeling more down than ever even though my net worth rose significantly.

>> No.4199798

I'd just pay rent to my roommates (parents) and live the glorious meet life and continue browsing biz

>> No.4199800


>> No.4199808


Probably a lot comfier than you could imagine, you over spending little pisser

>> No.4199835

>You're rich!
>Buy you can't overspend or buy the things you want you only have enough to buy the average basic stuff without having to work

That's called welfare anon.

>> No.4199848

To get this price, LINK would need a market cap of $107B. The funny thing is, it’s not impossible.

>> No.4199864

that's possible for a lot of coins desu, when the total crypto cap is in the trillions.

>> No.4199865

anything over 2m is just jelly

-1m for house
-60k for yearly living expenses, 100k if you have wife/kids
-900k to invest to make more money, probably high yield investment in crypto and diversify into other assets.

Me personally, I'd need roughly 1.3m to live like a NEET. Buy out rest of my parents' mortgage (200k) and live in his large house for free until I inherit it. If LINK goes to $2 like many think it will I will be more than set.

>> No.4199875

this is how rich people are ruined. oh ill let m junk bond paaaaay my ferrari bill and be a baller forever. what the fund blew up? the payment is due, mortgage on that fly mansion ate your millions faster than a private jet trip to santafe? you are fucked

>> No.4199880

Two years is all we need.
While bitcoin/x rises to a mcap of 500trillion LINK will follow

>> No.4199907

That is one relaxed pupper.

>> No.4199938

Hurr durr a million isnt enough to make it

Maybe not but it's a huge fucking step in the right direction.

>> No.4199939
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>60k for yearly living expenses

That's why you buy ETF's it's already diversified for your needs.

I swear with the type of lifestyles you guys want you can just finish a bachelors in engineering and you'll be good. Why even put in the effort of drug fueled cryptotrading 24/7 for a goal so simple.

>> No.4199941


>can't overspend

Shouldn't do that anyways

>average basic stuff, no work

That depends on what your idea of "work" is, but jerking off all day and checking a portfolio isn't much work anyhow


And I give a fuck what it's called?

>> No.4199950

Could you go into how your life has changed, and what remained the same?

>> No.4200094

1 million dollars cash in your 20s or 30s would probably put you around the 99.999th percentile in the world. "Oh it's not enough for me to live in the bay area with the lyfestyle I want"

>> No.4200134


This, fucking overspending babies can't into finances

>> No.4200135

i just want to live in white suburban minnesota, where crime is low and 300k gets me a decent house, and 500k+ gets me a 4200 sq ft with a pretty yard.

>> No.4200140

>retarded decisions lose money
amazing insight

>> No.4200196

>over a million dollars
>What do you do now that money is meaningless?

Which one is it. Either money is meaningless or I need to watch out for overspending.

Just admit that 1 million is not a lot of money and would barely improve your current quality of life.

>> No.4200202

This is like me posting: I watched Gal Gadot last night in Wonderwoman, and now she is my wife. What do you do now that you have married perfection and other women are meaningless? Actually the odds of me marrying Gal Gadot are far better than you getting rich off of a shitty oracle.

>> No.4200255

1 million is a lot of money and would drastically improve the financial security of even people with stable, high incomes. It is not enough to flat out retire with no financial concerns, but you are delusional if you think it's not a lot of money.

>> No.4200379


Watch out for overspending, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett use coupons when they go to Mcdonalds

Dont be an idiot, live frugal regardless, you'll be surprised at what you actually need to be comfortable

>> No.4200400

The money is not meaningless, but it gives me flexibility and security to do what I want to do in life and to take more risks.

Ask again after 100MM.

>> No.4200409

>Bill Gates and Warren Buffett use coupons when they go to Mcdonalds
kek such bullshit from a jealous pleb. bill gates was arrested for overspeeding in his sports car when he was younger.

>> No.4200430


Suck my cock, faggot


>> No.4200432

just get a gf. this is the actual reason you get one, it's not all about getting your dick wet

>> No.4200452
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>warren buffet spends coupons for bill gates
everyone knows warren buffet is a cheapskate even his wife complained about it. you were saying bill gates and melinda gates are the ones that spend coupons in McDo not warren buffet

>> No.4200453

replace all clothes with vintage helmut lang, that won't even cost that much honestly.

>> No.4201518
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What would stop this from being top 5 coin?

I can't think of a single thing

>> No.4201530


My nigga. I love Helmut Lang.

>> No.4201027

well you can have my wagecuck job, I fucking hate when normies talk to me. Makes me feel more suicidal than sitting in silence.

>> No.4201558


It needs time to have real world implementations which will be around Q2 2018. We jumped way to early on this one.

>> No.4201575
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well that's not that far. I thought the link meme was buy, hold, and forget about it for a few months

Its my plan anyway