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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 601x301, 4chanmakesabusinessofficial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41965 No.41965[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys.

Here's where we're at.

Kappaloris presented a good model for our NEETMEET idea here:


He raises some very good points. I'll be posting some potential problems to each of his points shortly, but it's a great start.

There's also some interest in doing something with Cryptocurrency.

I propose these two paths are set in stone. We can either cater to the NEETs on 4chan, or help this Cryptocurrency fanaticism that we see every day on /biz/. Either are viable. The question now is:

A service for NEETs,


A service for Cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

OP note:

I'm incredibly impressed with you guys, right now. This honestly is going to work. Just remember a couple things:

This is an anonymous website, so we want most of the decision making to be made in this thread. We can have an IRC, but I'd like the information to be public so I can include it in the OP.

We should start working on picking an idea, and then we can REALLY move.

Nice work, /biz/raelis.

>> No.41979

Previous thread:


Awaiting feedback on the IRC idea. Keep in mind it needs to be public, and easily accessible by everyone.

>> No.42003

why are you using a tripcode?

also these ideas are retarded.

>> No.42010

Potential problems in response to >>41103

1. Verification would be necessary to ensure safety for all of our users. The last thing we want is murderers or rapists or pedophiles using our service to fulfill their nasty desires.
2. This isn't a potential problem, but an idea that came to me: what if we could integrate this with 4chan somehow? Either we can use 4chan's format to help create something that's familiar, or make 4chan some sort of starting point. Obviously, we wouldn't only want to use 4chan, but it'd be a very valuable kickstart to our business.
3. We have to pick our spots of monetarily benefiting form this very carefully.
4. That's fine.

Guys, what if we donated all profits we make to charity? This is ran by anonymous, and that would give more people incentive to work with us/use our service.

>> No.42062

How else are you going to collect the money on your ideas?

I just feel that the NEETMEET needs to cater more to people who are just shy in general. We are going to need a healthy mix of shy non-NEETs and NEETs

Also we need a poll in /r9k/ about how they feel (get it) on a NEETMEET site. They are probably going to contribute the most out of any board (And speaking of boards we might do well to get some of the camwhores of /soc/ and /cgl/ to get in on this somehow)

As for an IRC we should just wait until we have a solid idea. Right now we can easily go one way or another so let's just keep it here until we are ready to move forward

>> No.42081

1. sure, i was thinking the last goal would be a face/fullbody shot and we needed some kind of verification a la /r/gonewild, at least.
2. that would be nice, we need a public channel but i dont think we can integrate 4chan as part of the system (unless moot starts dishing out 4chan gold accounts with forum-like signatures)

true, the target must be chosen carefully.

>> No.42082


Shoot us an idea, if you'd like.

>> No.42102

I wouldn't worry about cryptocurrency. There is a way to make PayPal seem like the dinosaur it is, but I'm already working on it...slowly.

>> No.42096

This is fucking stupid, get out.

>> No.42133
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/Biz/ makes a umbrella corporation on all of 4chan ideas

>> No.42121

>1. Verification would be necessary to ensure safety for all of our users. The last thing we want is murderers or rapists or pedophiles using our service to fulfill their nasty desires.

You don't need this out of the gate except to comply with any laws. In fact you want to start out with a very low barrier of entry if you want to be successful.

>> No.42144

We might already have enough on our plate with site maintenance unless we get all of 4chan to donate it's collective man-power which would be a pretty tall order.

Also how does verification work for sites like OKC? Couldn't you just as easily be a rapist or murderer on any of those sites as well?

>> No.42163

It's good to support cryptocurrency because you can start leaner, and nobody can unilaterally shut you down by closing your bank account or paypal.

I have had experience with this, had a dispute with someone and got my paypal locked, destroyed what I was working on. That was before bitcoin. Now I make sure I always include it as an option.

Feel free to dismiss what I'm saying if the risk is acceptable to you, but I wanted to give you a good reason to incorporate it. These days I used btc or doge for as many things as I can because I'm sick of giving money to paypal because they are scum.

>> No.42168

I think /k/ has a couple small businesses making guns or finding old gear.

Does that count?

>> No.42183

It counts

/ak/ even made patches for /a/ and /k/

>> No.42186

There are times when trips make sense to use, and this is one of them.

>> No.42191


So, regardless, we'll have to either get all of 4chan's collective man-power, or create some sort of pie where we can verify investors. I can get my developer friend to create some sort of anonymous tracking device that'll assign a public, but untraceable key to various investors so they can keep track of their investments. Or something like that.

I think since all of the conversation about this project will be public, profit distribution won't be much of an issue going forward.

>> No.42198

Hint? Sounds kewl

>> No.42200

Buy them out and create a /k/ corp?
>inb4 j00t sues us for using the 4chan name

>> No.42208

accepting bitcoins for a service for NEETs is a good idea, considering that's the only kind of money they have

>> No.42214


I hope you realize that the beauty of this project is that ANYONE who sees this thread can partake in the business. There's no reason to hate on people in these threads. Do you want to participate? Shoot an idea, design a website, make jokes with other users.

Don't wanna participate? That's fine!

>> No.42232

lmao poorfag

>> No.42259

this is it

the worst thread on 4chan dot net

>> No.42282

>worst thread
have you forgotten that the worst board >>>/mlp/ still exists? Go back to your generic /b/tard weed thread

>> No.42298

how about a doxxing buisness

>> No.42311

or a pay2watch death/gore website

>> No.42329


not entirely redundant due to /soc/ and okcupid/pof

>> No.42325

so an illegal business? could easily work on TOR or something but not really in a public site like 4chan

>> No.42365

lets copy some idea to start with, since its hard to create something original from nothing
like, an easier to use, candy-eye redddit clone

>> No.42366


if google can do it, why cant I

>> No.42378

I am standing by on a site related to traps

I am certain all of the sex starved NEETs would fall in line for a chance to watch a trap live or to find one on a dating site somewhere

>> No.42381

Drone rental business. Like A European could remotely control a drone that's in Japan or a Japanese could remotely control a drone that's in America. Perfect for people that want to see the world without actually going there. Though I'm wondering what the response delay would be like for such distances.

>> No.42453

Once we get this thing started, it wouldnt be crazy for people to verify themselves to us (the people in and then use a pseudonym when interacting with other people using the service. Even just enough to uniquely identify them through a search or whatever.

We dont really want to start out with it, since personal info is a big turn off for NEETs, but it is something to think about once we get off the ground.

>> No.42513

there are no good ideas that can come about on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.42517

>people complaint this is dumb
Why are you here?
Why would you come to a business board to complain about people trying to start a business?
That being said, I'll post it in this thread too. Needs a broader demographic, more towards shy people.
I.e. people who'd prefer to sit in with their qt3.14 gf and watch Netflix.
Know what I mean?

>> No.42533

don't get upset with all the /b/tards, it's all part of a new board. a week from now they'll be back where they /b/elong

>> No.42581

+1, this is really not a thing to be concerned about going out the gate. Get the base functionality working first.

>> No.42582

NEETs have no money, only time. How do you cross this barrier in order to profit?

>> No.42600

What a stupid idea. With the hundreds of social networks out there, why wouldn't I just use one of them? Hell I could just use 4chan, it's anonymous and lets me talk to all kinds of NEETs.

Why would anybody want to do this anyway? Maybe I'm not understanding the idea properly...but it sounds like you're basically making a Tinder for useless people. If I'm useless, why would I want to meet another socially awkward version of me? It just makes no sense.

Now, if you were pairing NEETs with verified successful people to kind of help them and mentor them, that would be something worth looking at. Trying to help out the losers on 4chan and give them a kick to get moving on something in life, you'd have a pretty big market here for that. You'd just have to try and convince a bunch of broke NEETS to actually pay for it.

>> No.42611

Damn this is a really cool idea, I would love to see this.

The lag shouldn't be a big problem, the usual lag in online games is 200-300 ms between continents, which isn't really that much.
However there would be much bigger problems, like what happens if someone steals/crashes the drone, etc.

>> No.42614

make then work for you
for free
like these google captchas

>> No.42637

I had an idea that I was planning to carry out on my own, but I think it might make more progress if I just told you guys. Make a website dedicated to organizing meet-ups (outside the context of dating). The appeal would be face-to-face interactions that are more engaging than making "friends" online. Of course it wouldn't be so simple in practice, and there's probably something like it already, but I think it's a good direction.

>> No.42645

Make a site that allows users to contribute their content, and then monetize that content, possibly also compensating the users.

Personally I'd like to see an English dlsite.com clone. Perhaps we could finally create a thriving doujin scene in the west if there was a decent monetization platform.

>> No.42659

Great stuff you're working on guys. Count me in.

>> No.42672

I want this too, I have been procrastinating on starting. I suppose now that there's a /biz/ board I have a place to talk about what specifically people want. Personally I want something that's substantially simpler than dlsite, more like a site that enables p2p commission work.

>> No.42787

Maybe we should start something similar to the gym meet ups on /fit/ so anons who want to start a business can form groups with other people around them, considering not many people here have the capital to start a business themselves.
Just a thought.

>> No.42778

How about Film?

Could making short ski/moviest be something profitable?

>> No.42972
File: 81 KB, 1680x1050, 1355681727520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I send my ideas to you guys?

* I have already helped my friend start a small business mining scrypt altcoins on contract and has made $2000 in just over a month.

* I'm also in the process of creating an altcoin that will appeal to a very profitable demographic.

>> No.43196

The supporters keep on coming! This is exciting!


A meetup would definitely be in order, but I assume it would have to be livestreamed in some way.

>> No.43256

Burger dispenser. You choose what to put inside. There will be also fries and coke with it.Meat is pre cooked and it is heated when someone orders. Since you dont need to talk it will be easier for people with social disorders to buy. Also you wont need to employ anyone expect the guy who replace ingredients inside.

>> No.43271

I don't really think you could, its more gun technical experitise/hobbies.

>> No.43273

Just make a trip and contribute your ideas and their feasibility

You aren't sending ideas to anyone

>> No.43342

a lot of shitty ideas, this isnt going to work lel

>> No.43378
File: 24 KB, 244x209, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43421

im kiryuin btw

>> No.43484

Really? Im crying too.

>> No.43527

I say go one step further and make burger delivery drones.

>> No.43572

NEETMEET isn't our idea, it's yours
Most people are disagreeing with that idea

>> No.43589

neetmeet. what a stupid fucking idea.

come up with something original that people will actually pay money for.

>> No.43628


Well,if you look at the previous thread you'd see it's not really my idea. I just support whatever the majority of 4chan supports.

>> No.43707

Are you serious?

This'll have to be my new trip now

>> No.43752

Dating sites already cover the neetmeet problem, for free. Paying won't magically draw women to the site. NEETs are unattractive whether they pay or not. They are a sexual product without a market. You can charge NEETS, but without women the NEETS won't come to the site in the first place.

It's like thinking if you fill a bar with dudes the girls will magically show up. It's "lady's night" for a reason.

>> No.43782

People pay to join niche meetups all the time

Again, like I've been saying, we need to change the target to something that allows for shy people in general
And then there's the idea for a trap dating site. It'd probably be saturated with males trying to make accounts, so at first we'd make it free for traps/trans people to join to get a nice market set up.

>> No.43801

There are plenty of fembots over at >>>/r9k/ so I don't really think it's going to be as much of a problem as you think it is. Of course a disparity between males and females is bound to happen so we can have women sign-up for free and/or give them discounts for joining

>> No.43943

How do I get in on this?

>> No.43957

This might sound kind of retarded, but what about an anonymous food delivery service? A user requests something like a hamburger or a pizza or something with specified ingredients, and another user in the area can take the request and deliver it himself. The requester is charged a fee once the food is delivered, most of it going to the "cook" and the rest going to the website itself.

>> No.43993


No, the way NEETs would pay is if we create fake 'seed' accounts of attractive fembots and charge the NEETs to interact with them. Similar to Sugardaddy.net, where girls pay to sign up, and talk with 'rich handsome men who just want to treat them right'

n-n-not that i have any experience with that, anon.

>> No.43995

Pretty something eerily similar exists here in the US, so I'm not really sure if the idea is novel enough. Could work if we had the logistics to do it (we would have a pretty limited operational range and no guarantee that the order will be taken up)

>> No.43999

I'd pay for that if they accept food stamp money, I'd love to have homemade food but I cba to spend the time making it and don't really know how anyways, so 95% of what I consume is processed/frozen.

>> No.44005

You guys are banking way too much on NEETs. I know the on-running joke on 4chan is "hurr hurr, everyone is a shut-in", but if you're going to be serious about this business, then you have to face reality. There are very few actual NEETs on 4chan. Most people who browse 4chan are either in Education, or have a job/internship/training, or both.

That's not to say that there aren't plenty of anti-social/socially awkward people on 4chan, we've got those in spades. But as far as actual NEETs are concerned, I think it's too niche a market.

>> No.44061

>has never been to boards like /mlp/.
You have no idea.
There's a reason I never leave /fit/ and /spee/

>> No.44087

>4chan making a business

Man we've sold out what happened to our teenage anti-establishment days?

>> No.44092

I've been to boards like /v/ and /a/ and there NEET population is actually pretty low.

>> No.44084

bullshit the NEET-related IRC channel has over 40 users online at a time on weekends and if that's just the ones that know how to use IRC then imagine how many of them don't but post on 4chan.

besides OP wants to base this from 4chan but spread outside of it, so we have the whole internet's worth of NEETs to choose from.

>> No.44101

>not pronouncing it /spuh/
get off my board and stay off

>> No.44112

Don't NEETs have zero money? Why would you market to a demographic that has no job at all? Aside from the ones that get autismbux, of course.

>> No.44130

>what are containment boards
just because the rules and culture don't ALLOW them to identify themselves that way doesn't mean they don't exist.

or are you seriously telling me that there's also few underage posters, and not actually a decent amount that simply don't choose to say they are underage?

>> No.44149


>what is Pen testing

>> No.44170

What if this is a concern that prospective investors have? Are you really just going to say "ppssssh, they're there, TRUST ME"?

>> No.44183

Charge them bitcoins

>> No.44190

Charge them figurines

>> No.44195


Just watch out for these threads! Hopefully like-minded anons will keep these going.

>> No.44210

This is why this whole thing is a bad idea. A business is a very serious thing and you're not being serious about it at all.

>> No.44202

By the time we have exhausted our 4chan contacts we should be established enough to show they're there with actual numbers.

>> No.44221


So what we'd need would be some degree of personal information from everyone we had in the network. People could "buy in" to completing the order, and once they bought in they would be liable to pay us/the client in recompense if they failed to fulfill the order. We take a small cut of every transaction, being the ones with the network.

>> No.44236
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How will potential profit be divided??

>> No.44237


See, the thing is, we have to demolish our preconceived ideas about business. This is an experiment, and it could be a very successful one at that.

I think the first few threads will be getting a concrete idea, and then convincing the naysayers. After that, we'll really get into motion, and we can start contributing to the anonymous business entity philosophy we're creating here.

This is really, very exciting.

>> No.44238

I don't agree with targeting NEETs as clients, but I imagine you'll get further charging them bitcoins than dollars.

>> No.44273


"Demolish our preconcieved ideas about business"? What the fuck is that meant to mean? Money goes in, products and services come out, and at the end of the day there are profits. What else is there?

>> No.44264

Anyone else in New England or New York?
We should all get together and open a coffee shop or gym or something.
It's better than whatever shit job we currently have.

>> No.44279


I was thinking it'd be smart to only accept Bitcoin in the beginning, so we can have some sort of public wallet. Then,we'd have to think of a way to have a public cash wallet that anyone has access to, but only maybe a moderator or someone trusted can distribute. Or, we can have some talented anons write-up some kind of distribution platform that automatically distributes to investors based on how much of the pie they own.

>> No.44307

Cam-whore site that allows you to tip with Bitcoins


>> No.44299

>I was thinking it'd be smart to only accept Bitcoin in the beginning, so we can have some sort of public wallet.
What? Are you saying everyone in the business would have access to it? What's to keep an errant employee from stealing all of it?

>> No.44301


With the invention of the Bitcoin network, and with newer platforms like Ethereum, a lot of well-learned businessmen are predicting completely autonomous corporations.

Honestly, if we're ambitious, and we devote enough time to it, we can be one of the first entities to do this. We don't necessarily need to use Ethereum, but we do need to think in ways previously unheard of, thus demolishing our preconceived notions about business.

>> No.44342

Brilliant! Supposing no one finds out this could work

Make sure they are too nerdy and recluse for the average NEET to think they are being duped
This is why I keep saying that this needs to be more about shy people rather than neets
>datedMe Mary
fucking captcha man

>> No.44370



>> No.44404

Here's an idea: A reliable website to resell anime figures. All the time you here about how hard it is to buy used figures and how ebay can lie to you out the ass. So why not just make it a lot easier to buy used figures? We would make sure they were in acceptable condition and charge an appropriate price for them.

>> No.44399

could always go into the service industry and make a delivery business. delivering anything (up to a certain size ofc) no questions asked. have a sort-of a mesh network of delivery ppl. mostly short (under 250km) perhaps some long distance (between major cities). this would perhaps best make use of the wide variety of ppl here.

>> No.44400

>Should we consult /r/GirlsgoneWild and pick out the best?
>4chan buisness
>call in reddit
i think you're missing the point

>> No.44409

First, I gotta echo the doubts for neet&meet. Its a fun idea, but the neet crowd most likely wont be all aboard the idea of paying money to talk/see people when they avoid conversation entirely. You would have a much more realistic goal of having a community that tries to reform even the most hardened otaku/neet. (thinking welcome to the nhk) That isnt a good idea either, but its worth a suggestion.

Besides, there is probably a high risk with doing dating or cam shit, multiple legal concerns we would need to take into consideration. Unless we have a lawfag to help, we are gonna be fucked over if shit goes down.

I say we start from scratch. If anything, we need to look at our assets. Who do we have on our team, what skills do we have, and who will fund it? Crowdsourcing is a strong possibility but we would need to go in a radically different direction.

>> No.44460

I like this.

Is it possible that we have multiple outfits that would provide different products and services? We gotta also define some set goals.

>> No.44454

I wouldn't trust a 4chan start with a business like that

Seriously, it would sound sketch as fuck

>> No.44471

>Start an IRC channel.
>Fill it with ambitious, saavy, 4channers
>Think of business ideas.
The way youre trying it now will not work.

>> No.44517

out of curiosity, in case you guys actually manage to make something, would it be america only?

>> No.44536

Maybe at first, but I'm sure we'd go global eventually.

>> No.44551

if it's an internet dating site it wouldn't really matter

If, for example, we did the delivery thing, would could open up shop wherever there anons willing to work

>> No.44560


No way! That'd be shooting ourselves in the foot. Since 4chan is all over the place, we should support multiple countries.

This actually gives me an idea. How can utilize the fact that 4chan users are all around the world?


That would definitely be possible. I like the reliable figures idea. Then, we could eventually allow different 4chan users to sign up for our platform and sell their interesting products. It could be a giant think-tank geared towards products that only 4chan users could think of.

And the fact that it's ran by 4chan as a whole.. That's incredible.

>> No.44577

Okay so for these businesses how does the profit end work?
Crowd funding with a division or the profits going towards those who put up money for it?

>> No.44600
File: 34 KB, 280x280, surious-biznass-181[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiousity, what are we calling ourselves when we visit this board? /biz/nessmen?

>> No.44608


>> No.44622

Personally I like /biz/nitches, but /biz/raelis seems to be the popular one.

>> No.44638

By the way, what's the IRC channel?

>> No.44659
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oh lawd

>> No.44703

/biz/nessmen was already decided

>> No.44739


We came up with /biz/antines

>> No.44751

Do you need voice overs for anything?

I want to get into that.

>> No.44875


Sure! Okay guys, how about this. Let's start dividing ourselves into teams. That way, we can guarantee some kind of hype behind this, seeing as how we'll get organized. Once we have a team, we can vote amongst ourselves on the idea that would best suit all of us.

I think it's prudent to start seeing where our strengths and weaknesses lie.

>> No.44917

Is there even an idea or product?

>> No.44911

Well I'm somewhat good looking, or so I'm generally told.
You can use me to attract NEET girls.

>> No.44930

We need an official IRC channel, so we can start talking ina more proper manner.

>> No.44971

Shut up fuccboi.

>> No.45014

is this going to be an officially registered company that pays taxes etc. or a grey/black market business?

>> No.45032

Oh shit you raise a good point.
Ya'll niggas are gonna have to file.
If this actually takes off, you don't want the gov raping your assholes.

>> No.45084

But 4channers are all over the world, right? I don't know the details about business and tax law, but couldn't we just "base" the business somewhere that has pretty easy tax laws?

>> No.45095

anyone happen to live in a tax haven?

>> No.45109

If I had to make a completely uneducated guess I would say you'd pay taxes to wherever the server is located.
I really don't know on this one.

>> No.45135

could we just set up a "company" (land-line phone in a rented office) in some random tax haven and relay any and all money through there? seems to work for scammers so why not for us?

>> No.45150
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>> No.45155

How about something that is sort of like a video game where you sign up and are given a task with a few random people in your area, which could be anything from "visit park with x" to more complicated multi destination "missions". Every week or so you receive a randomised task with a randomised person/s. you could also get sponsorships from local businesses for missions that directly go to them which consumers could opt out of but this would be second stream of revenue in addition to sign up fees.

Could be a website or a smartphone app, prefer website for people without smartphones and could develop app later

>> No.45185

I'd REALLY want to have thorough background information on whoever does it.
>raped or dead
no thx

>> No.45200

That's pretty smart.
Maybe set it up like Tinder, so you get matched with people that way, and the app automatically assigns you things to do.

>> No.45211

The only problem with a tax haven is that you have to comply to that country's laws to some extent, which might be a problem if the government is corrupt.

>> No.45215

I dont see how that would help things at all, it just splits the conversation up amongst 2 places.

>> No.45216

Every time someone tries to set up something to be like a video game, it feels really patronizing. That's just my opinion though, it might work.

>> No.45251

something like a traduction site ?
even 4chan users are better at it than google

>> No.45287

i don't see how a corrupt government would cause problems. if anything it might even help.

>> No.45290

>based John

Holy fuck, he even comes up with good /biz/ness ideas.

>> No.45303

That could be prett neat, could customise what kind of activities you get based on a personality test at the start, you could have generic vague activities written so they can be used anywhere like "visit your cities parklands" or whatever and then their could be more specific things o specific cities like "take a boat ride through the river of Venice with anonymous x"

Could then expand into more exciting things with interwoven missions like one participant is given a mission to make a dead drop of something interesting in a briefcase at a land mark, other people are assigned to pick it up and another "faction" if consumers are assigned to get it before the first group and then this could branch off into different "story lines" with these competing factions where you would be assigned to be with the people of your faction for the duration of the story line like sort of an arg

Could opt in and out of social and "story" missions

>> No.45324

this !
maybe a phone app using localization

>> No.45337

Would have to hire good writers for the activities so it doesn't come off as the usual soulless vapourware feel, would also need to recruit and hire highly active users to write locale specific stuff. Could start with generic "go to x" and then as userbase expands pick highly enthusiastic users with a good knowledge of their area

>> No.45338

Second hand online women panty selling place. We will hire few women and take videos of them wearing panties with newspaper(or anything else) of the date.Then send the panties to customers.We will also have one day shipment if possible.

>> No.45359

I could get behind this.
Sounds innovative and a good way to hold a community.
But what's the profit model?

>> No.45362

Also it will also have open trade center where users can trade panties they want however this wont be guaranteed.We will take %5 percent plus one dollar for every sale in open trade center.

>> No.45363

Only just found this board seems like a more mature version of /pol/. Really enjoying it so far

>> No.45381

>comparing it to /pol/
Its more like /fit/ really.
Everyone seems helpful, good discussion, everyone seems focused on improving in some way.

>> No.45394


All of this, the benefits of there being so many of us is that we can all come up with "missions" based in our locality. They would have to be realistic, legitimately fun and non-autist. Perhaps anons writing missions can pass them through an editor before they are accepted for their area.

>> No.45396

It's mostly people from /pol/ and /g/

>> No.45398


Holy shit this actually seems like something fun as fuck and would have mainstream appeal. From neets wanting to meet people, to bored normals who simply want to see more of their city

>> No.45405

If it got big enough, local businesses could pay to be included in missions

>> No.45408

except theres no
or no homo threads

>> No.45436

Gotta admit, I'm a trade painter and am writing this from my smoke break. Profit would come either from the app sales/sign up fee. I'm divided on including a monthly fee as this is a pretty make or break for some people but would also help in maintenance and growth of the producer. The alternative to monthly fees would be advertising from local franchises to pay writers/coders/whoever

>> No.45440


It should follow this kind of protocol:

Matched on interest

Approved/disapproved based on chat/display pic

Given Task/Date/Mission

Maybe even an option for romantic/non-romantic meet ups should be implemented.

>> No.45448

Sorry, turned trip off for another thread

>> No.45453

I think it is not good idea to add monthly fee or anything. Just add ads. Allow people to remove adds and get extra missions if they get pro version of software.`

>> No.45470

I'd vote against a fee to join.
Too restrictive considering app markets these days.
Ads and businesses paying to be featured would generate a solid revenue if the app made it big.

>> No.45471


I think local franchises sounds better, more location based and not many people are up for paying subscription these days for this kind of thing when pretty much all of our competition is free on the appstore.

>> No.45491



Would invest

This would be amazing and would be a new take on social media that could rival shit like snapchat, ect if done right

>> No.45495

monthly fee means it'd be insanely hard to get ppl to join in atleast at first.
advertising from locals means you gotta have atleast some popularity before you can attempt to do that.
also, where would this "service" be available?
in order to get locals to advertise you gotta have quite a few members in the area so would that only be the capitals of some fairly major countries or what?

>> No.45498

Make it a free app with ads, but that also has a "premium" membership where you get additional benefits and no ads for a monthly fee.

>> No.45509

It would have to establish itself before businesses got involved.

Establish the app first, gain popularity, then monetize once we could show value to the businesses.

>> No.45511

This, think like an okc style to it.

>> No.45536
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I said samething :3

>> No.45552

I think monetizing it after creating a userbase is a bad idea. It makes the userbase feel betrayed and most would probably not come back. If you're going to make something free, you need to keep it free.

Of course, that doesn't stop you from adding additional features for a price. Even moot did it with sheckel passes.

>> No.45547

My break is about to end, gotta go paint 2 ceilings and a kitchen. If thread is still up in a couple hours I'll be able to elaborate and flesh things out with you guys

>> No.45561


Fucking this, premium membership ads is the way to go. Holy shit when were big we could even do "PREMIUM MEMBERS GET 20% OFF AT THEIR NEAREST SUBWAY" "MEET UP AND GO TO SUBWAY NOW" franchises paying us out of our balls to include them in our missions.

>> No.45597

Fuck forgot trip again, rushing like fuck

>> No.45612

>this app idea
Holy shit its literally fucking genius.
Where do I invest/join.

>> No.45622

You could easily include a local business as part of a mission without the users feeling like we're jewing them

>> No.45640

A bigger idea is, how do we get a userbase?
What the hell is our advertising plan?
How do we avoid a board like /b/ getting ahold of this idea and trashing it?

>> No.45648

where would such a "service" be possible?
how many people are required per "area" (be it a city or just a random square km of land) to be active members in order to get advertising and make a profit?
how many such "areas" can we support?

>> No.45664

If it's good, I don't think we'll have a problem doing that. Just shill it on Reddit, Twitter, and everything else

>> No.45690

can anyone put me up to date on what exactly has been proposed so far for the CRYPTOCURRENCY SERVICE? i don't really need a detailed explanation as that would be a bother to post, just a quick list on what has been proposed so far and is being considered as the best/most viable option.

>> No.45692


Would be so easy for /biz/raeli "Missionaries" to go out into their area and get local businesses to sign up to be on our map/in our missions. Makes the whole thing way more interesting if we have quirky and interesting local establishments implemented.

>> No.45698

>A bigger idea is, how do we get a userbase?
viral marketing. as outlined above a company of some sort is needed anyways, may as well use it.
"A small startup company making an AR game"
all we need is just some prototyping and an interesting marketing blurb, and this thing basically advertises itself.
>What the hell is our advertising plan?
adds and possible benefits from certain companies/ad providers seems like a fairly good one. however good ideas are always being accepted.
>How do we avoid a board like /b/ getting ahold of this idea and trashing it?
we don't advertise this as being a 4chan thing.
we're only a small startup company in some tax haven who had an idea for an AR thingie.

>> No.45708

We should work on compiling a list of people and where they're located so we know what areas that we have covered.
But how do we get paid?

>> No.45715


Wherever there are /biz/ users, they can branch out and do the networking in their area. I'm sure we are mostly everywhere worldwide.

>> No.45716

we need a background story or something
i know a guy who made a semi successfull game where you form mafia gangs with your friends and try to control your city using geolocalization
maybe we could set up some faggot spy thing where you'd have to take photos of specific things, go to specific places or whatever

>> No.45727

>inb4 moot shuts this all down because he can't stand the thought of someone else making a successful startup.

>> No.45734


Safe mail addresses with proof of the businesses in our area that we got on board... Then I guess our pay would be based on how many places we reached, the extent to which we networked and how much our efforts helped the company. Perhaps broader networking = more money.

>> No.45749

Idk that seems to pyramid schemish to me.
Kinda like Veema.
Or is that just me?

>> No.45761

ofc this means there'd need to be someone who can be trusted with all the monies.
>company gets paid in ad revenue
>company pays the insanely low/no tax on it
>company pays the money further to its "employees" or whatever you wanna call em.
the company man is the only one who needs to be trusted.
ofc the actual transaction could happen in many ways. direct bank transaction, cash in an envelope etc.

>> No.45778
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>need to trust some guy off 4chan to handle what could potentially be thousands of dollars.

>> No.45792
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>ofc this means there'd need to be someone who can be trusted with all the monies.
I'll do it

>> No.45800

What if we have an AI handle the money?

>> No.45801

Seriously, can somebody create an IRC channel?

>> No.45803


Its more just being payed based on how much of a good salesman you are. Not sure though. The other route is to give everyone fixed salary, and targets to hit. But that doesn't provide much incentive to go over your target unless we introduced a reward system.

Needless to say, we would need a sales/signup team. And then a creative writing team, designing missions and including local businesses.

Then some management above that, governing and coordinating the two.

But then again I know fucking nothing about business. I'm doing a sport science degree.

>> No.45810

Let's just make a pyramid scheme.

>> No.45814

any better ideas?
all of the money needs to go through a single point anyways.
i'd rather have a professional firm do it, in case a random dude on the internet isn't trustworthy enough.

>> No.45815


>> No.45819
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Let's start a real life Sarif Industries.

>> No.45825


Yeah surely just get some professional firm in some tax haven handling it, someone with nothing to do with 4chan.

>> No.45837

So for the making part of thw whole thing. If we were to keep it free to the users, I guess having some sort of sponsoring/advertising deal with local businesses in the area would make sense. Perhaps businesses could pay to have activities direct users toward or close to their location? And I don't mean like "Go to Walmart and buy a vibrator!", but moreso like "Go to this park", and that park just happens to be across the street from a bakery or something.

>> No.45867

That with maybe a suggestion about the bakery.

Or something like "Go bowling with x at y" or "Go Ice skating at x. Show this mission to the cashier to get $1 off"

>> No.45888

Nah but you can do something like "get a coffee with a name over 20 letter at coffee shop x" or "go sky diving over x area" Where x area only has one company operating.

>> No.45918

>every day on /biz/
Didn't /biz/ start, like, 3 days ago?

>> No.45970

Wtf are you guys talking about?

>> No.46016

tl;dr /biz/ is trying to make money by making an AR game thingie.

>> No.46021

They don't need to be local businesses. You can have ads on the app for Farmville even, it doesn't take a lot of advertising to make money. Just look at Flappy Bird, that dude make $50k a day by just having one ad on the death screen that didn't even show up half of the time. I'm not saying we'll automatically pull that kind of dosh, but we should at least get a significant amount of money from advertising, no matter how minimal it is.

>> No.46049

I had assumed this thread was about helping NEETs get on their feet(s).

>> No.46063

local businesses feel less intrusive to end users and they are also more likely to buy stuff from the local businesses. ppl buy stuff = more money for us.

>> No.46090

I'm calling it now so screen cap this.

This board is going to attract illegal business activity that will get 4chan shut down forever.

Good job staff. Good fucking job.

>> No.46086

well, it does give NEETs a reason to venture to the outside world.

>> No.46105

No its about /biz/raeli's embracing their inner Jew.

>> No.46138

I know videogames were mentioned as being likely nonviable, but I got a couple of MMO ideas;

The first is an ultra hardcore, ultra realistic sandbox FPS/RTS. Kinda like a mix of DayZ and Eve online. The game is brutal and unforgiving; if your character gets killed you have to start again from scratch. Players are given an enormous world to operate in, which they can use to carve out an empire. This game would basically be the complete opposite of the casual MMO.

The other idea is a little more simple; just clone Second Life but run it in a much more advanced game engine, such as the Unreal 3 engine.

>> No.46130

We've already decided that this is going to be registered and legal.
Although I don't think we should bother guying full tax shelter with it, seems rather annoying.

>> No.46145

You really think that some small time business that's illegal is going to shut down 4chan?

Besides all the CP, rape, animal gore, human gore, drugs and murder threads that go on /b/ on a daily basis.

>> No.46165

>complete opposite of the casual MMO
>how not to make money: the post

>> No.46203

No one here is actually stupid enough to start an illegal business. Illegal business or Illegal business practices are only worth it if you're already a giant, like the folks on Wall Street. Doing something illegal as a start-up business is just plain stupid.

>> No.46209

not the guy you quoted but to be fair, i think there's probably a small market for a game like that, and sooner or later it would hit the mainstream news. i can see it now:

>some faggot an heroes because he dies in the game
>video of in-game massacre/school shooting/some other tragedy the media loves to glorify becomes viral, shitty parent groups try to shut the game down but just give it more publicity

anything like that is just free publicity and would make people download it to try it out, even if it's like a really toned-down GTA ripoff

>> No.46246

video game ideas may better be served by /v/ and /g/. since you don't need an actual company to make a video game.

>> No.46256


Well, both Eve online and Dayz have fairly sizable player-bases. Granted, not nearly as many as something like WoW, but if the game were of sufficiently high quality (which I expect it would be as /v/ and by extension /biz/ would have exacting standards, then there is no reason it would attract a profitable following.

>> No.46259

>tfw our technology can't clone sword art online yet

>> No.46284

/g/ was already starting a cryptocurrency exchange called Altcy.
I wonder what the progress on it is.

>> No.46285

SAO was shit.

>> No.46334

>thread has already changed topic into talking about MMO's
This is why we'll never have a business.

>> No.46358


>> No.46370

what's needed currently:
market surveys.
we need to know where this "service" can be operated >>profitably<<. (user location, advertisers etc.)
establishing the company.
where, how and who's gonna officially run it.
organizational hierarchy.
who does what, where and how.
also, the payment stuff, how and by whom. currently it seems a professional firm is the best solution.

>> No.46372

We were going strong there for a sec though.

Oh well

>> No.46383

Valve already solved that

>> No.46394

Oh man, I fucking love Tyrone.

>> No.46464

Tyrone & Rog can make ads for our app

>> No.46495

Guys cmon, we needa get a plan together.
Its a solid idea that could actually do something.

>> No.46491

Tyrone and Rog can narrate the app.

>> No.46520


That might have something to do with the fact that MMO's are, infact, a business.

>> No.46559
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I know that 4chan's userbase is widely spread out across the world, but in America there's mturk services which allow one to perform minor tasks that machines cannot yet handle. Such as determining which image looks more pleasing to the eye, among other tasks.
Americans can get paid directly to their bank account and do as little, or as much, work as they desire. But internationally, all the other people have to work for Amazon money, if I'm not mistaken.
/biz/ could work as a large version of the mturking subreddit, researching and swarming the well paying mturks.

I'm not the smartest man, but I'm willing to invest in a company that 4chan starts, and contribute what skills I have. I'll be watching these threads in the coming days, and you'll have my commitment, if it works.
To all the people saying that someone's going to go full criminal: Four Leaf Studios started from here. /tg/ is working on a pen and paper RPG. It's being Kickstarted next month. Gather Your Party is an independent gaming news journalism site. We are capable of great things, and we are capable of working together. 4chan's changed and dare I say, matured, over the years. I think that now is a good time for something like a legitimate business to start from 4chan.

Perhaps we could create something bigger than an anonymous image board.

>> No.46686

starting a business and actually managing it is quite a bit different than simply making a video game.

>> No.46867

Why? Four Leaf Studios is still a business.

>> No.46951

are they a registered company?

>> No.46991

Swords are shit though.spear>sword.

>> No.47224

It appears that I was wrong.
You read the post. Take it up with the Legions.

>> No.47248

NEET have their mom's internet and electricity. NEETcoin.

>> No.47333

I dont think anything has been proposed for the Crypto service. At least, not since last thread.

>> No.47513

Guys on topic.
Have we all agreed that the /biz/ buisness is the Random location app thing?
We should form a new thread around that topic so we can work out details.

>> No.47683

Or an IRC channel. Maybe have a Google Doc or Sheet to have our ideas organized somewhat

>> No.47703

You'll be in for a surprise when lurking competitors like me don't see eye to eye about that

>> No.47724

>implying facebook wasn't myspace 2.0
>implying craigslist is original

>> No.47742

perhaps it would be best to make another discussion thread, putting the two ideas in poll form for a day so everyone interested has a say. This app idea only emerged a few hours ago, gotta let everyone across the pond to have a crack at it.

>> No.47775

1. Culture Exchange, 'student' exchange program for the crayon girl lovers/weeaboos
2. ChanArt, all the drawfags can show off their art and/or sell. Gain recognition from their inspirations.
3. Chanbox, like dropbox for all your cp.

>> No.47887

I've been monitoring this Neetmeet thing for a while and I'd like to get in on it, is there any form of contact or team established besides these threads?

>> No.47888

Problem: iOS store and Google Play too saturated for games to sell let alone make a profit.

Idea: Mobile game publisher/label

Two Different business models:

Be paid to create advertising campaigns for mobile games: brand managemen, SEO, SEM, viral marketing, traditional advertising channels.

Purchase the rights of games relatively cheap off desperate ass autistic game devs and publish them ourselves working to monetise them for profit.

>> No.47890

Relatedly, add this in: "app that plays music based on where you are using GPS" - http://new.ted.com/talks/ryan_holladay_to_hear_this_music_you_have_to_be_there_literally

I like this idea and am looking to use elements of it and ideas in this thread for my own synthesis. typically i have maybed endured dozens of these great brainstorming sessions and have learned more that it is about execution and not only talk, hence i challenge you to a tually do it. otherwise i hope to beat you to the punch.

also relevant: geocaching

>> No.47971

I think people need to post links to a chat/discussion off 4chan to get serious. anonymous board is anonymous

>> No.47993

I thought of creating "neetups"/meetups, also created neeted dot net to address the neet problem if you wanna get at me there

>> No.48123

Guys what if we make our own form of crypto currency, and trade it at a fair price for b-Coin

We make neetmeet.net or whatever make the neets use the currency we made and give them special deals for trading directly for the coin with us. i.e we wanna get bit coins atm our currency is useless at the infant phase.

From there we can expand and use it to creat websites the whore out the /soc/ girls and pay them with the crypto currency.


1. Make neetmeet Only accepts the new crypto currency.
2. Buy lots of the crypto currency for cheap sell it to the neets for B-Coins
3. It inflates they spend the new currency, We get b-Coins + inflated Crypto currency.
4. We expand employ same system
i.e emply /soc/ cam whores pay them, some sort of cam service... maybe some social networks etc. employ the crypto currency at each site only accepting the new crypto currency.
6 Profit!

>> No.48118

Implying a patent isn't pending you double nigger

>> No.48171

Alright I'm back but I'm still on my phone, won't be on a of for about an hour or so. When I get on a desktop I'd like to organise a tiny hat or something to further come to a consensus on things that need to be addressed, sort of like a conference I guess. Main topics will be;

>staff required
>payment plan for staff
>starting capital

>> No.48207

Also while doing this I will more then likely be recording the convo sort of as a stenographic record to keep good ideas. At this low level it might also pay to make an info image that's clear and concise for later threads

>> No.48215

Make a new thread specifically for that so it can stay a bit more on topic.
>inb4 it turns into a plot to steal all our money

>> No.48224

2 words.
>4chan Convention

>> No.48299

Will do after I get home from work, that should be another primary topic, management of company funds in a way that isn't "GUIs here's my bank account, fill it plox so I can run off to the Bahamas"

Honestly I'd prefer if it was a group of people like a board rather then a single person

>> No.48337

>a board
Idk man maybe do it via investment or something.

>> No.48353

4 words

>> No.48356

"Steal like an artist"

or maybe "Steal like an autist" on 4chan

i dont view it as theft as i've already noted seeing endless unexecuted ideas and i will put a spin on it to make it mine

>> No.48386

when does te thread 404 - getting large

>> No.48390


Your nose is showing schlump

>> No.48415

Prehaps, whatever stops this from just being a centralised money funnel for one person, doing so doesn't really breed confidence in early investors, especially on 4chan

>> No.48432

>there are very few actual NEETs on 4chan

You do realize that there's a whole 4chan in front of you. With boards you've probably never thought of entering.

>> No.48661

These ideas don't seem very good. NEETMEET is a terrible idea for reasons already stated. If you really want to utilize the power of neets then we need to look at what we have.

3-Drive to earn money

That's what every Neet on 4chan has. So do we use all these NEETS to make a content farm? Mturk? Something better?

>> No.48704

We should copyright Memes.

We would make billions.

>> No.48890

Just sell meme shirts. You'd be rich.

>> No.48926

I'm new to this board, just found out today about it.
so basically just shoot any idea ? alright, anyone ever had captain crunch cereal, then drink the milk afterwards ? how the milk has that new taste, how about selling milk that has that cereal flavor ?
I dunno, I just wanna make money.

>> No.48965

Best idea so far. Let's just sell Doge shirts

>> No.48973


we all know the power of /b/ and /pol/ when it comes to creating viral things. (cutforbeiber,poolsclosed,etc). why not use them to indirectly advertise our meme site while mining new memes from /b/ itself. /b/ could make money by forcing the memes and we would make money by having the site and selling the t-shirts, bracelets,etc etc.

>> No.48993

Alright guys.

If we are going to make a cyprtocurrency, It needs to be a general 4chan icon

I'm thinking... The Yotusba Coin?

>> No.48997

>implying that isn't already done to death by reddit, 9fag, tumblr ect.

i like that one tripfags idea about the social app. that sounds hella mad

>> No.49006

Aspergers coin

>> No.49007

The Titty Token

>> No.49085

I like Yotsuba coin.

>> No.49113

1G crypto currencies are doomed to fail and you all know it. Why not creating the next generation crypto-currency, bereft of 1G failures?

>> No.49251

Great idea. Just imagine if the people who created those famous rage faces got royalties. We can discuss OC in an irc, make it viral via facebook, tumblr etc, and then post it on a site just for le may mays. That way we can be rich, and we wont have an influx of new users on 4chan.

>> No.49308

are you guys sure there aren't meme shirts already being sold? it seems like the kind of thing people would've cashed in on already

>> No.49329

of course it is.

srsly, how long does it take you to google something? less time than it took to post what you wrote perhaps?

>> No.49453

but what if non channers access the other neets in this neetmeet site and steal potential delicious boypussy

>> No.49467

remember it's not the idea that sells it's the implementation of the idea. that was the key behind web 2.0 like facebook/twitter compared to myspace. key is how you execute your idea remember that anon and i hope you'll succeed.

>> No.49486

got my account locked for selling doge LOL they're shit and ebay's buyer protection bullshit can just implement chargeback. you get screwed out of money cause scammers.

>> No.49508

i have some ideas but i don't feel safe about placing them here. shoot me an email and i'll give you some and you decide how you want to present it here.

>> No.49541

hahahahhahahahahahahahhhhh my fucking sides exploded out to andromeda

>> No.49549

grorius nipon

>> No.49563

made a new thread here >>49450

its got as much of the main points myself and other anons came up with that i could fit

>> No.50323

I have a few hundred in capital to throw down if you all settle on a decent idea