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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 143 KB, 839x1200, DNwxZBjVwAAQGb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4189924 No.4189924 [Reply] [Original]

What a fucking clown.

>> No.4189932

top fucking kek. What a guy. This is what America needs :^ )

>> No.4189938

no way thats real

skelly retard

>> No.4189954

"Benevolent" dictator.

>> No.4189960

well this basically confirms my theory.

>> No.4189970

>gay 23 year old canadian is left leaning and dislikes trump


>> No.4189973

>when autists try to into humor

>> No.4189977


>> No.4189991
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Nice, just ate a 100 k

>> No.4190011

he looks like a young santa clause

Ho ho ho ho :^)

>> No.4190024

The concept of crypto industry is to unbank you fool-tards. V is right. you shithole

>> No.4190031

my boy

>> No.4190034

Did Vitalik assume their gender?

>> No.4190038

o jesus, well thats the nail in the coffin for eth.
Bitcoin is the true king after all.

>> No.4190042

is he realy a faggot? one more reason to hate ether

>> No.4190046

i'm not taking the bait. i'll be quiet.

>> No.4190068

link to this. I don't believe it

>> No.4190078


Prepare the ETH crash, its gonna burn.

>> No.4190082

He mentioned a tranny on stage at some point on one of his big youtube interviews. Can't blame him if he likes em tho

>> No.4190093

Good, I would hire that guy too. FUCK TRUMP

>> No.4190142

>eth finally breaks through $300
>vitalik makes sjw comment on twitter
>price comes back down
what if he's just pissed he sold so much of his stack early on and controls the price so he can accumulate

>> No.4190164

Why is he not allowed to dislike Trump exactly?

>> No.4190174

Is this guy a savant by chance? Because everything I've seen him do or read from him outside of ETH has been horribly autistic

>> No.4190179


>> No.4190184
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Actually, why are his supporters so thin-skinned? Isn't he allowed to joke around either?

>> No.4190186

just read the next comment in the picture

>> No.4190187

Sure he can.
But if u invested into ETH, look at NFL, CNN and others that publicly 'dislike' him, and the financial consequences of it.

>> No.4190198

Totally man. Icos dont want nor need eth at anything higher than 300 usd.

>> No.4190199

ive been wanting to transfer my ETH to BTC for a while... and missed the fucking recent moon too. Idk. I also feel like ETH has a lot of potential and is solid but man, this guy is a faggot.

>> No.4190206

>Icos dont want nor need eth at anything higher than 300 usd.
sarcasm? If not, then what to you mean?

>> No.4190236

I wonder what Trump was doing for those 11 minutes he was without twitter.

>> No.4190242
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>> No.4190243

they got WAAAAAAY more eth than they needed during ICOs and will continue unloading their bags, keeping the price right at 300 usd for a while lol

>> No.4190252

Reminder that Trump won't audit the fed.

Reminder that Trump supporters are abnormal in a negative sense.

Reminder that Vitalik is smarter than you.

>> No.4190270

I have 18 ETH. That's it. Would you recommend transferring some of it into BTC? Or holding the ETH and dropping ~5 grand into BTC. BTC basically at ath right now but has been mooning hard while my ETH is stagnant af.. ;[

>> No.4190289

The autism in those comments is overwhelming.
Free speech was a mistake. Let enforce quality speech or something that won't leave retardation run free.

>> No.4190297


killing CIA niggers

>> No.4190306


Trump is a fucking hero. go suck hillaries bloated clit

>> No.4190312
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>"quality speech"

"Quality" is a 100% subjective term that will be used to censor things you don't like. You don't support free speech.

>> No.4190325
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>you shouldn't be allowed to say things that I consider "retarded"

>> No.4190326

Such a concept is certainly going to be corrupted in no time, and I do understand it's retarded anyway, but at least I'd like Twitter to stop showing to the world the mediocrity of mankind.
I'm including Trump and Vitalik in the picture.

>> No.4190328

Go back to /pol/, we don't need that bullshit here.

Inb4 getting called a nigger.

>> No.4190334

we don't need what here? He's replying to someone with an opinion with his own opinion. Go to reddit if you want censorship you fucking faggot

>> No.4190351

Nah, he's calling names, bringing no value nor facts to its "argument" while choking on Trump's orange cock, mentioning Clinton for no reason except political autism.
/pol/ made flesh actually.

>> No.4190353


fuck off, cut off your own tongue and fingers if you dont like dumb comments

free speech or death

>> No.4190357

Serge, lay off the carrots

>> No.4190358

It's real

>> No.4190362
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Makes sense, he is a raging Marxist after all.

>> No.4190365

The Americanest.

>> No.4190373

I want to make a Tyrone FUD video against ETH, but I dont think the stuttering pothead pasta fits

Are there any good anti-ETH pastas? Or will I have to keep trying them on /biz/ until one sticks?

>> No.4190380
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/pol/ is a board of peace.

>> No.4190387


t. skippy podesta

mm-muh calling names!!!

I dont need to argument, you people would not understand logic if it hit you in the face with a truck of peace.

you think you're hot shit dontcha?
now stop whining and buy your ETH, surely such a professional lead dev in a centralized currency assures the investors.

>> No.4190390

vitalik is a literal commie faggot sjw. this is no surprise.
>muh virtue signals
>muh no max supply cap for ETH
I can't wait for ETH to fucking crash and burn

>> No.4190406

>this man literally has the power to delete your ethereum

>> No.4190415

As if only capitalist trumptards know and own crypto?! :D Chanting: "USA! USA! USA! USA!"
Eat a dick pajeet.

>> No.4190420

reminder that your reddit spacing indicates you need to go back to r/berniesanders you fucking commie scum

>> No.4190424
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ETH will inevitably fail because Vitalik would rather fap to trannies than develop good code.

You should not put your money in the hands of a gay 23 year old marxist who spends most of his waking hours on Twitter.

>> No.4190426

get your asshole bleached with eth if you like it so much you bug chasing faggot

>> No.4190437

> :D
Gas yourself.

>> No.4190441

Politics are just fucking up private enterprise in the USA. Honestly I didn't support either candidate, but Hillary pushes for Internet and monetary censorship a fair amount more than Trump. Right now crypto is for entrepreneurs who are looking to break into the next big market. I could care less who sits in the oval office as long as they allow their citizens freedom. Soon enough people will organise themselves together and push for less government involvement in the economy.

>> No.4190449

"Hey you know that guy who deactivated the president of the united states account because he doesnt like him? Let's fucking hire him"

Messing with the POTS account because your feelings were hurt isnt going to look good on a resume

>> No.4190454

Thanx 4 the laughs, I've never seen so many Trumpsters avting like what they like to call liberal and forward thinking peaople - SNOW-FWAKES! :D Come on, really? "Wha-AAA-aa!!! The mean man said bad things about paw-paw! I will sell all ETH!"


>> No.4190460

apparently it does to Vitalik. brb selling 1000 ETH

>> No.4190471

And yet it is ok to elect a greedy retard into office of the worlds most influential country that in actual fact ALSO spends most of his waking hours on Twitter? Yeah, that's some progressive thinking and strong analytical skills right there mate! He literally made a huge scene about his twitter acc being down for 11 minutes!!!!

>> No.4190478
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>Soon enough people will organise themselves together and push for less government involvement in the economy
not while the 19th amendment is is still in place. these damn roasties always vote for big government bullshit. seriously we need to repeal the 19th if we ever want to remove all the corrupt government bloat that womyn and their white knight eunichs keep voting for. we would all be much freer if womyn were prevented from being useful idiots for the marxists. The founding fathers would be freaking out if they saw how much power we've relinquished from the state level to the national level.

>> No.4190493
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>all these assblasted lefties get red IDs

>> No.4190505

and you wonder why your stepdad hates you

>> No.4190506

Trump and Vitalik are on friendly terms you dumb fucks. How exactly do you think Trump has gotten around taxes every year? how do you think he went bankrupt? how do you think he actually became president?
you guys are fucking idiots.
Vitalik threw an inside joke at Trump and both of them got chuckles out of this.
You are all deluded, and probably holding LINK as your first "investment"

>> No.4190507

Fuck trump. I'd hire the guy.

>> No.4190514

Lmao Trump is like literally Hitler xDDD

>> No.4190521

The founding fathers would stick a musket barrel up your colon before burning you on a stake for witchcraft an heresy if you'd be able to time travel and pulled an iPhone out of your pocket in front of them... idiots thinking that laws made by people who couldn't possibly conceive how much society and our environment would change in the coming centuries belong "In the arms of Jesus" with their beloved founding fathers... I'm a self proclaimed Marxist and I say that for our species sake, people of a primal intelligence should be sent to outer space in their birthday suits.

>> No.4190524
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Found the Ameritard

>> No.4190528

Our founding fathers would be far more disturbed by how much our government has been subverted by corporations... Something that orange orangutan is making worse.

>> No.4190537


It's not that's he's not allowed to dislike Trump. It's that he's said he'd like to hire someone who litterally just sabotaged a customers account (and a high profile customer at that) on a whim, based on not liking Trump.

Is THAT someone you're willing to trust with your money?

>> No.4190543

If he mindlessly consumes the 'trump is hitler' shit coming from outlets like buzzfeed and CNN it's extremely disconcerting because it casts a lot of doubt on his intelligence and his ability to separate narratives from reality.

>> No.4190546

It's actually pretty amusing that people like you exist. ie. Marxists that proclaim to have even an inkling of insight as to how the founders would behave in ANY given situation, let alone some completely nonsensical hypothetical. Lol. What I love most is that Stalin would have killed you and your entire family.

>> No.4190555
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>I'm a self proclaimed Marxist and I want to kill people who disagree with me

what else is new

>> No.4190565

this :)))

MAGA you commie bitches! Hail Trump, Emperor of mankind. All who oppose him are subhuman regressives.

>> No.4190567

We could use Stalin now. I'd wait in line for 4 hours for mismatched shoes if I could see all the assholes get shot or thrown in the gulags. Worth it.

>> No.4190576

fun part is, you would be the first deported, regressive moron.

>> No.4190578

Yeah, well... Stalin DID kill a good portion of my ancestors, but that doesn't mean that the ideology is to blame! "Bust socialism and communism gave rise to this guy and that guy..." Capitalism gave rise to Trump and the likes so now instead of shooting people whom you dislike in the face instead they are polluting, poisoning and dumbing down every living creature on the planet to control and enslave into their own agenda. I am not defending Stalin or Lenin or Karl Marx for that matter... but do you really think capitalism requires useful idiots like yourself to defend it? I don't think so, yet here you are, spewing ignorant shit all over the place like lawn sprinkler of vomit.

>> No.4190586

Yeah, cause you all are so much different :D

>> No.4190589
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>> No.4190592

300$ per coin
lead by some autist that looks straight outta auschwitz
the only thing ETH has going for it rightnow is being the platform for ICO scams
tell me how many smartcontracts are executed with ETH ?
oh wait none

>> No.4190594

I believe in free speech and you do not.
You want to kill people who disagree with you.
You are a brainlet.

>> No.4190599

Yyyeah... capitalism - SO MUCH WINNING! (Y) Keep up the good work.

>> No.4190600

>see all the assholes get shot or thrown in the gulags.
You realize that isn't how he instilled fear into his populace right? Sure he killed intellectuals and various people that he deemed ideological enemies, but he also killed families / people at random. There is a quote in a book that I recently read called Stalin's Folly by Constantine Pleshakov that essentially states that the regime would encourage those that heard jokes / criticisms being made against Stalin to report them, and the regime would them swiftly execute both the joke teller and the one that reported the joke teller. It was completely nonsensical and evil while being highly effective in breeding absolute fear and obedience into the people.
tl'dr; you would be one of those assholes

>> No.4190602
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>> No.4190610

I wish I could buy you a one way ticket to a communist shithole like North Korea. If you hate capitalism so much gtfo. no one is stopping you from living your dreams in a commie shithole.

>> No.4190614

I'm not defending Trump. I'm pointing out that you likely would have been executed under a Marxist regime. You should read more.

>> No.4190617

Is it not human nature to want to rip the spines out of entities that compete for your limited resources? You claim to believe in free speech but when a muslim opens their mouth, despite what's coming out of it your rebuttal would be: "Go back to your own country you filthy sand nigger!" No? Am I missing something here?

>> No.4190618
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>> No.4190620
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Western capitalist countries have the highest standard of living ever seen in human history and the lowest level of poverty.

>> No.4190622


Trump is a jew loving, israel cock-sucking faggot, and money skelly is just a dumb liberal with no political awareness who dislikes Trump for the wrong reasons - muh borders, muh racist.

>> No.4190628

Holy shit. ETH running in full SJW mode. Time to short

>> No.4190630

I miss the old ETH pasta about don't buy because of it coin supply calculation etc

>> No.4190633

>"Go back to your own country you filthy sand nigger!"

I have freedom of speech to say this.

Freedom of speech has nothing to do with immigration, and there is no Constitutional right to immigrate the United States.

You do not believe in free speech. We do.
You want to kill people who disagree with you.
You are a brainlet.

>> No.4190647

Are people really this ignorant as to think what Lenin did was a part of the socialist ideal? It was corruption, same as today, IN CAPITALISM! Now, instead of achieving control via fear (in most cases) they have gotten more clever, the system is designed around you so that if you say or do anything that doesn't fit the norm you are out, that is it... they wont kill you or your family but they will sentence you to an ever twindling life of illness and capital impotence... sounds fun, dont it?

>> No.4190651

CNN is that you?

>> No.4190657

>sounds fun, dont it?
sounds better than dying. please stop talking now. You sound like you're 15.

>> No.4190659

You funky little idiot... you do realize that ~ ALL the natives have been killed of and YOU YOURSELF ARE A DESCENDANT OF IMMIGRANTS, RIGHT?! The level of ignorance in this pole waxer, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.4190661


You literally are a brainlet if you have been on the internet for a number of years, interested in politics and history, and haven't figured out that both capitalism and communism are two sides of the same shekels, and that fuck yes, it is all the jews, with the caveat that they would never have gained so much power were it not for our own elites going global and selling out their nations.

>> No.4190662

can you just go back to r/antifa. why the fuck are you even on the most CAPITALIST board on this mongolian basketweaving website? I hope this bait.

>> No.4190665
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>it wasnt real socialism


>> No.4190666

>Stalin DID kill a good portion of my ancestors
When communism isn't proficient enough

>> No.4190670

socialism/communism doesent work because of the human nature
theres always some one that wants to be better than the other one

>> No.4190677


I am not, my grandparents were apart of the original Texas republic and were annexed into the United States.

The founding fathers were not immigrants, the United States didn't exist until they created it.

You are a brainlet.

>> No.4190678

Zionist that lets Russia and Iran to demolish Israel's plan to dominate the Middle-East. Sure.

>> No.4190689

not if in the end, everybody had a fair and equal shot at wealth for many years. The few who were brave and took chances along the way were the winners. The ones at the bottom will know that the opportunity was sitting in front of them all along and they never grasped it.

>> No.4190696

Oh! So much better than dying! Tell me this... would you rather spend life in prison with no chance to appeal or get a lethal injection and be done with it? Given by the way you seem to love the everlasting assrape that is capitalism i wouldn't be surprised if you'd flourish in an environment of guys hoping to hear that soap drop. Why the fuck are you into crypro at all if you like capitalism so much? You do realize that when crypto achieves its long term goals all your corporations and the dollar are done with, right?

>> No.4190701

>Is THAT someone you're willing to trust with your money?

You're essentially saying you're a low IQ ideologue who stops supporting breakthrough technology the moment its key people hurt your feelings, that last line sounds like a rabid soccer mom

How long have you been here? With that mindset might as well stay in your echochamber because the market certainly doesn't give a flying fuck about your feelings

>> No.4190708
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>Given by the way you seem to love the everlasting assrape that is capitalism

Western capitalist countries have the highest standard of living ever seen in human history and the lowest level of poverty.

You are a brainlet.

>> No.4190715

Doesn't speak well of his integrity.

>> No.4190718


>> No.4190720

So you're allowed to shit on trump but that anon isn't allowed to defend him? Literally end your miserable "liberal" life.

>> No.4190721

when biz collides with pol. toxic

>> No.4190727

It's key people are SJWs, and SJW led organizations are doomed to fail because their priorities are out of whack.

ETH has no use cases out of scam ICOs, and not even its developers can make its shit language work.


>> No.4190728

Yeah. Vitalik is a retard for getting political.

>> No.4190729

Let me explain something to you, you brainlet. First off,you're making logical fallacies all over the place. You're comparing living in a free market society to a prison which is just complete nonsense and a false equivalency. Have you paid attention to geopolitics at all, child? My guess is no. Do yourself a favor and look into the condition of Venezuela right now. Those people live under your ideal style of governance and my guess is that some of them would rather choose death right now.
>the dollar are done with
Good. Fuck fiat. I'm a Ron Paul guy. Eat a dick.

>> No.4190734

I just cant believe the amount of idiots here trying their luck on cryptos while at the same time sucking on the capitalist Umerican Dream... people, you really can't have both in the long run, you realize that, do you not?

>> No.4190737
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>> No.4190740

Agreed. Vitalik should def just stick to ETH and never talk about politics.

>> No.4190741
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Western capitalist countries have the highest standard of living ever seen in human history and the lowest level of poverty.

In the United States, a county of 300 million people, starvation has been statistically eliminated (less than 0.0000001% die of malnutrition).

You are a brainlet.

>> No.4190751


>> No.4190755

Isn't the whole reason Vitalik is even here now because of Trump's friend Peter Theil? Does he know any kind of loyalty at all?

Partly because Trump's friend gave him money to drop out of college and create Ethereum to begin with

>> No.4190768

What the fuck? So he prefers dnc and the bankers cartel? That's some weird cuckoldry, fucking faggot, just fuck Off.

>> No.4190769

Yeah people will think "I had the chance so it's ok"
Hint: People ALREADY have the chance, and the bitching is ever increasing.
If you think some people don't have the chance of a decent living in a capitalist, Western country, bear in mind that in order to not be poor in the US a person needs to accomplish 3 things:
1. Finish high school
2. Don't be long term unemployed (inb4 hurr durr no jerbs, go work at McD if need be)
3. Don't get children out if wedlock

None of those things are outside control of anybody

>> No.4190780

It is a prison of boarders and rules that are not natural to humans! In this prison you have all the obligations and none of the rights... how often do corporate leaders go to your privately funded prisons for literally ending lives of thousands of people by extent of their actions? You seem to be blinded by the shine and the promise of a better tomorrow while forgetting that cogs in a machine don't have a "tomorrow" they simply get tossed and replaced when worn out.

>> No.4190781

see my above post. Big V and Trump are in-cahoots. Inside jokes to cause outrage among plebs. it's bleeding into 4chins

>> No.4190786


>> No.4190792

Except niggers and communists

>> No.4190794

What else would you expect out of a numale, low testosterone, awkward cuck?

>> No.4190796
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Western capitalist countries have the highest standard of living ever seen in human history and the lowest level of poverty.

In the United States, a county of 300 million people, starvation has been statistically eliminated (less than 0.0000001% die of malnutrition).

You are a brainlet.

>> No.4190797


>you're an idealogue if you aren't willing to trust your money to someone who jokes about employing corporate saboteurs

>> No.4190801


Oh, you are SO WELL OFF! :D No starvation, yes, but I'd rather starve than have a cardiac arrest due to my moobs getting too heavy or OD on some opioids my doc prescribed when one day I told him I was feeling sad :( Such a well off society, can't believe how well you all are, and soooo educated :D Wow! Ammaze!

>> No.4190809
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>I'd rather starve than live in a country with a lot of food

No wonder you are a Marxist.

>> No.4190816

People get fat through their own choice, anon.

>> No.4190828

Tell me, is it the ultimate satisfaction of life and superior education that has caused Umerica to be the most obese and over prescribed country in the world? What might be the alternatives? "Look at all muh guns'n'trucks'n'shit! I'm SO HAPPY AND FULFILLED INSIDE!"

>> No.4190830

He thinks that this virtue signalling numale hippie trendy "Ethereum jesus" which he "created" out of memes and colorful imagery is somewhat cool to his fans. But it's just cringy as fuck and he took it too seriously.

>> No.4190837
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The United States has a lot of food, and no one starves. This is a good thing.

Over 40 million people starved to death in Communist China. That is not a good thing.

>> No.4190845

I'd rather have the choice to get fat then empty supermarkets. You're viewpoint of the world is backwards and it's actually a bit frightening and sad. You should read about the experiences that people have had under these regimes that you profess to love.

>> No.4190847

Yes! Correct! And why are so many people "choosing" this way of living if everything is so hunkydoryperfect all the time? I it a vanity thing? Like "look at muh belly! I'm rich, yeah fucker!" ? NO! It is the total lack of self respect and fulfillment that drives people to these extremes. Why tho? Why if capitalism is such a great system and everybody is supposedly happy like a fucking leprechaun at the end of a rainbow?

>> No.4190854
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People have freedom to eat as much as they want. This is a good thing.

In communist countries, people starve by the millions. This is a bad thing.

>> No.4190859

>why are so many people "choosing" this way of living if everything is so hunkydoryperfect all the time?
Because "so many people" are inherently shitty people.

This is exactly why equality of outcome is disastrous.

>> No.4190865

Which country are you from?

>> No.4190874

>id rather there be mass famine and death then live in a society where there is an abundance of resources, and as a result of that abundance, some people make poor decisions

>> No.4190877

DUDE! I told you! My roots come from people that were fucked HAAAARD by these regimes, yet here I am, tough as nails and stronger for all the difficulty I've had to overcome due to the imminent effect of having my bloodline sabotaged by NOT IDEOLOGIES, BUT BY DICTATORSHIP, something you seem to be headed towards in a real hurry. To clarify, I don't support any societal model where we can talk about countries, governments and boarders... these are archaic notions that belong in history books.

>> No.4190881


>he thinks people waiting in line for their weekly ration of bread are happy and fulfilled inside

>> No.4190891
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>starvation is a good thing, it makes you stronger
>it wasn't real socialism!

No wonder you are a Marxist.

>> No.4190897

so many fags in here with literally zero humor. anyone ever heard of humor? Oh yeah i forgot most of you are humorless jews. i forgot.

Anyone finding fault with VB is basically just reflecting what is actually going on inside themselves and redirecting the blame on something else. we get it.... you're being cucked, you're a virgin, you were touched when you were young, or you just a cold humorless jew.

just thought i'd drop by!

>> No.4190898

Tell me, where did that abundance come from? From loving and caring for fellow men across the world? For paying outsourced workers the same as you'd pay to locals? From NOT having slaves?! :D Funny little man...

>> No.4190909

Property rights are respected, and the government does not confiscate property. As a result, western capitalist countries have the highest standard of living ever seen in human history and the lowest level of poverty.

There were no slaves in the North, and it was much richer than the South, which was poor.

>> No.4190914

I think people capable of growing their own food and making their own bread without having to live in a stone box with hundreds of others are happy and fulfilled inside... we are not ants nor are we meant to live and work like ants... I'm not saying that if you are happy in your own life you should move to the countryside and develop skills to sustain your self bout when and not if one of these "elected leaders" pushes the red button there will be no contest between who lives and who dies.

>> No.4190919
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>these are archaic notions that belong in history books
Where are you from little guy?

>> No.4190921

>I think people capable of growing their own food and making their own bread would be happier

People would prefer not to starve, and division of labor is a much better system than having everyone live on a farm.

>> No.4190922

because you are a fucking nigger

>> No.4190925

Because BTC is the American coin.

>> No.4190927

Property rights are respected? What about civil forfeiture in case the po-po finds you growing a plant in a state you are not supposed to, or if you decide to break another one of their countless idiomaniacal rules? They'll respect the hell out of you and your rights then, wont they :D

>> No.4190934
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While not perfect, this is much better than communist countries, where millions starved and industries were taken over by the state.

>> No.4190942

You ignored my question, means you are too ashamed to say where you're from. Case dismissed, stop preaching, US is better whatever shithole you're stuck in.

>> No.4190949

In a representative democracy the people elect officials that best represent the policies in which they believe. These policies are used as the outline by which the people govern themselves. This is how a high functioning and civil society is formed. What you are looking for is anarchy and a lack of governance. You can currently find your paradise today in Somalia. Please go there and live with your people!

>> No.4190950

I'm from planet earth and I see through the folly and deceptive games people hiding behind the mask of politics and corporations play with us all... desu I didn't come here looking for controversy at all, I'm just utterly allergic to ignorance and I think >>4190701 did the best job of describing the problem people seem to depict on the issue at hand.

>> No.4190955
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Communism has been tried and failed every time. You want to kill people who disagree with you. You have also said that starvation is a good thing.

You are a brainlet.

>> No.4190956

Well, looks like this dipshit ruined ETH for me, time to go all in on Verge

>> No.4190957

FUCK COUNTRIES! FUCK BORDERS! FUCK LAWS AND DEMOCRACY! IT'S ALL SHIT! Just a human concept we have been clinging on to for way way too long!

>> No.4190961

Honestly hope all trumptard /pol/cucks die. The world would unironically be better off

>> No.4190966
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>Fuck laws, I don't care if people murder me

No wonder you are a Marxist.

>> No.4190971

hello fellow comrade! I hope you die too!

>> No.4190978

/biz/ discord

>> No.4190981

Yes, and the police is there to help and defend YOU from bad people :D Keep on believing that shit, buddy.

>> No.4190983

>Just a human concept we have been clinging on to for way way too long!
>Because something is constructed by humans, it is inherently bad!
H O L Y S H I T Destroy your computer then. and go live in the forest and eat bugs.

>> No.4190988
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The United States has infinitely less crime than communist countries, where tens of millions were murdered by the state.

>> No.4190996

Eth is king of the shitcoins

>> No.4191010

I don't think he even needs that. It's fucking vitalik, he knows all the tricks. He just put the price he wants and bam!

>> No.4191018
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>> No.4191022

It's the fucking president of the United States of course he's gonna rage if some random closes his account even for one minute. You don't do that.
I don't care about politics or anything but that's just being polite despite any difference you may or may not have,

>> No.4191031

Does anyone have the screenshot of Vitalik literally promoting people getting kicked out of their homes because renters are sad sometimes?

He's a genius but he's still a kid.

He has plenty of brainwashing to recover from like most of us did here. He Also grew up in fucking Canada

>> No.4191047

See >>4190362

>> No.4191063

Fuck that ron swanson wannabe faggot who replied.

Vitalik is the skeleton king.

>> No.4191071

You guys realise crypto is a globalists wet dream, right? A global currency that already has a 1% but everyone thinks its "decentralized". Money skeleton is just another fag who wants muslim cock.

>> No.4191085


these, but you smarmy kikes already knew that

>> No.4191089

t. brainlet

>> No.4191090



>> No.4191111

Explain to me how I'm a brainlet when 1% of Bitcoin holders can trigger a fork and affectively manipulate the market, you stupid cunt. You really think government agencies like the UN haven't pooled trillions of dollars to buy a massive share of the market? Durrrr, fucking retard.
Not even American. Not even close. "Stop insulting my skinny faggot CEO!! :((("

>> No.4191121

Since nobody said it yet, nigger. As the other anon said, go to plebbit if you want censorship

>> No.4191123

Anyone can trigger a fork. The actual difficulty is to get people using that fork. You don't seem to understand what open source software is. All we're doing here is probing the depths of your ignorance.

>> No.4191139

You don't seem to understand that if affectively half of all bitcoin is supporting that coin, more follows. You're actually trying to say to me that if someone like Pajeet forked, it'd be as affective as if Goldman Sachs did too.

>> No.4191151

ohhh criiiinge

he doesnt get it guys

>> No.4191152

I doubt many libertarians will be voluntarily using FED coin. Plus if you have atomic swaps, all a government coin will do is increase people in crypto. It's a win-win.

You need to calm down.

>> No.4191191

Yeah great retort to dismantle my argument.
On top of this BitcoinGold was a piece of shit barely backed, yet it triggered a massive bull run adn crashed alts. You don't appreciate the volatility of the market, and you more than likely still think bitcoin is some "for the people" movement. Every large organisation is in bitcoin, and in it to control it.

>> No.4191202

Canada = America

>> No.4191210

Nazi cuckold Americans get the fuck out of crypto

>> No.4191212

If Bitcoin gets controlled, another crypto will simply take its place.

It seems to me that you are very focused on the speculative price of crypto, and not its function, which is to have 100% ownership over your wealt and trade goods and services with no restrictions.

>> No.4191223

Reddit and the general population love snarky liberal remarks. They are 100:1 the population of Nat socs and so this is VERY good news. Keep on cucking.

>> No.4191226

he wears unicorn shirts to conferences and interviews.

>> No.4191239

Trumptard nazicucks gtfo off /biz/
we don't want you here

>> No.4191244

I'm focusing on it's control because it means certain groups could destroy it and render it worthless in due time.

>> No.4191258

...and another will just pop up like a mushroom in a dank forest.

Central banks and governments have gone too far and the pressure is far too high for anything else to happen. Outside complete totalitarian dystopian future, free cryptos are an obvious certainty.

>> No.4191263

trump getting elected says otherwise sweetheart

>> No.4191264

Plus if one crypto gets destroyed while another rises it will just give you even more money by getting in early, fueling speculation, fueling price and fueling adoption.

>> No.4191279

uh sweetie hillary won with over 6 million votes from dead people and illegals, think again

>> No.4191291

I assure you no one but burgers and leafs sees a difference.

>> No.4191301

/pol/ colony

>> No.4191316



>> No.4191331

well he is like 19, isn't he? it wouldn't be surprising at all if he jumps on normie political bandwagons. you can't really blame him, either. he's a product of the culture he was raised in

>> No.4191333

Idiots don't realize that Trump is the best thing that happened to crypto, the only way to crack down on crypto is with intergovernmental collaboration, which is very unlikely to happen with Trump. Imagine if Hillary had won and decided to include anti crypto rules in the TPP.

Isolationist governments ensure that crypto will keep being free, international organizations under the control of banks are the only real threat to crypto.

>> No.4191335

Pol is garbage. Biz can fucking buy you out ten times over little bitch.

>> No.4191344

thank god the NatSoc supersedes he normal citizen then huh sweetie

>> No.4191355

It wuz da globalists. Hurr im just your salt of the earth conservative hurr.

Fuck you peasant.

>> No.4191356

That autism

>> No.4191358
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Go back

>> No.4191370

um think again sweetie. /pol/ colony ;)

>> No.4191400

Fuck every Trump supporter. Seriously you people are fucking retards. Like, just fuck you and literally EVERYTHING you have known and stand for. I come here and laugh at trump supporters trying to pump and dump on other weird, racist, douchey trump supporters. It's fucking glorious.

>> No.4191424


You are probably trolling young chap, but communist societies have rules and many overbearing laws. I think these young people mistake communist societies for some hippy van where everyone just does what they want. In reality they wind up more like Jim Jones' Jonestown where everyone is assigned jobs and if you try to leave you get shot. Essentially the individual has to do whatever the "state" (aka a bunch of doofuses) wants. This includes drinking cyanide laced flavor aide of that is what the state deems to be in the best interests of the state.

>> No.4191442


I'm sure you can with all of your digibytes, steller lumens, siacoin and doge

>> No.4191449

Any anti statist still holding ethereum after those comments needs to take a long hard look at themselves.

>> No.4191535

sorry could you say that again? I couldnt hear you over the hitler speech im listening to :)

>> No.4191549

>implying I own alt coins

I couldn’t here you over my money.

Darling, I didn’t mean to trigger you. Now go back to blaming the minorities for your own problems.

>> No.4191583

Smarter than you'll ever be in your life,
go shove a big rubber dong your ass while fantasizing about flabby old white republicans fucking you in your ass

>> No.4191629


He's fucking retarded and Eth is complete trash, it gets hacked constantly- once so badly they had to hard fork. Plus solidity is a complete joke. Vitalik is just some delusional kid who got lucky with good branding at the right time. Rest assured your little commie bux will be replaced

>> No.4191632
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>guy pulls a prank
>everyone thinks it's funny
>a random anon on 4chan turns into le serious shareholder

>> No.4191639

When are these mongs going to learn to stay the fuck out of politics and political commentary? No one cares about your virtue-signalling, just STFU and develop your tech.

>> No.4191680
File: 8 KB, 348x278, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colony of /pol/.

>> No.4191691

>it gets hacked constantly- once so badly they had to hard fork.
I don't know what you're really expecting, didn't he program it himself at like 19 years old? I think it's pretty impressive that this is the worst it's endured.

>> No.4191714

>Not a capitalist
>Puts his wealth into hard-to-trace currencies that accept no monetary policy or redistribution

Lmao get a hold of this retard

>> No.4191719

Yes trump is a clown. Anything new?

>> No.4191725


Security should be the number one priority of any smart contract platform. If it's not secure it's completely useless. People invested because Ether is a catchy name, not because it's a viable project

>> No.4191731

oh sweetie.. english too hard for you?:)

>> No.4191734

Crypto is communist you captard

>> No.4191822


Communist huh, so you think all the BTC whales will be redistributing their wealth soon enough to you plebs? Kek. They already dump on you after good news to scoop up even more coins from your weak hands.

>> No.4191825


You wont own anything once your glorious communist state is implemented

>> No.4191898

he is allowed to
as are we to dislike him
money skeleton is a fucking communist sjw cuck and the last thing he wants is to make eth holders rich
never bought this shit, never will

>> No.4191985


>> No.4192053

But Putin... he's alright.

>> No.4192077
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>Hates fat people and drugs
the answer is closer than you think

>> No.4192151

Goddamn, I guess stalin is still live and well in Russia

>> No.4192160

He’s not, /biz/ is just full of trump cucks

>> No.4192171

Eth bagholder detected

>> No.4192226

The existance of etc proves his point.

>> No.4192287

Iunno, honestly I'd rather die fat than starve. Different strokes...

>> No.4192463

welp i'll never buy ETH.

>> No.4192484

Lol trump supporters confirmed low IQ.

>> No.4192531

only rural and suburban retards voted for trump.

all the city people voted 4 hilldawg.


>> No.4192842

>why would you hire someone who dares to take initiative and think for themselves?
OK buddy

>> No.4192850

Dumping my eth

>> No.4192854

Banning the most prominent user on your platform and causing a massive slew of terrible PR is "initiative"?

>> No.4192912
File: 35 KB, 525x704, 6F7C0880-8E52-4FFB-B8D3-2FAFE2200392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I dumped my eth. Fuck that guy

>> No.4193042
File: 2.89 MB, 280x280, 1509716753543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian-canadian (LMAO what a combination) sperg faggot cucck larping online while his fucking shitcoin can't pump anymore because the sole reason that shit exists is to fuel ICO scams, no wonder that garbage is infinite supply and our faggot komrade Vitalik can "print" as much ETH as he needs...

If you are smart, you're not into ETH. Profits on ETH have been already made, raped and gutted. The only people holding that shit now are rethards who cling to cult of personality....although I don't know what personality, that faggot has none.

>> No.4193387

U proud u live in a commieblock? Lmfao

>> No.4193430

>missing the point this hard

>> No.4193471
File: 239 KB, 454x342, the average pol user.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just projecting, just try to ignore them

>> No.4193568

sold all my ETH unironically

>> No.4193619

eth was an centralized inflationary commie coin to begin with what the fuck did you guys expect from this faggot lmfao

>> No.4193637


Angry LOW IQ poltards

>> No.4194158

>Vitalik makes joke because he dislikes Trump like almost all well educated people living in the West
>snowflakes of /pol/ instantly triggered
Name ONE (1) public intellectual who openly defends Trump.

>> No.4194213

>what is Korean War
>what is Vietnam War
>what is Gulf Wars
>what is Iraq War
>what is the countless coupes orchestrated by CIA
>what is the countless rebel groups supported by the US to fuel conflict in far away countries (USA literally supported the Taliban in Afghanistan and Al-Qaeda in Syria)

Also capitalism is responsible for all deaths during colonialism, which is more than the deaths in all communist countries combined. And yes, Marxism has never been implemented because Lenin raped it.

ugh read a history book pleb

>> No.4194224

Can you give me the passage in Das Kapital where Marx says that you should kill all those who disagree with you?

>> No.4194331

Do you guys really get so assblasted over some words on a screen?


>> No.4194432

You realize you are describing cultural marxism and not capitalism right?

>> No.4194444

based as fuck
not yet priced in
just bought 1k eth

>> No.4194466


Yes the smart cityfolk who raise dogs as children and spend all their tax dollars on mohammed

>> No.4194555

>Name ONE (1) public intellectual who openly defends Trump.

>> No.4194589

>capitalism is responsible for all deaths during colonialism

>> No.4194677
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>> No.4194761

>he only holds bitcoin because he's too much of a brainlet to distinguish between promising and non-promising token platforms
>he's from pol


At least you're smart enough to know you're too dumb to figure out which tokens are good and which are bad.

But then again that's just subconsciously because you seem to consciously want to believe being a 100% bitcoiner is the superior choice so you can feel superior, just like you want to believe that because you happen to share some physical traits with people who helped pull european civilization forward you somehow share some of their glory and get to be proud about it.

>> No.4194832

You fuckers don't get it. Trump is the greatest news cycle horse to ride. If this gets in the news, normies will be like who the fuck is this money skeleton and what is this about? And the news have to explain and they love calling drumpf retarded so they will shill Vitalik as "a fuckint decentralization of capitalism information technology genius" in order to lend authority to him as someone who can call drumpf a retard. In turn, they will have to shill Ethereum and talk a bit about the promising utilities and efficiencies it can introduce into almost any economic market that exists (at least when state channels go up).

Having twitter drama with drumpf is great for ethereum and blockchain awareness, UNLESS you retard neo nazis cry about muhfreespeech every time someone seems to dislike your brainlet god-emperor.

>> No.4194842
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>> No.4194866

First he wants your house to go to the highest bidder. Now censor people you disagree with...
ETH is unironically nu-marxcoin.

>> No.4194889

4chan was infiltrated by conservicucks in 2015/2016 and now /pol/ runs rampant across the site. not allowed to dislike their dictator

>> No.4194920

4chan was conservative long before 2015

>> No.4195019

One one hand I want his bigoted ass to go to jail. On the other, I want a Lambo... Eh, Money>Polotics. What a douche Vitalik is though.

>> No.4195044


>> No.4195051

it seems you have to be bluepilled in order to get rich

we are fucked /biz/bros

>> No.4195126

no it was always socially liberal, just not sjw. Just a rainbow of edgelords, moralfags and kekfags who enjoyed what happened when anyone could produce and send almost anything

>> No.4195159

yep... i'm glad i'm not the only one who thought obvious joke is obvious and kinda funny

>> No.4195182


I prefer the term countercultural, or contrarian. Right now the fringe politics tend to be right wing as the media has adopted some kind of bastard leftist/globalist ideology (they aren't really harmonious concepts).

Bush was not popular around 4chan during his tenure. Obama started off popular and that tapered off.

>> No.4195183

fortunately the whole fucking point of a blockchain is that you don't have to trust anyone with your money



>> No.4195214

That's just it. Savants are incredibly skilled at very specific things and usually highly retarded at everything else. Like all their grey matter was devoted to that one specific skill.

>> No.4195230

Biz is just retarded

>> No.4195333

Shouldn't you be out in the streets overthrowing white supremacy? Or is it too cold outside?

>> No.4195351


Peasants triggered.

>> No.4195385

yes m'lord, i'll get right on it, i'll leave all the political opining to your glorious brain

jk, nobody cares about *your* virtue signalling, just stfu and get back to your shitty minimum wage job or w/e

>> No.4195398

He's a smart and talented guy of course he dislikes Trump

>> No.4195408
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>> No.4195465

lmao so many buttmad poltards here. Yeah Trump is a fucking idiot, get over it.

>> No.4195540

nice projecting

must succ to feel babyrage every time someone insults some retard you voted for

>> No.4195600

>jumping on normie peasant political bandwagons
>calling other people peasants
lol die

>> No.4195622

If you voted for Trump you deserve the assrape you're about to receive through his tax reform.

>> No.4195637

>tax cuts for rich and poor
>no more retarded ass fee for not having oniggercare
>silently deregulating everything
Nah I think I'll be fine.

>> No.4195650

If you hold this opinion past the age of 25, you are a failure at life.

>> No.4195653


>> No.4195714

Tyler? Yeah Tyler is a fucking idiot.

>> No.4195719
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>> No.4195784

The kind of debt the US is in due to an unbalanced budget is insane. He might as well cut taxes though and fukitol because the US is going to have to default either way. There's no chance of paying it back anymore. The can just keeps being kicked down the road more and more aggressively.

>> No.4195791

Sorry, I should correct myself. It doesn't need to default, it could just inflate and ruin the USD through printing to pay off everything because its loans are largely denominated in USD.

>> No.4195798

There is literally no way we are ever paying off the debt. Might as well cancel all taxes forever and go out in a drunken blaze of glory. We should nuke China on the way out

>> No.4195861

sounds good, amen

>> No.4195901
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>> No.4196128

who fucking cares? nobody cares about anybody's ideology in the market space. price is determined by supply and demand. demand will go up if product is useful, even if it is in direct contrast of its creator. pathetic poorfags hating money skelly for being rich.

>> No.4196143

>hating money skelly for being rich
I loved him for getting as rich as he did.

But I hate him for his political bs.

>> No.4196169

valid reason. but it is illusory and naive to think that this affects the price in any way.

>> No.4196336

Someone get this autistic slav out of here

>> No.4196365
File: 189 KB, 585x863, basedpapajohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic leftists thinking the get economics.

>> No.4196420

Nice just shorted 100k

>> No.4196424

kek yea the guy who performs worse than an index fund is sooooooo smart

>> No.4196550

It very well might.

>> No.4196558

What did he mean by this?

>> No.4196567

Fuck. Not gonna lie, will sell ETH at the best opprtunity.

>> No.4197368
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>> No.4197637

>Vitalik is just some delusional kid who got lucky with good branding at the right time. Rest assured your little commie bux will be replaced
>got lucky
That can't be right, capitalism and the free market are entirely merit-based, remember? (^:

Just make a better product than his if you want to defeat it :^^^)

>> No.4197666

Keep defending the guy who can barely read, speaks at a 4th grade level, and who didn't know whether a strong dollar is a good thing or a bad thing.

>> No.4198118

Didnt think there were so many libtards on 4chan. Oh how we've regressed

>> No.4198234

Oh, just wait until right wingism is the dominant ideology in the US. The only reason anyone on 4chan is a righty at all is because it's seen as "counter-culture" at the moment. Even though the worst republican candidate ever won the presidency, lol.

>> No.4198296

>Even though the worst republican candidate ever won the presidency, lol.
Wrong. She lost.

>> No.4198332


Joke doesn't really work when I say republican though, that's a political party not an ideology

>> No.4198352

>Joke doesn't really work when I say republican though
That's because it went over your head.

Neoliberals and neocons are two heads of the same beast.

>> No.4198467

Yeah but she's not a republican. And she wasn't even a worse candidate than Trump, anyway (for example, there's no reason she would have chosen Betsy Devos, Goldman Sachs guys, Rex Tillerson, etc.). So the joke doesn't work on multiple levels.

>> No.4198492

>Yeah but she's not a republican.

>> No.4198506

Hilary was running as a republican, IYO?