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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4187089 No.4187089 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/. I'm not a regular here but I have a question.

So, I work at Dick's Sporting Goods and was approached by a man who claimed to be working with Primerica. All he has is my first name and my phone number. I'm supposed to have a meeting with him this Wednesday. Am I fucked for life?

>> No.4187100

What are you hiding anon. You can tell me.

>> No.4187108
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>> No.4187135

>Primerica, Inc. is an insurance and financial services company that uses multi-level marketing[5][6][7][8][10] to sell financial products and services.

Wait, why are you going then?
or is this a /tv/ joke that's been lost in translation?

>> No.4187140

I'm not hiding anything but I'm afraid that it's a scam and I'm gonna be fucked for life

>> No.4187156

YES don't go! Google Primerica reviews.He is going to pretend that he picked you to be on his team because you are special. All he cares about it having as many people under him shilling life insurance and annuities. Then they will expect you to start approaching people pretending they are special, etc.

It is scAmway for life insurance.

>> No.4187188

I'm not getting it.

>> No.4187208

Should I go to tell him to block my number? I don't want him to do anything with it

>> No.4187211

It's not really a scam, but it's not necessarily a good thing to waste your time on.
They'll try to shill you high load mutual funds and then try to get you to work for them and sell them to your friends and family.
Then when you inevitiably run out of people to sell this crap to, the sliver of profits you were earning will transfer to the dude who recruited you.
Just stay away.

>> No.4187224

haha, fuck that's genius!
Make me want to start a MLM company!
>We don't just pick any schmuck, you've been specifically headhunted by out Scamerica Human Resource Experts because of your intelligence, your decisiveness
bahaha! Forer Effect!

>> No.4187287

You don't owe him anything. Be polite and professional in a text and tell him that you are not able to meet with him. If he asks you to reschedule, tell him no thank you. Be polite because you don't know who he knows.

If he bothers you after that. Just keep saying "no thank you" and nothing else.

If it becomes ridiculous then block him. If he comes into your work again, tell your supervisor he is trying to recruit you and your supervisor to tell him that Dick's does not allow recruiting on their premises.

>> No.4187313

Yeah that's the problem. I didn't ask him for a number. I'm 18 and stupid

>> No.4187392

Just don’t go to the meeting and don’t answer his calls. Or you could answer and tell him you looked into it and aren’t interested. He won’t give a shit. You’re just another sale and he doesn’t care about you at all.

If you go to the meeting, there’s going to be like 15 other retards there and you can just walk out.

Value your own time or no one else will.

>> No.4187622

What this guy said. Good advice.>>4187392

>> No.4187643

MLM scam breh.

Do you notice the mystery shoppers that come in and ask questions?

>> No.4187724

It was sketchy as fuck and I don't know why I gave him my number. First name and cell phone number is all, but even that is too much. What can I do to fix it?

>> No.4187741

Nothing. Just say no thanks. I changed my mind. You owe him NOTHING. Don't get all worked up about nothing. It is absolutely NOTHING. Good practice saying no to stupid adult shit, though.

>> No.4187760

So what you're telling me is that there is zero chance of him not just stealing my information?

>> No.4187815

Absolutely zero. He has your phone number. No big deal. If he calls because you didn't show up. Don't pick up. Now you have his number. Text him politely and say you are not interested. Thank you. If he calls again or texts you back just ignore him.

Really this is nothing. Part of you thought it might be a real opportunity. Everyone wants someone to tell them they have been chosen.

He can't steal anything with your phone number. He won't care about you in a week. Really. Just calm down. Everything is fine. You did nothing wrong and he was just hustling for his paycheck.

It is business.

>> No.4187850

My uncle joined in the early 90's. He's big time now, he's a multi millionaire from it. But yeah its pretty much mlm