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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4181610 No.4181610 [Reply] [Original]

Chief Link WhaleFag here.

Over 1m link. I'm not selling and none of us are either. The bottom has hit.

You stupid pajeet poor motherfuckers fudding link and laughing are so fucking stupid. It's been out for 1 month, double ICO in this alt holocaust.

The project hasn't changed. Sibos was a pump and dump, but big fucking deal.

You are all still poor wage cucking stupid motherfucking faggots. Robin Williams yourselves faggots.

You FUD link yet you have fucking 5 BTC total portfolio. Shut the fuck up you faggot fucks.

Link will be $1 easy when the node network launches in Q1 18. Stay poor you pajeet fuckers.

>> No.4181712

agree - let me be part of it and send a poorfag some links (only 1k so far):
thank you

>> No.4181743

my nigga

>> No.4181752

>5 BTC total portfolio
Wish I had that... Still in LINK though.

>> No.4181763

I sincerely hope chainlink goes into an eternal downtrend like kike bancor

you deserve to go bankrupt for shitting this board up with your dumb erc-20 token with no product

>> No.4181785

shut the fuck up you cuck faggot.

this isn't a fucking charles schwab checking account you fucking pajeet faggot bitch.

they have a product its in test net you stupid faggot fuck.

it will be $1 in 2018 and if you think the memes are bad now you will fucking robin williams yourself then.

i cant wait you faggot bitch.

>> No.4181812
File: 46 KB, 680x509, 1508816828804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an erc20 compliant token that also works with BTC and hyperledger platforms. Working prototype already demonstrated at SIBOS with 5 major banks. Please drown yourself in a toilet and don't forget to flush!

>> No.4181817

>> no product
you stupid fucking moron, if you're not going to do any research you shouldn't be here.

>> No.4181850

>they have a product its in test net

then its not a product, larping linkie

>1$ in 2018

oh wow, 8x gains, surely theres not better coins that can go much further than that

>> No.4181854
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>> No.4181859
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>> No.4181861

the only pajeets are the ones spamming this shitcoin all over /biz/ claiming its going to be the next ethereum.

>> No.4181878


you stupid fucking faggot cuck bitch.

yes maybe if you have fukn a 10btc portfolio you need 500x gains you stupid fuck.

not when you have millions.

kill your fucking self.

they have a product. $1 is just Q1 18 you faggot.

$3.5 by december.

>> No.4181899


i cant wait till you fucking kill yourself.

take your 5btc portfolio and shut the fuck up.

>> No.4181917
File: 13 KB, 232x162, IMG_0529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy fucks

>> No.4181923

deluded larp linkie
post your address and sign a message

>> No.4181931
File: 60 KB, 1069x590, readytoflush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is some cute pre-Devcon toilet larp shilling going on here.


>> No.4181937
File: 74 KB, 862x494, 1516862195894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the future chainlink chart will look like, though it might be a bit optimistic

just keep hodling anon

>> No.4181947

doesn't seem to know what LARPing is

>> No.4181972

your coin is shit dude. if oracles are critical ethereum will have native support for them. the last thing people want to do is have to fuck around with shitty fee tokens just to call a contract on ethereum, get real.

and don't you worry about me, i've got over 2000 bitcoins to keep me comfy until the next alt bubble cycle begins. it sure feels good to actually know what the fuck i'm doing instead of shitcoin chasers like you.

>> No.4181976
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Everytime you post FUD we just make 15 more threads. Keep it up.

>> No.4181998
File: 46 KB, 1083x619, futurevision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what the future chainlink chart will look like

I made a more precise one

>> No.4182006
File: 58 KB, 599x900, 1508783569802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but I'm literally fucking your mom while you jack off in the corner so what good is your LARPING?

>> No.4182010

>thinks the eth blockchain can handle being a fucking oracle system in addition to smart contracts when it's barely keeping up as it is

>> No.4182012


smart contracts are useless without oracles

no one is going to create them for free, or has the resources.

shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.4182016

Nice try. Probably larping. If not you are trying to convince Poorfags not to sell while you dump your bags on them.

>> No.4182033

You are such a loser. You think saying "fuck" a few times in a sentence gives off the impression you're a whale?

Fuck off you stupid fuck. You prob have 1K link you loser. Is this how you imagined your shitty ass life? Lying on an anonymous board? You're disgustingly pathetic. Kys.

>> No.4182048
File: 90 KB, 371x356, yes hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys fuck off already this coin is done

>> No.4182069

kek saw this on my catalog too
>not using tomorrow

>> No.4182073

shut the fuck you poor pajeet wage cucking fuck

you just a jealous fucking hater you poor as shit fuck off.

you will never fucking make it.

>> No.4182086
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>> No.4182200

When is Sergey speaking? Anyone got a link to the stream?

>> No.4182202

>14mm usd
>posting on 4chan ego invested in link instead of out banging hookers in a lambo

Jesus anon at least make the LARP believable, try 200 BTC next time

>> No.4182233

see >>4181923


>> No.4182235

search devcon3stream on reddit

>> No.4182270


At 3:50CST

And don't be surprised if he doesn't talk about SmartContracts.com or ChainLink. The presentation is about Intel SGX and TownCrier.

>> No.4182287

you make no fuckin sense, why wouldn't you prefer 500x ROI even at 1million btc portfolio? Why are you shilling this shitcoin so hard? are your bags hurting you that much?

>> No.4182296
File: 1.78 MB, 500x500, P-party pep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love to be a charmin!
If this hits 1dollar i cash out and move my family out this shithole i live in.
Can allways speed up my process with some help! I reinvest in crypto when i find a i-netcafe with the leftover!

>> No.4182308


Ive already made over 100k you stupid fuck

how big is your portfolio.

how does profit hurt idiot.

theres something called liquidity.

>> No.4182337

You are hopeless

>> No.4182342

If you haven't sold you haven't made any money you dumb fuck

>> No.4182349

shut the fuck up you bitch.

have fun wage cucking faggot.