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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4181682 No.4181682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This board has some great information, but you have to dig through piles of racist and misogynistic bullshit to find it. What gives?

>> No.4181690

fuck you faggot nigger roastie kike slut dyke cunt cuck beta orbiter

>> No.4181702

if you dont like it, fuck off, its so easy. otherwise shut the fuck up and make money

>> No.4181706

>guaranteed replies
get the fuck of this board

>> No.4181711

suck a sandnigger dick u fucking pajeet

>> No.4181713

It is pretty disheartening :(

>> No.4181738

You haven't heard how stock people talk?
biz is civilized compared to those animals. Go back to breddit

>> No.4181739

it keeps subhumans and cucks like you out of our business

>> No.4181762

Go back to plebbit you giant faggot cunt and be among your own kind.

>> No.4181770

why dont you grow your money tree on facebook

>> No.4181786

I've been on this board for quite a while. I'm not going anywhere. I was just curious why you're all so angry.

>> No.4181801

As a human it synchronizes with me at a overpowering level in emotion. To receive audio broadcasts of analog signaling makes me decode. Can we all not be within binary? Are we not human?

>> No.4181803

i'm vegan so i find this offensive

>> No.4181805
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Kill yourself you kike nigger lover

>> No.4181844

People used to post cheese pizza to keep soft headed idiots like you away. It's called get the fuck out normie.

>> No.4181858

Try opening your eyes in society you subhuman.

>> No.4181865

Back to /pol/ with you

>> No.4181867

So you're all insecure. I get it now.

>> No.4181889

>people taking this b8

>> No.4181891

Saying nigger means we all mad. I bet you are some angsty mystery meat.

Post your hand with time stamp and ID.

>> No.4181893
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Not an argument

>> No.4181900

It's not biz's daily the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world is occurring for kissless virgin edgelords who apparently can't think of anything constructive to do with that wealth than pay hookers and buy over rated, ridiculous automobiles

>> No.4181970

I don't really get it either, but 4chan has taught me that you have the power to not give a shit and live your life at ease through blissful tolerance.

>> No.4181979

if you don't like it, go back to normie world. (You can hide them btw) and filter out words if you get triggered. This board is composed of the worse elements from /v/pol/ r9k etc combined with P&D groups and pajeets

>> No.4181997

Honestly people should take that shit back to /pol/. No matter what your ideology is, you're an idiot if you mix your political/cultural views with investing. So many fucking idiots on this thread didn't invest in Bitcoin because they hate normies, missed out on Ripple because they hate Jews, and basically just made a ton of dumbass investing moves because of their hivemind edginess. Once again, anons, THE MARKETS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELS.

>> No.4182028

This board is just full of fucking resentful white NEETs which have only seen a moving pussy on /gif/.
Plus, add that they made some money thanks to crypto, and you obtain resentul self entitled NEETs.
Most of them are disgusting, but uou can even find some serious person.

>> No.4182036

I'm not racist, would consider myself liberal / leftie. 4chan is always sort of retarded in those terms, but I wouldn't take everything seriously.

Recently /pol/ is spilling over, but those are not the views of the majority imo. They are just loud retards, while others can't be bothered to spend time on discussions who is a "nigger".

>> No.4182040

This board is tame. If you want 'racism and misogyny' as you call them go to /pol/

>> No.4182052

I bet these faggots unuironically bought stratis and bancor at ATH and wonder why they're always losing money. Egalitarian poison has destroyed your rational brain.

>> No.4182062

get a load of this nigger. ooga booga math. adorable.

>> No.4182074

Investment world is full of this. This is how men talk. This is what men do.

When I got hired at an investment firm the boss said "you might notice we don't hire women here. Do you know why? Because if we did everyone would be trying to fuck em!" belly laughs all around.

>> No.4182079

Would you like to know what the inside of a pussy feels like, anon?

>> No.4182096

People with feefees that get hurt easy don't deserve to make it.
They had to take over universities and indoctrinated faggots to behave the way the Jews want them to behave. So long as we have free speech were gonna use to filter out the weaklings.

>> No.4182100

>Meta on /qa/ only.
>All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.

>> No.4182141

Thanks mate, it wasn't very elegant. But it seems correct to me. Is there a specific rule against this phrasal construction?

>> No.4182144

What happened next, anon? Did Don Draper hand you an old fashioned?
I actually work in the corporate world in Manhattan and, yes, it's fratty and people say shit like that when they're out for drinks, but it's not Wolf of Wall Street style anymore. The fact that you think it is just means you're lying.

>> No.4182158

there's a specific rule against you pretending to be human.

>> No.4182177

I support your right to say whatever you want to say. You're not hurting my feelings. I was just curious why there was so much of it. Now I'm pretty sure it's 3 or 4 guys posting the same crap over and over.

>> No.4182179

It was in Texas Mr Gekko. I was in the Oil industry.

>> No.4182193

>Now I'm pretty sure it's 3 or 4 guys posting the same crap over and over.
of course this is how you cope when faced with reality. this can't be happening!