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4175013 No.4175013 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just fucking say it.

Even if Bitcoin were to reach a price such that its market cap was greater than the entire supply of money on Earth, which is a price of about $2,500,000 per BTC, you would only make about 350x returns.

Compare that to if you had bought Bitcoin a few years ago when it was $1 and you could have sold today for 7200x returns.

It is too late to buy Bitcoin if you want to actually start with a little amount and get rich. You have missed that boat. You may still make gains but they will be dwarfed in comparison to the gains those people are making on Bitcoin RIGHT NOW no matter how high it goes.

>> No.4175033

I only learned about it when it was $10, so like 720x.

I'll take a 350x and a japanese qt as well.

>> No.4175042



100k$ x 350 = 35m$

not my fault u have lunch money retard

>> No.4175045


People who are getting into crypto now by buying BTC (or holding BTC at all, for that matter) are unbelievably dumb, unless maybe they're already millionaires and need that liquidity

The ship sailed long ago. Just keep your eyes peeled for a hot new emerging meme tech to invest in and buy low market cap shitcoins in the meantime.

>> No.4175047
File: 349 KB, 1024x794, Cv0gqJO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically Bitcoin is not going to become the market cap of all the money in the world though. But even in that fringe, fringe scenario those who throw in a $1000 will only get about $300,000 out of it. Which seems like a lot but given how unlikely that is, it really isn't.

My point is that Bitcoin's market cap has reached the point now where it makes more sense to invest in smaller market cap things. Other coins or anything. It's at that point now.

And a jap qt for you.

>> No.4175055

Its not too late dumbass, crypto still gives you much better returns than any other investment.

Go back to earning 0.25% interest in your bank balance while the rest of use enjoy the sweet gainz. Moron.

>> No.4175056

I rode BTC, and a lot of altcoins, up this far. And I was smart enough to get more BTC with altcoins and sell them instead of losing BTC to it.

I know the potential. But you're missing the point. The point is that in the most fringe possible scenario, 350x returns isn't that much.

I can multiply big numbers too faggot, it doesn't change what I'm saying. It's time to find a smaller cap to invest in if you want the gains to keep coming.

>> No.4175057

This is the fuzzy logic that made me lose half my stack on shitcoins. Bet on sure things like bitcoin. I'd have 4x right now.

>> No.4175058

Ima need sauce on the qt

>> No.4175077

This is exactly my point.

I'm glad you figured that out. I'm not telling you to go out and gamble your money on shit nobody knows anything about. But the myth that "it's not too late to buy Bitcoin! Buy now and you can still be rich!" is literally impossible.

Unless you're trading, Bitcoin isn't going to make you rich. And if you are trading, there are more volatile options which are more profitable for trading now.

Nobody's fucking comparing Bitcoin to a savings account, are you really that dense?

There are other investments which are better than Bitcoin right now, in the crypto markets.

>> No.4175104

Do you have a coin that you'd like to shill? I left DOVU a couple days ago and am patiently waiting a strong signal to hop back in an alt. :)

>> No.4175109

but for real though I gotta stop you because I need the sauce on the babetron5000

>> No.4175122

And I have double what I'd have if I'd stuck with Bitcoin. Even with these artificially low alts. Don't hold a single bitcoin and never will, other than to buy more alts with.

>> No.4175129

I feel ya, I no longer buy btc thinking I'll be rich one day. What about it just hitting the marketcap of gold.

I've actually shifted to running a project that onboards new users to cryptocurrency, its my full time income now and I can move a little percent of that into crypto each month. I almost went bankrupt but this current surge in cryptocurrency seems to have saved me and I'll be evangelical about cryptocurrency for the foreseeable future.

I'm just trying to get as much crypto as I can and hoping I get lucky with some move sooner than later.

>> No.4175131

It's not too late to buy Bitcoin Cash

>> No.4175136

For 2018, I think Kyber might have some potential. Nothing huge but something.
I'm also holding ETH for a while longer. Mining Bitcoinereum is actually profitable instantly right now so that's worth trying. And I've got a few leftover bags that I didn't sell my full position in, but not too much.

But to be honest, I'm waiting for another golden opportunity. I've seen a few in crypto before, ideas that I'm fairly certain about and see real potential. I saw that with ETH and the Kyber ICO in the past, but timed the Kyber ICO dump well enough to get out in time.

I don't see anything like that right now, but when I do I'm back in.

>> No.4175141

you guys do realize that before the fork, all the exchanges are going to go down for (((maintenance))) and your profits for the last month will be wiped out?

>> No.4175144


Look I just got these off of 4chan but she's clearly a gravure model. Maybe someone here knows her name.

>> No.4175150

my man

>> No.4175152

Sounds like a good plan.

>> No.4175157

Every single exchange does this for every single well-known Bitcoin fork.....what's your point?
This is the exact same as every other time.

>> No.4175161

I bet people said the same thing last year. “It’s already passed 1k bro, it’s not gonna throw off that much more money, man”

>> No.4175174

>on board normies to crypto

This was my idea too, can you explain a bit how/what you do?

I wanted to give sessions at people's houses (small country so can drive everywhere) for €80

>> No.4175186

i think eth is the next go to for reasonable rags to riches stories. i dont think theres any other coin that people can say that it will guarantee profits.

-eth is half its sat value from ATH
-it has a quarter of the market cap of btc

the rest is mostly meme coins. i think privacy coins will do very well as that is probably the last problem that blockchain solves (at least when it comes to currency).

>> No.4175194

I'm not saying 200x return, which is more realistic than my 350x above, won't make you a decent amount of money. It's just that there comes a point when the asset's market cap is big enough that if you're looking for volatility, which in a growing market like this, you are, then there might be better coins to invest in now. And I mean right now, given the recent Bitcoin surge and expected pullback.

I'm not him but I actually do something similar to what you're describing.

>> No.4175209

Something like that would work. You could even just setup a blog and put affiliate links to the exchanges/coinbase/cex/etc. and probably get a steady flow of money. You could even setup social media pages that just share news and shill coinbase/etc for affiliate revenue.

I'm sort of teaching people via a site and helping them get a small amount and show them how to use wallets and whatnot.

>> No.4175221

The gains you'll be making at this point, assuming you get lucky and time your sell perfectly at the absolute ATH of BTC in the future, will be less that one seventh what it would have been if you'd bought at 1k. You can't argue with math bro, infinite growth is not a thing.

>> No.4175235

Maybe getting rich quick with crypto was never a realistic goal. I mean some people did, but that was luck and being in the right place at the right time. Others have gotten rich because they were smart enough to create the technology. The myth of the /biz/ neet making it and driving off in a Lamborghini is more a running joke really than reality. You guys shouldn't be taking that too seriously.

>> No.4175242

Doesn't matter, any gain is a good gain. When this is over, I will move on to something else.

>> No.4175253

This. We lost the black swan but we are still adults looking for gain.

>> No.4175255


> you will never be a zillionaire


>> No.4175263

I don't think any coin is going to ever moon the way bitcoin did again. 10000x or whatever. I see nothing to indicate that is even a remote possibility.

>> No.4175287

Completely wrong.
>getting rich quick with crypto was never a thing
It absolutely was for a lot of us.
>that was luck
No, it wasn't, at all.
>more of a running joke than a reality
Any of us with more than a few months' paychecks in crypto from over 15 months ago here are doing well. The number of people who don't speak English on this board drove almost all of us away and for good reasons.

I'm not saying to buy Bitcoin now at all but don't give me the
>It's all just gambling
>you just got lucky

>> No.4175300

As OP I agree completely with this and I think /biz/ is just slowly going to beat a dead horse with jealousy over this for possibly years to come. And they will be happy with 5% gains eventually, very happy, and start preaching how "compounding those 5% gains makes you a multi-millionaire" and that will be it for this board for a while.

>> No.4175321

I should point out the obvious too...that's there's nothing really stopping the market cap of BTC from going over the total amount of money in the entire world. Nothing, really..

But good luck convincing anyone to buy any when/if that ever actually happens.

>> No.4175327


You dumb fucks don't even know half of what you're talking about. I shouldn't even be telling you this, but your math is all wrong.

Consider you and I and Mr. Goldstein Shekelberg are in a room, we each have 5 pieces of chocolate. Mr Goldstein Shekelberg suddenly wants *ALL* the chocolate (doesn't matter why) so he goes to you and starts offering you slowly increasing amounts of money until you sell him one of your five pieces of chocolate. You sell it for 10 USD. Now the market cap for all the chocolate is 10 * 15, aka 150 USD. As in how much it would cost AT CURRENT price to buy all the chocolate. The problem is the more Mr. Goldstein buys your chocolate, the more I think 'heyyy this might be worth something' so after Mr. Goldstein Shekelberg has finally paid you 100 USD for all your chocolate, he comes up to me, I say 'Listen Mr Goldstein, I'm not selling for a dime under 1k', so even though only a totaly of 110 USD was spent, the 'market cap' of all the chocolate is 1k * 15 = 15k.

The more bitcoin goes up in value, the more people are gonna realise bitcoin is deflationary, the world population is growing, and they don't want their grandkids getting sold into slavery. Don't forget the population is *increasing*, the limit price of BTC is *unironically* 10 USD per Satoshi.

>> No.4175330

>when 350x gains aren't enough


>> No.4175333

I have 100k in BTC
hope it is not late for me senpai

>> No.4175339

okey doke

>> No.4175340


In case it wasn't clear, my point is that buying creates a fear of selling, people don't want to sell a hot commodity and risk not being able to buy back in. So for the market cap of BTC to go from 100 BN to 200 BN, only about 10 BN USD would actually need to 'enter' the market. A lot of people think market cap = how much money is IN the market right now.

>> No.4175346

when is the bitcoin fork?

>> No.4175348

The point is that the biggest gains in BTC are now undeniably behind it.

That's a milestone worth considering and this wasn't true last year. That's all I'm really trying to say.

>> No.4175361

See >>4175321
We know that. We get how market caps work.

Realize that you will not realistically get to that point.

>> No.4175368

Which one?

>> No.4175375

Bitcoin today is nothing at all of what was described in its whitepaper. Both of bitcoins.

They are pieces of shit, like gold, "muh value storge".

What will go 100 000x is the real bitcoin, its coming.

>> No.4175396

Most people are buying Bitcoin because it's physically deflationary with a brand. It's artificial but the deflationary part isn't artificial since it's immutable code.

But even that has some value so if it works and people are making money good.

>> No.4175441

fucking asshole.

the ones coming up you dipshit.

>> No.4175454


> What is BCC

>> No.4175459

>hurrdurr buy shitcoins

fuck off

>> No.4175467

for sure investing in btc now won't make you crazy rich, that ship has long gone, but it will make you gains

>> No.4175536


Well Segwit is on November 16th supposedly, BTC Silver is in December. I assume Bitcoin Bronze, Copper, Tin, Cadmium, Clay, Fluffy, Puffy, Spicy, Turquoise, 80's, 90's, Deathmetal, Chowder, Curry, Ravioli, Dental Floss, Wood Chips, Cardboard, and The Little Rascals are coming shortly thereafter

>> No.4175539


>Just keep your eyes peeled for a hot new emerging meme tech to invest in

I agree, and I would say that Machine Learning/ AI is going to be the next bubble. The only thing is all the money is in VC/ Private Equity where you need millions and millions just to get started. By the time the company IPOs, the VC has already sucked all the hype value from it.

The thing about BTC was that it was completely open, anybody could jump in at any point.

Does anyone have some ideas on how to find hot new emerging meme tech?

>> No.4175701


"immutable code" and 1 miner or gang of mining pool of 7 people, does not compute.

It already mutated to segwitcoin.

The mining centralization was not part of the whitepaper.

>> No.4175724

>350x return isn't much
What the fuck am I reading

>> No.4175731


Blockchain isn’t even close to hitting its stride in mass adoption yet. The public coin market is a circle jerk of token trading right now.

>> No.4175743


A bitcoin which can do 100 000tx/s, distributed so widely with so low fees even Africans can store their "dust" there.

Security model a slider, not merely SPV vs full node.

Both a storage of value and capable of sustained throughput - for an internet economy. Not mereley internet gold. Bitcoin is so slow to move so high fees.

That is gonna be a bitcoin killer.

>> No.4175744
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Ps. It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.

>> No.4175750

its worth noting youre average retard doesnt have apple stocks.

apple stocks are somethingsomething trillion.

now imagine if any old cuck could purchase like 10-100$ of apple stock. thats bitcoin.

>> No.4175753

the point of buying/holding BTC now isn't for those insane multipliers, it's for the upward gains that have been proven to occur again and again.

Yea if you have $50 you aren't going to turn it into millions but if you're willing to invest $50k-100k into BTC now and ignore it for 2-3 years there's an extremely good chance you get at least a 20-30x and cash out a millionaire.

>> No.4175787

good post. this is definitely true. apart from flipping gains into BTC, small holdings of BTC is pointless

>> No.4175804


it all comes back to the real question again;

what is the next eth?

>> No.4175806

>The point is that the biggest gains in BTC are now undeniably behind it.

how do you know?

Bitcoin can go to millions or billions, there's no stopping it.

>> No.4175842

Sure, but bitcoin is still relatively predictable in it's movements and 70% profit in a month is still fantastic.

>> No.4175905

Buy my shitcoin bags I'm bleeding to death here: the post

>> No.4175935


>> No.4175940

better than holding cash

>> No.4175961

also the fact there is a fuckload of btc that is lost. imagine how much btc was lost at the beginning when it was worth nothing. some kid wouldnt have thought twice about deleting his wallet file with 10k btc aka $1 to make room for cod4.

how many people would have deleted the whole bitcoin folder just to get rid of the chain taking their wallets with them?

>> No.4175979


hes right though m8

btc going to 1m would be 142x which is pretty good, but its not ridiculous like at the beginning where your making 1000x

most bizfags seem broke and would max put 5k into btc, 5k -> 710k is not life changing

>> No.4176012

>710k is not life changing
Is this a real fucking comment?

>> No.4176015

>5k -> 710k is not life changing
It most certainly fucking is.

>> No.4176028

>btc going to 1m would be 142x which is pretty good,

it could go to 1b tho

>> No.4176038

yeah but then the market cap looks like this:


>> No.4176051


Spoilt richfag.

710k would change my life.

>> No.4176058


>market cap

that isn't even a valid metric for currency.

>> No.4176087
File: 1.43 MB, 268x151, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please understand that forks are your dreams come true. The price of BTC WILL dip down post fork. This allows you to increase your total BTC earnings thus amplifying the numbers you've outlined. Your example precludes that BTC only goes up from here with no dips to maximize profits. /thread

>> No.4176141


listen to him if you like being caught in traps

>> No.4176263

definitely shit

>> No.4177142

Yeah if you buy bitcoin now you may as well just buy stocks.

>> No.4177182

80% returns doing nothing is unheard of. Even if you did buy with lunch money...

Put my savings into bitcoin and watch that shit passively grow.
I agree though, the ship has sailed for BTC but you can still ride the wave thats only going up

>> No.4177193

The 5+ teams competing to improve BCC/BCH have heard your ideas and approve.

>> No.4177195

i dont want to pay just for owning stocks

>> No.4177224

>The opportunity to double, triple, even quadruple your investment in the next couple of years is dumb

You’re retarded lmao. There’s no reason not to invest in bitcoin right now because it’s going up. Who cares if the returns aren’t literally insane? That’s not why people are investing. They’re investing because it’s going up and it’s projected to stay going up.

>> No.4177238


Yeah this is where I'm at now too.

I could easily throw in several thousand dollars into BTC right now, but I'd barely be a millionaire in the 0.00001% chance it becomes the new world currency.

To make it big in BTC right now at its current prices you need to invest tens of thousands of dollars and pray it doesn't crash. That's risky as fuck.

>> No.4177277

You guys freak out over these shitcoins going up 10x in value.

>> No.4177286

This thread is the perfect picture of millennial impatience.

Kids complaining that they can only make maybe 200%/yr off an investment instead of 20000%. Jesus christ.

>> No.4177307

To make it rich with anything you have to invest a shitposting of money and get lucky.

Do you think your pink wojak coin is going to moon like bitcoin? Are you out there buying lottery tickets with money you could be investing in bitcoin because the potential returns are higher? If you make a couple thousand dollars you can just invest that in somewhere else in 5 years and make even more money.

>> No.4177309
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you still dont get the point. the banks and the ultra rich have disregarded the fundamental physics of the system they have used and abused.

>> No.4177317

all you have to do is look at the btc/eth ratio. it was at 0.15+, now it's 0.04, if you think its going to "correct" itself back up. then you shouldn't be in bitcoin but ethereum.

you could say the same for most other altcoins, but the vast majority of them have nothing worth pushing the price up for, and will get replaced by the next set of shitcoins to be released and gain all the speculators attention. at least ethereum has broken away from the market-cap wall placed between bitcoin and the rest of them

>> No.4177321
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>only make about 350x returns

>> No.4177326


>> No.4177327

Her twitter is not lewd at all except for this:


>> No.4177360
File: 2.00 MB, 2951x9999, IMG_3539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

None of you faggots have 7k liquid to buy one

Bitcoin will be at least 500k

100x is an amazing return

You're no coiners

>> No.4177372

>making 700k is pointless

>> No.4177373


You act like Bitcoin is a sure thing and altcoins are the only dangerous investment.

It's still very possible you lose nearly ALL your money investing in bitcoin. The risk factor for this entire market is off the charts, and it can't just be handwaved away because we've gone a long period without any particularly nasty crashes.

>> No.4177375

No you couldn't

Don't lie faggot

You're a no coiner

You have 800 dollars in your bank account

You buy ETFs and hope for 5% gains lol

>> No.4177380
File: 952 KB, 1000x1500, misato-shimizu-04138805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misato Shimizu - https://twitter.com/misato0305

>> No.4177390
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Buying bitcoins and and don't give a fuck if you make profit you cunt. Fuck nocoiners.

>> No.4177392

Bitcoin is a much safer investment than 99% of all the scam ICO coins out there

>> No.4177393


>only 350X

>> No.4177404

Out here in reality a 10% year over year gain is fairly fucking good, I imagine few people getting into btc right now expect a 350,000 percent return

>> No.4177415


You're alt coin money should be in Dash and KMD right now

That's a where I am

>> No.4177432


I didn't say it wasn't safer than ICO's or altcoins, that's obvious. I said it's still an extremely risky and volatile investment.

>> No.4177438

why Dash and KMD? please elaborate

>> No.4177522

everyone part taking in the alts vs btc fight are morons. everyone buying btc right now know that btc isnt going to give massive returns. you buy to prevent the massive dump of alts and ride the fork. after the fork people will go back to alts. its just temporarily moving around. not a big deal.

>> No.4177560

2.5mil per BTC ?

Is not not enough ???

Holy shit anon

>> No.4177610

>Can "only" 350x my BTC value
>Why bother with living

>> No.4177920
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>literally the only relevant post in the thread
>no replies
Wouldn’t expect anything less from /biz/

>> No.4177946

All true. So many young fags in denial

>> No.4177965

Kek’d thanks anon

>> No.4178049

Crypto has 3 use cases
> store of value
Buy btc
> raising money and running decentralized companies
Buy eth, neo
> exchanges especially decentralized
Buy msp,zrx

Everything else is a meme

>> No.4178062
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>tfw you invest 10k USD in bitcoin and only get 350x return (3,5M USD)

>> No.4178071

What's the best way to buy plz?

>> No.4178106
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just end the suffering

>> No.4178168

1. Eth from coinbase/GDAX/Gemini etc.
2. Send eth to exchange - bittrex, binance, etc
3. Trade eth for BCH
4. ???
5. Profit!!!

>> No.4178300

Daily reminder that all you need is 30x return to get a girl like that for life.

>> No.4178303
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To the mooob

>> No.4178887

half of your picture is missing can i see the original?

>> No.4178969

some of us arent dumping fiat for bitcoin to get rich.

some of us are doing it go get free.


>> No.4179319

Well if you've been on /biz/ for a while, it's really not "a lot". It used to be that easy.

>> No.4179327

>5k -> 710k is not life changing
this has to be the most stupid statement I've read here in a long time

>> No.4179379

>newfags now arguing 710k is lifechanging

>> No.4179412

>To make it rich with anything you have to invest a shitposting of money and get lucky.
No but that's my point. With Bitcoin and crypto you used to not have to invest much at all to make a ton of money. Now you do. It used to be much, much easier. That's the difference.

>> No.4179446

How the fuck is 710k not life changing for almost every non-rich person on this planet? Burgers really are fucked in the head

>I need 150 million to have a comfortable retirement

>> No.4179460

yeah u right op and people should never buy blue chip stocks because you can't get 10000x returns like penny stocks

>> No.4179470

Yes.... we do. You've misinterpreted this entire thread. I'm not saying Bitcoin is dead you moron. I'm discussing a milestone which it has now reached.

>> No.4179486

Of course. Hence the beginning of an era where /biz/ praises "realistic returns" again and forgets how easy it was for all of us not so long ago.

>> No.4179503

Point is that the return from $1 to now is far, far greater than the return from now all the way to $2.5 million, which is a theoretical maximum after which we have good reason to believe people will no longer buy it, at all.

>> No.4179543

Again, not what I'm saying. see >>4179470

>> No.4179577

>le glorified lottery ticket winner lamenting that his massive gains won’t make a difference in his love life...looking for neets to worship him

>> No.4179596

>muh milestone
Heard it all before at $1000

>> No.4179644

>I don't think any coin is going to ever moon the way bitcoin did again. 10000x or whatever. I see nothing to indicate that is even a remote possibility.

There is actually a significant possibility that the crypto-coin that replaces bitcoin has yet to be developed and it will someday rise to where bitcoin is now while bitcoin itself crashes back down to some tiny value.

Good luck ever guessing which coin it is before it's too late, though.

>> No.4179657

ill just fucking say it
the summer of useless tokens and shitcoins is over

>> No.4180421

>we've gone a long period without any particularly nasty crashes
>many alts are down >40%
>long time without nasty crashes


>> No.4180488

He's referring to Bitcoin crashes pajeet. That was obvious. We haven't had a single major one since roughly July and that one was very very short.

>> No.4180525


Bitcoin is a no brainer risk/reward wise.
You cant say the same about 99% of the alt coins.

>> No.4180560

Sure. I'm OP and I'm not denying that. I'm just pointing out that those saying "it's too late now to truly get rich from almost nothing in Bitcoin" are correct and this can be seen considering the sum of all money in the world. This was not true before but now it is so it's worth mentioning.

>> No.4180573

bitcoin futures is coming up you dumbo

>> No.4180581

ah we found another fine gentleman who has never heard of osmium coin OS76. There is one coin that WILL 10000x my friend there really is.

>> No.4180592

>5k -> 710k is not life changing

>> No.4180603

Bitcoin fags getting triggered by OP's realistic post. Obviously he was exaggerating that Bitcoin would have a marketcap greater than the supply of the world.

But seriously dont expect bitcoin to make you disgustingly rich at this point unless you're putting in millions. That ship has sailed like the others have said. x2 to x3 in the next few years is likely.

Kek 500k bitcoin? fucking deluded. even normies would spot it as a bubble before it reaches that point.

>> No.4180615
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How many LINKS to fuck that qt next to those ugly ass shelves?

>> No.4180620

Still missing the point, which I have explained over and over now. See >>4180560

>> No.4180660

Considering how unlikely it is for BTC to actually grow that fast it's really not. If you're making that much in a year, sure I'll give you that. But to think BTC will suddenly grow to the size of the world's money supply in 1 year and you'll be fast enough to sell at the top is ridiculous.

>> No.4180731

except he probablu wouldn't've invested as much at 1k a he would now, people want to own a specific amount of btc, 10/1/0,5 and will invest accordingly, once owning 1 btc is out of range for regular people than you can talk about being too late

>> No.4180759

That statement really has nothing to do with this thread...

>> No.4180803

Threads like this are made by whales are are trying to accumulate every last bitcoin so they can have a monopoly on it. This is their last chance, since BTC is going up in price so much. They're getting desperate.

Do not believe the Council of Whales. Buy BTC and do not give it to the whales until it is worth a ton.

>> No.4181114

>t. Whale

>> No.4181321

the entire altcoin propaganda is a well organized operation of shaking out people of their btc

yes it has, it's still way easier to make 100k off of btc than trying to time the market jumping from one shitcoin to another.
And the more people believe btc will hit 100/500k/1m the more they will invest, that's how the value of the coin grows, if everyone bought a shitton in 2009 and held it would be worthless, the fact that it goes from hands to hands makes it trusted, real and valuable,

Shitcoin are DONE, the market realized that, noone is stupid enough anymore to buy into useless tokens/ico's, there is more shitcoins then people willing to invest, it's a lottery, that soon noone will want to play, and btc will soar.
The fact that people like you exists make me even more confident that btc will hit those astronomical numbers, all yu shitcoinchasers will be crying on this board in a few years wishing you just had held yur btc. Greed will make you broke

>> No.4181371

>it's still way easier to make 100k off of btc than trying to time the market jumping from one shitcoin to another
We're not fucking denying that. That's still not the point of this thread. The point of this thread is that someone who invests, say, $100 today in Bitcoin, will NEVER EVER get more than $35,000 out of it. That's about 1 year's worth of expenses for an average small family.

You can make more if you invest more into it. We fucking know. It's not the point of this thread.

NOBODY HERE IS SHILLING SHITCOINS. How the fuck are you so bad at reading English?

>> No.4181386

Wow, great point dude. Nobody thinks 0.01 btc is going to be worth millions some day.

>> No.4181393
File: 122 KB, 1686x804, Figure_2_14.original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will most likely retest 4900-5000 before 2018

>> No.4181403

>only make about 350x returns.

>> No.4181424

so what's the point of stating the obvious you idiot?

People DON'T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK how much it has already gone up, all they care about is the ultimate price and they will invest accordingly

Like someone said before,
>lottery ticket may give a better return than investing 2$ in btc
Well, No shit sherlock!

>> No.4181933

Not obvious to half this board. But nobody is disagreeing with you.