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File: 68 KB, 1280x720, sexbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4172138 No.4172138 [Reply] [Original]

Can we realistically see Victoria's Secret level sexbots in our lifetime? Because if a Barbara Palvin sex bot is in the market, fuck lambos, im buying that shit instead. Its more cost efficient.

How come we dont hear more about the current state of development?

>> No.4172170

This guy has some small doll line but was supposed to be working on integrating electronics in them.

Would love to see some links of any sex bot or smart bot development if anyones got em.

>> No.4172187

>i'm buying that shit

if it drives, flies, floats or fucks rent it or lease it
never purchase depreciating assets anon. keep dem gainz, bruv

>> No.4172193

I'd imagine 5 - 10 years. Perfect time for your crypto to make you balling.

>> No.4172205

But those sex dolls dont even look human. Fuck, how long before undistinguishable sexbots appear. Men should be pouring more money into this shit instead of lambos.

>> No.4172229

But you can fucking upgrade sex bots anon. Swap their faces, tits, and ass. Also if you rent it to those that cant afford to buy sexbots then it wont be considered as a depreciating asset.

>> No.4172254
File: 376 KB, 415x589, android.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because robots is a low key race right now to coming up with the best one and patenting it so you can monopolize the robot market. in our lifetime? probably. imagine the boston dynamics robot with a fleshlight.

>> No.4172258

Awhile probably. There are some expensive robots out there.


I used to read a robot/ai blog but it was closed down. It used to have all the latest bots/ai and there were a lot coming out years ago for 5k-20k USD and they had some tech in them but still just programmable robots and not for banging.

We need that type of tech to get further so our bang bots will have some motor skills, movement ability, etc.

>> No.4172307

KEK that robot is a fucking tin can holy shit yet people's first thought was to fuck it. Realistic sexbots will definitely be a huge market when it hits.

>In September 2015, the Japanese company SoftBank, the makers of the Pepper robot, included a ban on robot sex. The robots user agreement states: "The policy owner must not perform any sexual act or other indecent behaviour"

I cant fucking stop laughing, they literally had to ban fucking the tin can robot.

>> No.4172311

$9k robot


I feel like its gonna be awhile...

>> No.4172356

As soon as theres an actual humanoid robot for any purpose, someone will release like custom code for it to give handjobs. It'll be like among the first wave of tweaks. Most robot tech ive seen is always programmable and theres always communitys putting together sets of programs for the bots to do.

So we just need arm like motor skills and it can be off to the races.

>> No.4172369

why do i have a feeling that we would all be dead by the time this hits the market? everything is a tin can at this point

>> No.4172381
File: 11 KB, 251x355, STOP USING SKIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The uncanny valley will not be solved for a LONG time.
If you're a sexbot maker, and aren't a retard, you should go for the obvious robot look and bypass it.
Synthetic skin, heating, fine-motor movement, body language... All that is needed for a realitic bot to go over the valley.
But an obvious robot could lack all of that and still be endearing.

Shit, no one is going to do it for me because everyone seem to think normies want only realistic robots, but the amount of unrealistic robot that are present is medias normies consume, and how normies react to them, means there is a huge untapped market for clank sexbots.

>> No.4172406

I wonder if AI/Chat bot tech will continue to be ahead of robots. So even the first wave of bang bots would have like more complex communicating skills vs lifelike motor skills.

>> No.4172407

i doubt people dick would rise for that tin can anon. It doesnt turn me on even in the slightest bit. 1/10 wud not invest in.

>> No.4172416

You think you have what it takes to be a fucking robopimp, white boi??

>> No.4172436

I have hope man... one day Ima bang a robot.

I'd bang this fucking thing.

>> No.4172448

kek would buy a platoon of white sexbots, bring it to a country like india then rent them to pajeets. instant baller status.

>> No.4172481
File: 16 KB, 411x230, Rosie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4172501

hahaahah why the fuck are you turned on by that tin can? i dont get it. am i missing something?

>> No.4172607

I'm not particularly turned on by it, but I mean if thats the only sex robot that hits the market, I'd bang it.

I think maybe we'll see some sort of AI/Chat gf/companion before bang bots. Possibly with integration into some sort of sex toy.

We'll get to the good stuff one day man.

>> No.4172631

I know you're some kind of subhuman retard judging how you structure your posts and your thought process, so let me spell it out for you : stop projecting.
You don't understand a behaviour ? You would never have that behaviour ? Therefore this behaviour do not exist ? This is a great way to pass up opportunities for easy money, for effortlessly expanding your market share.
You don't have to understand, only to go through the motions and exploit.

Me for example : i have no idea why people buy brand products ( well i do, tribalism and general low IQ resulting in easy manipulation and suscptibility to advertisement ). Does this means i don't use a brand for my products ? FUCK NO
I don't understand how advertisements work for that matters. I have never been influenced, and never bought overpriced crap just because some marketing department told me i should. Does that means i don't use ads ? FUCK NO
I haven't the slightest clue why people buy any of my crap, this is useless luxury garbage with no really dire practical uses. Does that means i should stop selling it ? FUCK NO

>> No.4172662

Woah dude chill, i didnt realize you were actually selling this robot. I didnt mean to insult you. I havent fucked a tin robot before you know? so its hard to get turned on by it.

>> No.4172759

I don't have the time to start another business right now, that's why i'm hoping another will steal my idea and do it.
Because i personally do want some of that clank pussy.
It's not like it would be a waste of an investment, lot of start-up are working on synthetic skin and fine-motor control, and the software side is attacked from all angles.
Having your company focused on making everything else wouldn't be a waste since your product could easily be reprocessed to integrate synthetic skin and fine-motor controls.

Oh, i forgot another factor : battery.
Having to plug to the wall a realistic sexbot is yet another way to invoke the uncanny valley, while it would be expected of a clank one.
You'd probably need at the minimum a lithium air battery for reducing wallplugging to a minimum, while a clank sexbot being plugged at all time, and so not needing a battery at all, wouldn't be a breaking point.
It would probably be a bigger sell than the battery one due to the lower price, and lower weight.

>> No.4172833

would you say its likely that startups like yours that focus on motor-movement, heating and synthetic skins would cooperate with startups that focus on human-like sex dolls (not robots) in the near future?

i mean if you combine your tech with sex doll manufacturers wouldnt that result in a sex robot that "has it all". im a noob at this so i dont really know much about how feasible this would be.

also which countries take the most orders from you? im guessing its Japan since i just see them as being more likely to order the sex bots you are currently making based on their culture.

>> No.4172932

>I have never been influenced

>> No.4172962

Usually guys with the money to invest get laid so it's not much of a concern.

>> No.4173109

All companies cooperate with a well-placed monetary incentive, don't worry about that angle.
My current shit have nothing whatsoever to do with sexbots, which is why i'm not doing it. If it was as simple as retooling and rebranding, i would have started five years ago.

By adverts ? Totally.
As a penny-pincher i'm already immune to peer pressure, and what are adverts if not peer pressure targeted at the lowest common denominator ( women and niggers mainly ) ?

>> No.4173143

Literally everyone thinks this, look it up dumbass