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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 104 KB, 1200x650, devcon3 main image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4142408 No.4142408 [Reply] [Original]

livestream link


>> No.4142430

You’re late. Also
>money skelly in a DOGE shirt

>> No.4142645

Law, legislation left and right, is the crypto dream fading?

>> No.4142701

>is the crypto dream fading?
More like it's finally happening.

>> No.4142715

You don't understand that it'll get harder as we move forward right?
>inb4 normies aren't even in.

>> No.4142730

regulation is the key that unlocks the trillion dollar cap markets.

>> No.4142776

this is true
the figurative paper is full of headlines where big money representatives complain about lack of regualtion.
It is fine, you cannot regualte crypto, so let them pretend they have.

>> No.4142802

NO, not yet, I need to accumulate more, diversify more, I'm not ready yet.

>> No.4142821
File: 267 KB, 515x371, DOGEtalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4142831

Same presentation, different shirt? At least it's not a fucking unicorn shirt.

>> No.4142865
File: 835 KB, 1365x753, Zune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.4142889


>> No.4142911


>> No.4142918
File: 272 KB, 414x412, vitaliexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4142921

Just wanted to remind you guys that in anticipation of the largest event of the year this shit tanked to sub 300 the night before.

Fuck ETH and fuck cuckcoins

>> No.4142934
File: 22 KB, 387x322, livechat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is currently 12am in Korea.

>> No.4142955



>> No.4142964
File: 16 KB, 518x191, sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey Nazarov confirmed not dead.

>> No.4142966

that one slide was python syntax
does eth run with python?

>> No.4143034

they use it for rapid development and testing iirc, not implementation

>> No.4143055

thanks for clearing that up

>> No.4143061


>Ethereum byzantium will have Ring signatures and ZK-snarks

Welp, Monero and Zcash are pointless now

>> No.4143081

Got a couple of friends there, and contacts with kyber and dapp base (which i am on the inside of btw)

>> No.4143083


>> No.4143091

>he said state channel systems
>NOT raiden
kek he hates the token

>> No.4143097

Fucking Martin is a high as fuck.

>> No.4143101

why won't he get /fit/?

i mean it's not that hard, especially if you are rich as fuck

>> No.4143138
File: 292 KB, 842x476, fuckthisguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4143142

My tough exactly.

>> No.4143158

He actually made a twitter post about that. He said that there are simply too many things a human should care about to have time to do them all. Basically he has prioritized other things.

>> No.4143163

Fuck this is painful to watch holy shit what happened to articulate nerds like bill gates these faggots are literally stuttering potheads

>> No.4143179

>Have $30 billion market cap
>Choose LITERAL stuttering pothead to speak about your project

He can't into pronounce.

>> No.4143187

looks like a pathetic excuse, it literally takes 3 hours a week of gym to get fit. i don't know what his priorities are but it either poor time management or he's lazy af

>> No.4143211

If i showed my family this shit and told him how much I've invested id be the fucking laughingstock of thanksgiving

>> No.4143216

Former /fit/izen here, you couldn't be more wrong.
Getting money > getting /fit/
talking from experience here.

>> No.4143240

>Getting money > getting /fit/
exactly, but as a co-founder of eth i think he got enough money to pay 3h/week a pajeet to do his work while he gets fit

>> No.4143244

Any huge news yet? I can't watch from work.

>> No.4143264
File: 494 KB, 1318x706, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4143265

Seriously. None of these guys have any public speaking skills.
Crypto needs someone who can actually give good speeches that people can understand.

>> No.4143271

Not yet good buddy. Just intro tutorials.

>> No.4143296

the virgin talk

>> No.4143311

actual /fit/izen here, you couldn't be more wrong
you are just lazy and thats why you never make it

>> No.4143315




>> No.4143347

He has more important things to put his energy towards you stupid fuck. He is one of the richest and most important 23 year olds in the world. Why the fuck would he care about going to the gym?

>i don't know what his priorities are but it either poor time management or he's lazy af
Just fucking lol at calling him lazy when no matter what you do you will never achieve even 1% of what he has in your entire life.

>> No.4143373

You have to understand that he's an autist that isn't even interested in making money in the first place, what excites him is building new technology so getting /fit/ is at the bottom of his list.
Why would he get /fit/ for?
>Women? (Because that the 1st reason why guys get /fit/ in the first place, don't kid yourself)
He doesn't need to do that anymore because money
Again he has money

>> No.4143377

The longer this stoner speaks the lower the price goes lmao. Buy right at the end of his talk.

>> No.4143393

Used to go to the gym every night, had (and still have) a banging body.
When you stop, you realize how much time you have on your hand to do other things, now that time is better spent getting money.

>> No.4143396

>Why the fuck would he care about going to the gym?
because it's healthy and cool? doesn't he love himself?

>you will never achieve even 1% of what he has in your entire life.
i'm pretty fit desu, it's already more than 1%. checkmate atheist

>he's an autist that isn't even interested in making money in the first place
that's looks like the most convincing explanation desu

>> No.4143437

>state channel technologies again

lol, burn greedy fucks

>> No.4144112

That was boring.