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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 192 KB, 800x1312, wraith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4138875 No.4138875 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4138894

How is this not susceptible to even the most simple analysis technique? Public ledger kills it

>> No.4138900


What do you mean?

>> No.4139011

How does a public ledger kill my moon lambo?

>> No.4139127

Because you can see every transaction ever made.

Which means that what you sent and to what address it was sent is publicly available. On top of that TOR is compromised insofar as whoever is control of your exit node can see everything you're doing.

Do people not understand how cryptocurrencies work?

>> No.4139139

Thats what the wraith protocol is for, dummy.

>> No.4139161
File: 41 KB, 1191x352, 65362bee-2c0b-4edc-b50b-fab71318eb1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upward trend line broken. More green movement incoming.

>> No.4139168



>> No.4139191
File: 28 KB, 638x601, Varg_Feelkernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you bought such a small amount that even if it moons you'll make 10$, tops

>> No.4139200

More than half of TOR nodes are compromised by the feds you idiots! Stay the fuck away from anything using TOR, and the fact this crypto is basing their security on TOR proves it's a scamcoin. No devs would be this idiotic on purpose. PIVX with Zerocoin is the best option.

>> No.4139206
File: 33 KB, 811x260, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4139211

Every single time TOR gets touted as the pinacle of privacy I wonder if these fagots have ever looked at the original ToR and noticed it was originally funded and developed by the US Gov.

It is well know that diff govs manage lots of exit nodes.


How does ToR adds anything AT ALL to crypto? Oh right it doesn't, is just luddite bait.

>> No.4139212

Fuck you nerd. That was a secret

>> No.4139216


Fuck you with your crab mentality.

>> No.4139220

>implying crabs can think
Truly a demonstration of your low iq

>> No.4139222
File: 12 KB, 256x164, 1484141873897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volume keeps increasing, sellers backing off, buyers getting more aggressive, very strong support found at 100 sats; looks poised for a break up to a new high. Hold on to your dinguses fellas and fellerettes.

Zen bagholders kek

>> No.4139235

its up 10%, this coin is dead

>> No.4139247


And also forgot to mention, I use tor a lot, I love it and support the project. It's a quick proxy to check shit and bypass AV cuckery.

But I'm not deluded to think that is any kind of holy grail. For some reason terrorists prefeer Telegram and fucking WhatsApp.

Every time you see a pedo ring brought down youcan be 100% certain the retards were on tor, and for that I love them. GO BURGERS!

>> No.4139248

It was funded by Naval Intelligence. Why? So American diplomats and spies could use it. Tor is absolutely secure as a network, to backdoor it would mean putting our own spooks at risk. The only attacks ever demonstrated to work against Tor users have been via the browser (and perhaps stylometry).

>> No.4139253

moron its a private ledger including obfuscation through tor

>> No.4139275

so much dumb fud in this thread.

its using multiple techniques i.e. transfer obfuscation ON TOP of user privacy i.e. tor and l2p and now giving you the option of BOTH a private and publuc ledger. until one of you fud fucktards goes over the obfuscation math itself youre "HURRRR DURRRR U CANZ GET CAUGHT USING TOR" shows exactly how much of a dumb nigger you are.

>> No.4139323
File: 17 KB, 246x232, 1387887021897s copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i go to sleep will i wake up to sub 100 XVG?

should i set a stop loss? I got in at 93

>> No.4139346
File: 3 KB, 125x117, 1503965280658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also worried about sleeping. Don't want to wake up to 170 sats because I have none now. I might not sleep.

>> No.4139424


Don't think so. 100 is a strong support.

>> No.4139573

The way it bounces between 102 and 103 makes me irritated.
Sink or rise already ffs

>> No.4139793

It prepares for the jump, give it some time. Enjoy the gains my friends.

>> No.4139856

125+ over next 12 hours