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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4127823 No.4127823 [Reply] [Original]

shorted bitcoin leverage 5 at 5800, do i close or open a long or am i dead ?

>> No.4127836

"just hodl xd" isnt just a meme.

>> No.4127849

close motherfucker

>> No.4127854

fuck man....

>> No.4127857


>> No.4127869
File: 12 KB, 150x150, 0036_-_Gy5UAxw-150x150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bet against the KING

>> No.4127888

>actually coming to /biz/ for advice after shilling thousands of shitcoins

top fucking lel

>> No.4127894

ok, gonna close and open long, thanks for the advice guys

>> No.4127910


king dies, they always die

>> No.4127913

Let yourself get liquidated if it comes to that desu. You have a very good risk/reward ratio on keeping it open right now

>> No.4127927



>> No.4127932

wow you're fucking stupid lmao, is this why people are making so much money in this market?

>> No.4127938

wheres your liquidation price

>> No.4127944


nice ad hominem my friend, you must be gay to insult me right ?

>> No.4127963

btw, exchanges are fucking retards, s2x not gonna give you free coins LMAO

>> No.4128007

Start at 1:45:35

>> No.4128019

This is how we know you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.4128050
File: 155 KB, 640x640, paglen-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


psy op get out

>> No.4128081


a opinion leader talking trash about something not real, nice

>> No.4128164

You can follow the advice or not, it's your money.

>> No.4128254

just bought 100 bch (unironically)

>> No.4128335

>Trades like a retard
>Gets called a retard
>"nice ad hominem my friend :^^^^)))))))) *tips fedora*

>> No.4128373

Gay, faggot, i dont know who paid you but its a fucking waste of money

>> No.4128386


well, i cant anticipate when an exchange gonna print money from usdt lel

>> No.4128434


gonna kill you one day, be patient, the day is coming

>> No.4128438

It's funny that even after getting rekt, they still think they did nothing wrong.

>> No.4128461
File: 37 KB, 480x382, 1505415449-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fag, gay gay gay homosexual gay gay gay ay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay

>> No.4128501

*sweats furiously*
*looks at fedora*
I'll show them, i'll show them all and then I will get the m'ladies
*grabs katana*
*falls of chair*
*richter scale 5 earthquake*

>> No.4128512


nice roleplay, go suck some child blood lol

>> No.4128541
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>> No.4128616


>> No.4128627

$6430 is the top of the channel
cover a breakout above there

>> No.4128763

>posts meme image
>he fucking shorts
>talking about patience

>> No.4128837


Just psy war, dont worry gay fag

>> No.4128885

fucking jews

>> No.4129293
File: 120 KB, 1000x529, 'Taming_the_Donkey',_painting_by_Eduardo_Zamacois_y_Zabala,_1868,_private_collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
