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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4123699 No.4123699 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you invested in Modum yet? Blockchain technology that will be on the market in Q1 2018.... Guaranteed returns. Predicted to reach $5 in November. Currently a dip at the moment so buy your share! Just bought 600 MOD coins

>> No.4123754

How does it give you free ETH

>> No.4123762

Pays dividends to your wallet in ETH

>> No.4123765

Is this a stock or a coin

>> No.4123769


>> No.4123775

Where do I learn more

>> No.4123783

according to cindicator this coin will be worth $7 by hanukkah.

>> No.4123809

holding this so comfy rn

>> No.4123854

>Modum is dubbed as the next WTC because they share several similarities. Modum is like the Swiss WTC.
>Current market cap is still very low ~26m USD.
>Circulating supply only ~17m MODs.


>> No.4123868

If you're interested to read more about Modum, go have a look >>4081899 >>4079810

>> No.4123870

It's killing me that it's still only on ShitterDelta, FUCK.

>> No.4124000

Modum is risky but if it works it will work spectacularly. Nice to see an ICO with an actual ROI vs speculator battles.

ICOs could be the future of venture capital.

If it works it's another feather in ETHs cap

>> No.4124944
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MOD will be listed on exchanges soon.... huge possibilities... Only up from here!

>> No.4124971

I bought the ico.

>> No.4124977

Basically the coin can be considered by some as a security, but they're not registered as such, because Swiss law doesn't need them to.
So they (and their lawyer) are talking with 20 exchanges right now to make sure they have the largest choice possible and will pick the best 1 or 2.

I get mad sometimes because I miss moon missions that come out of nowhere, but I get comfort by knowing I made right choices by investing in low cap extremely promising coins.
This is one of them.

>> No.4124988

I think the best reason to own modem is the Anon that comes on and and Fuds trying to get people to sell.

>> No.4124992


You must be crazy to want to buy this shitcoin Modum. Everyone knows that the next coin to pump to the heavens is Metaverse ETP.

Get your shit right. Get rich and don't stay poor.

>> No.4124996


I like ETP, but how much do you get paid for doing this shit? You're all over /biz/ all day every day.

>> No.4125025

Why do you not provide any argument and compare 2 projects that have absolutely nothing in common.
Metaverse already has a huge marketcap and community, what's the point of shilling it in a random thread ?

>working product
>customers WANT the tech because they're spending literally billions for nothing because of the EU laws in drugs supply chain
>starting Q1 2018
>still under the radar

I'm jacked to the TITS !

>> No.4125134

Who is the nigger making Modum go back down?

>> No.4125140

Yeah I spent the last of my money buying another bag of mod at these lows. I can't believe it is this low for such a promising project. I just can't resist buying more. Hopefully the whales who have been pushing the price down have big plans for this. sitting on 31.5k Mod myself now.

>> No.4125147

Interested as to why you think it's risky? I'd argue it's one of the less risky coins in my portfolio, it at least has customers lined up and a working product which is more than I can say for most things in Crypto.

>> No.4125157

Sitting on 300 here since I'm a poorfag. I know it'll do well in 2018 but holy shit come on. This dude has a 87 ETH wall set up just to fuck with people

>> No.4125167

i'm holding 500
wish i could spare some more, or had waited for this dip. this one may be slow, but it will be steady.

>> No.4125277
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20k here
sold 10k at 0.0075 to break even, the rest will be hodled indefinitely

>> No.4125324
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>> No.4125340

this is literally easy money

>> No.4125367


Kek, that's kind of cool you can vote on things, but will we ever be able to vote on anything substantial?

>> No.4125390

If this hits $5 I will be able to afford a wife

>> No.4125440

It'll mainly be used for big milestones to allow them to release the tokens, but I'd consider that a pretty big deal because if they don't deliver on their promises, the community get to decide and they lose out because they don't get to hold their own tokens (paying themselves dividends) as unless these tokens are released by vote, they're locked up and not counted for dividend payments.

>> No.4126161

When will this up ?

>> No.4126205
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>> No.4126221

priced in