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4121653 No.4121653 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an elderly gentleman, closing in on 68 years of age. My son introduced me to Crypto in late 2012. After doing a lot of researching Btc I felt strongly that It had a lot of growth and potential ahead of it. So my son and I built my 1st rig and I started mining in January 2013, pulled $5,000 from my IRA and bought Btc at $13.44 and have never looked back since. The sweetest sound that I've ever heard was the clink of my 1st mined Bitcoin way back when. That was as satisfying a note as there ever was on any musical scale. Nothing but happy days ahead since. Don’t get me wrong, there have been bumps in this Crypto highway, the demise of the Silk Road, Mt Gox, DAO hack to name a few but as a HOLDer (holding on for the long duration) not a HODLer (hanging on for dear life) and not day trading, has rewarded me with quite a decent profit. It just takes a lot of patience (Sisu) and doing your research with due diligence. I have since invested in Ethereum (Dec 2015), Monero (Jan 2016) and lately Omisego (July 2017) all purchased from some of my profits from Btc to go along with my newly acquired free Bch and recently free OMG. I'm currently operating 3 rigs equipped with 6 gpus each. 2 mining Eth and 1 Monero for now, all of which will be re-evaluated after Metropolis kicks in to see which direction I go from here. So I ‘m back to doing more research in order to help with my next moves (Proof of stake coins, and truly decentralized coins) but I'll always be a strong believer in Ethereum which is where I've made my money so far. HOLDing on to the rest for now. Btc $5,000-10,000, Eth $2,500- 5,000, Monero $200-400, Omg $100-1,000 no one ever really knows but MY research says yes and so far MY research has not proven me wrong. Bought Btc at $13.44, Eth at .80, Monero at .48, Omg at .43 Bch for free. No where to go but up for me.

>> No.4121670

not reading this larp btw

>> No.4121680

Nice bought 100k

>> No.4121687


Too bad you've got maybe 5 years left to live the rest of your miserable existence.

>> No.4121700

I'll bite.
What sort of research do you use?
What indicators do you look for?
Do you think that your age grants you a wealth of patience and investor experience not available to the younger generation?
Please elaborate...

>> No.4121703

lol hey dad

>> No.4121709
File: 273 KB, 508x468, Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 6.33.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acquire chainlink

>> No.4121713
File: 65 KB, 300x258, Banteng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there check out ADA

>> No.4121743

Larping add an "older gentleman". Wew lad

>> No.4121750

dad, it's me, your son

russian scammers have kidnapped me and locked me in an undisclosed bathroom stall

they said they would release me if you bought chainlink with everything you had

please help me dad

>> No.4121755

Glad to read this. Amazing that you found this new tech and jumped on basically before 90% of us. Enjoy your gains!
Anything you see upcoming that has given you any interest?

>> No.4121762

mfw when i told my father about btc back in 2011 and 2012 and he just ignored me. I was a poorfag then.

Can you help a young man make it, buying btc miner is impossible here.


>> No.4121810

I studied free courses on blockchain technology. you wiould be surprised on how much knowing simple things like the difference between POW and POS can help. understanding hyperledger technology

We’re now in the midst of another quiet revolution

Right now, in the blockchain world, every computer in the network processes every transaction. This is slow. A scaled blockchain accelerates the process, without sacrificing security, by figuring out how many computers are necessary to validate each transaction and dividing up the work efficiently. To manage this without compromising the legendary security and robustness of blockchain is a difficult problem, but not an intractable one. A scaled blockchain is expected to be fast enough to power the internet of things and go head-to-head with the major payment middlemen (VISA and SWIFT) of the banking world.

>> No.4121880

Bought 100k

>> No.4121981


larp more you asshole