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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 1162x766, lowsupply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4119673 No.4119673 [Reply] [Original]

Look at these low supply coins. All of them have incredibly high prices per coin, and it's because the market for each one isn't inflated to 15 billion coins.


Here we have a functioning token that has a total supply of only 65k and has a direct market.

Get in on the ground floor. I bought a little over 500 coins the other night off a recommendation from the KillerCrypto forum.

There's no question about this; it's going to skyrocket once the airdrop comes around and pushes the volume up. The fact that they're going to be implementing Proof of Stake means literally free money for anyone who gets in.

This is the only time I'm making a thread about it, because I'm pretty sure some guy got banned from KillerCrypto for leaking this token.

>> No.4119683

you gotta be one of the stupidest posters on /biz/. You look at the market cap retard.

>> No.4119700

I have a token that only 1 of them exists, I'll sell it to you for the low low price of 1BTC

>> No.4119705

No you're the fucking retard and you're a newfag. Yes market cap is what's important, we fucking know.

But people buy coins with low supply for some weird other reason unrelated to value. They like owning 1 whole thing of something they perceive to be rare. It's a psychological thing.

>no minereum

>> No.4119724

Holy fuck, how can you be this stupid?

Market cap is Total Circulating Supply * Price of one token.

When it's just now brought to market, there is massive potential, because the lower the supply, the higher the potential price per coin. Which means higher potential profit when you buy a super cheap coin.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.4119969

Seems like a scam. Faceless team means it's a scam.

>> No.4120240

You'd buy if there were people's faces on the website?

How do faces change the validity of the source code that you can audit yourself?

>> No.4120242

look at this coin dude! why are you not all in yet?

>> No.4120268

Low supply means higher sensitivity so they can get good runs and swings if there is a push

>> No.4120272


There's an obvious difference between a market with 1 coin and a market with 65k.

The rules of supply and demand are logarithmic when dealing with new markets.

>> No.4120300

So let's all buy 42 coin!
Fucking retard...

>> No.4120347

>he doesn't know how to manipulate markets by owning a lot of a low supply coin


>> No.4120370

>How do faces change the validity of the source code that you can audit yourself?
I don't know shit about code, and unreleased coins with nobody's real name attached to the coin and weird foreign symbols seems like a terrible idea. Plus, it's just possible that absolutely nobody buys into this (because it seems to have no attractive features, the lack of pedigree being an unattractive one), giving it a low market cap, and a price per coin similar to what it is now. Your math just doesn't check out.

>> No.4120372

>He thinks supply mean shit in crypto.

>> No.4120400

>he thinks it doesn't
this is the worst meme on this board and you should feel bad for being so stupid

The weird symbol thing is linked to https://lojban.org - it looks like they're trying to attract a market with interest in crypto already that hasn't been targeted before.

I get why faces would make it feel better, but the code is available and anyone can take a look. If you have friends who know how to read Solidity code (ERC-20 contract code) just ask them to do it for you. It's legit.

Plus, with the Proof of Stake implementation coming, that's a game changer. HUGE opportunity for price explosion.

>> No.4120421

Shit anon I didn't realised you were baiting you got me.

>> No.4120440

>haha le bait

I can't believe this coin already has dedicated FUD this early on. :^) I was just trying to drop a hot tip for /biz/, no reason to take it personally.

>> No.4120483

>Plus, with the Proof of Stake implementation coming, that's a game changer. HUGE opportunity for price explosion.
Doesn't that just mean coin owners get a % of total network transaction fees, which means nothing if the coin is simply not worth much? Aren't there a fuckton of worthless PoS coins?

>> No.4120491

Holding small bags of 4 on that cap. Bullish AF on all.

I'll rank favs that I hold (pretty tough choices, lol)

We'll see how she pans out.

>> No.4120514


In ERC-20 implementations, it's more like compound interest set at a certain rate.


There's a good reason to be bullish on them, too. The low supply makes them far more desirable in an over-saturated market where every cryptocurrency has 500000 bazillion coins in circulation. Even if you don't believe in jdini, low-supply coins are the way to go. That's why I'm in on jdini and actually bought some more since this thread has been up after seeing the FUD.

>> No.4120523

1% of a shitcoin is still 1% of a shitcoin.

>> No.4120546

1% of 65,000 is a whole lot more than 1% of 15,000,000,000. There are plenty of shitcoins with supplies in the billions that have made some people very wealthy. With this low supply, even poor people have a chance to make bank with just $50 invested. I'm in jdini about $75 and if the value increases like it will when the PoS implementation drops, I'm looking at having a whole lot more than $75.

>> No.4120591

>it's more like compound interest set at a certain rate.
Yeah that's essentially whatI said. The interest paid to holders comes from network transaction fees, no?
>The low supply makes them far more desirable in an over-saturated market where every cryptocurrency has 500000 bazillion coins in circulation
That actually does not matter at all because the difference between buying 50000 Xcoin and buying 50000 µXcoin is immaterial. It doesn't matter a lick. Jdini might work out for you, and I hope it does, but it's because you got in early, not because of the low supply. Buying 5 jdini is the same as buying 5000000 µJdini, as every coin is automatically split into millionths effortlessly.

>> No.4120595

1% = 1%

>> No.4120604


>a kilogram of lard is the same monetary value as a kilogram of gold

jdini only has 2 decimal places.

>> No.4120613

>1% of 65,000 is a whole lot more than 1% of 15,000,000,000
No. 1% of either is 1%, and how much money that translates to is based on the market cap, not the total supply. In terms of market cap, high supply and low price is equivalent to low supply and high price.

>> No.4120617
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 1479701164004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1% of 65,000 is a whole lot more than 1% of 15,000,000,000.

>> No.4120623


You can't split jdini any farther than 0.01 jdini, if i wasn't clear.

Yes, this is true; but this doesn't apply the same way to manipulating an early market. You have more throwing power in a low supply coin to make more money. You can raise the price more effortlessly and generate higher hype due to rarity.

>> No.4120635

Crave 1.4mil supply, 500 units for a masternode. 2 dollars each currently wake up sheeple

>> No.4120636

>1% of 65,000 is a whole lot more than 1% of 15,000,000,000.

in terms of your % ownership of the market, that was obviously implied

>> No.4120647

No, $50 dollars of gold are worth the same as $50 of lard.
Just like shitcoins, 10M shitcoins worth 1 satoshi each is worth the same as 10k shitcoins worth 1000 satoshis each.

>> No.4120650


Are you really this fucking stupid?

>> No.4120667

>Numaire at 2k sats
Imagine being one of the losers who bought it at 60k sats

>> No.4120673

And if two platforms which do similar things, started around roughly same time and are developing at roughly same rate have a total supply of;
Platform X 100 000
Platform Y 100 000 000

Which do you think will have a higher value individually? Per coin?

>> No.4120677

>he doesn't understand le epic ancient biz troll about supply and demand

jesus this meme went way longer than it needed to



>> No.4120698


Exactly this.

If you get in on the new market now at a few cents on the dollar, you have a much higher potential profit with a low supply coin. Just look at the average price per coin in my OP.

>> No.4120702

>You have more throwing power in a low supply coin to make more money
No, you have more throwing power because of the low market cap. If this coin were higher market cap (by a factor of let's say 10,000), then you'd just be buying .01 for $70 rather than
100 for $70. Assuming the price really does reach like $70 per coin, all the decimal limit would do is prevent low-volume transfers. In reality, I think it'll just restrict the price to around $1m/65000 maximum.

>> No.4120715

Underrated AF?? Been around a while too... wow...

>> No.4120748

If it actually hits $70/coin (realistically I see $20 per coin) it would dump. This coin is a prime PnD and will make me a lot of money off the $200 investment I just made.

>> No.4120765

.... not sure if b8 or....
Market cap is DIRECTLY tied to supply, which is also tied (mentally) to implied/expected/speculated value... Ghad, lol, going in circles here anon(s)....

>> No.4120799

My takeaway here is that this coin is gonna moon compared to the $0.06-$0.08 it's trading at right now. I'm a poorfag, but I dumped my LINK and am going all in here since my investment money doesn't pay my bills.

Thanks OP, for real. Let's hope we're right.

>> No.4120819

To answer your interest paid question, the answer is "no". Since there's no transaction fees on the ERC-20 implementation (that's all ETH gas fees) the interest is a locked-in compound percentage, regardless of volume. Which can be a good or bad thing.

>> No.4120840

how do i use etherdelta? i want to buy $50 or $100 but i cant figure this fuckin thing out

>> No.4120849



they have the tutorial button first thing on the main page lmao, you might want to read the site more

>> No.4120898

>Market cap is DIRECTLY tied to supply
Sure, as is price. The reason we look at market cap is because it expresses the real value of the market. Buying $70 worth of a $100 mCap coin is much more "throwing power" than buying $70 worth of a $100000 mCap coin, even if the supplies of these coins are equivalent.
>which is also tied (mentally) to implied/expected/speculated value
Not really. There are plenty of examples of low supply coins with low speculated value.

>> No.4120932


>$0.89 on a 1 supply

That's really not bad, especially when you consider that jdini has a 65k supply and is trading sub-10 cents right now.

Plus, jdini has the benefit of active development and a specific niche audience who hasn't been targeted before by crypto.

>> No.4120982

It's obviously not the sole determining factor. My simple analogy of WTC vs VEN is relatively accurate. There are clearly developments at different rates and on different scales with various platforms, but obviously supply is a very big factor in market pricing...

>> No.4120991

>$0.89 on a 1 supply
If that were true, that's mean a market cap of eighty nine cents
>jdini has the benefit of active development and a specific niche audience
This is the only relevant shilling I've seen all thread. The rest of it sounds like normies talking about "Buy bitcoin? But they're so expensive...". Honestly I think you're trolling.

>> No.4120995

1 mil supply, my bad.

>> No.4121003

>Buy shitcoin
>Shill it on /biz/
>Sell it when price goes up

You're a bit late OP, should have tried months ago when everyone was freaking out during the huge bull run we had and scamming was going on left and right.

All of the retards are in hibernation right now.

>> No.4121047

As a Lojbanic speaker myself, I can vouch for the fact that this coin will BLOW UP. The Lojbanic community is massively into this type of thing and they have money to blow. Once the airdrop happens, they're going to eat this shit up.

>> No.4121171
File: 116 KB, 315x492, whaleman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big whale is buying it up, holy shit guys.

I just did the math from their Whitepaper, and these tokens remaining in Etherdelta are the end of the "ico" for the token. I'm getting in because this whale knows something we don't.

>> No.4121207

Wait, what? There are only 10400 coins left on Etherdelta. That's all of the for sale tokens?

>> No.4121236

yep. Thats everything that is left if you look at the trade book history if all of the sales have been from the people running the token, which it looks like

still pretty fucking low too, about to get in when my Coinbase transaction goes through. Thanks for letting us know. Hopefully that whale doesn't take everything up before then.

>> No.4121377

That "big whale" is me, lol. I'm no whale, in fact I'm poor as fucking fuck. I can't resist a market cap of literally $6000 so I bought as much as I could scrounge up eth for. Hopefully this catches on and the poorness leaves my body soon.

Pray for me bros

>> No.4121384

Jesus Christ, I haven't been this excited about an investment since I bought Disney stock in the mid-90s.

>> No.4121396

We're going to make it, bro. I'm happy I could help another poorfag out. I don't think we'll have any lambos waiting for us, but probably some nice Corvettes.

>> No.4121451

If that's true, that means you own a good portion of the market. You'll reap a lot of money if this goes somewhere. If not, well, I guess it's money lost. I'd guess it won't drop any lower than this sale price though...

Whoever buys that remaining 9k tokens is going to be a fucking rich man if this coin hits even $0.30, which it pretty much has to.

>> No.4121485 [DELETED] 


Been lurking this thread for a little bit now. I'm definitely going to buy in if there is any left in the morning. Probably pick up 10k worth. Even at twice the price it is going at now, this is a deal.

OP is still a faggot though, the shilling was dumb as hell. The coin speaks for itself, just stop fucking talking.

>> No.4121516

Isn't this basically an ICO though? How can they say there isn't an ICO?

>> No.4121560
File: 38 KB, 479x386, JDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, give me an ETH and a BTC address, I'll give you a kickback if this shitcoin makes me loadsamoney

>> No.4121591

>/bizbro owns 12% of a market
How much did that cost you? Anyway, this will be super entertaining for me, scam or moon. Godspeed anon.

>> No.4121607

Here's my eth address


You aren't nearly as much of a poorfag as I am, lmao. Jesus, dude, if my predictions are even close to correct you're going to be fucking RICH. You bought a massive portion of a market, so if it moons..

jesus senpai, you're have more money than I've ever seen. Godspeed.

>> No.4121621

About 2.5 eth

>> No.4121623

you will* have more money than I've ever seen * if it moons

>> No.4121658

I'll drop you all a hint on etherdelta: EBCC. thank me later

>> No.4121667
File: 42 KB, 928x732, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz buying this shit token
>jdi dev was essentially dumping all his bags on all of you

pic related, the dev's face

>> No.4121676


jdini seems pretty legit senpai, you might consider dropping in their discord and talking to them and seeing if you can get on the inside of it since you're a 12% shareholder lmao

>> No.4121682

Compared to most here I think I'm pretty poor. Only have about 6k in crypto altogether, and that's basically my life savings aside from the $350ish I have in paypal, lol

Thanks for the good wishes, I'll remember you when I'm fucking supermodels in my bugatti, anon

>> No.4121862

Meh, still in early enough for gainz (if it moonz) if not, it's a PoS(able?) ERC20 token.

Last two buy orders were me as well. Second one failed first time around for some stupid reason, fucking gas wasted....

>> No.4121963


I'm going to be listing my sell orders tomorrow morning at 2x the price I paid during their "ico" - see you boys in lamboland. If I had the money to, I'd buy out the remaining sell orders right now.

>> No.4121983

don't mess with shit coins that already mooned, get in first before the pump next time


>> No.4122008

I could actually sell the rest of my BTCRED and be able to afford to buy the remaining 3000 that's listed but I'd feel bad for hogging it all. My fellow bizbros deserve a piece of the pie

>> No.4122026

Thanks bought 100k!

>> No.4122032

How the fuck do I always miss these? This was a prime opportunity and now there's only 3000 coins left for sale for $300.

But of course my fucking Circle account has been "compromised" stupid fucking Jews wont let me buy ether REEEEEEE

>> No.4122055

shit dude buy it and sell it to me, ill give you $0.15/token as soon as my circle account clears up

or I can just buy what you already have if you're willing to sell 3000 or so at $0.15 in a few days

>> No.4122261

Gimme your eth address (the one you use for Etherdelta), and I'll think about selling you some.

>> No.4122487

Or your email, better yet