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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4106888 No.4106888 [Reply] [Original]

Any other /biz/izens monk mode MGTOWs saving up as much BTC as possible to retire early, without wasting a single penny on women?

>> No.4106913

the game has changed, this past year

>> No.4106917

I am moving towards that path, but I still need to accumulate a lot more.

>> No.4106939

>can't even approach a woman
>h-heh I'm just putting all my time and effort exclusively in crypto for muh future retirement plan :^)

>> No.4106940

I wasted approximately $10,000 on vacations and retarded crap during my last relationship over the years because she was so hot and really hooked me in good

If I had bought BTC at that time for $300 each I would have $200k right now

I will NEVER make that mistake again

>> No.4106948

Hah, no, see my post here:

>> No.4106957

Jesus christ you pathetic polcucks should just kill yourself


no, its you you pathetic virgin. Improve yourself instead of blaming others for your failures

Until then go cry about it on pol wth the other shutin failures

>> No.4106978

Yes. 24 year old kissless hugless virgin here, all my savings in crypto. Will never gaf about women even if I become a multimillionaire. When VR gets advanced enough I'll be living the dream. Also check 'em

>> No.4106981

>being this much of a bluepill cuck
Enjoy accidentally marrying a BPD woman then getting divorce raped and falsely accused of rape then imprisoned for a few years and raped by Big Bubba Tyrone then getting AIDs then dying while your ex fucks Chad and buys him stuff with your alimony money you paid from prison

>> No.4106997

Yup, blaming her for your excessive spending. It wasnt your lack of self control or stupidity

I bet you are larping anyway.

>> No.4107003
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>> No.4107019

>absolute worst case scenario

Enjoy living and dying alone mouthbreather

Let me guess.. the jews and blacks are keeping you down too right? I bet you blame them as well for your mental instability and lack of social skills?

>> No.4107021
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bitches are not worth it
even if you don't buy directly for her shit you'll waste money on stupid activities and going outs with her which you wouldn't do alone

>> No.4107056

>afraid of talking to women because rejection
>begin understanding economy and how the world works
>afraid of talking to women because false rape accusations


>> No.4107060
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>Nothing is EVER a woman's fault

Stay cucked faggot, their Starbucks adds up

>Honey, I think now that we're married I want to start being a bit more frugal with our money now, we need to be responsible and start saving our money for the longterm future to secure a good life during our retirement years. If we just go on one less vacation per year and stop buying brand name food, we can save approximately...
Guess how long it will take her to hop onto Chad's cock before you even finish your thought

>> No.4107070

Oh sorry were you expecting your echo chamber thread where everyone shares the same exact opinion?

That is pol, you should stay there.

Biz is for self improvement, NOT puttinf the blame on everyone else for why you are terrible at life.

Maybe you should lurk here more and go to /fit/ instead of wasting away on that cesspool of self pity.

Waaaah why arent girls falling in my lap?
Waaah its their fault! Right guys?! Waaah

Disgusting puny beta males. WAKE UP

>> No.4107081

>saving up as much BTC as possible to retire early, without wasting a single penny on women?

one of the reasons i try to make money is to have 0 effort sex

>> No.4107130


Nobody here is expressing anger that women aren't falling into their laps

They're expressing that it's a waste of money to be involved with them even if they were begging to get into our laps

>> No.4107142

So look for a girl who works and buys her own shit?

Again, this is your fault. You picked out a terrible woman because you are a shallow dumb fuck and then you STAYED with her so you could waste more money?

Yup, her fault. She FORCED you to take her on $10000 vacations.

Ask yourself why you felt the need to spend SO MUCH on her? Where he fuck were your friends giving you advice? Jat is not normal at all

Improve. Get better. Move on.

Playing the victim role is dangerous as fuck for you. The virgins on this board only amplify it.

>> No.4107171

And to add, your reply only shows how low your confidence is. The only thing you yhink you have that has any worth is money.

Improve yourself. You have qualities and skills that can be built upon. You can find worth in yourself

Crying in these echo chambers doesnt help you in any way

>> No.4107184


>> No.4107265

Oh sorry were you expecting your echo chamber thread where everyone shares the same exact opinion?
That is /r/TwoXChromosomes, you should stay there.
Biz is for hustling each other, NOT invoking the /pol/ boogeyman because you have a victim mentality.
Maybe you should lurk here more and go to /pol/ instead of wasting away in that cesspool of cheating and abortions.
Waaaah why arent anons being feminists?
Waaah its their fault! Right guys?! Waaah
Disgusting liberal kike faggot. WAKE UP

>> No.4107298

Oh my bad!

Ill leave so you can continue to cry about how women dont want you.

Carry on virgin

>> No.4107354
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>> No.4107356
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Find one post where I cried about how women don't want me. I'll wait.

Also, nigger

>> No.4107435

>Being the first part of your genetic line in hundreds of millions of years to fail to reproduce, your single purpose in life
>Failing this hard as a human
>having your bloodline die out because you're too big a faggot to breed

>> No.4107482
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This. Fuck mgtow

>> No.4108172
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MGTOW is for beta male losers.

>> No.4108257

>Doing whatever the fuck you want in life and unshackling yourself from social conventions and expectations makes you a beta male loser

Have fun

>> No.4108291

it's more of MGTOW seems to be a case of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.4108366

I already do whatever I want in life. It just that sometimes I want to fuck women...

>> No.4108658

You clearly have no idea what MGTOW even is. MGTOW people are perfectly allowed to fuck women or do whatever they want

What they generally decide though is to never sign legal contracts binding your finances to the whim and fancy of a woman's vagina tingles like most men do, because this is retardation.