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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4102158 No.4102158 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4102176

buy high sell low

>> No.4102211

>Arkies in damage control
Faggs have been shilling this shitcoin ever since it started dropping from 100k
Kill yourself faggot. A good coin doesn't lose more than half of its value no matter what.

>> No.4102257

Still have faith in this one

>> No.4102566

Actually 60% corrections are pretty common even for stable coins.

>> No.4102593

stay mad shit trader

>> No.4102602
File: 136 KB, 400x504, ark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao bitcoin went from $32 to almost $1 you dumb newfag

>> No.4102677

Bitcoin has lost more than half its value tons of times

>> No.4102742
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>comparing Ark to BITCOIN

>> No.4102751


ark actually has a use case. bitcoin is overvalued garbage.

>> No.4102764

we're not though
we're saying that good coins lose more than half their value all the time

>> No.4102769
File: 209 KB, 780x639, deluded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin is a shitty slow tech compared to Ark. now call me deluded.

>> No.4102782

>maximum delusion
>good coins
[ pajeet intensifies ]

>> No.4102785

something gets shilled on biz
it gains value
brainlets buy
it corrects
brainlets loose their shit and sell low
time passes and it rises again

how hard is it to understand this shit

>> No.4102799

Bitcoin is more politics thus why no other coin will ever compare, no matter how slow and shit it is.

Also, remember how many coins wanted to be next Bitcoin but failed in 2013?

Ark is one of those coins that's trying to be next (((Ethereum)))

>> No.4102875

Ark will be 100$ by october 2018, maybe even more, stop being a fudding bitch and hodl

>> No.4102891
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only features of 2013's alts were faster block times and sometimes fancy hashing algorithms.
Ark is about to implement ArkVM so it will be little bit like Ethereum, but the main purpose of Ark will be smartbridges - Ark will connect blockchains.

>> No.4102926
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>connect blockchains

I never knew features like Shapeshift being added to the coin as a separate program by the coin's developers is called >"connecting blockchains"

>> No.4103011
File: 263 KB, 1209x903, 1509154510841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with Shapeshift you have to use non-blockchain middleman. Smartbridge will offer blockchain-blockchain communication so in fact it will connect blockchains - no matter how delusional it sounds to you

>> No.4103250

Seeing how eth went 2x in the last year and btc went 7x you are fucking retard

>> No.4103336
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>eth oct. 2016: $12
>eth oct. 2017: $300

>> No.4103364

>eth went 2x in the last year
lol fucking newfag

>> No.4103460

I just wanted to say I got a good little amount of money reciently and investing in cryptos. Ill buy some Ark, sounds legit to me. I wont buy a lot, but I will buy some, from what I saw it looks like it can go places.

>> No.4103502

fantastic timing newfriend

>> No.4103537

>tfw now get 4 ark per week staking

>> No.4103567
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i got 34 per week.
t. 18800 ark hodler. I am not fucking selling.

>> No.4103574

Nice, I'm a little shy of 1k total split evenly between bittrex and my staked wallet. Eventually I'll get 1k staked and still have .25btc to play shitcoin swings.

>> No.4103584
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>> No.4103636

The best part is I got in early enough that I'm still not bagholding even at this low price

>> No.4103686

Damn bro u gonna be a billionaire haha

only got 650 at the moment, if anyone wanna help a broke nigga out:

>> No.4103732
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a little bit bagholder here. My average buy price was 61k sats. But we will go beyond 120k again. Just be patient during segwit2x drama.

>> No.4103741

>Anything like encoded listeners
Oh you :3