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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 376 KB, 1200x668, Japans-economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4099207 No.4099207 [Reply] [Original]

How is Japan growing so well economically considering it's got next to nothing for natural resources?

>> No.4099223

they invest in their people.
Education is a big factor unlike America where only the rich get educated and the rest become scumbag blue collar guys.

>> No.4099832

America's doing pretty well though

>> No.4099841

Weak currency makes their exports more attractive, also they are a good race

>> No.4099843

Got invested by USA.

>> No.4100084
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Sure thing, buddy. I can see Anerica crumbling in slow motion.

>> No.4100124

wtf is the context of this picture.

>> No.4100177

heroin overdose. it was in the news. parents were rescued just in time.

>> No.4100264

thanks for the context. Goddamn, the poor little kid.

>> No.4100296

>How is Japan growing so well
Growing so well - I thought they are still suffering from the economic lethargy of the "lost decade"?

But the reason why Japan has such a high GDP per capita is basically cultural - they have a killer work ethic (literally), and in the 50s-60s they managed to disrupt major western industries by producing cheaper consumer products that opened up new markets.

Then those companies upscaled mercilessly.

I don't have the whole picture, but what I gather the "vertically integrated" companies that dominated Japan made building up these disrruptive companies that eventually became worldleaders very easy because many supplies could be sourced in-house.

However as they became global this prevented them from adapting to changing market conditions - this is why Carlos Ghosn as COO and then CEO of Nissan was so successful: he got rid a lot of the tenured old men in the upper ranks who did nothing and broke the traditional but unfeasible relationships with suppliers and made Nissan more agile and their material costs lower

>> No.4101065

No niggers

>> No.4101110

Came here to post this

>> No.4101115

i'm unironically starting to suspect this has a tangible effect...

>> No.4101187

no niggers, low crime rates, low walfaire bills, sensible government, honerable people. But mostly no niggers..

>> No.4101215

They have maximum cultural brainwashing which turns them into efficient little wagecucking workbots. (The salerlymen) They love work more than fucking, which their birthrate is statistically proving. The only way to beat that machine is adopting Chinese work ethic, and I don't see any 5 year old spoiled little western shitheads signing up for life in the factories anytime soon.

>> No.4101216

>Implying Belarus, Mongolia, Georgia, Morocco, Algeria, Indonesia, Myanmar are all full of niggers

>> No.4101234

We spend the most on education per capita in the developed world

>> No.4101257
File: 228 KB, 1280x841, 1492051732318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not the resources it's the people. japan had nothing after ww2. quickly they became economic superpower and had much larger gdp than whole europe. same thing with germany, they had no resources but it's the people who built the country up after complete destruction.

currently japan have demography issue the people are getting old and starting to shrink. half the people are over 60yo. they still have good median wealth per capita tho.

>> No.4101333

Urmm, not all in the list, but some...
But you cant deny the basic law : if n>40% of population than fucked.. where n is nigger. This law applies on all scales from small groups to a global scale.. countries can be fucked for other reasons, but don't underestimate the 'n' factor

>> No.4101346

because of jewish colleges, the edu is worth jack shit

>> No.4101531
File: 153 KB, 718x1086, QIFrance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High IQ homogeneous population + capitalism + no darkie freeloaders

>> No.4101631

After proving they don't know fuck-all about modern warfare, America inspired Japan to focus most of their time, money, and resources on their people rather than stroking their dick at the thought of having the world's largest Navy.

>> No.4101635

>Urmm, not all in the list, but some...
Realistically what is the value of 'n' in Morocco and Algeria? They are the only countries in my list I can think of that might have even 5% black population.

You're theory seems to be supported when you look at what a shithole Haiti is economically and other Caribbean nations, but at the same time I've recently heard that a lot of poor economic performance can be controlled for with climate.

Which makes sense: India, Yemen... Africa as a whole...

Like I'm not trying to say Blacks wuz kangs n shit, but it just seems like a bit of a racist-for-the-sake-of-being racist and therefore grossly oversimplistic explanation for what might be a more interesting underlying reason.

>> No.4101690

Well, it sort of isn't as of recent. Lots of deflationary pressure and stagnation in the workplace market sees Japan taking the same route as America has been as of recent, which is sort of doing a lot of monetary policy to making it grow.

Japan's past economic miracle can be explained by work ethic, American investment, and disarmament probably led to a lot of free capital floating around post-war.

>> No.4101708

this thread proves this board is mostly populated by tourists without the slighest basis of business and finance

>> No.4101750


To be fair, Japan has lots of ore in mountainous regions and timber.

Don't forget radiation too (;

>> No.4101771

But anon those ARE nigger countries!

>> No.4101816

>went to roppongi
>its full of nigger
>it is also the most shitty
Somehow there is something worse than chinese tourists.

They like making stuff. Stuffs that sell well.

>> No.4101840

That’s yaks hiring them to be touts

>> No.4101850

No niggers to support.

>> No.4101871

Of course it does. Why else would the entire continent of Africa (the 2nd largest on the globe) with all its natural resources produce absolutely jack shit?

In 1940s South Africa, under white rule, they produced more clean drinking water than every other African nation COMBINED.

>> No.4101882


simple....they dont allow any desert camel retards in to their land unlike EU....so...ppl can concentrate on work.....

>> No.4101888

The entire country is basically a giant Socialized machine that runs far more efficiently than China or the Soviet Union's version of Socialism, with enough "privatized" parts in the form of mega-Zaibatsus that take long term financial obligations to the populace very seriously while enjoying heavy protectionism from the government. The lack of new workers being born coupled with the lack of immigration is slowly choking the system to death though.

Now their education system is shit outside of maybe Tokyo University, and the smart Japs realize that in order to get a decent education they have to study abroad, usually in America, so this is also leading to a brain drain problem.

>> No.4101898

>genetically high iq
>genetically low testosterone so very compliant and not prone to be antisocial or criminal, thus less money spent on jails and such
>"white" population
>work obsession
>the us has literally promised japan economic prosperity if they cease their nationalism and imperialist prospects, and they said yes

>> No.4101903
File: 511 KB, 482x599, IMG_3605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O shit I forgot to shill monacoin

Pls buy japan"s future currency


>> No.4101906

Openess to innovation:

>cryptos are legal
>robot waifus
>insect people

>> No.4101919

also no Middle east next to it....so easy for them to grow rather than spending money on security....u know what i mean

>> No.4101945
File: 937 KB, 576x864, 1508911940019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Germany growing so well economically considering it's got next to nothing for natural resources?

>> No.4101977



Actually it really isn't. Currently it's riding high off of it's role as a former industrial center and Centralized Banking, but due to outsourcing of manufacturing to cheaper Eastern European countries and an ongoing credit crunch it, like Japan, needs an influx of younger workers in order to keep its balance sheet for social programs in the black.

Unfortunately importing third world workers results in young men without means entering the country, and young men without means commit crimes. This is used by both Neo-Nazis and ISIS to stir shit up, but for Germany's economy it's literally import workers or watch implode so now the security services have to counter both ISIS and Nazis.

Fun times, no?

>> No.4102000

>too much drug addicts
>lots of people losing sense to reality
>diversity and liberalism

The top 1% of USA is still the best at marketing and doing business.

>they have longer focus when they're doing something
>they can adapt quickly to their environment

>> No.4102012

Security is absolutely spent on, thanks to North Korea and China

>> No.4102015

>Berbers, Slavs, and various Asians
Are you like some kind of falseflag trying to undermine /pol/ or something?

10/10 post

>> No.4102032

two words
>future gundams

>> No.4102040

>comment with actual economic insight gets zero replies

and then this...

>> No.4102049

>racist-for-the-sake-of-being racist and therefore grossly oversimplistic explanation for what might be a more interesting underlying reason.
How can you even take them seriously? If some retard believes that a country is succesful because of 'no niggers', then why do you take time to write out a thoughtful reply?

>> No.4102091

I have my reasons, but you're right in that it's probably a waste of my time

>> No.4102099

DEBT japan is in massive debt funding a high lifestyle at the expense of the future. I cant beleive no one mention that japan has on of the highest gov debt levels in earths history per capita. They arent making money they are borrowing it. Japan is funding comfy with loans

>> No.4102156


societies thrive when people can trust that economic activity will be transacted honestly and correctly

when society is low-trust, you can't do things like ebay or craigslist or whatever because you send them garbage and they send you a bad check

Trust is literally the only economic metric of direct relevance everything else is measuring the result of the trust level.

>> No.4102164

Japan is only borrowing money from its own banks though - does that realistically endanger the economy if the banks start calling in loans?

>> No.4102185


I've heard this pseudo-science before. Next comes a bit about how multiculturalism erodes trust. I feel like I've been on the internet too long, or at least in proximity to /pol/ for too long.

>> No.4102199

I really should visit Japan.

>> No.4102231

They aren’t though. The IMF forecast for the next year has been around 1.5%. That’s lower than the United States.

If you are asking why it *grew* well, the answer is quite simple and the same as it is for Germany. Disciplined workforce and a metric shit ton of American ODA. Neither of the two countries were even remotely close to the United States during the Axis era, but they are pretty close now by comparison. Thanks for making us great by being a menace to the American interests, Stalin.

>> No.4102245

>a highly intelligent and uncucked population isn't a natural resource

>> No.4102268

>uncucked population

fucking lol

>> No.4102281

Not from USA but the problem with America is too much diversity which invites conflict.

Niggers taking a seat at the government, immigrants stealing jobs, media entertain other people's dumb opinions, etc.

>> No.4102289

Except for the Nigerians in Shinjuku. Watch out for those Nigerians man

>> No.4102302

Where are you from?

I guarantee that on the whole Japan is less cucked than your nation

>> No.4102304

Japan doesnt like change, its stupid but less chaotic that way. In the West we are absolutely brainwashed to adore change because woo "progress", just look at the last US presidents campaign slogan

>> No.4102342

Natural resources aren't the only way a society can provide value to the rest of the world. If that were the case Venezuela wouldn't be a shithole.

>> No.4102355

Japan had a pretty bad work ethic in the sixties though, to say nothing of the fifties. It only really improved once they introduced lifetime employment and workers stopped going on demonstrations all the fucking time. Let’s not even talk about the 19th century when they really took off and China didn’t. The general attitude was that the Japanese were downright lazy and could meet deadlines to boot.>

I don’t think you can really attribute this sort of thing to industrial organization either, although it probably helped with the HCI initially. Most of the processes were imported from the United States and while some arguments have been made that the keiretsu allowed to easily mobilize capital and expertise into news fields, I think a more convincing argument would be that Japan was offered a really nice American export market that it could flood with its products. Don’t forget that we were also in the Breton Woods system at that point and Kennedy absolutely did not want to adjust the peg.

>> No.4102356

You're reading too much into it. The expectation that a financial transaction will be honored in good faith by both parties is an obvious prerequisite to any sort of economic activity.

I've spent years in Latin American nations, and the reason they can't get off the ground is because they have entrenched low-trust cultures. It's considered normal to lie, cheat, scam, etc and because of this, engaging in economic activity does not make you rich. Corruption and theft makes you rich in LA. Thus the lack of sustained economic activity.

This isn't hard, you don't have to be from /pol/ to state pretty obvious truths about the world. There's really nothing /pol/ about it because trust has nothing to do with racial homogeneity and everything to do with popular conceptions of trust and the importance of promises.

>> No.4102366


>> No.4102398


Perhaps I was quick on the trigger, but it seems that what you're talking about indirectly is opacity and corruption. Back when I was required to read "Lexus and the Olive Tree" corruption and institutional opacity were major factors in whether an economy was going to be able to effectively plug into globalization. You are correct.

/pol/ has just spent so much time trying to stir the muck that some of us have developed a hair-trigger response.

>> No.4102408

This a little but mainly no niggers.

>> No.4102418

corruption is the result of a an absence of trust

it's probably better to directly talk about the absence of the economic enabler rather than bounce around the obvious result of it and never name it clearly because the /pol/ clock happened to be half-right about it twice a day

>> No.4102422

>high iq
>ethnically homogenous country
>high trust society
>strong work ethic
>refuse to flood their country with niggers and arabs

yeah its a real mystery why the japs are doing well

>> No.4102434


Weebs pay top dollar for weebshit.

>> No.4102442

Japan has been stagnating since the 90s

>> No.4102444

Those are actually the kids grandparents I know the mom I was a frequest customer of hers at a strip club. God she was so fine. Mercedes, if you're reading this, I miss you girl.

>> No.4102460


True, but I'm a lazy bourgeois asshole who prefers to use synonym and euphemism to simply exclude undesirables from conversations in which they are inconvenient rather than be bothered with rebutting their constant appeals to ignorance.

>> No.4102534

In what way is a demilitarized country controlled by a foreign power UNKEKED?

Do you even know the meaning behind your favorite buzzword?

>> No.4102858

Not on education, but on (((education))).

>> No.4103143

Only reason I can see Japan stagnating in the 90s is due to the Asian Financial Crisis in '97
It's still doing better than a whole lot of other countries and was almost completely unaffected by the GFC whereas the West got shafted

>> No.4103654

In the end Japan still has culture, whereas the West doesn't, Japan is still heavily homogenous whereas the West isn't, Japan still teaches respect whereas the West doesn't, Japan isn't controlled by Zionists to fight in foreign lands whereas the West is

>> No.4103713

>Japan has culture
>The West doesn't have culture
Japan's entire culture is working to death

>> No.4104662

They don't love work. They just like being at work. Productivity is terrible.

>> No.4104796

salaryman culture is toxic.
the kids go to school for 10 hours, then have 3 hours of after school studies then go home for dinner
then they do the same thing at work. work 10 hours, then stay 3 hours late so they can leave after the boss goes home

They make good money, but at what price?
>and they don't have any "minorities" to leech off of them

>> No.4104831

Bug people who work instead of having kids

>> No.4104837

>how can you take them seriously

>> No.4104839
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No Jews?

>> No.4104866

exactly, and people are more willing to work when 25% of their check isn't going to arabs and blacks to live at your expense.

go home obvious shill

>> No.4104879
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>> No.4104885

excuse you, Japan is 98.5% ethnic Japanese. when you pay taxes it goes to other Japanese, not Muhammad.

>> No.4104906

they aren't demilitarized. learn.

>> No.4104960

Japan doesnt allow muslims or niggers, thats leaves normal people with good work ethics and they have no cockroaches in society.

They dont believe in multiculturalism and they are absolutely right. Look at Europe right now its gonna to shit because of muslims and niggers.

Every place with a lot of nigger and or muslims go to shit, thats why Japan will keep thriving.

>> No.4105028

Haven't they been in stagnation since the 90s? Not to mention their population is in decline.

>> No.4105080

oh no, boomers are going to die off and good jobs will open up to a much more limited labor supply, as will land, and the cost of food, electric, and water will go down.
oh no. there will be more for everyone.
yes, Japan has its own boomers.

>> No.4105145


>> No.4105151

explain their virginity crisis. about a third of their adults are virgins

>> No.4105175

Anime is at fault for setting unrealistic standards

>> No.4105438

because the society, space, job market became oversaturated a lot of guys dropped out. same in America. when the boomers die off and there are actual resources and space in society again there will be a return to it.

>> No.4105442
File: 192 KB, 356x356, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese are extremely nationalistic.
Nationalism doesn't mean what you think it mean.

Germany had a lot of natural ressources notably coal, wood, iron, copper, wood and fertile land, in fact that's why they industrialized very successfully and rapidly during the XIXth.

A better comparaison to Japan would be Britain.

> Germany's economy it's literally import workers or watch implode so now the security services have to counter both ISIS and Nazis.

Or you know, they could make children, but that's fascist apparently!

Also Europe needing third-worlder is a fucking meme, these people are stupid, uneducated, leech on welfare, are not integrated even after 2 or 3 generations (look at France, the country that managed to integrate every single european minority during the last 200 years from russians to portuguese is failing hard with maghrebis and blacks) and finally automation will kill ALL the low skilled jobs they are supposed to fill in 25 years.

It's just one big joke to destroy Europe and satisfy the Kalergi delusion of globalist, this shit will end in blood and civil war, pensions will be the least of our problem at this moment.

>> No.4105562

>Belarus, Georgia
landlocked god-forsaken land
>Morocco, Algeria, Indonesia
Went full north korea until the 70s. Didn't even accept tourists until a couple years ago.

Not saying niggers are the problem, they aren't. Bringing in millions of uneducated people, whipping them for 300 years and then releasing them without a dime is the problem

>> No.4105654
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If you study Economics you'd realize that natural resources negatively correlate to economic growth

For ex. Venezuela should be in the top tier of economies based on resources.

Don't believe any politician who tells you that a resource economy is the key to future growth. Its a one way ticket to becoming a country that corporations wipe their asses with.

>> No.4105695


>> No.4105793

>Not saying niggers are the problem, they aren't

5x welfare consumption and 5x crime. if American were all black it would topple overnight as welfare spending consumed the entire budget and every major American city devolved into a warzone larger than they already are.

>> No.4105797

They've got good food.

American culture is McDonalds. Even the McDonald's in Japan serves fancy healthy foods.

>> No.4105848

Grandparents in rust belt OD on heroin with their grandkid in the backseat

>> No.4105899

>5x welfare consumption and 5x crime
>Politics play a bigger role than race over there. Your problem is a self-shaming, overindulging left giving blacks a free pass for being niggers.

>> No.4105929

>>Politics play a bigger role than race
>average black IQ 85

>> No.4106185

>blaming black people for all of your problems
pathetic ass fucking nerds, how about you own up to your failures

>> No.4106191

America sucks now. You're just paying for the name. It's like that old brand of car that old people still buy because they remember when it was nice.

>> No.4106221
File: 76 KB, 793x558, Africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bringing in millions of uneducated people, whipping them for 300 years and then releasing them without a dime is the problem

Slavery is over since 150 years, it's time to stop, it didn't last 300 years either, in fact slavs were reduced in slavery by the ottomans longer than the blacks ever were by the europeans.
It's literally the same excuse with colonization, every single asian country is more developed than black countries despite the fact that europeans invested much more in african infrastructures there than they ever did in Asia.

Blacks are just hopeless and as a population are biologically lagging by multiple thousands of years behind caucasoid and mongoloids, that's why they don't fit in western industrialized societies, deep down everyone know it but it's politically incorrect to say it.
Only way to solve this would be by african countries to practice positive eugenics but it will not happening with bleeding heart, guilt ridden, egalitarian whites and their delusions of a peaceful multiracial and multicultural society.

>> No.4106271


Good way of putting it.

>> No.4106281


Go back to pol you retard

>> No.4106321


t. retard who has never lived around blacks, or watched blacks turn a once nice area into a hellhole

>> No.4106337
File: 500 KB, 728x640, 152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, that's right bucko.
>85 average IQ
It's the same as the Philippines, and it's nowhere near as bad over there. Your government was incompetent and let the black community develop a propensity to rationalize crime and welfare, which is only obvious in their situation
>my forefathers were enslaved
>my parents and grandparents were cast out and had no opportunity for growth
>It only makes sense that I steal and suck on the government tit as reparation

Your country got rich off of forced labour, then dealt poorly with the consequences of having an alien race and culture living amidst it. If you don't like the problems you have now, you should have either never brought slaves in in the first place or dealt correctly with them upon freeing them.

burgers btfo

>> No.4106361

>trust has nothing to do with race

Honey there's numerous studies regarding the topic and none of them agree with you.

>> No.4106362

Their central bank has holdings in all/most major international (japanese based/originally) businesses and actively purchases shares.

>> No.4106376
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Overpopulation of the world is the main problem. 100 years ago the country only had 100 million people now its like 310million. Where's a genocide when you need it?

>> No.4106379

>currently japan have demography issue the people are getting old and starting to shrink.

Japan is best positioned in the world to face the threat of automation. Sunset the aging population, move the younger ones up the ladder and phase out the dumb menial labor jobs.

>> No.4106390

>If you don't like the problems you have now, you should have either never brought slaves in in the first place

Oh yeah my bad, I should have never brought slaves into the country hundreds of years ago

>> No.4106433

whatever faggot

>> No.4106449

Very retort/rebuttal. Overwhelmingly dialogue. Much debate.

>> No.4106454

Don't worry, just wait for food stamps to get repealed

>> No.4106460

That's exactly the point. You can't be blamed for bringing blacks in, and they can't be blamed for being low-iq scum in your country. They didn't ask to come in.

>> No.4106544


You'r very emotional aren't you? Must be hitting a little too close to home.

You should take your own advice and stop blaming others for your own failures.


>> No.4106697

shareblue shills are getting toasted.

>> No.4106715

solid post.

>> No.4106942


Can confirm this is an issue in LA.

>> No.4107049

>If you study Economics you'd realize that natural resources negatively correlate to economic growth

only because countries rich in natural resources are natively inhabited by savages

>> No.4107074

I live not too far away from here

>> No.4107231

When Japan starts having kids again expect them to expand their Empire. As long as it is China or South East Asia, who cares? Let them do what they want.

>> No.4107430
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>I've spent years in Latin American nations, and the reason they can't get off the ground is because they have entrenched low-trust cultures.

'latin america' used to contain some of humanity's most thriving civilizations, until their population become wiped out and massively interbred. now both spiritually and genetically their population is massively degenerated. they will never 'take off'

>> No.4107649
File: 76 KB, 672x499, 1502684541616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're still a nerd clinging onto his pathetic racism

beat that

>> No.4107800

>implying Japan can do anything against China
>implying China will let them expand without destroying any form of military force Japan sends overseas

>> No.4107922

uh oh!!
she said pathetic!!

>> No.4107978

Explain China with its rare earth metals or Saudi Arabia and Qatar?

>> No.4108052

Japan has a stronger navy and they haven't even rearmed under Abe yet. Wait until they outfit their destroyers with F35Bs and double their submarines.

>> No.4108086

this really

>> No.4108158

Tokyo University is the best Japanese university and it's public university, i.e fee is low, about $5000 a year. Anyone can enter Tokyo University, they just have to score high marks on entrance exam. $5000 is affordable to Japanese family even if they aren't rich.


Japan trained the best talents through their low cost public universities. And these talented graduates put their talents to use to make Japan a successful company.

As a comparison, US and China's best universities are very expensive and not affordable by low income families. US and China only care about making money keeping talented people away.

>> No.4108177

tell me more about these insect people anon....

>> No.4108192

No. 80% of thier economy is internal trade. Thier metric of doing not well is 5% unemployment

>> No.4108443


That would not explain Argentina, mostly whiteish, but not long ago you could see those retards doing rat BBQs in the street, in corralito times, they got literally cucked by the banks and years laters the reelected TRICE the couple of fags that fucked them, the Kirshners.

Thats kind of normal in Africa but there?

> inb4 b-but Italians are the euroniggers