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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4088583 No.4088583 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that when they crack quantum computing, they'll be able to solve your private key from your address in polynomial time, and everyone's wallets will get emptied

I've already made a script that will automatically will scrape the public addresses that have the largest volume of btc, extract the private key, enter the public and private keys into an exchange, deposit all their btcs into my own account and sell that for fiat
All the work has already been done, it will automatically be able to do this stuff within minutes, all i have left is to write the function that gets the private key from the address, which will be solved with quantum computing

>> No.4088587



>> No.4088599
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I've literally worked in quantum computing and am not afraid.

>> No.4088617

My dad works at quantum computer and he says that there's nothing to worry about

>> No.4088621

Jokes on you, my private key is one place. See, the quantum computing will be looking for longer keys. It'll go straight past mine.

>> No.4088631

My mom works in quantum computer and she said everything will be a'ight

>> No.4088641

any coin like bitcoin that uses hashes for addresses is quantum-proof. only when you do things manually and re-use addresses do you open yourself up by leaking your public key.

for cold storage you should be fine.

>> No.4088653

you can still have pretty big polynomial problems breh

>> No.4088654

Wrong fag. My brother works at google with deepX4quantum and we have nothing to worry about.

>> No.4088656


>> No.4088687
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I am literally not joking, the whole program is made and ready to go except for this last function
once i write this function, i can execute this program, and have hundreds of thousands of btc deposited into my account

only problem is MY account is also vunerable, so I wrote that it will split it across dozens of exchanges i know and buy out fiat

>> No.4088690
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Excuse my autism and ignoring your joke, but let me point out that there are many private keys for one address. You can search among longer keys and crack your wallet, even if the private key you used to initiate it were short.

Also, I wasn't meming when I said I worked in quantum computing. We can build single purpose systems to do stuff like factor 21 into 3 and 7. That's where we are at right now - by the time there's a breakthrough and you can control enough qubits, we'll sure have more sophisicated distributed ledgers anyway.

>> No.4088698

Bitcoin already has some quantum resistance built-in, but when a quantum attack becomes a remote possibility, Bitcoin will be upgraded to use quantum-safe public-key algorithms. People immeasurably cleverer than OP have been thinking about this for nearly a decade already.

>> No.4088700

ofcourse, qc won't kill crypto in theory, as we'd have quantum encryption and better secure ledgers anyway, but the fact that so many people who had btc in older wallets will get compromised, and really put a stain on the sentiment

>> No.4088706

you cant search for private keys with an address, that's called brute forcing and is no faste with QC.

QC can only help with public to private key factoring, and if you use any of these coins correctly, you're not vulnerable, especially for any long term holding or cold storage.

>> No.4088724

Yeah sure good luck

>> No.4088731

Crypto algorithms are way easier to update than all the outdated shit we have in banks and other institutions. Those will get fucked infinitely harder than crypto will.

>> No.4088749
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And all you need at this point is the 10 billion dollar imaginary supercomputer

>> No.4088772
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Okay. Might be that you can search quite a bit faster as well, though.

For positive ints, while i>0 is actually the same as while in Python.

Also, you don't have to search for the biggers bitcoin addresses, they are here:


Not sure what your script is doing now :^)

>> No.4088780

while i

>> No.4088820

you're a gigantic dork if you think your shitty python script will let you empty top btc wallets lmao. even assuming a ridiculous scenario where quantum computers can crack sha256 and BTC is still using it, there's no way you would acquire those computers and empty the wallets before someone else does.

>> No.4088832

yeah i know, i was just going off a pseudocode for an algorithm i found in a textbook, so it was line by line exactly what the pseudocode was

>> No.4088835

are you somehow stupid or what's wrong with you?

>> No.4088860

judging from your other functions, it looks like your traversing through some sort of tree, and using a heap, for something.


>> No.4088907

Thanks for the information. I always assume people are, unless it's obviously sarcasm.

>> No.4088915

not enough to make brute forcing hash functions any more feasible for cryptocurrencies, no.

like i said, the only risk is when your public key is exposed, and in bitcoin it should only be exposed for the duration it takes to confirm the transaction.

ethereum currency has it worse because they don't allow you send a transaction to more than one address, maybe in a future update, but then they have problems with pruning addresses which isnt a problem in bitcoin because addresses don't actually exist there.

>> No.4089278
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OP, you are retarded. This ain't gonna work, don't you understand? If it did someone smarter than you already has made something better than yours, so even then you are fucked. Stop wasting time and dreaming about "stealing all top btc wallets". Top fucking kek

>> No.4089345


Daily reminder that quantum computing is 10 years away from practical applications that will be used in everyday lives

>> No.4089464

already priced in

>> No.4089494

My dad is a quantum computer and he says that there's nothing to worry about

>> No.4089635

What's the best way to invest in quantum computing?

>> No.4089640


>> No.4089681

you don't know how quantum computing works bro. it's not about bruteforcing passwords in seconds, this still requires large amounts of time.

>> No.4089686

My dad works at quantum computer

>> No.4089704

>what is quantum encryption
all it means is a new version of crypto we are living in the olden days of crypto still.

>> No.4089725

Don't do it right now, quantum computers are not going to be used ever for general purpose computations so it won't make you many gains.
In the future in the tech allows it there may be special computers with a hybrid processor but even then it will mostly be used by scholars.

>> No.4089883
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all will become obsolete except these guys
>Winternitz signatures

>> No.4089987
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Because adding a probability state to your binary breaks all encryption apparently. Fuck off OP.

>> No.4090003

The WA to solve this? Two private keys. 2FA private key verification. Get rekt Mr.House

>> No.4090213
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>> No.4090274

2FA private key

>> No.4090282

My favorite thing about OP
is that he's falling for FOMO rhetoric
that my Whale Group put out there to get people
to buy GNT in AUGUST , and now he's acting like
he's a genius

>> No.4090285

big if true

>> No.4090402
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I'm sad it took someone this long to say this. They fork Bitcoin for fun these days, if there was an actual problem, the fucking code would be changed. Also quantum computers aren't just going to burst on the scene and be factoring 2048 bit primes, it will be a gradual process. There's plenty of hashing algorithms that having a quantum computer doesn't help you crack any easier. Which means this is a fucking shitty LARP, like half this board. If you were actually smart enough to code something like this, you would know all of the above. But your writing style reminds me of pic related. Get fucked OP

>> No.4091225

Wew, thanks for that laugh.
>Auto hotkey

>> No.4091321

>qc of sufficient bytes are 100 years away
>scott aaronson does not believe qc solves p vs np
>even if qc does solve it in poly time the exponent, although fixed may be intractably large anyway


Go learn wtf youre talking about before posting on /biz/

Also google "decoherence" to understand why this wont be an issue in our lifetimes

>> No.4091415

Kekd so hard

>> No.4091452
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>> No.4091469


>> No.4091678

OP is a retarded autist who thinks he is smarter than everybody

>> No.4091703
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bitch please

>> No.4091737

By the time QC is a thing, stealing a thousand btc just won't work. They will fork, roll it back, whatever. Everyone loves to brag about blockchain immutability until their money is stolen. At best you'll just wind up with a Ethereum classic situation. If you can actually get this to work, better be modest and just steal a little bit. Of course, greed will possess you.

>> No.4091750

There will never be a quantum computer on the planet that can crack pre-menstrual syndrome. It has quantum-proof solving built into it.

>> No.4092080

That little girl is clearly a victim of molestation; just look into her eyes, and you'll see it, too (if you have a soul). Can we dox that family for clues? (The perpetrator is most likely either *in* the photograph or *behind* the camera, taking the picture.)

>> No.4092131

You do not understand quantum computing

Ralph please go

>> No.4092363

Bitcoin isn't secure obviously when major exchanges lose millions of bitcoins randomly.

>> No.4092399
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>> No.4092459


Qcs won't need your sloppy human code when ai can do it. You actually believe your human existence will be relevant when an qc ai will steal all the buttcoins for itself.
