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4087641 No.4087641 [Reply] [Original]

Been poor all my life (I'm 22), max I've ever had was $5,000. I just inherited ~$800,000. Did I make it?

>> No.4087648

Not enough. You need 10x the amount to make it for a year. Therefore you should invest it all into AirSwap! The one and only true pump that is coming to you in the future. Don't wait. Invest now.

>> No.4087655

needed to say <200k to make the larp more believable. Still, I expect to see subhuman beggars in the thread.

>> No.4087665

not larping, my dad died and I got everything that he got from his dad/my grandad

>> No.4087671

Big if true, invest that into something that pays dividends every year

>> No.4087675

sorry for your loss anon

>> No.4087676

No. Buy some real estate and rent it out for very low prices, but accept payment only in vertcoin.

>> No.4087679

>inherited 800k
nah m8 you were never poor if your family had that kind of money waiting around to give to you. Hate to break it to you. Poor people don't have that kind of nest egg to fall back on whether through inheritance or not. I know I, for one, am not going to get jack fucking shit. My mother doesn't have shit and I haven't even heard from my father in 15 years. THAT is poor, not someone who inherits almost a million dollars.

>> No.4087682

Get asswapped. Will never go above ICO ever again

>> No.4087691

if you truly want to make it - do this:

25% btc
25% real estate
20% index fund
10% Ethereum
10% liquid cash
5% individualized stocks
5% lobster futures

only live off a 2% extraction rate, and keep working for now.

>> No.4087692

Just hold most of it. Invest 20% in BTC


>> No.4087695

The thing with being a poor piece of shit my entire life I feel like I could easily live off even a small amount of dividends (like 25k a year) for the rest of my life and be extremely happy

>> No.4087700

>live off 100k
>put the rest into an ira
>wait 3 years

>> No.4087706

Maybe you're right, but my father was never in my life and I've been on my own since I was a teenager.

>> No.4087716

You are mistaken.
I have 10k of heritance to get from my dad's family but i was homeless some years ago and i am struggling with $250 month.

>> No.4087721

gee, another completely worthless thread.

>> No.4087724

800k is a good place to start but unless you live on a few grand a year, you will need to begin planning. Put at least 20% into a good investment and forget about it. You might consider buying property and renting it out for steady income, or you might also consider buying your own home and paying it off to have a real leg up on your peers

Whatever you decide to do, I am sorry to hear about your recent loss and hope you are feeling alright.

>> No.4087730

>10k of heritance to get from my dad's family
nigga this isn't even on the same level as OP's situation, or even close. OP got 80 times that amount.

>> No.4087739

>only live off a 2% extraction rate, and keep working for now.
>and keep working for now.

>> No.4087742

>let's get more crypto shilling threads, pajeet isn't posting enough

Please end your life or move to a different board you fucking curry nigger.

>> No.4087744


>boo-hoo my father was never in my life
>gets 800k

Are you fucking serious? Fuck you.

From an actual poor person, I hate people like you.

>> No.4087746


That is a fucking ton of money here in Brazil.

>> No.4087759
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LOL poor fag.

>> No.4087766

I'm not looking for sympathy at all but I had to get on welfare during highschool because I was living on my own. Mother didn't want me due to her schizophrenia and dad was extremely abusive so I wasn't allowed to live with him.

>> No.4087776

Go all in on ARK and vote on a stalking delegate for $5,800/mo at the current price. Double that or more when the price rebounds.

>> No.4087781

You had asshole parrents, not poor ones...My parrents are fucking idiot, my dad is an old guy that married a young woman who squandered away his money, they are poor now, because mum just had to drive BMWs and have fur coats, even while the family business slowly but surely went bankrupt.

I will probably inherit some small patch of land worth 20-30k and thats al...

>> No.4087793

Not OP but fuck you scum. The guy lost his Dad and you try and make it about yourself in the victim olympics. Check yourself. Probably related to why you're so poor.

>> No.4087838

Don't justify yourself to that guy he is an attention seeking faggot who deserves his low status.

>> No.4087871,1 [INTERNAL] 

go all in on walton

>> No.4087863


Not a competition. He lost his Dad that he admittedly was never close to and he's trying to play some sympathy card to make us feel like "he deserved it".

You can't even read and interpret text. millennials are fucking retarded.


Look he's doing it again.

>> No.4087871

How am I looking for sympathy? You attacked me and I'm explaining myself to you.

>> No.4087901

Are you me?

>Haven't seen dad in 15 years and I doubt he'll leave me anything
>Mom's got 50k in savings for her retirement, so nothing from her
>Grandparents live in mudhuts in Ukraine

It's literally up to me to build and leave a legacy, but life without struggle is not life at all.

>> No.4087905

If you're gonna be poor don't be this insecure about it. Not a becoming combination.

>> No.4087967

Don't rent to niggers

>> No.4088056

but thats a good thing dude
i feel the same way , i am on my way to 250k now.
no idea what i would buy, i just want to get comfy and live from dividents

>> No.4088250


Put it into Investments and build up for a few years still and be over a million in Investments that give you passive income every year. Then you have it made for life as a NEET.

>> No.4088282
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>> No.4088291

Buy 800k of chainlink

>> No.4088371

use that money to go to college and gain skills to start a business and make more money NEVER SETTLE ALWAYS BE IMPROVING

>> No.4088386

No, you didn't make it yourself and you may not know how to deal with that wealth.

Pro tip: it's not by buying Lambos.

>> No.4088512
File: 41 KB, 299x449, 1321540989815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please anon don't spend it all.

>> No.4089645

This is good advice Imho.

>> No.4090079

Put it all in evx