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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4084788 No.4084788 [Reply] [Original]

So here is whats going to happen with bitcoin in the coming weeks:

As soon as 2x forks, about 83% of miners will leave the 1x chain. With 17% hash rate, blocks will be 1 hour apart and a difficulty adjustment will be 12 weeks away.
It will not last 12 weeks.
Fees will be ~6x what they are now (around $40-$60), and when holders start panicing, fees will rise exponentially as people try to transfer off wallets to exchanges to sell for the 2x chain. To add to this, there is no replay protection on 1x or 2x, so any transaction done on 2x will be replayed to 1x, further crippling it and increasing fees.

People will start to see that their HODL MOON LAMBO COIN is dying.
If “china bans exchanges” can cause a $2000 dollar drop, how much do you think “This chain will grind to a halt and stop existing soon” will drop the price?

The majority of users do not want segwit2x. People who have been brainwashed by r/bitcoin and blockstream will be in full WTF mode. People will lose confidence in bitcoin 1x/2x. The price of B2X will not moon just because B1X is falling. In a normal situation B2X would eventually stabilize and come out on top, but now we have the ultimate curveball. Bitcoin Cash.

While all this chaos of a chain split, one chain dying, and no replay protection happening, Bitcoin Cash is running smoothly (theyre fixing EDA right before the fork), has less than 5 cent transaction costs, 0conf transactions actually work, and 6 INDEPENDENT development teams. It will skyrocket in price, FOMO will kick in, it will become the most profitable chain to mine, all but a few miners will jump ship, segwit 1x and 2x will die. Exchanges will be forced to add BCH markets or just simply replace the BTC ticker with BCH and things will carry on as normal.

End of story.

Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin.

Its also on sale for 1/15th of the price at the moment.

>> No.4084804

true. just sold 100k

>> No.4084821

very elaborate >buy my bags post

>> No.4084849

i don't worry one bit

when the market crash it means there is more opportunity to gain. if people start fighting over bitcoin that means ethereum and all ETH based tech will keep growing.

>> No.4084969
File: 71 KB, 600x929, shutitdownjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better fuckign start FUDDing them /biz/

we need to kill BTC as we all know

altcoins are innovations, and innovations are heavily profitable

>> No.4085004


Addendum, as bitcoin 1x gets dumped alts (that are largely traded against bitcoin 1x) will first dump as well in usd value but rise in btc1x value.

This rise in btc1x will start to trigger stop losses and a mania will unfold.

As said, People who have been brainwashed by r/bitcoin and blockstream do not want segwit 2x but sure as hell do want segwit and will be in full WTF mode. People will lose confidence in bitcoin 1x/2x and jump ship to Litecoin.

The non forked, fully functioning, large scale, low fee, segwit enabled, fast alternative to bitcoin.

>> No.4085017

1. S2X is trading much lower than classic Bitcoin currently. If the market keeps standing by this decision, it will not be economical for miners to switch.

1.1 If pools still switch, for political reasons, it is still possible that individual miners switch pools to stay on classic BTC.

1.2 F2Pool already revoked support of S2X, showing there really is an incentive to stay on classic BTC currently.

2. Core devs are already planning for the worst case and have emergency forks that change PoW algorithm ready.

2.1 Imagine BTC simultaneously surviving 83% of miners leaving AND becoming mineable without ASIC again. This *could* be even more bullish than just surviving by miners staying after all.

>> No.4085045

being able to mine btc with my gpus would be great

hope all those faggot chink miners leave the chain

>> No.4085323
File: 61 KB, 400x403, 1505465957287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought BCH at $900, please let me get my money back!

>> No.4085615

I don't understand?

>> No.4085668

if a lil shitter like u can mine with your gpu that shit is gonna get 51% hard by the chinkers

>> No.4085763


>> No.4085777

nah eth is a shitcoin

>> No.4085800

Well they say its fork i say it sounds like flippening to me.

>> No.4085803

big if true

>> No.4085885

shaking in my boots here.

>> No.4086698

Sadly it's true and that's not even the worst part. 2x will kill the main chain because every transaction that happens on the main chain will be replicated on 2x

>> No.4086731

>we need to kill BTC as we all know
Why? What are you dumb? That would hurt crypto immensely. Unless you're just Jew posting lol.

>> No.4086943
File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, bitcoin cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try Faggot. All you need to know about Bitcoin Cash. Pic Related. / Thread.

>> No.4086955

Nah, this is what gonna happen:
People get tired of slow and old bitcoin and start mining alts
Everyone wins
Fuck off

>> No.4087066
File: 78 KB, 1258x647, btc abstract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Complete bullshit and Faggotry. This poster has the same grammar , syntax, and psych profile as the one that brought you all the Chainlink Scam. KYS / Thread.

>> No.4087792

>As soon as 2x forks, about 83% of miners will leave the 1x chain.
They are only signaling for the fork to happen, but they haven't pledged to mine that fork.
Miners will mine what is more profitable to them

>> No.4087865

BCH is being added to coinbase also on late november

>> No.4087971
File: 16 KB, 250x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If “china bans exchanges” can cause a $2000 dollar drop, how much do you think “This chain will grind to a halt and stop existing soon” will drop the price?

>tfw Goldman "$2200" Sachs was looking out for us the whole time

>> No.4087996
File: 466 KB, 900x900, 1437236168255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely right, this guy sounds like the EXACT same guy who made me lose half my BTC on LINK! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!