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File: 85 KB, 600x559, ChainLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4083265 No.4083265 [Reply] [Original]

LINK down to $0.21, people were buying at $0.50. Another JUST in the books, this coin is kill.

>> No.4083297

>driving a lambo in that weather
what did he mean by this?

>> No.4083309

LINK had a textbook PnD. It saddens me that people still believe in these obvious scams

>> No.4083315

>buying shitcoins
Just get btc and HODL

>> No.4083337

boycott icos. kill crash coin developers. seriously I want to see one of these devs dead on the floor like three lambo alpha bay dude. I want devs to be starring in death pics. kill a half dozen devs and maybe things will improve. if developers know they will be hunted and murdered they wont be so quick to steal. this alt coin disaster has to be stopped. asswipes with coin collapses need to be made an example of. eth ltc all the alts collapsed. its time or some rich faggots to die

>> No.4083356

Lmao agreed i watch it everyday to ride a upswing but fuck that's a dead coin if i seen one

>> No.4083358

wow, LINK vol on binance is a sad 109 btc...it used to be 1,000-1200 around the SIBOS hype period. crazy.

link/eth vol still high though

>> No.4083360

This car was driven by Sergey from SIBOS

>> No.4083391

this guy watch too much game of thrones and narcos

>> No.4083394

...Until the year 2020 and you'll have doubled your investment

>> No.4083423

calm down, keyboard warrior.
you're not gonna do shit and neither is anyone else.
just stop cheqing your gay little blockfolio and let prices recovery whenever things get back on track fucko

>> No.4083440

Look at all these FUDders bahaaha
Most coins are down 80% LINK still holding strong will be the top coin this year

>> No.4083453

Great return by normal standards actually

>> No.4083472

With binance as the only option? Silence (no positive news) from the devs? I don't think so

>> No.4083502
File: 50 KB, 427x640, brendan 6 mar08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought at .23 sold at .22

>> No.4083505

m8 at one point it was like 10x it's link/eth

>> No.4083510

I wonder how much that cost to repair. Or would just just say fuck it, it's totaled?

>> No.4083519

Dropping 42btc on this once it hits .20

>> No.4083534

>Bought at $0.22
>Oh well I'm not down that much
>It was 5500 sats at that price before


>> No.4083540

It's funny as someone who invested presale, you see a pattern replay over and over because of Sergey's understated style. There's no news and people get ansty and spread fud and the community starts to shift towards casting aspersions (this is when you buy btw) and then Sergey and the team come through with a wollop and suddenly they are the darlings again.

If you seriously think this is a scam or a shitcoin you're functionally retarded. It's ambitious promising technology with a very high ceiling, and as a long term holder I am excited for the future.

>> No.4083556

Engine is in the rear so it depends on if there's chassis/structural damage that isn't worth repairing (probably a nice insurance total for parts payout)

>> No.4083574

Gen X reporting in (relevant because we invest in a style closer to boomers than you kids).

Had a good run with LINK (well, until

1. Bought at .40. Sold at .48
2. Bought at .40. Sold at .48
3. Bought at .38. Sold at .53
4. Bought at .39 aaaannnd...
Still holding. If it ever makes it back to .48, I’ll bail again.

>> No.4083597

i never bought this nigger filth fraud, but seeing all the folks on biz get robbed in this shitfuck coi crash, id say sergey makes a good candidate for being a poster boy for dead developers. hes famous enough that if we get good gore pics or see a sheet over his shot up car, it might slow the other scammers down. so maybe the one guy who got rich in link while everyone else lost shoul die. bloody gorey death. maybe hang him from a tree with his hands cut off dead would make a good clear massage

>> No.4083724

Maybe, but why not put that shit in COSS or that other coin that was shilled a while back and pumped a couple times that I don't wanna mention yet because I need to buy more

>> No.4083764
File: 40 KB, 500x281, n9_ktG08KeYx3oUD6fNC2SYfDFmlaM6nXYWZeognedfESXJfgh7KdS1ouyBzZgTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



It's funny how the only people fudding Chain Link are the ones who bought at ATH. How much are you out? I just bought 25k, thank you for your business Anon!

>> No.4083797

hahaha faggot i aint selling my link nice try

>> No.4083820

Honestly, I'm not confident banks can't just hire a couple guys to code a proprietary version of this.

Here's a question. Have any software devs looked at their code and seen it's some kind of mind blowing shit? I doubt it is. There's also multiple oracle implementations out there.
>b-but SWIFT!
If anything comes through out of SWIFT deals it's going to be YEARS down the line. Banks moving millions of dollars around on a daily basis don't adopt new technology over night. Are you prepared to literally hold your bags for years?

>> No.4083851


Well since Disney tried Crypto and decided it wasn't worth the effort I can't see very many Banks pulling that trick off.

>> No.4083858

>40 cents never ever again
they were not lying

>> No.4083861

aaaaaaaaaaaah/10 picture choice

>> No.4083864

t. sergay

i hope they do kill you lmao that would be amazing then we'll see DGB bagholders look for ropes

day of the bagholder?

>> No.4083878
File: 988 KB, 500x400, oooooh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4083884

t. pajeet
Also nice reddit spacing

>> No.4083921

>and decided it wasn't worth the effort
for them
Maybe in their line of work, crypto just wouldn't make anything easier, cheaper, or more efficient?

>> No.4083931
File: 14 KB, 367x321, 1505077662736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone is gonna meme that we're below ICO price soon
>It won't be a meme

>> No.4083938

This is going back up right? I bought at 8k sats and am currently down almost ten thousand dollars.

>> No.4083973

the whole point of it all being decentralized is that it cannot be manipulated, fucko

>> No.4083976

Nope. It has gone down consistently, and the devs ran off with the ICO money

>> No.4083999


There's this whole false narrative that the success of ChainLink relies upon it being taken up by banks/SWIFT. Sure that would be insanely amazing if it happened, but personally I'm not investing because I think that's a particularly likely possibility. I'm investing because of the future usefulness I perceive of oracles in smart contracts in GENERAL. It's success is not dependent on any single company or industry.

As for coding alternative proprietary versions...people will do that, but there will still be a market for a decentralized oracle service. It's that simple.

>> No.4084039

It will go back up young jedi. $3-10+ within 9 months. Probably back up to .50 relatively soon (weeks not days, though)

>> No.4084062

I like your reasoning and your trips. I got out due to personal reasons, I think Sergey not talking to anyone was just a big fuck you to anyone that gave him money.

Take a look at this: https://twitter.com/modum_io?lang=en

This is how a respectable company handles PR.

Really, I think Sergey got freaked out by all the 4chan support, so he just decided to go quiet and wait for the storm to pass. Didn't want to spook the banks. I can understand where he's coming from. But it doesn't excuse just being complete radio silence and leave people in the dark.

>> No.4084070

What the fuck is Sergey doing every day.

>> No.4084097

Preparing for SIBOS.

>> No.4084104


>> No.4084112

Cleaning toilets

>> No.4084236
File: 18 KB, 372x351, 2346234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Linkies are the new Digimarines

>> No.4085224


I wouldn't really call it a style. It's more a lack of communication.

>> No.4085322

>It's more a lack of communication.
Sergey: IDGAF

>> No.4085362

>Sergey's style
The one where he takes $32 million, posts in slack twice in the last two months and refuses to list LINK on better exchanges because reasons?
That's what we call a scam, not style.

>> No.4085421

you are heading for a fill on the wick at 3156.

if it gets hard-closed and even retested for a third time, i got good news for you.

>> No.4085469

Zcoin up 100% the past few weeks. ZenCash up 300% the past few weeks. L2 Crypto Newfag.

>> No.4085593
File: 36 KB, 600x582, 215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085622

With all these "chances to accumulate more by buying the dip" /biz/ must own ~30% of link's total supply by now.

>> No.4085639
File: 66 KB, 800x420, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085645

I'm buying at $0.06, see you there :)

>> No.4085680

shut up.

srsly - yep the price is going down. yep the devs are shit at communicating. but its def. not a scam. damn how stupid one must be...

>> No.4085684

it's all about entry points for your investments. what did you expect? a coin that is 2 months old to suddenly pull a x100? No coin ever did that. It takes at least 6 months. Every coin has swings and drops after surges.

However this moment is not very smart to invest because it is very likely to decline even further. All the frustration and people cutting their losses. We already saw 3100 sats and I think that is where it is headed the next days. No matter how good and viable this shit is long term, but buying at 0.40 and higher right after it tripled was just a very bad decision. And if BTC now suddenly starts to surge we will see a massive holocaust again.

I was also stupid enough to buy at 0.40$ but sold days ago. Now it is tempting to buy in again, but I have a bad feeling and will wait some more days.

>> No.4085697

>However this moment is not very smart to invest because it is very likely to decline even further. All the frustration and people cutting their losses

This is the problem: nobody buying means infinitely low price floor. People holding heavy bags of zero value

>> No.4085705

Are you telling me that people bought LINK, then came on this forum and talked it up to encourage others to buy it so the price went up and then they sold their holdings?

Is that what happened?

Great googly woogly!

>> No.4085722

That's why I am saying. Stoically holding like a fucking dimwit will just make you miss out like 100% to 200% gain ranges mid to long term.

There is just no floor and anything that currently sustains the price.

Everybody is just hoping for the "news bomb" to drop, while they suffer seeing red all over again. Chance are it won't be in the near future because they just released the ICO and are currently working. Take 3-6 months.

>> No.4085741

Rip the bandaid. Sell and reinvest into something worthwhile.

>> No.4085765

>it's going to be years
how many banks are using ripple right now? is it more than zero? what is ripple's market cap?
every crypto is years away from maturity

>> No.4085770

No, people from here bought link, then made 50 million meme threads about it, then went out (made a sub-reddit for link, sent bots to youtube, crypto sub-reddits, etc.) and tried to meme normies into buying it, then watched it crash, then cried.

FYI: the meme threads here meant the intelligent people of /biz/ where so fed up with linktards that they sent out fud to the normies at the same time so that link would never catch on.

>> No.4086448

>bought at .17
>sold at .45 before SIBOS

Tried to warn you goys that it'd plummet after SIBOS, no matter how it went. I was shit on in every thread, so I'm happy the people who went all-in on it are now poorfags.

>> No.4086473

Except Link spent three weeks close to ATH around 40 cents you dumbass.

>> No.4086487

I agree it wasn't a classic PnD. The price reflected the news of SIBOS, and by extension a bunch of spergs who believed a SWIFT deal was a realistic short-term goal.

>> No.4086505
File: 224 KB, 728x538, chainlink PoC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not confident banks can't just hire a couple guys to code a proprietary version of this.
They could and should do exactly this for internal transactions.

But for shit like pic related, with multiple parties involved in the same general trasaction context, having a common decentralized network is VASTLY superior to every party using their own centralized oracles.

>> No.4086517

A scam would be a CEO posting empty hype all the time, and doing everything he can to increase liquidity so he can cash out at the top of the PnD.

Sergey is doing the opposite of that.

>> No.4086536

>The price reflected the news of SIBOS
LINK doing SIBOS hasn't been news for a year.

Don't be dumb.

The only actual news from SIBOS, was the announcement a few hours before the demo that 5 major financial institutions were going to be directly involved in the demo, including BNP Paribas, Santander, Barclays, ...

>> No.4086539

opposite is not better in the financial world but equally bad. fucking over your investors with a big fat middle finger in their asses is not really preferable to overhyping things. autistic fucks won't make it alone at this point in crypto. it is different from 5 years ago. especially short term this investment is like fucking leaving your life savings in the middle of the bronx unattended.

>> No.4086553

>equally bad

Well neither are good, but I'd much rather have a CEO who isn't communicative than a CEO who posts empty hype.
The latter presents a much higher risk of getting scammed.

>> No.4086565

So you're saying lack of communication, fucking people over investmentwise is better and less scammy. Are you fucking braindead or just deluded? You have no clue of finances but bought into Chainlink because you got memed into it, right? BOTH IS BAD. BAD.

>> No.4086603

Read the very first four words of my previous post.
Reading is good.

And there is no complete lack of communication, there's just less of it.
And yes, I'd rather have a CEO who hypes too little than too much. Absolutely.

>> No.4086654

Thanks for answering if you are just deluded.

>> No.4086684

CEO hypes too much: reminds people of a used car salesman

CEO hypes too little: reminds people of the maxim "the product speaks for itself"

Neither is particularly good, both can turn out alright.
But all things being equal, I much prefer a CEO who hypes too little.

Excessive hype just screams "scam".

>> No.4086685

>buying a coin from someone called Sergey and expecting it not to be a scam

>> No.4086740

nothing speaks more of scam than not saying like anything for weeks, ignoring the total downfall of the price, the frustrated investors that are fucked over repeatedly, not taking any action against binance price manipulation.

There is either some big masterplan behind it like to have banks buy at a lower price and suddenly let it moon, which is just plain evil as well. Or they are just autistic fucks who don't give a crap anyway after they got 32m.

No fucking product EVER succeeded with at least some advertisement, hype or medial attention. especially not in crypto, and no fucking matter how good the product is. it is easily possible as well that the product is just going to be implemented and the price won't budge at all. banks have no interest in seeing this token at a higher price when they need it for the actual purpose.

>> No.4086751

Sergey is already a miljonair now. So why should he care about us?
LINK is dead pajeets.

>> No.4086791

>"the product speaks for itself"
Well it's not speaking so great from the market perspective

This is not how you run a project, there is no "the product speaks for itself" in crypto, you need to interact with the community.
Sergey should've known this since he's in this space for a long time and that's the most worrying thing.
You would think someone with his experience would know how to handle things, he just doesn't give a fuck about any of us who contributed towards his 32 million.

>> No.4086794

Yup hes drowning in compot.
While autist hold all the bags.
If he would put effort into something...its surely not making bagholders rich. At best he can shill another coin.

>> No.4086813

>nothing speaks more of scam than not saying like anything for weeks, ignoring the total downfall of the price, the frustrated investors that are fucked over repeatedly, not taking any action against binance price manipulation.
There wasn't much communication, but the current price drop is mostly irrational.
LINK had a finished product even before the presale, had a MASSIVE marketing event at SIBOS less than 2 weeks ago, has a large crypto conference coming up, and literally started rolling out its full working product: node setup went live on their homepage right after SIBOS.

>No fucking product EVER succeeded with at least some advertisement, hype or medial attention.
What do you think SIBOS was?

And let's not forget that Smartcontract.com has been mentioned by name by massive financial industry players over the past few years, like WEF, Capgemini, Gartner, Swift, ...

>> No.4086851

>Well it's not speaking so great from the market perspective
SIBOS was arguably one of the very biggest marketing events any crypto has ever had.
Sergey was the ONLY outside crypto dev to spend a year developing a PoC for Swift, and to showcase it at SIBOS.
This was literally less than two weeks ago.

And then a few days after SIBOS, they started officially rolling out Chainlink network v1.0 on the front page of their website.

Chainlink is one of the most promising AND one of the most productive AND one of the most developed cryptos there is right now.

This should speak for itself.
But cryptards have been spoiled by hypebeasts constantly spoonfeeding them empty validation.

>> No.4086877

It's sad that it's not about tech anymore, it's just all skateboard hype driven

>> No.4086886

>marketing event
That wasn't a marketing event. He was pitching it in a closed environment. None of us even have access to a video of the demo or anything related to the event.

>And let's not forget that Smartcontract.com has been mentioned by name
And that's one of the larger issues they continue to ignore, still using the company name instead of Chainlink.
They're selling the product not the company. Jesus Christ what a bunch of idiots.

>SIBOS was arguably one of the very biggest marketing events any crypto has ever had.
No it wasn't because the only ones who can move the price are us, non-bankers, people who speculate.
And nobody had access to it, no hype, very underwhelming. Only one coindesk article and it dumped 70%.

>This should speak for itself.
Yet it doesn't because the team is full of idiots who shouldn't have even had an ICO if they planned to remain radio silent after they take your money.

>> No.4086945

You are my nigga. The way the market works is fucking bizarre.

I think low price actually helps the project as a whole. It allows the larger entities that will actually be using the token for its intended purpose to get in at a cheaper price. Meanwhile all the little weak handed bitches who need constant spoonfeeding get shaken out of the tree.

As soon as we get the news, the coin is going to fucking skyrocket. The fomo buying is going to be astronomical. /biz/ is going to be wall to wall shit talking linkies.

>> No.4086961

>That wasn't a marketing event. He was pitching it in a closed environment
If you can call Swift's network of 11k banks a "closed environment".
And you bet your ass a large portion of those 11k banks at the very least heard about Smartcontract.com.

>And that's one of the larger issues they continue to ignore, still using the company name instead of Chainlink.
>They're selling the product not the company. Jesus Christ what a bunch of idiots.
Not sure what you mean.
The product is smart contracts, Chainlink is the network used to produce this product.

>No it wasn't because the only ones who can move the price are us, non-bankers, people who speculate.
The price of LINK doesn't matter one bit to the users.
And if the users come, so will the investors and speculators. Undoubtedly.

>Yet it doesn't because the team is full of idiots who shouldn't have even had an ICO if they planned to remain radio silent after they take your money.
After they "took your money" they showcased Smartcontract.com and Chainlink to the world's financial elite, AND they started rolling out their full working product.
This puts it way above the vast majority of cryptos with higher market caps.

I'll gladly take some shitty communication and price drops with that; the potential is real.

>> No.4087010

>I think low price actually helps the project as a whole.
Fucking deluded.

Entities who are supposed to be the main user of the network will get free LINK from the devs.
They won't take pic for Binance chinks so they could buy LINK on some shitty exchange are you fucking serious?

>As soon as we get the news
You're gonna be waiting for a long, long time.

>If you can call Swift's network of 11k banks a "closed environment".
Yes SIBOS was a closed event and none of those people are going to push the price of your bags on Binance.

>The product is smart contracts, Chainlink is the network used to produce this product.
Oh you're that same retard again, please read more about what you invest in, my dear brainlet.

>After they "took your money" they showcased Smartcontract.com and Chainlink to the world's financial elite, AND they started rolling out their full working product.
Lets be honest, they did jack shit and we're left in the dark because hanging out in the slack for 5 minutes every other day would cause hype.

I can't believe people like you exist. They're deliberately ignoring community and suppressing the token/network name.
And you're here defending them while your portfolio is bleeding, the definition of cuck.

>I'll gladly take some shitty communication and price drops with that; the potential is real.
That's not how crypto market works, and lets be honest you invested for potential massive gains, not because you believe in the tech.

>> No.4087011

>And that's one of the larger issues they continue to ignore, still using the company name instead of Chainlink.
>They're selling the product not the company. Jesus Christ what a bunch of idiots.
Oh my god.
You're basically saying Sergey was at SIBOS to sell Chainlink, not smart contracts.

This is just fucking hilarious. These are the people fuding LINK right now.
Seriously, either learn the very basics of this project, or get out and stay out.

>> No.4087031

>Yes SIBOS was a closed event and none of those people are going to push the price of your bags on Binance.
Guess what will happen once more and more banks confirm adoption of Chainlink?

God you are fucking dumb.

>Oh you're that same retard again, please read more about what you invest in, my dear brainlet.
See >>4087011

>Lets be honest, they did jack shit
... and up is down.

>lets be honest you invested for potential massive gains, not because you believe in the tech.
These two elements are inextricably tied together.

>> No.4087083

Lol why do you even care you autistic faggot :^)

The big whales are accumulating at a good price. So am I.

I want Sergey talking to the people with the actual power, not adhd bizlets that get scared cause they don't triple their pocket money overnight.

>You're gonna be waiting for a long, long time.
Considering what is going to happen to the price, I can wait.

>> No.4087109

Holy shit you're retarded

>muh whales are accumulating
Nobody is buying this garbage look at the volume.
Continue holding bags idiot for Sergey's little side project he didn't even need $1 million for.

>> No.4087142

Enjoy being poor Pajeet.

Better start accumulating some pink wojacks

>> No.4087154

Bought in the presale sold at 8k, thanks for holding buddy.
I might buy in again below ICO, it'll get there in a week or two.

>> No.4087666

>Holy shit you're retarded

Says the guy who thought Sergey was at SIBOS to sell LINK tokens instead of smart contracts.

>> No.4087840

We’re down to 20 cents! Sergey still on mute

>> No.4088017

>Be poorfag
>Be new to crypto
>Want to pour some money into this now because its low
>Only get money I can invest on the 4th
It's not going to moon before then, r-right guyz?

>> No.4088037
File: 14 KB, 498x470, AAAAAAAAAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought XVG at 150 sats
>bought BAT at 5500 sats
>bought LINK at 9k sats
End my fucking suffering

>> No.4088044

it wont moon ever, so you're good

>> No.4088287

Lol @ that gif posted for that comment. I can't stop laughing.