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File: 18 KB, 182x268, MV5BYmViZGM0MGItZTdiYi00ZDU4LWIxNDYtNTc1NWQ5Njc2N2YwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDk3NzU2MTQ@._V1_UY268_CR2,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4083256 No.4083256 [Reply] [Original]

>implying hard work = success

>> No.4083272

take drugs (modafinil) get shit done quicker, faster, smarter

>> No.4083282

Where 2 cop? Sick of paying 100 a gram for shit coke

>> No.4083287

>not also working smart

>> No.4083301


ive already have ordered 400 pills from them, they are dope as fuck.

>> No.4083323


Serious, where do I buy this and does it REALLY work.

I've tried a lot of different drugs, prescription and illicit. Nothing so far compares to really great weed however it has its downsides, its really hard to be a high functioning stoner.

>> No.4083348

duckdose.org. plus using bitcoin gets you a 20% discount, its not speedy like Adderall, but gives you a boost. In fact limitless was based on the drug modafinil.

>> No.4083351

modafinil? that shit is weak. get armondafinil waaaay better.

>> No.4083363

I mean ive tried both, I personally like the 'rougher' feeling of modafinil compared to armodafinil. Though armodafinil does last a lot longer.

>> No.4083404

Is this site legit?

Can anyone confirm?

>> No.4083436

I can, ive ordered multiple times, and you can check reddit at afinil.

>> No.4083525

>The long term safety and effectiveness of modafinil have not been determined.

Lmao, falling for marketing scams...


>> No.4083536

>Buying pills from an affiliate site


>"Our awesome affiliate program allows content owners to get paid when their readers or viewers make a purchase through their affiliate links"

How fucking retarded are you people?

>> No.4083587

if you study the mechanism of action of what it does, it blocks gaba. Not that dangerous.

google the site yourself fuck face. I get ZERO income from it. Plus they dont have any affiliate links available.

>> No.4083665

t. Shill

>They don't have affiliate links

Lmao literally on the homepage

>> No.4083700

This fucking movie.
>borrow 100k from russian gangster
>make millions in a few days
>forget to pay back gangster, retarded chase scene
Insulting garbage.

>> No.4083702

my mistake. regardless, all i provided was the website without any affiliate link.

>> No.4084161
File: 1.12 MB, 750x750, IMG_1809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modafinil is illegal in Canada... am I fucked?

Will give .1 ETH if I find correct answer. I'm srs.

>> No.4084200

your brain will work much better if you just eat right

>> No.4084271

you'll be fine dude, trust me


>> No.4084285

>speedy like Adderall

How illegal?
Where I am, the police would have to prove that you got them illicitly. (since losing a prescription is a valid excuse)

Although, it's completely legal here. You might think you're fucked when you've been up for two days.

>> No.4084293

also: 0x22F7114233Bc2580B972BA82b82A7fF98AA87ab7

>> No.4084321


>In Canada, Modafinil is not listed in the Controlled Drug and Substances Act. That means possession of Modafinil in Canada is legal and not subject to any legislative restrictions. However, this drug is considered a Schedule F medication which means that a prescription is required for purchase that it is subject to being seized at the border if you import it without a prescription.


>> No.4084443

You can buy it as long as it is within the Canadian border. Usually if you google "buy modafinil, canada" you'll find a seller locally since he can legally sell it to you and you can legally buy it from him as long as it's within the border.

It's a grey area but nobody is getting arrested over this.

>> No.4084743

Everyone knows the greatest success comes from smart work not hard work its why humans get to watch netflix and every other animal is either in a zoo, going extinct due to human actions, or is just living in a forest eating shitting and dying.

>> No.4084978
File: 2.32 MB, 480x270, bitbeanless.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085105

How to into eating right to maximize brain potential?

>> No.4085127

if you just sleep right, eat balance and do exercice at least 3 times per week

>> No.4085129

I take moda sometimes but I try to keep it to Fridays. And yeah success requires hard work even if that doesn’t mean shoveling widgets or stacking boxes full of Unix password hashes

>> No.4085277


Beans are literally good for you

>> No.4085365

i used to think like this then i got rich and realized its much nicer to just be relaxed all the time