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File: 4 KB, 328x154, neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4071888 No.4071888 [Reply] [Original]

I think there is more upside potential with NEO than any other crypto for a number reasons, these are mine.

1) Investability Let's talk about this for a moment. Part of the problem with most crypto currencies is that they're almost impossible to price, it's almost entirely speculative. However, NEO follows a more traditional economic model. There is a limited supply of NEO, and GAS acts like a dividend with real monetary value. This is going to be a BIG deal for the street, it effectively means they'll be able to project the future value of their investment. Try doing that with another crypto. This is a HUGE differentiator in my book, real, quantifiable value.

2) Commitment to Working with Regulators I get it, I understand why people want decentralized non-fiat currency, but this is the real world and these institutions are not just going to allow a new financial system to come in under the radar and change how everything works, regulation has to happen, and it's going to happen. It is a far better strategy to engage than to ignore, and NEO gets this.

3) Better Tech The tech is just far superior to ETH or any other existing crypto. Transaction speeds and volume of transactions are going to be a huge differentiator. We don't notice it now, because so few transactions are occurring, but as the global economy transitions to crypto, these constraints are going to be painful. I'm a big believer, they with the best tech will shine, and NEO has that going.

4) It's not just smart contracts It's the smart economy, and it's coming. I think everyone here probably understands the value and potential of smart contracts, but that's only part of it, smart contracts have to integrate with the real world. NEO's approach is just that, integration with the real world and creating a smart economy. It's the next step forward in tech.

5) Lower Barrier to Entry for Devs It's simply easier for a Dev to work with NEO than to learn Solidity.

>> No.4071895

6) Once legitimized in China, you will be able to do business with China, and competitors who do not meet regulations will not have access China is a powerhouse, and will likely be the powerhouse economy moving forward. Consider, if you're Microsoft, and you want to do business with Chinese companies, you will only have one option, to work with the ecosystem that follows and is approved by the Chinese government and their regulations. This is no small deal.

7) Key identifiers This is something that I think most people probably overlook, but the fact that every organization, every institution, every group can be effectively given their own unique address is HUGE. Anyone who works with databases understands the importance of primary keys, and that's exactly what NEO is enabling, a primary key for the world. The potential with this is a monster, from regulation to marketing, to voting rights, the possibilities are near limitless.

This is to say, I think NEO is Microsoft in 1980, but bigger. I think we haven't seen the market respond more because the market still doesn't get it, but it's going to. I firmly believe NEO has the power to change the entire dynamic of the world economy, and I'm happy to be along for the ride

>> No.4071931

I have 210 NEO from $7 ANS days... am I gunna make it bros?

>> No.4071939


>> No.4071970

I've had my eye on NEO since alts are on sale and I kind of agree with these points in general but are there any specific developments or news that will pump the price in the near future (like before the end of 2017)?

>> No.4072003


>> No.4072216

what are these? Im holding some btw

>> No.4072285

everyone is waiting for china news, which could be released at any time.

>> No.4072291

Neo is the comfiest hold and now its on the nano its even more comfy

>> No.4072459

I hate NEO.

I'm happy for the gains people got from it, but it's the most overvalued coin next to ripple right now. No real world shit. Just speculation and a bunch of chink programmers. It's not even big in China. It's shilled endlessly on Reddit. They actually think it's equal to ethereum lol. Fools.

Protip about China. China makes investors nervous. Always. Nobody will ever trust sensitive information or control to the Chinese. Ever.

China wants things that are Chinese because they are a patriotic people,, and for that reason they may back NEO. The government wants to look strong and innovative. But in reality they just steal intellectual property and copy ideas badly.

It's a corrupt, filthy country with hundreds of millions of backwards people. They are going to face massive internal conflicts soon. Growing pains you could say.

My money is in Singapore with QTUM and VEN. More freedom always wins. The west is way more comfy doing biz there.

>> No.4072473


Ignorance: The Post

>> No.4072584

you think no western biz wants to invest in china? lol.

>> No.4072608

Check out the biggest ethnic group of singapore :

>> No.4072721


>> No.4072754
File: 44 KB, 600x400, bigifhuge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4072786


>> No.4072793

You might be retarded

>> No.4073133

this is 4chan after all...

>> No.4073212

Nice copy paste

>> No.4073400

At 480K, better accumulate before BTC dump.

>> No.4073804

how is the tech better than eth. it's not even sure that dBFT even works. I hold NEO and I am comfy but keep in mind there it might fail horribly.

>> No.4073909
File: 22 KB, 250x358, 875785479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, someone with some brains around here.

>> No.4073934

Kinda sounds like you want me to buy GAS.

>> No.4073936

NEO is unforkable. Superior to ETH for that reason alone. Big business needs this kind of reliability

>> No.4073947

how is it unforkable?

>> No.4073959
File: 45 KB, 519x591, 1499275419437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your own research

>> No.4073996

Should I insta-flip half of my RPX stack for NEO tmrw?

>> No.4074041

>mfw op creates a giant post on NEO explaining how it will go up
>tfw we all know OP just wants to sell his bags.

Sorry bud, you'll be holding them forever. Unless you take that loss and sell now.

>> No.4074191
File: 123 KB, 1434x560, 2017-10-17.btc-neo.macd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 day MACD is getting close to reversal.

>> No.4074205

It's about to HAPPEN.

>> No.4074227

Stop projecting. Not all of us buy high like you

>> No.4074296

Do a write up on ETP ?

>> No.4074298



>> No.4074307



In hindsight mate, NEO could easily be $1000 in 5+ years considering it's one of the top biggest volumes on the market.

>> No.4074324


You've forgotten that China is the second biggest economic competitor in the world. Just look at Alibaba and Wechat.

The Chinese NEVER give up when it comes to competition. Just sayin'

>> No.4074339


>B-b-buy my bags I bought near ATH, I'm a desperate shill. Fuck fuck fuck

>> No.4074367
File: 444 KB, 593x492, 999911111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Definitely. 100 by December and 300ish in 2018 for sure as well.

ETP is a NEO wannabe

>> No.4074380

No bullshit, middle of next year what could NEO be if it continues progress as planned? What could it be early 2019? Are we looking at a $100 NEO? Could we even hit $500? $1,000? No one has a magic fuckin' ball to give me an answer, I get it, but some of you fuckers are pretty smart with this shit and i'm looking for a no-bull approx.

>> No.4074391



>> No.4074431
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, NEO blockchain background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just believe in the matrix

>> No.4074533

ETH level reachable next year if China goes smooth

>> No.4074543
File: 452 KB, 1024x759, green wojak moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEO just added to KuCoin! Gey yo cuck ass in there and BUY!!!


>> No.4075242

When will NEO reach current ETH prices?

>> No.4075271

Ethereum is gonna reach neo price

>> No.4075807

also RPX/NEO and NEO/GAS trading pairs to be added.

>> No.4075855
File: 38 KB, 340x255, 1502473974144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100 by December
ETH prices early 2018

>> No.4075875

Guys when well the best time to neo. What to buy 100 euros worth but dont know when it will be the lowest

>> No.4075882

Buy now

>> No.4076105

Lambos sooooon!

>> No.4076185

some of us neo shills knew since $3-7.

been shilling it here before the mega moon and i will continue to shill it

>> No.4076880

good guy.