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4065595 No.4065595 [Reply] [Original]

How do i make 30-50 bucks a day online?
I'm an 18 yo freshman college student living in a shitty eastern european country.
Getting a job is almost nonsensical, since the average monthly pay here is 200 bucks (full 9 to 6 5 day work week). I spend about 2 hours getting to and from my university and got classes on saturday, so the most i'll be able to get would be 100 bucks a month minus taxes, no sleep and crippling depression.
This school year, like in 2015, I'll be getting around 84 bucks per month in prize money for a language competition i got first place at last year. I've been selling a couple things online beginning in june and got around 300 bucks off that. Also i'm earning around 1 dollar (lol) a day by commenting, following people etc. on a russian platform, which is almost enough for my weekly expenses (subway ticket, a beer and a meal when i go out with a friend on sundays).
I've got around $1000 cash in savings in 6 different currencies.
Need real advice, would like to hear about dropshipping, seo, marketing, youtube etc. (not interested in risky stuff like altcoins).

P.S. i've tried doing tasks on fiverr (translations, since i speak 4 languages fluently because i've spent a lot of time abroad) but got scammed out of 35 bucks because i can't set up a fucking paypal account in here. Also, I've bought less than 2 bucks worth of bitcoin back in may as a meme, so you may also have the pleasure to roast me for that.
Adios, boys.
(pic unrelated)

>> No.4065644

Which Eastern European country is so cheap?

>> No.4065647
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>Getting a job is almost nonsensical

>> No.4065757

well, by subway my expenses i literally mean 7 metro tickets ($1,5 (my mom drives me to or from my university, depending on day of the week, because she works close to it), a cheap beer($0,70-$1) and a fucking maccy d's/local shitfood for around 4 bucks.
Also, it's not that cheap when you take into account that almost all foreign clothing brands are more expensive, since why people look like hobos and only shop at thrift stores, can't afford a car (crazy import fee), not even mentioning the fact that the water bill in winter is gonna cost you half your salary at best

>> No.4065802

dude, i would have to spend all my free time bending over backwards for an entire month to get half a day of sharkeeshas hard work at burger king.
And if i do that, i'd fail my classes and would have to retake them the following year, which would cost a fuckton of money

>> No.4065916

Your English seems pretty good. Is there much translation or online tutoring work out there? I'm guessing you pretty much speak Russian etc. It probably wouldn't net that much, but could be a start.

>> No.4065951

Teach english

>> No.4065993

well, i've got english speaking friends online and have been surrounded by the language ever since i was 6, so that's not a big accomplishment.
I speak russian, ukrainian, french and english, also a little bit german and latin (yes, latin).
The main problem with translation gigs is that i need to set up a paypal account which it's not letting me to. Otherwise, if i want to use a platform other than fiverr and doesn't require paypal, i'm fucked since they're all either oversaturated or not used at all.
The only way i'm not losing money at this point is by exchanging currency, because the inflation rate here is 17% (and that's just the official data)

>> No.4066020

nigga i gotta get a degree
and if i'm not going college (can't study online because of the law), then i'm getting drafted to go get killed by a bunch of mongols in the east of ukraine, even though i've got fucking scoliosis lol

>> No.4066026

Kneepads bro

>> No.4066031

is this some kind of meme i'm not yet aware of

>> No.4066034

Get paid in crypto...

>> No.4066052

Man, I cant imagine living in such a wasteland. It sounds like you are living in a totally different time period.

>> No.4066056

>buy 50 bitcoin, prize $6000 each
>sell 50 bitcoin, prize $6001 each
>$50 a day, possible to even do this multiple times a day

>> No.4066057

Yuros shouldn't be using American slang.

>> No.4066071

haha, cheers

>> No.4066073


who or what is not letting you set up a paypal account? what's stopping you? can't you make an international bank account? without paypal you are kinda fucked.

look into google wallet, payooner, skrill. maybe those work. for making money do any freelance work. your requirements are minimal so any gig will do. setup a clean professional website (use wix free site if necessary) and start spamming your service on relevant forums, boards, etc. you shouldn't have too much trouble getting a couple hundred $ a week.

>> No.4066120

>College student.
>Wanna make 30-50 buck.
HeY aNoN wHy DoN't YoU BuY 300k DolLaZ wOrTh oF bItCoInS?

>> No.4066131

as i've already said, i don't want to risk any money at all, but anyway:
1) what kind of leverage would that be?
2) what platform do i use? the only european one i've heard of is kraken and the btc i've bought was with my debit card, a shady russian currency exhange website and some mobile wallet i'm not even sure exists anymore

>> No.4066140

It's only a meme if you're not getting a penny a succ

>> No.4066143

excellent advice
going all in

>> No.4066160


>> No.4066189
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>so the most i'll be able to get would be 100 bucks a month minus taxes, no sleep and crippling depression.

Oh boy i need to travel there. I would assume ukrainan women are not as fat as western european women, sounds like a good place for western men

>> No.4066238

pump and dumb bitcoin, start with low amounts 100 bucks. When you get good start using more money. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/oeGj6gF4/
use this to see when to sell and buy.

>> No.4066254

for western men yes, but not a good place for local men, that's fore sure. Women outlive the men by like 15 years here, i'm not even kidding. I've looked at the statistics and couldn't find the same for any other country.
The poorer the men, the less happy the women. Whorish, dangerous, and pretty ugly (once they're out of makeup). Really few fat 20-30 year olds, though, so that's a plus, i guess.

>> No.4066257

trust me dude, been to ukraine twice. the country is poor af. (not talking about the big cities such as Kiev, maybe life there is a little better)

all the trip was like going back the time to 80s-90s

>> No.4066258

i will buy your nudes for 50$ a day

>> No.4066279

really only been using the charts on tradingeconomics, coinmarketcap and bitcoinwisdom up until now

>> No.4066295

haha that's funny you mention that, because i live in kiev (the left bank, a.k.a the shittier part)

>> No.4066312

wrong link

1.click on indicators.
2.search for WavetrendOscilator.

>> No.4066313

hit me up bro, i'll sell my boypussy into slavery for some good ol petrodollars

>> No.4066318

Which Russian platform is that?

>> No.4066333

yep, that's the software i've been using all along,
i know shit about indicators though (apart from macd, rsi and obv)

>> No.4066335


well, never been to Kiev, so I was not sure how is it. just went to Chernobyl so all I've seen was some really poor villages

>> No.4066349
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what cities would you recommend? is the capital city kiev safe for tourists?

>> No.4066354

if you're talking about the one i get paid with, it's
the exchange one (pretty fucking useful and i've got no idea how it's legal), then it's

>> No.4066373

Thanks senpai, I need some rubles from time to time and really don't want to wire money to my sberbank
I've seen that website before, thought it was a scam though lmao

>> No.4066391

I really hope your mom dies tonight fucking faggot beggar

>> No.4066400

Thank you Jesus for not having me born in a shithole, amen.

>> No.4066406

he isn't even begging. he's asking what he can do to earn it. can you read?

>> No.4066411

well, there's car bombs going off pretty much monthly (not even kidding, there was another explosion yesterday on some opposition party guy), and apparently there's tensions rising against the (((new president))), so there's a lot of police/national guard in the streets.
Otherwise, kiev is alright, but i recommend you take some antidepressants, or try not to look around you lmao. Also, it's gonna get pretty cold in the winter (around -25 C) and it's already snowing in kiev.
If i were you, i'd try looking for "luxury" resorts in the west of the country (mountains, less pollution, nice culture, more polish/central european influence). Google Karpaty, bukovel, hoverla

>> No.4066447

i've been using it for about a year now, and now i get around 55 roubles a day on two accounts combined if i sit clicking a button all day long.
If you want to get more money, try linking two fake vk accounts (choose a female name, avatar, pics, 25 as your age and moscow or saint-petersburg as your location) and send your money to your qiwi account.
hope i've helped

>> No.4066459

begging for advice? maybe
begging for money? can you read, dumbass?

>> No.4066466

lucky fuggggg :----DDD

>> No.4066469

I know there's services that pay you to write essays and stuff, I don't know much about them, though. Might be worth it to look into it.

>> No.4066487
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>well, there's car bombs going off pretty much monthly

>> No.4066580

yeah, crazy shit, man
last summer i was out skateboarding and then some russian journalist exploded in his fucking mercedes in the exact same spot where i was 10 minutes before

>> No.4066620
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so the western parts are safer for tourists. is the eastern side still a war zone or something?

>> No.4066638

Porn if you’re a good looking Eastern Euro girl. Open a clips4sale store

>> No.4066705

Your english is great. Why not setup something so you can get paid in crypto instead of paypal for your work?

>> No.4066892

It means "suck dick for money". The kneepads make it more comfortable on the pavement.

>> No.4066909

learn to dropship

>> No.4067080

Yep, pretty much

>> No.4067100

Do you have any real step by step videos? I'm sick and tired of alex becker ads but there's gotta be a reason shopify stock is rising

>> No.4067119

Just realised how dumb i was for taking that literally

>> No.4067135

Buy 2000 NEO and generate GAS

>> No.4067139

Thanks man, i'll try to look into that

>> No.4067154

yeah, ugoing trans would be a bit overkill, don't you think?

>> No.4067188
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Give me a quick rundown on neo. What's it used for?

>> No.4067437

Nothing, so far. Alts have been tanking forever but if they ever do recover, neo will be one of the household names

>> No.4067494

i hope you get allahu ackbared

>> No.4067511

NEO was just a crypto in China, it really took off for a moment, gaining partnerships with foodchains like mcdonalds and stores found in shopping malls.

However that's all over now, NEO is moving to another Asian country and any chance of recovery in China if regulations dont pass is little to none, someone else is going to take its place and i think it'll be TRX.

>> No.4067674

Ukraine is literally the closest country to the middle east, yet it's 99,9% white because noone even wants to come here, soooo....that's not gonna happen in the near future, sorry pal

>> No.4067767


>> No.4067875

You laugh now, but in due time...